UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /16 /#ubuntustudio.txt
Initial commit
[15:37] <Gioo8> salve a tutti
[15:37] <Gioo8> qualcuno può aiutarmi?
[15:46] <drmacro1> I think I remember a school somewhere in Europe that used Linux/Ardour/etc. for the recording curriculum. Anyone know what I'm talking about...or is just my old addled brain playing tricks on me? :)
[15:51] <drmacro1> Has anyone had issues with 19.10 or 19.04 UBS and the nvidia video drivers? I have two System76 laptops that don't seem too happy. The one on 19.10 seems to loose it's knowledge of the external video ports and the 19.04, as of apt update/upgrade a week ago, spews to the log at shutdown (no apparent issues during runtime though and no spew with generic kernel)
[15:52] <OvenWerks> Gioo8: This chanel is english
[15:52] <OvenWerks> drmacro1: There is at least one school that does that
[15:53] <drmacro1> OvenWerks: hi!
[15:53] <OvenWerks> drmacro1: you might try asking about schooling with Ardour on #lau or #lad
[15:54] <drmacro1> OvenWerks: actually doing that as we speak. ;-)
[15:54] <OvenWerks> my son's computer has a nvidia card with Studio 19.10
[15:55] <OvenWerks> I am not aware of any trouble but have not done an update in the past two weeks
[15:56] <OvenWerks> it is a "snow day" here and so he is not awake yet 7:55 local time)
[15:56] <OvenWerks> so I can't play with that
[15:57] <drmacro1> The 19.10 laptop is back at System76, they think it might be a hardware issue...I'm dubious, since it was working just fine before an update.
[15:59] <drmacro1> The 19.04 laptop spews a huge long list of "BUG: scheduling while atomic: xfce4-notifyd/1760/0x00000002" with a lot of register stuff when I shutdown...
[15:59] <OvenWerks> drmacro1: well, power was off for just a bit last night and my work computer no longer boots :P
[16:00] <drmacro1> BUt, not if boot the generic kernel, only low-latency
[16:00] <drmacro1> Hate wen that happens...:-(
[16:00] <drmacro1> That the fail after power outage...
[16:01] <OvenWerks> interesting, there have been other reports that the latest kernel has caused trouble from others
[16:02] <OvenWerks> I had none here... but I am running 18.04
[16:02] <OvenWerks> drmacro1: have you tried installing liquorix?
[16:03] <OvenWerks> I am not sugesting to use that instead.... not supported here
[16:03] <OvenWerks> but for testing.
[16:03] <OvenWerks> it is also lowlatency
[16:04] <drmacro1> yeah, I was thinking avlinux as well. I've never actually tried liqourix.
[16:05] <Eickmeyer[m]> drmacro1: liquorix is a kernel config, not a whole OS like avlinux.
[16:07] <drmacro1> I'll take a look at liquorix. I stopped looking at avlinux when he decided to stop updating it a few years back, but, he seems to have got a second wind.
[16:08] <OvenWerks> avlinux is pretty much an appliance. install and use as is, not really ment to be used for all around computing (though that does work too)
[16:09] <OvenWerks> liquorix is just a drop in kernel. I have tried it here and had no problems, but it is not my default kernel.
[16:10] <drmacro1> Yeah, when I avlinux, it was the only thing that was really plug-n-play with the three AF12's I had...it was a while back.;-)
[16:13] <drmacro1> So, if I understand the liqourix web page, I do tha apt repository add for the prereq's, and the apt install the image and headers. can I just do that n a machine and switch kernels at boot?
[16:14] <OvenWerks> yes
[16:14] <OvenWerks> but you have to boot from the sub menu... so arrow down two for that
[16:17] <drmacro1> I always set up so the boot menu appears, so I should be ok to just scroll down.
[16:23] <drmacro1> Wow...Ardour forum just told me I've been a member there for 11 years...I must be getting old. 8-)
[16:26] <OvenWerks> drmacro1: I might be looking for the old avlinux that worked with the af12
[16:27] <OvenWerks> I want to know if I have a hw or sw problem. So far I have had no luck with more than one FW card.
[16:27] <drmacro1> Hmm...I'll look around. But, might try the latest, maybe it still works.:)
[16:27] <OvenWerks> I wouldn't know... I would prefer something that at least has worked for someone else
[16:32] <drmacro1> I'll have a look...but, it was so long ago, I don't even have the PC that I ran it on. :-/
[16:33] <drmacro1> I'm off to boot liquorix. I'll pop back in later after lunch and snow cleanup. :-D
[16:33] <OvenWerks> k
[18:46] <drmacro> OvenWerks: No error spews when I shutdown using liquorix or in the dmesg log when I boot. Maybe something in the UBS particular low-latency kernel?
[20:40] <Eickmeyer[m]> drmacro: The lowlatency kernel is only a few flags different from the default Ubuntu kernel. We know it has compatibility issues with virtual machines. Do know that the lowlatency kernel is beyond our control, that's handled by the #ubuntu-kernel team.
[20:43] <drmacro> Eickmeyer[m]: :)I understand it is a flag difference and the ubuntustudio team is not the kernel team. I was simply reporting to OvenWerks, because he had asked if I tried it.
[20:45] <Eickmeyer[m]> drmacro: If you wouldn't mind, please open a terminal and type "ubuntu-bug linux" to file a bug report. I'm seeing a few more issues come up with the lowlatency kernel than I'm comfortable with in the last few releases, so I need bug reports to bring it to the kernel team's attention.
[20:48] <drmacro> Eickmeyer[m]: sure, no problem.
[21:03] <zmagii> do any of you use vim?
[21:03] <zmagii> i have an issue with a plugin that could potentially have to do with ubuntu studio itself
[21:03] <Eickmeyer[m]> zmagii: The vim in Ubuntu Studio is identical to the vim in Ubuntu, since Ubuntu Studio is actually just Ubuntu with different defaults.
[21:04] <Eickmeyer[m]> We don't configure vim any different.
[21:27] <zmagii> Eickmeyer[m]: hmm okay thanks
[21:27] <zmagii> i wonder then what i did differently
[21:28] <zmagii> maybe skipped a step when i set up my dev environment
[21:28] <Eickmeyer[m]> zmagii: Wouldn't know, I don't use vim.
[22:10] <OvenWerks> zmagii: where and how have you used vim before
[22:10] <zmagii> in normal ubuntu
[22:10] <OvenWerks> Is the VIM you use a terminal version or a GUI version?
[22:10] <zmagii> sitting in my chair :P
[22:11] <zmagii> terminal
[22:11] <OvenWerks> :)
[22:11] <zmagii> my issue is with python
[22:11] <OvenWerks> So the only difference would be the terminal which is the xfce4-terminal version
[22:11] <OvenWerks> that would be different
[22:12] <zmagii> vim --version returns -python and -python3 meaning it doesn't have python support
[22:12] <OvenWerks> Studio does have a fair amount of python 2
[22:12] <zmagii> and hence my jedi-vim plugin doesn't work
[22:13] <OvenWerks> but I think python is now a link to python3
[22:14] <OvenWerks> nope...
[22:14] <OvenWerks> here I have: $ python --version
[22:14] <OvenWerks> Python 2.7.17
[22:15] <OvenWerks> Oh but this is 18.04... I thought this machine was 19.10, guess not.
[22:15] <zmagii> i am on 19
[22:16] <zmagii> python=pytho3 here
[22:16] <OvenWerks> I would think that is the same as ubuntu vanilla
[22:27] <OvenWerks> zmagii: the vim we ship is vim tiny have you installed the normal vim? (or does that matter?)
[22:28] <zmagii> yes i have installed the "huge" vim
[22:30] <OvenWerks> there is a vim-python
[22:31] <OvenWerks> looks like we don't have that vim-nox
[22:32] <OvenWerks> vim-nox does have the python depends, maybe try installing that?
[22:34] <OvenWerks> vim-nox also provides vim-python
[22:36] <OvenWerks> zmagii: beyond that, I just don't know.
[22:38] <tomreyn> on 18.04.3 amd64, "/usr/bin/vim.basic --version" tells me it's linked against python 3.6
[22:42] * OvenWerks is out for a bit