UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /16 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
=== [diablo]7 is now known as [diablo]
[07:13] <lordievader> Good morning
[14:57] <kierank> Is there a way of having grub-installer/bootdev and partman-auto/disk fallback
[14:57] <kierank> I'm having problems with nvme drives trashing my usb stick installer
[17:09] <dannf> Odd_Bloke: not sure if you'd know, but are there docs available somewhere on booting subiquity via PXE?
[17:18] <Odd_Bloke> dannf: I'm sure I wouldn't. ;) mwhudson is your best bet, though I think he's on vacation ATM. Maybe ping mclemenceau on internal IRC to figure out who to bug?
[17:18] <dannf> Odd_Bloke: ok, thx!
[17:18] <Odd_Bloke> (I don't mean "bug" in a derogatory way! Sorry if it read that way. :)
=== lol768_ is now known as lol768
[20:56] <TwistedBlizzard> Hi all, I just installed Ubuntu Server using PXE and my machine boots fine but I'm not presented with a login prompt. I can access the TTY using the keyboard shortcut.
[21:27] <tomreyn> TwistedBlizzard: there can be a lot of console spam from cloud init, i assume you pressed enter to check whether it's just that?
[21:28] <tomreyn> if it's not that, maybe provide more details on how you installed.
[21:28] <TwistedBlizzard> I didn't try that - I'll reboot and see
[21:28] <sarnold> hah, that'd make a ton of sense
[21:30] <TwistedBlizzard> It was that, cheers!
[21:30] <sarnold> tomreyn: well done :)
[21:30] <tomreyn> hehe
[21:32] <Odd_Bloke> I have 100% power-cycled a machine multiple times before thinking to try that. >.<
[21:32] <Odd_Bloke> Black screen? RIP I guess
[21:32] <TwistedBlizzard> I removed quiet splash and now I don't even need to hit enter
[21:35] <TwistedBlizzard> Odd_Bloke I ended up going one further and reinstalling.
[21:36] <Odd_Bloke> TwistedBlizzard: It's good to be thorough. ;)
[21:37] <TwistedBlizzard> Odd_Bloke: with GRUB not showing by default I was sure I'd borked the install