UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /16 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:33] <Alacriiity> hello!
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest25766
[09:17] <frik> test
[09:19] <diogenes_> passed
[10:27] <lubot> Mateusz Konieczny was added by: Mateusz Konieczny
[10:28] <lubot> <Mateusz Konieczny> How can I remove trash icon from desktop on 19.10? … Deleting it adds item to the trash, but is instantly restored. … I tried googling but I found nothing relevant.
[10:30] <lubot> <Mateusz Konieczny> Also for 19.10: how can I type a proper WiFi password after typing a mistaken one? … I made a mistake (because it is no longer possible to see password as you type it) and I failed to find a way to change it. … I also tried googling without results.
[10:31] <lubot> <Mateusz Konieczny> On the good side, Windows+d shortcut to show desktop works out of the box.
[10:33] <lubot> <Mateusz Konieczny> And the third question for 19.10 -how can I get rid of USA flag visible after booting (layout drop-down)?
[10:34] <lubot> <Mateusz Konieczny> (Photo, 1280x960) https://i.imgur.com/KWt08dv.jpg
[11:03] <lubot> <kc2bez> Mateusz the trash icon can be removed by right clicking on the desktop, select desktop preferences, under the advanced tab.
[11:03] <lubot> <Mateusz Konieczny> Thanks!
[11:11] <guiverc> @Mateusz https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.1/3.1.5/nm-tray.html - can't you use Edit connections to edit your wireless password (allowing you to correct error; I've done it I'm sure but don't have wireless on this box)
[11:11] <lubot> <kc2bez> As far as the flag, you would have to change the theme for sddm. I haven't looked at that part of the configuration myself. You may want to check out our manual page for sddm though: https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.1/3.1.9/sddm_configuration.html
[11:13] * guiverc is lost with US flag, I've never noticed an aussie flag
[11:14] <lubot> <kc2bez> The flag drop-down refers to keyboard layout.
[11:15] <guiverc> Thanks, I see a "au"
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[16:54] <lubot> <roheve> you can remove the flag icon by renaming (or deleting) the flags folder somwhere in the sddm setting folder structure. I am unsure where exactly (and do not have that installation anymore). I did not find a way to change it by slightly modifing the theme, but that would be an option too, if you can find it.
[17:23] <lubot> <heysoundude> By my guestimation, 20.04 is only a dozen or so weeks away. Is anyone (non-dev) running it on their daily driver?
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
[17:52] <wxl> @heysoundude i know someone on the list was saying they did; in general i wouldn't recommend it with any development release, especially early on
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest47279
[19:04] <tbs> hello, is here to talk about lubuntu but not for getting help?
[19:04] <lubot> <teward001> this channel is the support channel
[19:04] <lubot> <teward001> not the general discussion channel
[19:04] <tbs> ahh, i wanted to write ths to offtopic...
[19:05] <lubot> <teward001> #lubuntu-offtopic is what you're after then
[19:05] <lubot> <teward001> (on the IRC side of things)
[20:24] <bwew253tgzwhbd> hello
[20:25] <wxl> how can we help?
[20:25] <bwew253tgzwhbd> i installed lubuntu desktop on ubuntu with sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop and the problem is when i search in panel its very laggy its not on fedora but on tje ubuntu, can someone help? its very annoying for example i write chromium and i neednto wait 4 seconds to see chromium in panel cuz its so laggy
[20:26] <wxl> which version?
[20:26] <bwew253tgzwhbd> 19.10 newest lxqt
[20:26] <wxl> one sec
[20:26] <bwew253tgzwhbd> with openbox and this arc one
[20:28] <wxl> also: why not just use lubuntu?
[20:29] <bwew253tgzwhbd> i think i one time tried installing lubuntu but i used the spyware site lubuntu.net and couldnnt boot then so inused ubuntu since then
[20:29] <lubot> <teward001> lubuntu.net isn't the official resource
[20:29] <lubot> <teward001> lubuntu.me is the official site
[20:29] <wxl> well, there's a simple solution to that: use the actual website, lubuntu.me
[20:29] <bwew253tgzwhbd> yes its spyware i wrote in duckduckgo or so lubuntu and it showed me the fake
[20:29] <lubot> <teward001> we don't control lubuntu.net and it's not the official site - hasn't been for a long time
[20:30] <wxl> i will tell you that the panel is VERY snappy in lubuntu
[20:31] <lubot> <teward001> ^ that
[20:31] <lubot> <teward001> even on my ancient HP Netbook i was testing it on from 2009 :P
[20:31] <wxl> i'm testing it on a vm that is strained to 1gb ram
[20:32] <bwew253tgzwhbd> i have lot of .desktops but idk if its the reason
[20:32] <wxl> ugh windows is such a resource hog
[20:32] <wxl> i mean ubuntu
[20:32] <wxl> :O
[20:32] <wxl> freudian slip??????
[20:32] <lubot> <teward001> *drags wxl out into the void*
[20:33] <lubot> <teward001> (disclaimer: wxl and I are good friends, this is me just 'joking' with them)
[20:33] <lubot> <teward001> but yeah, Lubuntu can eat a lot of resources out of the box
[20:33] <wxl> UBUNTU YOU MEAN!
[20:33] <bwew253tgzwhbd> yes ubuntu is hard spyware preinstalling snap and cant be fully purged its awesome
[20:33] * wxl slaps @teward001
[20:33] <lubot> <teward001> :P
[20:34] <lubot> <teward001> let's save the 'spyware or not' discussions for elsewhere please
[20:34] <wxl> we have snapd installed by default (we have to) but there's no core snap installed so it's completely inactive
[20:34] <bwew253tgzwhbd> does lubuntu preinstall snap
[20:34] <lubot> <teward001> because that's a whole other discussin
[20:34] <lubot> <teward001> discussion*
[20:34] <bwew253tgzwhbd> if i write sudo apt install chromium for eyample does it install the shit one from snap or the original where i can use flags
[20:35] <wxl> keep the language under wraps
[20:35] <wxl> apt is for debian packages, snap is for snaps
[20:35] <wxl> you can't install debian packages with snap nor can you install snaps with apt
[20:35] <bwew253tgzwhbd> ubuntu installs from snap
[20:35] <wxl> oh well, there you go
[20:36] <wxl> the debian package probably has a trigger that makes it install the snap
[20:37] <lubot> <teward001> which has been the case since at least the 19.04 cycle I believe, because of my having to debug server packages failing their build tests
[20:37] <lubot> <teward001> (that's a whole unrelated discussion but it's something i noticed early on in the testings)
[20:37] <bwew253tgzwhbd> so why is it lagging how can i reinstall lxqt panel
[20:37] <bwew253tgzwhbd> maybe it would fix it idk
[20:37] <wxl> i would just install lubuntu
[20:39] <lubot> <teward001> Chances are the issue you're seeing is because installing ubuntu then installing Lubuntu on top of that is going to keep the resource-hog stuff from Ubuntu still on-system
[20:39] <bwew253tgzwhbd> u have ubuntu in vm? how mucj cpu is xorg using
[20:39] <lubot> <teward001> which can lead to slowdowns like you're seeing.
[20:39] <lubot> <teward001> and no, wxl has Lubuntu in a VM
[20:39] <bwew253tgzwhbd> when i play games and i use top it shows sometimesn10% xorg cpu ??? evennwitj openbox desktop environment
[20:40] <wxl> then just use lubuntu
[20:40] <bwew253tgzwhbd> would it fix that?
[20:40] <wxl> works here for me
[20:40] <bwew253tgzwhbd> i mean the cpu usage of xorg
[20:41] <bwew253tgzwhbd> i use lightdm but mynxorg is using lot of cpu
[20:41] <lubot> <teward001> the CPU usage of the graphics backend is going to be less of an issue than the RAM consumption of the system
[20:41] <lubot> <teward001> since CPU usage fluctuates depending on what you're doing
[20:42] <bwew253tgzwhbd> and other question can i install kernels from https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=M;O=A
[20:42] <bwew253tgzwhbd> can u test it for me very important i need newest kernel always
[20:45] <wxl> currently xorg is running with 0%.
[20:46] <bwew253tgzwhbd> yes but when i use wine games its judt using 10% thenndrops to 3% for some reason
[20:46] <wxl> i mean cpu usage does change over time
[20:46] <wxl> depending on what you're doing
[20:47] <bwew253tgzwhbd> maybe the game is mining bitcoins
[20:48] <wxl> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds
[20:49] <bwew253tgzwhbd> is amd processor better zhan intel ? my friend said because intel has lot of backdoors it reduces performance is it true
[20:50] <bwew253tgzwhbd> is lubuntu ligthweighter than lxle
[20:50] <wxl> lxle is doomed because lxde is doomed
[20:51] <tbs> :D
[20:52] <tbs> about that topic, i have waited lubuntu would be lighter than this actoally, at least %80 ram usage of current or less
[20:53] <tbs> i have 4 gb ram, at start it uses 11-12 which xfce may see, so i have waited most %10 or less for lubuntu
[20:55] <tbs> debian xfce and mint xfce start with %12-13
[20:55] <tbs> for my 4gb ram
[20:55] <bwew253tgzwhbd> debian xfce is much lightweighter tjan ubuntu without desktop imo
[20:56] <wxl> xfce would be the next lightest desktop environment
[20:56] <tbs> like i said it uses %12, so not lighter than ubuntu without desktop
[20:56] <wxl> ubuntu without desktop... uhhh... doesn't have a desktop environment
[20:57] <bwew253tgzwhbd> i hate xfce some streams or sounds are by default very quiet and xfce only hasb100% maximum atleast with fn keys
[20:57] <tbs> i left xfce cuz of desktop icon configuring...
[20:58] <tbs> i couldnt find a way to arrange them according to date, at any xfce
[20:59] <tbs> for guys like me, if we work with files at pc, seing items at desktop is importand, not at file manager
[21:00] <bwew253tgzwhbd> is cinnamon more light than gnome
[21:00] <wxl> don't know
[21:01] <tbs> they are smilar
[21:02] <tbs> i need to leave at least 1gb of 4gb ram to them or more
[21:03] <tbs> for example at start cinnamon uses about 800mb but after that no matter what i do, if i do something it just continue with 1 or 1.1 gb usage
[21:03] <tbs> smilar for deeping
[21:04] <tbs> kde s lighter than 3 of these
[21:04] <tbs> xfce is ligher than 4 of these
[21:06] <bwew253tgzwhbd> is lubuntu somehow more secure tjan ubuntu gnome?;
[21:07] <tbs> lxqt s lighter than xfce about %10 which means in 4gb ram it will be ligher about 50mb, so ligher than 5 of them
[21:07] <wxl> lubuntu is ubuntu
[21:08] <tbs> but for lubuntu i also feel like it uses my harddisk lighter, i cant identify it but that s what i think, i have not good hdd about speed
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=== lubuntu is now known as Guest59787