UbuntuIRC / 2020 /01 /09 /#ubuntu-es.txt
Initial commit
[02:47] * AdictNet gives aca a clout round the head with a fresh copy of WeeChat
[04:19] <gx60dis> HOLA
[04:19] <gx60dis> hola buenas noches
[04:20] <gx60dis> alguien puede ayudarme con este error
[04:20] <gx60dis> radeon 0000:01:00.0: failed VCE resume (-22).
=== usuario is now known as Guest79468
=== kubot_ is now known as kubot
=== msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore
[18:27] * acacio- ola👀
[18:27] * AdictNet likes slapping people and randomly picks acacio- to slap
[21:07] * acacio- pasen linda noche , mañana mais👀