UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /30 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:09] <Noskcaj> How long till http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs supports vivid?
[01:13] <Noskcaj> wgrant, ^
[01:13] <wgrant> ajmitch: ^^
[01:17] <Noskcaj> Is there a vcs where i can try and make a patch?
[01:36] <teward> i'm only getting an ftbfs on a powerpc build of nginx, 1.6.2-5ubuntu1 seems otherwise to be working - do I need to panic about the powerpc build failing, or no? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/193675980/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-powerpc.nginx_1.6.2-5ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is the build log, looks like it doesn't relate to a code ftbfs issue, maybe
[01:36] <teward> s/a powerpc build/the powerpc build/
[10:23] <cjwatson> teward: I wouldn't counsel "panic", but somebody needs to figure it out as this package has previously built on powerpc so the new version isn't going to reach vivid until this is fixed.
[12:08] <Peace-> guys .... http://wstaw.org/m/2014/12/30/plasma-desktopyq1947.png
[13:18] <teward> cjwatson: the question then becomes, why are the ddebs unable to be parsed
[13:19] <cjwatson> teward: Don't know, you'll have to investigate that ...
[13:20] <cjwatson> That usually means that some of the .debs that you might expect to be generated actually weren't generated
[13:20] <cjwatson> IIRC
[13:21] <teward> hmm
[13:21] <cjwatson> You may well be able to work some of this out by reading pkg-create-dbgsym code and matching it up against the error output
[13:21] <teward> cjwatson: out of pure curiosity - are the repository builders for powerpc virtualized?
[13:21] <cjwatson> No
[13:21] <cjwatson> (Not yet, anyway)
[13:21] * teward grumbles.
[13:21] <cjwatson> None of the builders used for Ubuntu itself are currently virtualised
[13:22] <cjwatson> But also, powerpc is not yet available in PPAs, which I suspect is your actual question
[13:22] <teward> makes it difficult to run build tests here if there's no reliable way to replicate the environment... but whatever, guess i'll start digging, on top of work adding 5 days of work into 2 days work
[13:23] <cjwatson> We'll hopefully improve the virtualisation situation next year
[14:06] <teward> cjwatson: is there any way to replicate a powerpc environment locally? Because I can find no sane reason for the package to not build - the binary hasn't actually changed and apparently the exact same one builds fine upstream, so it's either in our Ubuntu delta... or something else
[14:07] <teward> (upstream in Debian)
[14:07] <teward> if the changes break because of the delta, then why didn't they break -4ubuntu1... hence my confusion
[14:07] <teward> and my seeking of a way to replicate the build environment local
[14:07] <cjwatson> teward: you can try with qemu-system-ppc, though it probably won't be quick
[14:08] <cjwatson> you can also retry the build to see if it's a non-deterministic failure, I suppose
[14:09] <teward> cjwatson: i'm thinking it might be a temporary derp, if it ftbfs again then maybe i'll dig into it, but it makes no logical sense that the changes incorporated in the merge would break the automated debug symbols process
[14:09] <teward> especially when the actual delta hasn't changed and doesn't affect the light packaging
[14:09] <teward> and there didn't appear to be any actual build failures either...
[14:09] <cjwatson> did you check for failures earlier in the build that might not have stopped the build?
[14:10] <teward> o...kay this is interesting
[14:10] <teward> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/1.6.2-5ubuntu1/+build/6678397
[14:10] <teward> looks like it reran its own build?
[14:10] <teward> either that or someone poked it - looks like it built the second time round o.o
[14:10] <cjwatson> oh yeah, I did a mass retry of all failures (unrelatedly)
[14:10] <cjwatson> so there, you can stop agonising about it ;)
[14:10] <teward> heheh
[14:10] <teward> cjwatson: possible non-deterministic temporary failure perhaps?
[14:10] <teward> (thanks for that btw)
[14:10] <cjwatson> *shrug* dunno
[14:11] <teward> cjwatson: i think i saw other powerpc failures upstream once before but a rerun fixed it there *shrugs*
[14:11] <teward> i'd have to sift throug hmy debian notices
[14:11] <cjwatson> maybe it was on a different builder, I didn't check
[14:12] <cjwatson> yeah, denneed02 vs. sagari, suppose the different host might make a difference, but not hugely motivated to dig into it
[18:41] <LocutusOfBorg1> hi ubuntu developers!
[18:41] <LocutusOfBorg1> have a nice new year!
[18:48] <sladen> LocutusOfBorg1: I think you might be a day or two early :)
[18:51] <LocutusOfBorg1> sladen, maybe ;) but I won't be there tomorrow :D
[18:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> maybe somewhere it is already tomorrow ;)
=== Guest60657 is now known as mfisch
[20:55] <mark06> hi all, what's the position of ubuntu regarding packages that link to other packages that were built with openssl?
[20:56] <mark06> for example if cyrus sasl has been built with openssl support, that means a given gpl package cannot link against cyrus sasl, or what?