UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /30 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
=== poorani_ is now known as poorani
=== Yukitteru is now known as Kyouma
=== Kyouma is now known as Yukitteru
[06:01] <adi> test
=== frogonwheels_ is now known as frogonwheels
[08:07] <KTarin> hi
[08:09] <KTarin> perhaps you guys can help me (using KDE/Plasma since yesterday) ;D I seem to have done something to the panel - it does't show my open programs anymore and I don't find some way to change it back
[08:09] <KTarin> I'm sure it's qute simple, but I can't find it -.-
[08:10] <Tm_T> KTarin: you're missing task manager applet from the panel?
[08:11] <Tm_T> widget is the term I think
[08:12] <KTarin> Tm_T: Tried it - works :D I seem to have deleted it accidentaly
[08:12] <KTarin> so easy and I tried for the last 30 min. Thanks for the help!
[08:12] <Tm_T> KTarin: I tend to keep my plasma widgets locked
[08:13] <KTarin> good idea
[08:13] <KTarin> will do that too
[08:14] <KTarin> thx :)
[08:51] <shiggitay|irssi> hello
[08:54] <shiggitay|irssi> I'm trying to install Linux (not a *buntu) onto a 32 GB SD card in my BayTrail tablet, but the sdcard will not show up under my liveUSB of choice (System Rescue, which is Gentoo Linux based)
[08:54] <shiggitay|irssi> can anyone help me get the SD card showing up in /dev?
[08:55] <shiggitay|irssi> it should be /dev/mmcblk1 and under Kubuntu 14.10's liveUSB I have I made a partition so I should also see /dev/mmcblk1p1 as well
=== carlos is now known as Guest51608
=== Guest51608 is now known as XinN0
[10:12] <Dolax> Hello Kubuntu folks! I have a problem with my Kubuntu 12.04 after installing recent updates on the KDE environment this morning. After login, the screen stays black, only the mouse is visible. Any ideas?
[10:19] <Dolax> I can still switch to a console session using CTRL-Alt-F1 and login there
[10:20] <Dolax> How could I find out what is wrong with my KDE since the upgrade of packages this morning?
[10:24] <Dolax> Just noticed that there is no process kwin running, so I tried to start one. This gives "kwin: FATAL ERROR while trying to open display"
=== b is now known as Guest29877
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
=== ashwin_ is now known as ashwin
=== owner_ is now known as Guest49980
=== Guest49980 is now known as Pornholio
[12:21] <Pornholio> sup
=== LjL is now known as LjL-Away
=== Guest45003 is now known as Aerides
[13:19] <BluesKaj_> Hiyas all
[14:14] <EvilRoey> hi
[14:14] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: good morning!!
[14:14] <EvilRoey> So the Kubuntu do-release-upgrade -d messed up
[14:15] <EvilRoey> and thankfully I was able to reboot
[14:15] <BluesKaj_> 'Morning Roey
[14:15] <EvilRoey> I ran apt-get -f install and then apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade the remaining packages,
[14:15] <EvilRoey> but the kernel is still 3.13 (kubuntu 14.04; I am trying to upgrade to 14.10)
[14:16] <BluesKaj_> better to get the dailies and just install to /
[14:16] <EvilRoey> lsb_release shows utopic
[14:16] <EvilRoey> ok
[14:16] <EvilRoey> but still I don't know how to complete this upgradee
[14:16] <EvilRoey> *upgrade
[14:16] <BluesKaj_> updgrade to 15.04?
[14:17] <BluesKaj_> because upgrade -d means devel OS
[14:19] <EvilRoey> upgrade to 14.10
[14:19] <EvilRoey> I did -d because it wouldn't upgrade otherwise.
[14:19] <EvilRoey> anyway, it started upgrading to 14.10.
[14:20] <BluesKaj_> don't use -d for upgrading to an official release because -d will try to go to 15.04 not 14.10
[14:20] <EvilRoey> ok
[14:20] <EvilRoey> thanks
[14:27] <BluesKaj_> EvilRoey, if you're on 14.04 and upgrading to 14.10, make sure your LTS only upgrade is turned off in the update manager
[14:27] <EvilRoey> ok
[14:27] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: What's the command to launch the update manager? I did everything from the command-line..
[14:28] <BluesKaj_> just try update-manager
[14:30] <EvilRoey> http://pastebin.com/axh4URBC
[14:31] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: ^ I get that.
[14:32] <BluesKaj_> probly too late, but try updatemanager or dbus-launch update-manager
[14:37] <EvilRoey> ok
[14:38] <BluesKaj_> EvilRoey, being a terminal pursit in this case is not a good idea just open the package manager and look for the update/upgrade options then uncheck LTS only
[14:38] <EvilRoey> ok
[14:39] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: I tried. both updatemanager and update-manager crash
[14:40] <BluesKaj_> pk , noe try the package manager gui as I suggested
[14:40] <BluesKaj_> ok
[14:40] <EvilRoey> I tried both
[14:44] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: should I just re-install?
[14:45] <BluesKaj_> EvilRoey, do you have separate / and /home partitions ?
[14:45] <EvilRoey> yes.
[14:45] <EvilRoey> on this system, yes.
[14:46] <EvilRoey> on my home system, it's all a BTRFS partition with separate subvols for /, /home, /archive, etc.
[14:46] <EvilRoey> on my home system I was worrying about how to cleanly re-install
[14:46] <EvilRoey> but then I fixed it.
[14:46] <EvilRoey> (it was a problem in ~/.kde)
[14:47] <BluesKaj_> then just use manual partitioning in ubiquity and format / then set the mount point for /home , but don't format
[14:48] <BluesKaj_> why btrfs ? it just restricts your oprions when a reinstall is needed
[14:48] <BluesKaj_> options
[14:50] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: sure does
[14:50] <EvilRoey> wish I had thought of that earlier..
[14:51] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: even more, why didn't Ubuntu consider the possibility that folks may want to re-install but preserve individual subvols
[14:51] <EvilRoey> I mean
[14:51] <EvilRoey> BTRFS' snapshotting makes these things much more possible
[14:51] <EvilRoey> *feasible
[14:52] <BluesKaj_> EvilRoey, that's what the / and /home partitioning options are for
[14:53] <EvilRoey> yeah I know
[14:53] <BluesKaj_> well, dunno never used btrfs and had no resaon to do so
[14:53] <EvilRoey> but the Ubuntu/Kubuntu installer uses ONE partition and just generates subvols for / and /home instead of making separate partitions for them (I didn't realize it would act this way)
[14:54] <EvilRoey> so you suggest re-installing then?
[14:54] <BluesKaj_> EvilRoey, I always setup the partitions before installing the OS
[14:55] <BluesKaj_> usually with gparted on cd or usb
[14:56] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: same, same
[14:56] <BluesKaj_> that's up to you then as long as you have your data backed up somewhere or can save your /home partition like I mentioned above
[14:59] <rberg-> btrfs is pretty awesome, I cant wait for it to become stable.. snapshots are so much more convenient when you can teat them like files on the filesystem unlike lvm
[14:59] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: ok
[14:59] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: thankfully here at work my /home is on EXT4
[15:00] <BluesKaj_> yeah EvilRoey and keep it that way :)
[15:01] <EvilRoey> ;)
[15:01] <EvilRoey> rberg-: the way Ubuntu's installer handles it is messed up though
[15:03] <BluesKaj_> not if you use the manual options for partitioning ,.it's really quite easy and straight forward, simpler than the guided or autoIMO
[15:03] <rberg-> ohh, when I did btrfs with subvolumes I did a simple flat brtfs install and did the subvolumes manually, but this was a few releases ago.. #btrfs can be a scary place.. personally I use xfs for large arrays.
[15:05] <BluesKaj_> a plain home user here and even I don't fool with unknown and experimental FSs ...that's uncharted territory for me , so I stay away
[15:06] <EvilRoey> rberg-: I've experienced data loss with xfs
[15:06] <EvilRoey> self-fucks-up
[15:06] <EvilRoey> same as ubuntu when I try to upgrade i
[15:06] <EvilRoey> it
[15:06] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: I like your style
[15:06] <EvilRoey> then again you are older and probably more conservative in general
[15:06] <rberg-> wow, I have seen xfs take some major abuse from the layers below it (stoopid hardware raid)
[15:07] <rberg-> and I should say it recovered.. reiserfs otoh I have lost data to
[15:07] <BluesKaj_> I cdonsiderd using LVM but even the LVM web page was confusing and unclear to me so i didn't fool with it
[15:07] <BluesKaj_> err considered
[15:09] <rberg-> lvm is the other way to get snapshotting but you need to leave some free space in the VG for the snapshot diffs
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
[15:10] <BluesKaj_> too many terms that i didn't understand ...I hate that about technical pages , there are no definitions to the them included in the instructions ..and I'm a tech guy who worked in a laboraory for 32 yeaqrs
[15:11] <BluesKaj_> definitions to terms that is
[15:12] <rberg-> ohh yeah, I hear 'read the man page' all the time.. 1/2 the time you need read up a bit on the topic before you can grok the man page at all :)
[15:12] <EvilRoey> rberg-: oh, I've lost data to reiserfs as well.
[15:14] <BluesKaj_> yup, written by geeks who deliberately try to make one feel uneducated by using arcane terms without any explanations, I recall reading newsletters at work that were similar
[15:16] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj_: that sounds like Wikipedia
[15:16] <EvilRoey> Wikipedia frequently introduces big words just because they are big words
[15:16] <BluesKaj_> EvilRoey, in some cases yes
[15:17] <EvilRoey> and then links to them as if to show you how proud they are that they have used that word.
[15:17] <EvilRoey> like demonym
[15:21] <BluesKaj_> I'm running 15.04 on my laptop , that's experimental enough for me :)
[15:32] <EvilRoey> heh
=== carlos is now known as Guest91944
[17:12] <vendre> hello
[17:21] <soee> in Dolphin is it possible to set that if i click to show videos previe in one folder thwy will be also active in all subfolders ?
[17:27] <baxeico> Hi, I'm on kubuntu 12.04 and today a big update was proposed from backports-ppa
[17:28] <baxeico> But some packages have unmet dependencies
[17:28] <baxeico> http://pastebin.com/uH3x9fJf
[17:28] <baxeico> Are those issues worked on?
[17:33] <BluesKaj_> baxeico,, do you have any ppas that could be causing trouble?
[17:35] <BluesKaj_> if so, comment the ppas with a # on the deb line and update the sources then try again
[17:35] <baxeico> BluesKaj_: I have some ppas, but nothing kde related
[17:35] <baxeico> virtualbox, google chrome, heroku
[17:35] <BluesKaj_> goota go
[17:38] <baxeico> seems that some nepomuk libs are not updated with kdelibs
[17:41] <baxeico> BluesKaj_: I have to go now, thank you for your help
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
[18:39] <soee> baxeico: ping
[18:39] <baxeico> soee: here i am
[18:40] <soee> baxeico: devs know about this problem you mentioned
[18:41] <soee> it is going to be fixed soon
[18:42] <baxeico> soee: thank you!
=== daniel is now known as Guest25200
=== Guest25200 is now known as datiti
[19:01] <PhilSars> issue with 12.04 LTS update today libnepomuk4 broken dependencies. Other same issue ?
[19:01] <soee> PhilSars: yes, fix is on the way
[19:02] <PhilSars> Ok thanks for fast feedback
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
[19:23] <yofel> libnepomuk4 has to be removed actually, nepomuk isn't functional in that release
=== Graf_Westerholt is now known as Graefin_Westerho
[19:27] <ildefonso> and X is still leaking memory with kwin :(
=== Graefin_Westerho is now known as Graf_Westerholt
=== dejan is now known as Guest48909
[20:47] <m_tadeu> hi....is there a gnome-disks like utility for kde?
[20:48] <Alumin> I'm trying to build a package with Qt support (KVIrc, if it matters) and the (CMake) build process says it can't find Qt. I'm on Kubuntu 12.04, and I've got qmake in my $PATH. Any suggestions on packages to install? I've got the obvious ones, like libqt4-dev, libqt4-core, libqt4-gui
[20:48] <soee> m_tadeu: what does it to ?
[20:48] <Alumin> m_tadeu: not familiar with that utility, but maybe qtparted?
[20:48] <Alumin> filelight?
[20:48] <m_tadeu> https://www.google.com/search?q=gnome-disk-utility&gws_rd=ssl&tbm=isch
[20:49] <soee> m_tadeu: partitionmanager
[20:50] <Alumin> I also tried "apt-get build-dep kvirc", which did pull a few packages in but didn't solve the problem
[20:51] <m_tadeu> soee: I'm checking that now....but it doesn't seem to be able to run SMART tests nor benchmarking, is it?
[20:52] <soee> m_tadeu: probably not
[20:54] <rberg-> Alumin: did you run build-dep first to get those out of the way?
[20:54] <Alumin> rberg-: I don't understand the question
[20:55] <Alumin> I tried the build again after installing those packages if that's what you mean
[20:55] <m_tadeu> soee, Alumin: thanx
[20:55] <rberg-> oh I am asking if you ran "apt-get build-dep kvirc" to install the known dependencies
[20:56] <Alumin> yeah
[20:56] <rberg-> ok, just getting the obvious out of the way..
[20:57] <Alumin> yeah, this is turning into a real head-scratcher
[20:57] <Alumin> my usual SOP for this situation is to figure out exactly what the build process is trying to _do_ to determine if X is installed, but CMake is not making that easy
[20:57] <Alumin> I'm just hitting abstraction after abstraction trying to swim upstream until I finally get something like "test -e /usr/lib/foo" etc. :)
[20:58] <Alumin> so that I can then do "dpkg -S libfoo" and figure out which package it wants :)
[21:28] <PhilSars> Any idea when the libnepomuk4 unmet dependecies for 12.04 could be solved ?
[21:29] <yofel> PhilSars: never, please remove that
[21:34] <PhilSars> Ok. Can you explain why Kdenkive is not working anymore since today update and how to have it backon track ?
[21:37] * PhilSars is away: Gone away for now
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
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[23:50] <Scunizi> latest upgrade fails with the kipi-plugins-comm, kipi-plugins & digikam leaving a lot of packages in an 'not upgraded' status. Is this a running theme with this upgrade?
[23:53] <soee_> Scunizi: in what Kubuntu version ?
[23:53] <Scunizi> 12.04
[23:53] <Scunizi> But I believe I've used the newer PPA for the kde libraries
[23:54] <Scunizi> Sorry.. not newer PPA but PPA for the latest kde files.
[23:54] <soee_> newer ?
=== soee_ is now known as soee
[23:55] <Scunizi> not newer.. ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu precise main
[23:56] <yofel> could you please pastebin what apt says right now?
[23:56] <Scunizi> soee: ^--^
[23:56] <soee> Scunizi: look what yofel said :)
[23:57] <Scunizi> Sure.. give a sec.
[23:58] <Scunizi> yofel: soee http://pastebin.com/5k59q4Zw
[23:59] <yofel> Scunizi: please again with "apt-get -o debug::pkgproblemresolver=1 dist-upgrade"
[23:59] <Scunizi> ok.. and pastebin that?..
[23:59] <yofel> yes, please