UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /29 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[03:39] <brandonbullet> hello i have a problem with lubuntu and netflix
[03:39] <brandonbullet> i have lubuntu 14.10 and i still get the error code
[03:47] <brandonbullet> weird it started to work :D
[08:40] <Benjaminhusky> this place is really quiet
[10:35] <bytecounter> Hi @all. I want to move the data of mysql to another partition, so I mounted /dev/sda5 to /var/local, stopped the mysql server, moved the files, adapt the my.cnf and want to retsat
[10:37] <bytecounter> but the restart fails in case of access erros to the data dir. But the access seems ok: user:mysql, group:mysql, user has write access to /var/local/mysql and all files included
[10:37] <bytecounter> What could be wrong?
=== Noskcaj_ is now known as Noskcaj
[21:38] <Novice201y> Hi. I use Lubuntu on netbook and I couldn't see SAVE button for MPlayer option (which I assume is on the button of the window). How can I save my options then?
[21:39] <ianorlin> is it not saving them currently?
[21:40] <Chelsea_Jurgens> hello
[21:41] <ianorlin> hi
[21:41] <Chelsea_Jurgens> ianorlin, what's up
[21:42] * ianorlin is wondering if you need any help otherwise there is #lubuntu-offtopic
[21:44] <Chelsea_Jurgens> i'll check out that channel, actually i do have a question
[21:44] <Chelsea_Jurgens> my numlock does not engage automatically when i turn it on
[21:44] <Chelsea_Jurgens> i have numlockx installed, and i can turn num lock on and off from the terminal
[21:44] <Chelsea_Jurgens> but it does not save when reboot
[21:45] <ianorlin> might have to make a script and autostart it
[21:45] <wxl> !numlock | Chelsea_Jurgens
[21:45] <ubottu> Chelsea_Jurgens: To enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock
[21:47] <Chelsea_Jurgens> so i'm new to linux
[21:48] <Chelsea_Jurgens> i did this Enabling NumLock from lightdm configuration greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on
[21:48] * ianorlin was at one point as well
[21:48] <Chelsea_Jurgens> and it crashed my system
[21:48] <Chelsea_Jurgens> that was the only variable i had changed with that reboot, after that script i could not log in