UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /29 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[05:46] <aalex> Hello
[05:46] <aalex> Launchpad says my key has expired, but I changed its expiration date.
[05:46] <aalex> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/193635699/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.mapmap_0.2.0-3~trusty~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[05:46] <aalex> Can I re-import the key? Launchpad doesn't allow me to re-import it... How can it "refresh" its expiration date?
[05:46] <aalex> Unless the problem is something else? See the build log above.
[05:48] <aalex> Here is my GPG key: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9434A4E825DAAC75
[05:48] <aalex> I re-enabled it again...
[05:49] <aalex> Actually, it says: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY
[06:06] <cjwatson> aalex: That's a red herring. The build proceeds well past there. Something in your package build process is trying to call "update-mime-database /usr/share/mime", which requires root access that you don't have during a package build.
[06:06] <aalex> ooh
[06:06] <aalex> cjwatson: what is a "red herring"?
[06:07] <aalex> cjwatson: you mean that the real reason of the fail is what you tell me? great
[06:07] <aalex> cjwatson: how can I update the mime database in the debian way, then?
[06:07] <cjwatson> I'm on a phone and it's too awkward to explain on this keyboard, but it's common English idiom that you can look up.
[06:08] <cjwatson> Use dh_installmime.
[06:09] <aalex> thank you cjwatson !
[06:09] <cjwatson> (in debian/rules, and suppress whatever bit of the upstream install process thinks it has real root)
[06:11] <aalex> Do I need to put it in a target? or just like that in the debian/rules file?
[06:18] <aalex> Hmm, I am not sure how to create a quilt (3.0) patch using git-buildpackage
[06:18] <aalex> I need to change the upstream source
[06:19] <aalex> I have done the changes in my git repository. Now, `git diff > debian/patches/0001-no-update-mime-database.diff`, or something?
[06:19] <aalex> And then add that to debian/patches/series?
=== Guest79915 is now known as nesthib
[17:24] <semiosis> i want to import a project from git that used submodules in the past, but doesn't anymore. is there any way to import that project into launchpad/bazaar without rewriting history?
[17:25] <semiosis> i tried importing with depth=1 but that didn't help
[17:25] <semiosis> https://github.com/semiosis/glusterfs-debian/issues/5
[17:33] <shadeslayer> semiosis: nope
[17:33] <shadeslayer> since bzr fast-import parses the history and there's no support for git submodules in bzr-fastimport
[17:35] <shadeslayer> semiosis: here's what I recommend, write a small script that can be cronned, polls for new changes, when it finds new changes, git diff from last rev, apply rev to bzr branch and push to launchpad
[17:36] <semiosis> shadeslayer: thanks but the goal here is automated daily package builds when upstream commits changes
[17:36] <shadeslayer> semiosis: yeah, but Launchpad is based on polling too
[17:36] <shadeslayer> so you won't get per commit builds
[17:36] <semiosis> thats fine, as long as i dont have to do anything
[17:37] <semiosis> can that script you mention be run automatically by LP?
[17:37] <shadeslayer> nope
[17:37] <semiosis> ok
[17:37] <shadeslayer> you'll have to write one and the have to push to launchpad
[17:37] <semiosis> i'll see if i can get upstream to rewrite their history :)
[17:37] <shadeslayer> I highly doubt that
[17:37] <semiosis> lol
[17:38] <semiosis> well, any other ideas for autmatic package builds?
[17:38] <shadeslayer> Jenkins?
[17:38] <shadeslayer> but then you'll have to write your own tooling there too
[17:39] <shadeslayer> but you get per push builds there
[17:39] <semiosis> good call
[17:40] <semiosis> never occurred to me to have jenkins upload to the PPAs but that would be a fine solution
[17:40] <shadeslayer> That's what we do in Kubuntu land
[17:40] <semiosis> i <3 kubuntu
[17:40] <shadeslayer> semiosis: http://kci.pangea.pub/
=== Noskcaj_ is now known as Noskcaj
[20:15] <teward> is anyone reporting any timeout errors when trying to manipulate bug statuses?
[22:55] <wgrant> teward: There are no known issues there.
[22:55] <wgrant> You need to provide an OOPS ID if you report a timeout, or there's nothing we can do.