UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /25 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USA|Santa
=== genii is now known as ChristmasPresent
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
[04:59] <findme> This thing is cool man.
[04:59] <findme> My laptop crashed and I ran into lubuntu, I am up and running in <30 minutes :-)
[08:53] <DanNL|X-mas> Merry Christmas
[08:55] <shiggitay> DanNL|X-mas, you too!
[08:57] <DanNL|X-mas> Maybe we should do: >/msg ChanServ SET #lubuntu ENTRYMSG Merry Christmas> :)
[08:57] <shiggitay> hahah
[08:57] <shiggitay> do it
[08:58] <DanNL|X-mas> I am not the channel founder :(
[08:58] <shiggitay> Awww
[08:58] <shiggitay> DanNL|X-mas, protip: of you do //msg it won't send the /msg command
[08:58] <shiggitay> /msg
[08:58] <shiggitay> see?
[08:59] <DanNL|X-mas> Ah, that's smart. Thanks!
[08:59] <shiggitay> sure
[08:59] <shiggitay> np
[08:59] <DanNL|X-mas> /msg
[08:59] <DanNL|X-mas> :)
[08:59] <DanNL|X-mas> Lubuntu has got a gift of me :)
[09:00] <DanNL|X-mas> A Dutch forum about Lubuntu :)
[09:01] <DanNL|X-mas> http://lubuntu-nederland.tk/index.php
[09:02] <DanNL|X-mas> I am still working at it :p
[09:51] <ChunkzZ> Merry Christmas! :
=== S-USA|Santa is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
[15:24] <hjd> Hi, I couldn't find a lubuntu-devel, but I just stumbled across bug 1402891 which someone should probably look into (unless they already are).
[15:24] <ubottu> bug 1402891 in lxdm (Ubuntu) "Background image says that we are on debian 8" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1402891
[15:40] <omnicelut> hi! I am looking for a help with setting up PulseAudio in 14.04
[15:40] <omnicelut> this is on older HP desktop and apparently PA ignores "Master Mono" output which controls integrated desktop speaker
[15:42] <omnicelut> any ideas how can I set PA to use "Master Mono" instead of "Master" output?
[20:31] <zy3pD> if i open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T then it is always minimized, is that a bug?
[20:31] <holstein> zy3pD: you mean, you open a new terminal, using control+alt+t? and it starts minimized in the tray?
[20:31] <zy3pD> yes
[20:32] <holstein> zy3pD: since its not happening here, i dont think it is a bug
[20:32] <zy3pD> i installed the system lubuntu 14.04.1 x86 some hours ago ^^
[20:32] <holstein> zy3pD: what i would do is, try as the guest user and/or another new user, to confirm if the issue is system wide or with your user config.. if its normal as the guest user, or the other user, then, its likely just in the users config
[20:33] <holstein> zy3pD: sure. i'll just lay out some tests you can do to see where the issue is, regardless of when you installed what
[20:34] <holstein> zy3pD: if the issue is the same system wide, then, i would just simply, since you say its a new install, look for and appply all upgrades.. using this in a terminal.. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get get dist-upgrade".. and reboot to apply any kernel updates and test again
[20:34] <holstein> then, i would file a bug if i dont find an existing one already filed
[20:34] <holstein> !bug
[20:34] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.
[20:34] <holstein> i would look and make sure i dont have any 3rd party applications or sources added that can be breaking the config
[20:35] <holstein> i would try and get someone else to replicate, and join the bug report, if you make it that far
[20:35] <zy3pD> holstein, i found the problem: i had a terminal window minimized and i opened a sec and it opened minimized ... when i dont minimize the first one the sec opens normal :)
[20:35] <zy3pD> is it the same on your system?
[20:36] <zy3pD> btw holstein do you speak german?
[20:38] <holstein> zy3pD: that sounds right.. no, i dont speak german, but..
[20:38] <holstein> !de
[20:38] <ubottu> In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!
[20:39] <zy3pD> ok :-) its just holstein ... stein is a german word which means stone ;)
[20:39] <zy3pD> ...so its no bug
[20:39] <holstein> zy3pD: holstein is my last name, and it *is* german, but, i am not from or in germany.. just my family name
=== svteoi is now known as __svteoi