UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /19 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
[08:57] <jnoah> hello all, i'm very new to bzr (but not version control). How does one checkout a tag (sorry if that's a git-ism)
[09:04] <jnoah> i thought it was 'bzr switch -r tag:<tagname>'
[09:04] <jnoah> that's causing an infinite recursion error
[09:39] <LeoNerd> jnoah: "checkout" meaning you don't have something on your filesystem yet? bzr co -r tag:FOO URL
[09:40] <LeoNerd> If you have something but at the wrong revision, bzr up -r tag:TAG
[09:40] <jnoah> wrong revision
[09:41] <jnoah> i'll try 'up'
[09:45] <jnoah> worked! thanks LeoNerd
[09:47] <LeoNerd> :)
=== Peng is now known as Peng_