UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /17 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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[03:49] <ahoneybun> I;m trying to get my app renamed in the store but can;t seem to get it to work
[08:01] <dholbach> good morning
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[09:19] <techneut92> hello
[09:20] <techneut92> does anyone have this error or knows how to fix it? got it on all my ubuntu devices..: Error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtMultimedia/plugins.qmltypes:0:0: Expected a single import
[09:22] <sverzegnassi> Error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtMultimedia/plugins.qmltypes:0:0: Expected a single import
[09:22] <sverzegnassi> oops... sorry pasted in the wrong textfield :P
[09:22] <sverzegnassi> I'm taking a look if I found anything about it
[09:23] <sverzegnassi> techneut92: what project are you trying to build? Scope, app, etc? Probably we need more information to get an answer :)
[09:23] <techneut92> haha no problem. thanks :) i googled around a lot already... couldn' t find the proper data about it
[09:24] <techneut92> ubuntu > app with tabbed ui
[09:34] <sverzegnassi_> techneut92: i found something on launchpad: bug #1391480
[09:34] <ubot5> bug 1391480 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Creating template scope shows many "failed" info" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1391480
[09:36] <techneut92> found that too.. couldn' t make much of it
[09:36] <sverzegnassi_> if everything works well with your app, it isn't probably something so critical (just my opinion)
[09:37] <techneut92> i have been trying the Torch object.. didn' t work so far.. can be because i use a nexus 5 :p
[09:38] <sverzegnassi_> it's for that reason ;) i have a nexus 5 too
[09:39] <sverzegnassi_> or, at least, it's the explanation i gave to me some time ago
[09:39] <techneut92> aa.. i have to go now.. i' ll give the media player a try then when i' m back ^^
[10:03] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Wright Brothers Day! :-D
[10:09] <Mirv> dholbach: hey! could you check, I assume gallery is not found in the store? (perhaps url https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/507/)
[10:09] <Mirv> I tried to upload it, but unfortunately it complains about invalid framework :(
[10:09] <dholbach> Current approved version:
[10:09] <dholbach> Mirv, ^
[10:10] <Mirv> dholbach: eh.. so they've actually published one from trunk instead of the rtm branch, so it's even more broken :(
[10:10] <dholbach> I have no idea, I'm sorry
[10:10] <dholbach> I just looked up what's visible in there :-/
[10:11] <Mirv> dholbach: yes, very helpful thank you! the 1101 is a revision that only appears in lp:gallery-app
[10:11] <dholbach> ok
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[14:47] <alci> hi all.
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[14:53] <alci> I'm still fighting to setup a working dev environment :-) I reinstalled my system to solve https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch/+bug/1401019
[14:53] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1401019 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-emulator fails to create a device: Unable to mount temp dir" [Undecided,Invalid]
[14:53] <alci> So now ubuntu-emulator works.
[14:54] <alci> I also installed intltool in the kits to make the Simple UI with internationalization work. Fine.
[14:55] <alci> Now, I encounter the following error when trying to deploy to virtual device: :-1: error: Could not connect to host: SSH Protocol error: Server and client capabilities don't match. Client list was: aes128-cbc,3des-cbc. Server list was aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com. Did the emulator fail to start?
[14:55] <alci> Any idea ?
[15:01] <ahayzen> jdstrand, ping
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[15:08] <TommyBrunn> Does anyone know why any output from my scope is being swallowed? Even just `std::cout << "Testing"` yields nothing. I get output, just nothing that I try to print from my scope. It's a bit challenging to develop when breakpoints aren't being triggered and any output disappears into the void. :D
[15:08] <davidcalle> TommyBrunn, is cerr working?
[15:09] <TommyBrunn> Yeah, that worked.
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[17:33] <CajunTechie> Hello everyone. I've got a quick question: How are traditional apps going to be handled when click packages become the norm? Will traditionally packaged apps still be as discoverable in the Software Center or...?
[17:34] <CajunTechie> Perhaps that's covered somewhere but I can't find an answer
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=== ara is now known as Guest47294
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[21:04] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, hi
[21:05] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, I am getting this error when building reminders-app in qtcreator : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9554152/
[21:14] <mzanetti> Letozaf_: install qtpim5-dev
[21:14] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, thanks :)
[21:14] <mzanetti> yw
[21:33] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, other question, in online accounts do I have to add a normal evernote account or a developer one ?
[21:33] <mzanetti> Letozaf_: if you just build and run it normally, you need a normal account
[21:33] <mzanetti> if you want a sandbox account, you need to start the application passing the --sandbox parameter
[21:34] <mzanetti> Letozaf_: I thinke the autopilot tests use the --sandbox argument for example
[21:34] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, but in online accounts I am able to add only the normal evernote account
[21:35] <mzanetti> hmm... strange
[21:35] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, and account-plugin-evernote is installed
[21:35] <mzanetti> do you only see the sandbox one?
[21:35] <mzanetti> phone or desktop?
[21:36] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, in online accounts on my desktop I can only add the normal evernote account I have no chance to add the sandbox one
[21:36] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, I have a sandbox account but cannot add it on desktop
[21:37] <mzanetti> oh, sorry, I misread... so everything should be fine, no?
[21:37] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, will the autopilot tests work with the normal evernote account _
[21:37] <mzanetti> do you want to run the app and use it, or do you want to run the autopilot tests?
[21:37] <Letozaf_> ?
[21:37] <mzanetti> I don't know tbh :)
[21:37] <mzanetti> it should work
[21:37] <mzanetti> let me check
[21:38] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, I wanted to try both autopilot tests and run the app with autopilot launch and vis for instance
[21:39] <mzanetti> Letozaf_: I see both plugins in apt
[21:40] <mzanetti> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9554446/
[21:40] <mzanetti> so if you install both I think you can add both accounts
[21:40] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, ok I think I understood now
[21:41] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, I need the account-plugin-evernote-sandbox thought I needed only the account-plugin-evernote one
[21:41] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, sorry :(
[21:41] <mzanetti> no problem :)
[21:42] <mzanetti> just remember, if the app is started without parameters, the normal account will be used, if the --sandbox account is passed, it will use the sandbox account
[21:42] <Letozaf_> mzanetti, thanks
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[22:55] <rpadovani> yay, new responsive design \o/ http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/
[22:55] <rpadovani> thanks mhall119 :D
[23:19] <sl1rpy> anyone here help me with qt designer?
[23:30] <rpadovani> sl1rpy, don't ask for help, write your question, if someone is able to reply will do
[23:33] <sl1rpy> im having trouble "activating" the central widget in qt designer. im following an article https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6044836/how-to-make-a-qt-widget-grow-with-the-window-size/6045152#6045152 and they circle the icon next to the central widget but when i click on the icon is doesnt do anything.
[23:33] <sl1rpy> how do i "activate" it?
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