UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /17 /#juju-gui.txt
Initial commit
[00:38] <rick_h_> lazyPower: sexy demo :)
[00:38] <lazyPower> rick_h_: yeah man - the GUI made that so simple to illustrate
[00:38] <lazyPower> hi5 on machine view - I've been looking for an excuse to showcase it
[00:39] <rick_h_> loved the containers and icons popping up :)
[00:40] <hatch> ooo demo?
[00:41] <lazyPower> hatch: yeah - its up on plus. I didn't intend to pull the trigger on publishing it yet - i was goign to wait for the AM when all the IT jockeys are hangin out reading email and sipping coffee trolling ycombinator.
[00:41] <lazyPower> looks like that plan was fail :P
[00:42] <hatch> lol
[00:42] <rick_h_> :P
[00:42] <hatch> will take a look
[00:42] <lazyPower> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCvl-TsxVXA&feature=youtu.be
[00:42] <hatch> your intro!
[00:43] * hatch busts out his glow sticks
[00:43] <rick_h_> lol
[00:43] <hatch> after effects?
[00:43] <hatch> audio sounds awesome too
[00:50] <lazyPower> hatch: Nope - i dont have a windows box
[00:51] <lazyPower> found a dude on fiverr - sent him what i wanted in a rough sketch - got that back 32 hours later for $5
[00:53] <hatch> serious?
[00:53] <hatch> awesome!!!
[00:54] <hatch> I didn't know this site existed
[00:56] <hatch> lazyPower: curious why you picked etcd vs any of the other k/v stores?
[00:57] <hatch> lazyPower: it's awesome seeing the containers come up and stuff in the gui as you do it in the console :D
[00:59] <lazyPower> hatch: flannel requires etc
[00:59] <lazyPower> *etcd
[01:01] <hatch> ahh ok
[01:01] <lazyPower> hatch: plus, stands to reason they would dogfood their own services - https://github.com/coreos/etcd
[01:02] <hatch> heh yeah true true
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[07:48] <urulama_> uiteam: food for thought ... lastpass does not recognise juju-gui login as login window :)
[07:49] <fabrice> you're here as urulama_ and urulama|out
[07:49] <fabrice> so in or out ?
[07:49] <urulama_> fabrice: yes, i have a split personality :)
[07:50] <urulama_> fabrice: i'm out (officially)
[07:50] <fabrice> so get out
[08:00] <urulama_> fabrice: :) i will
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[14:02] <rick_h_> urulama|out: interesting
[14:20] <hatch> rick_h_: urulama|out its' because the fields don't have 'name' parameters of "username" and "password"
[14:21] <hatch> it's a trivial template fix
[14:21] <rick_h_> hatch: yea figured
[14:21] <rick_h_> but have to watch if anything relies on current names
[14:21] <rick_h_> hatch: but for another day
[14:22] <hatch> rick_h_: we just need to add `name="username"` and `name="password"`
[14:22] <hatch> there are no name attributes right now
[14:22] <rick_h_> oh no name attr at all?
[14:22] <rick_h_> heh
[14:22] <hatch> nope
[14:23] <urulama|out> hey, hatch, rick_h_: i just wanted to start a conversation, whether it would make sense to be able to store those to lastpass at all. but yeah, maybe fixing that template so that people are able to store them if needed would be a good thing
[14:24] <hatch> yeah, it really can't hurt :)
[14:24] <rick_h_> urulama|out: yea good note
[15:48] <hatch> uiteam lf a review and qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/682
[15:51] <rick_h_> uiteam call in 10 kanban please
[16:36] <hatch> kadams54: are you able to hop on #682? It's a pretty quick one
[16:37] <kadams54> hatch: yes, but I want to wrap up my current work before I switch contexts. Give me five minutes.
[16:37] <hatch> sure np
[16:37] <hatch> thx
[16:44] <Makyo> hatch, what can I do to help?
[16:55] <kadams54> hatch: Done on #682 with comments
[16:56] <hatch> kadams54: thanks
[16:56] <hatch> Makyo: you could get the drag and drop working again?
[16:56] <Makyo> hatch, on it
[16:56] <hatch> thanks - card is in urgent
[16:57] <hatch> kadams54: depressed state? it doesn't look highlighted to me
[16:57] <hatch> oh
[16:57] <hatch> now I see
[16:57] <hatch> (need moar contrast)
[16:57] <kadams54> It actually looks inset
[16:58] <hatch> yeah
[16:58] <kadams54> Plus no hover state
[16:58] <hatch> I'm going to say intentional because if you look at the old button http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/ it's also inset
[17:00] <hatch> kadams54: if you like you could file a bug about it - the mocks don't really show what this is supposed to look like so we're just making it reasonable :)
[17:02] <kadams54> hatch: OK, sounds good to me.
[17:02] <hatch> thx
[17:33] <hatch> Makyo: if you have any questions about that card just let me know
[17:48] <hatch> uiteam lf review and qa on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/683 2 liner
[17:49] <hatch> Makyo: think while you're doing this bundle stuff you could qa frankban's guicharm branch? I don't have 1.21 installed
[17:50] <Makyo> hatch, I can maybe take a look in a bit, trying not to get too scattered.
[17:50] <hatch> sure no problem
[17:50] <hatch> that drag and drop stuff is deeply intertwined
[17:51] <Makyo> hatch, fwiw, it might be worth upgrading. `apt-add-repository ppa:juju/devel && apt-get update; apt-get upgrade` and see https://launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/ubuntu/devel
[17:51] <hatch> yeah I can do that in a container
[17:51] <hatch> I just didn't want to set a container up :)
[17:51] <hatch> guess I could do that
[17:51] <hatch> yeah ok I'll just container it up
[17:51] <Makyo> Whine whine whine :)
[17:51] * hatch stomps his feet
[17:51] <Makyo> I just think it'd be worth having around with the user stuff
[17:52] <hatch> rick_h_: I forget the lxc command to mount the user dir during lxc creationg
[17:52] <hatch> I really should write this down
[17:53] <jrwren> hatch: -b username ?
[17:54] <hatch> -b is it?
[17:54] <hatch> cool
[17:54] <jrwren> sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n awesomelxc -- -b hatch
[17:54] <hatch> oh the -- I was missing
[17:54] <hatch> what's the -- for?
[17:54] <jrwren> its a template option
[17:55] <hatch> yeah that doesn't clear it up much :)
[17:56] <jrwren> hatch: it gets passed as an argument to /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu
[17:56] <hatch> ohh
[17:56] <jrwren> -t WHATEVER tells lxc-create to use /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-WHATEVER
[17:56] <hatch> yep this api is worse than I originally thought
[17:56] <jrwren> hatch: lolz
[19:26] <hatch> doh lint error
[19:26] <rick_h_> you lose
[19:26] <hatch> big time!
[19:37] <hatch> Makyo: when you're available mind giving me an update on your branch? I'm wondering if the bundle yaml deploy part can be done in your branch or is separate.
[20:05] <Makyo> hatch, I think the bundle yaml thing should be able to fit, at least as an iteration, then deployer will need an update.
[20:05] <Makyo> Got the charm bit already done.
[20:05] <hatch> awesome
[20:05] <hatch> ok I won't start on the yaml part then
[20:06] <hatch> I just didn't want to dupe work
[20:06] <hatch> thanks
[20:06] <Makyo> hatch, yep, sounds good.
[20:06] <Makyo> Going to duck out for lunch for a few, gotta hit the post office.
[20:06] <hatch> :)
[20:06] <hatch> lata
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[21:21] <hatch> hey what app are you guys using for epub on ubuntu?
[21:21] <hatch> reading it
[21:36] <rick_h_> ummm, kindle?
[21:36] <rick_h_> :P
[21:51] <mbruzek> Hi rick_h_ I just updated the information on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1402061
[21:51] <mup> Bug #1402061: The juju-gui charm fails automated testing <audit> <auto-test> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1402061>
[21:52] <rick_h_> mbruzek: rgr ty
[21:52] <mbruzek> rick_h_: I ran additional automated tests to see if the results changed and they did not.
[21:53] <rick_h_> mbruzek: understand, we'll look into it.
[21:53] <rick_h_> mbruzek: it was just odd since there haven't been charm changes and when looking it was odd how the different clouds weren't consistent that I could tell/etc
[21:53] <mbruzek> rick_h_: Yeah this automated system has all kinds of quirks.
[21:54] <mbruzek> rick_h_: Interesting to note that I could not even run "make lint" successfully on my system.
[21:54] <rick_h_> we'll look into it. We run the tests on every release and we're prepping another one so we'll be curious to see what we get.
[21:54] <rick_h_> mbruzek: right, we had some deps issues that aisrael fixed a while back
[21:54] <rick_h_> mbruzek: that's when we first went to passing after some of the sysdeps/etc was worked out with the way the tests run
[21:54] <mbruzek> rick_h_: I can run additional tests on a launchpad branch if you need some pre-publish result
[21:54] <mbruzek> s
[21:55] <rick_h_> mbruzek: naw, we'll take care of it. We definitely want a charm that passes our own tests/lint
[21:55] <rick_h_> if it doesn't that's on us to fix
[21:55] <rick_h_> ty for the heads up and check on info
[21:55] <mbruzek> rick_h_: Let me know if there is anything I can do to help
[21:55] <rick_h_> <3
[21:56] <mbruzek> I have 48 other charm authors to chase down for the automated test failures
[21:56] <rick_h_> well we've always prided ourselves a bit on setting a good example. We'll try to make sure we get off the list. :)
[21:56] <mbruzek> rick_h_: I have no doubt
[21:56] <hatch> mbruzek: I can run make lint here I have a fresh checkout
[21:57] <hatch> running
[21:57] <mbruzek> hatch: no one trusts you gui guy's environments
[21:57] <rick_h_> hatch: added the card into maint urgent. As we do the release we should check out wtf is up
[21:57] <hatch> lol
[21:57] <rick_h_> hatch: but we can work it out as we do our tests/etc as part of the release
[21:57] <hatch> sure thing
[21:58] <mbruzek> hatch: rick_h_ I have no doubt it works for you guys, just noting that it did not run in my system. Perhaps there is a dependency that you have installed that I do not
[21:58] <hatch> gnugcc failure heh
[21:58] <hatch> bzrlib/_annotator_pyx.c:4:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
[21:58] <hatch> looks like the make target is missing something
[21:59] <mbruzek> hatch: if you come up with a fix and want to test it on someones system, I am happy to test your branches
[21:59] <rick_h_> hatch: the sysdeps, python-dev is where that comes from
[21:59] <hatch> mbruzek: well I actually need this specific issue fixed for my upcoming guicharm branch
[21:59] <rick_h_> hatch: we had a commit from aisrael a while back that set it up for us
[22:00] <rick_h_> at leasts for the test system
[22:00] <hatch> mbruzek: so does the tests run make sysdeps first?
[22:00] <rick_h_> we normally manually run make sysdeps
[22:00] <rick_h_> hatch: no, there's a test file that lists the deps
[22:00] <hatch> right - so if this system is to be automated then that's where the issue is
[22:00] <hatch> or at least where 'a' issue is
[22:01] <rick_h_> hatch: rgr
[22:01] <mbruzek> hatch: the automated test only run `make lint`, `make test`, and runs all the executable files in the juju-gui/tests directory
[22:01] <hatch> ahah
[22:01] <mbruzek> hatch: I do not believe it runs 'make sysdeps' but I suspect you could make lint depend on that target
[22:02] <hatch> tbh I haven't looked at the makefile in forever
[22:02] <rick_h_> hatch: looking for the commit that added the test file and not seeing it
[22:02] <rick_h_> maybe we had a merge failure in release
[22:02] <rick_h_> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-charmers/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk/revision/101
[22:02] <rick_h_> hatch: ^
[22:03] <hatch> hmm
[22:03] <rick_h_> hatch: so that is supposed to take care of our 'sysdeps' target for the automated test system
[22:03] <rick_h_> hatch: if it's not we need to see why/etc
[22:04] <hatch> hmm
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[22:06] <hatch> looks like that allowed the lint tests to run
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[22:11] <hatch> mbruzek: is there any way I can simulate the test env locally?
[22:12] <hatch> or a machine I can deploy to
[22:12] <hatch> etc
[22:14] <mbruzek> hatch absolutely
[22:15] <mbruzek> To run locally, install bundletester this way
[22:15] <mbruzek> https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundletester
[22:16] <mbruzek> Then you can run $ bundletester -F -e local -l DEBUG -v
[22:17] <hatch> but the gui is just a charm, not a bundle
[22:22] <mbruzek> hatch: poor choice of names for our automated testing tool
[22:22] <mbruzek> It handles bundles as well as charms
[22:22] <hatch> oh lol yes...fail
[22:22] <hatch> haha thanks
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