UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /16 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:43] <Herma-mora> hey all
=== jrou is now known as rouj
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[02:08] <jwrjr> hi
=== test is now known as msl
=== tekkbuzz is now known as Guest85946
[05:52] <jsc> 我是一个初学者,谁能给我指点一下呢?感觉自己无从下手啊
[05:55] <tekkbuzz> jsc: 無從下手呢?
[05:57] <tekkbuzz> jsc: u能說英語?
[05:57] <tekkbuzz> 你能說英語?
[05:58] <jsc> 能看懂
[05:58] <jsc> 但是不会说
[05:59] <jsc> >tekkbuzz 我该从什么地方入手呢
[06:00] <tekkbuzz> 抱歉,希望我能幫忙。你的翻譯與谷歌有可能排在錯誤的我。
[06:01] <tekkbuzz> 對不起,我不明白,也許別人可以幫你。
[06:04] <jsc> 你不是中国人么
[06:05] <tekkbuzz> 不,來自美國,使用谷歌翻譯。
[06:06] <jsc> 你可以直接说英文的,我还是能看懂的,只是个别单词需要查一下
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
[06:07] <tekkbuzz> jsc: what are you trying to do?
[06:08] <tekkbuzz> what words do you need to check?
[06:10] <jsc> I want to learn HTML
[06:11] <tekkbuzz> ahh, HTML you got the wrong channel to ask!
[06:12] <jsc> My IRC just have this channel.
[06:13] <tekkbuzz> maybe try on #web or #html5
[06:13] <jsc> thank you
[06:14] <tekkbuzz> your welcome, Good Luck !
=== josue is now known as josuedhg
=== jsc is now known as ameily
=== ameily is now known as xiaoxiaomo
[07:22] <josuedhg> somebody knows how to install liblxqt in kubuntu?
[07:42] <soee> good morning
[07:42] <dogsrule> good morning
[08:52] <lordievader> Good morning
[08:53] <h4ml3t> morning
[08:53] <lordievader> Hey h4ml3t, how are you?
[08:53] <h4ml3t> nice, u?
[08:54] <lordievader> h4ml3t: Doing good, got coffee :)
[08:54] <h4ml3t> do you know is there is an equivalent keyboard shortcut for the "Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Up/Down/L/R" of Ubuntu?
[08:54] <lordievader> h4ml3t: What do those things do in Ubuntu?
[08:54] <h4ml3t> coffee always helps, you are European then
[08:55] <h4ml3t> moves the current window in another desktop
[08:55] <lordievader> h4ml3t: Ah, yes. But there is no default keyboard shortcut for it. You have to set them yourself.
[09:03] <h4ml3t> (Y) lordievader :D
[09:04] <h4ml3t> it looks the butt, but is the OK emoticon shortcut XD
[09:05] <lordievader> h4ml3t: Err, sure I'll take it to mean something positive ;)
[09:55] <rom1504> wow is this a chinese speaking channel now :D ?
[09:55] <lordievader> rom1504: From where do you get that idea?
[09:56] <rom1504> lordievader: from the discussion between jsc and tekkbuzz around 7 ams
[09:56] <rom1504> am
[09:56] <rom1504> look up
[09:56] <rom1504> well if you have the log
[09:56] <lordievader> Whoo, fancy ;)
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
=== anavarre is now known as anavarre_away
[10:19] <floown> hello
[10:20] <floown> Can Kate have an automatic indent pour html ?
[11:16] <Avihay_work> floown: yes, try Tools->Indentation->XML
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
=== ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube
[11:35] <floown> Avihay_work: thx, I have found "align", it indent all the text
=== anavarre_away is now known as anavarre
=== QuinnStorm is now known as Guest34970
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
=== Malsasa is now known as Guest27182
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
[14:20] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
=== wantoyek_ is now known as wantoyo
=== ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB
=== Helene is now known as Guest15701
[16:05] <coppy> For some reason. I can't remember how to stop screen from locking on my laptop, after I lift the lid back up, and come out of hibernation. Can someone point me in the right direction? BTW, I already tried "Display and Monitor" in settings. I am running 14.04 64 bit
=== aleks_ is now known as madland-stapnes
[17:04] <tlotr> Hi, does anyone know a way through which I can save the print screen file directly on the hard drive after I press the print screen button
=== genii is now known as ChristmasPresent
[17:05] <tlotr> I don't want any popup or anything it should just save the jpg or png file on the hard drive
[17:05] <tlotr> currently when i press print screen it opens up ksnapshot something
=== aleks_ is now known as madland
[17:06] <tlotr> Instead of that I just want it to save the file directly onto the hard drive
[17:06] <tlotr> and alt + print screen should capture the active window and save the image file directly on the hard drive
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
[17:06] <tlotr> Does anyone know how to do this in Kubuntu 12.04
=== aleks_ is now known as madland
[17:42] <Gargoyle1976> I have a quick technical question: I want to re-install kubuntu in 64-bit arch. I have '/' and '/home' on separate partitions. Can I reformat and install 64-bit on '/' without re-formatting '/home'?
[17:44] <Riddell> Gargoyle1976: yep
[17:44] <Riddell> Gargoyle1976: just choose manual partitioning in the installer
[17:54] <Gargoyle1976> Riddell: Great! thanks!
=== genii is now known as ChristmasPresent
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
=== genii is now known as ChristmasPresent
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
[18:33] <alex____> Hi!
[19:59] <Encryped> Hi does someone know how to debug plasmashell (Plasma 5) ? It doesnt continue starting after a pc freeze because of a full HDD. i've cleaned the drive and kwin_x11 is working and using tty i can start graphical applications.Yet somehow plasmashell is stuck and shell doesnt come up.
[20:04] <soee> Encryped: does not load ?
[20:04] <soee> did you ries to run it manually ?
[20:05] <Encryped> it shows that it is runing using ps aux
[20:06] <soee> Encryped: aybe try to ask on #plasma
[20:07] <Encryped> manually it stays on kscreen Loading XrandR backend
[20:07] <Encryped> but il switch to #plasma ty for the info
[20:10] <pedahzur> On my laptop (KDE 4.14.2) I have an external monitor configured to be the "left" monitor. When I plug it in, all my windows get moved to the left screen, even though my laptop display is primary (because, I assume, KDE keeps the X/Y coordinates of the windows). Then, when I move all my windows back to my laptop screen, then unplug my monitor, the windows are often too far to the right to be seen. How can I configure KDE's display
[20:10] <pedahzur> manager to keep windows on the screen where they were when I plug/unplug an external display?
[20:12] <soee> pedahzur: i have not such problem, thoough i configure some apps to show only on selected display
=== tom_ is now known as Guest85950
[20:29] <pedahzur> soee: yeah, not sure what causes it. What is your KDE version?
[20:30] <soee> pedahzur: im on Plasma 5.1.2
[20:30] <soee> but i had not problems with it on plasma 4
[20:32] <genii> I'm also having a similar issue. Konsole always opens on my secondary display even if I move it to my primary display and save the session.
[20:39] <pedahzur> genii: Not quite what I'm having...all my windows move over when I plug in the new monitor. :)
[20:39] <pedahzur> genii: And then move too far to the right when I unplug. :)
[21:44] <JunkHunk> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9544231/
[21:49] <JunkHunk> would anybody help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9544231/
[21:52] <yofel> JunkHunk: do you have libqt4-qt3support installed?
[21:52] <JunkHunk> yes
[21:53] <JunkHunk> I did that command in the thread to refresh libraries...and it is listed
[21:53] <JunkHunk> that is why I think it might be the same issue
[21:54] <yofel> hm, yeah, the vlab download on that page is 32bit
[21:54] <yofel> JunkHunk: try: sudo apt install libqt4-qt3support:i386
[21:55] <JunkHunk> okay
[21:56] <JunkHunk> tadaaa! it works
[21:56] <yofel> :)
[21:56] <JunkHunk> thank you very much pal
[21:56] <JunkHunk> kubuntu rocks
=== tekkbuzz is now known as Guest89393
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[23:21] <cricricri> #ubuntu-it