UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /15 /#ubuntu-ci-eng.txt
Initial commit
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
[02:05] <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 55 building (started: 20141215 02:05) ===
[03:25] <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 55 DONE (finished: 20141215 03:25) ===
[03:25] <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/55.changes ===
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[08:39] <sil2100> jibel, Mirv: hey! Were we able to promote last week?
[08:40] <sil2100> Ah, I see we weren't
[08:40] <jibel> sil2100, Good morning, an image has been promoted on Friday
[08:41] <sil2100> jibel: oh! So silo 000 landed and the image has been re-tested?
[08:41] <jibel> sil2100, yes, we retested the delta + the changes in gst and system-settings
[08:42] <sil2100> \o/
[08:42] <sil2100> jibel: which images got promoted in the end?
[08:42] <jibel> sil2100, krillin 177
[08:43] <jibel> sil2100, there is a 178, not sure what is in this image. Maybe a custom tarball triggered it
[08:46] <sil2100> Let me check the commitlogs - I suppose we didn't sign-off the custom tarballs yet?
[08:47] <sil2100> Ok, it seems it got indeed triggered by some custom/device tarball upload
[08:47] <sil2100> Since there was no change to the rootfs
[08:55] <Mirv> sil2100: o/
[08:56] <Mirv> indeed the delta got tested
[08:56] <sil2100> Mirv: o/ When do you start your holidays?
[08:57] <Mirv> sil2100: only after friday
[09:08] <sil2100> jibel: I see from the irclogs that the new image is due to an english tarball push
[09:14] <sil2100> davmor2 would know more
[09:17] <sil2100> hm, the situation doesn't look too good for this week though
[09:19] <jibel> sil2100, why do you say that?
[09:20] <sil2100> jibel: I just checked the list of critical bugs that Olli mentioned 'need to be fixed by this milestone', and not even one of them has a fix for RTM relesed yet
[09:21] <sil2100> http://tinyurl.com/m8u3mvz
[09:21] <jibel> sil2100, ah right, I raised this point 3 weeks ago, fixes are too slow to land in RTM
[09:21] <sil2100> I checked them all, and most of them are in vivid already
[09:21] <sil2100> But not in rtm yet
[09:25] <Mirv> sil2100: that url doesn't work, since it obviously shows only open ones
[09:26] <sil2100> Mirv: how does it not work?
[09:26] <sil2100> Mirv: it should show 9 bugs
[09:27] <Mirv> sil2100: oh, maybe I'm wrong then. I just thought that if one of those would be fixed, it'd show 8 bugs and so on. where was the link originally?
[09:27] <sil2100> Mirv: it was given out by Olli on one of the meetings - in any way, it shows the most important bugs that we need to have fixed still
[09:28] <sil2100> And the truth is that still all of them at least need rtm landings
[09:28] <sil2100> By tomorrow EOD :/
[09:28] <Mirv> sil2100: so it looks like it was 16 originally, and now at 9
[09:31] <bzoltan_> Mirv: do you know if there was an adb related change recently? The SDK does not recognize my #60 vivid device, but does recognize the older one
[09:33] <Mirv> bzoltan_: I don't know, which doesn't mean there wouldn't have been
[09:33] <bzoltan_> Mirv: Ok, I need to debug a bit to figure out more ...
[09:36] <bzoltan_> Mirv: phew ... it does recognize it, but something has changed, so it does not recognize it as the same device ...
[10:09] <satoris> Hi, could someone please check why line #22 has not been assigned a silo yet? It has been hanging for several weeks now.
[10:12] <Mirv> satoris: it does say "Ping trainguards in #ubuntu-ci-eng to get a silo!", so whenever in doubt just ping trainguards (by using "trainguards" keyword preferably to get highlights)
[10:12] <Mirv> satoris: I don't see any reason why it couldn't be assigned, so assigning
[10:12] <Mirv> satoris: in other words, the spreadsheet usability is low enough that you can't just wait and assume a silo gets assigned
[10:14] <Mirv> satoris: it looks like is still conflicting with vivid-000, but I assigned a silo anyway. just make sure to rebuild in right order when landing/merging previous ones.
[10:14] <satoris> Ok, thanks. It's just that all my previous mrs have been assigned automatically.
[10:15] <sil2100> satoris: sorry about that, not sure why we missed this request
[10:15] <Mirv> often they do. sometimes if there's a conflict and a line does not immediately get a silo, it gets forgotten when new lines come below it.
[10:15] <satoris> The order is indifferent, really. That silo just adds a cli tool that is all new code.
[10:15] <Mirv> satoris: yes, the only thing that matters that the previous landing is merged to trunk before building the next one.
[10:15] <satoris> sil2100: that's all right. You have been quite busy recently from what I can tell. :)
[10:16] <Mirv> I think I tried assigning that line before, but like today it was also conflicting with another silo back then
[10:21] <oSoMoN> trainguards: can silo 10 be published, please?
[10:22] <sil2100> oSoMoN: sure, publishing!
[10:22] <oSoMoN> thanks!
[10:23] <sil2100> oSoMoN: done :) yw!
[10:38] <sil2100> jibel: did we have anyone yet getting promoted/demoted in the landing classes?
[10:39] <jibel> sil2100, the landing of url-dispatcher failed last week.
[10:39] <jibel> sil2100, the lander was bfiller IIRC
[10:39] <jibel> sil2100, you remember it was the big silo we wanted to split
[11:00] <sil2100> jibel: just in case, let's use this bug for tracking promotion progress: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-lt/+bug/1402601
[11:00] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1402601 in Ubuntu Landing Team "Image promotion for the 2014.12.18 milestone" [Critical,New]
[11:00] <sil2100> Mirv: ^
[11:25] <Mirv> sil2100: ok
[11:42] <greyback_> trainguards: can I get vivid silo 7 reconfigured, added gles twin
[11:42] <sil2100> greyback_: sure thing
[11:43] <sil2100> greyback_: done
[11:43] <sil2100> o/
[11:43] <greyback_> sil2100: many thanks!
[11:45] <Mirv> sil2100 is one day off and he's faster than lightning!
[11:46] <Mirv> think about his speed after Christmas + New Year
[11:47] <sil2100> !
[11:47] <sil2100> ;)
[11:54] <Mirv> satoris: please always get top-approvals for your landing MP:s, otherwise we can't publish. if your team doesn't require them, you can just set them yourself but we don't have a list of team practices.
[11:55] <Mirv> satoris: sorry that it's only noted at this late point, it's a bug in the process that the check only happens when publish is about to happen.
[11:56] * sil2100 thinks this should be documented somewhere
[11:58] <Mirv> sil2100: added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess
[11:59] <sil2100> Mirv: \o/ Thanks, I see it
[12:02] <Mirv> dbarth: your silo 002's branches are also lacking top-approvals so we can't publish it
[12:11] <satoris> Mirv: top approved now. Sorry for the trouble.
[12:16] <Mirv> satoris: thanks!
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[12:23] <dbarth> Mirv: yes, i know sorry; but will need to check with alex before we land like this
[12:34] <sil2100> Off to lunch o/
[13:19] <greyback> Mirv: thanks for the top approve
[13:19] <greyback> "is in no known spacetime" ?
[13:21] <Mirv> greyback: it's always in no known spacetime until LP registers the upload :) if it persists, then it's a real problem.
[13:22] <greyback> Mirv: multi-dimensional package management, nice
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
[13:51] <sil2100> pstolowski: o/
[13:52] <sil2100> Ok, I see Timo is already taking care of this landing
[13:52] * sil2100 just hopes people are reading the silo comments
[13:53] <Mirv> yes so both ricmm/rsalveti's and pstolowski's landings conflict with existing silo 009. you can build for testing but should wait for 009 to land + m&c before doing a real build.
[13:54] <pstolowski> Mirv, sil2100 ack, thanks
[14:05] <om26er> rsalveti, Hi!
[14:05] <om26er> rsalveti, I tested silo12 it does not fix the issue
[14:05] <rsalveti> om26er: hey
[14:05] <rsalveti> om26er: which issue?
[14:05] <om26er> rsalveti, bug 1376500
[14:05] <ubot5> bug 1376500 in thumbnailer (Ubuntu RTM) "thumbnails in metadata generated incorrectly" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1376500
[14:06] <om26er> it brings that bug back.
[14:06] <rsalveti> om26er: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtubuntu-camera/+bug/1398861 is supposed to be fixed by this silo as well
[14:06] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1398861 in qtubuntu-camera (Ubuntu RTM) "Pulse recording stream is never released after recording stops" [Critical,In progress]
[14:07] <rsalveti> om26er: it was validated by jhodapp, me and victor
[14:07] <om26er> rsalveti, I tested that and this bug is not fixed with that silo
[14:07] <om26er> both of them it seems.
[14:07] <rsalveti> did you install both qtubuntu-camera and libthumbnailer?
[14:08] <rsalveti> it should behave exactly as before (from the gallery perspective)
[14:08] <om26er> rsalveti, do I have to install qtubuntu-camera package? I thought it was in the custom image
[14:08] <rsalveti> om26er: you have to install both packages that are available in that silo
[14:08] <rsalveti> + device tarball
[14:08] <om26er> oh damn
[14:08] * rsalveti lunch
[14:38] <jhodapp> om26er, yeah let me know if you have other issues
[14:56] <sil2100> jibel, davmor2, brendand: hey, did anyone of you observe LP: #1402694 during testing?
[14:56] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1402694 in webbrowser-app "Browser cuts off edge of pages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1402694
[14:57] <om26er> jhodapp rsalveti Hi! I installed the custom image, then installed the silo. The first time I start camera-app I got this: https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/7486c254-846a-11e4-81cc-fa163e339c81
[14:57] <brendand> sil2100, no
[14:57] <jibel> sil2100, I saw Sam's email but didn't notice it myself during testing
[14:59] <om26er> looks very related to the new change.
[15:00] <rsalveti> om26er: hm, that looks like it's missing the device tarball changes
[15:00] <rsalveti> => 0x0:?Cannot access memory at address 0x0
[15:00] <sil2100> I wouldn't block promotion on this issue though, but it would be nice to see if that's reproducible and get it fixed in the nearest time though
[15:00] <rsalveti> om26er: did you flash with --device-tarball?
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CI services coming back up, still fixing missing networks. CI/Phone testing disabled. RTM Archive open for ota-1 (and only ota-1 !!) landings.
[15:01] <cwayne_> rvr, thanks for the bugs btw, so is testing completed? (i.e. can I start requesting to push the magic buttons) (sorry if im repeating this, my irc client's been a bit weird so not sure it ever sent)
[15:01] <om26er> rsalveti, Yes I did here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9529413/
[15:01] <rvr> davmor2: Did you check the location problem?
[15:02] <rsalveti> om26er: that's the wrong device tarball
[15:02] <rsalveti> To be flashed with device tarball http://people.canonical.com/~jhm/barajas/ubuntu-rtm-14.09/device_krillin-20141209-0145438.tar.xz (ubuntu-device-flash --device-tarball=<tarball> --device=krillin)
[15:02] <rsalveti> om26er: from the spreadsheet
[15:02] <rvr> cwayne_: I will open a new bug for untranslated strings in the Scopes. Apart from the crashes, and the cosmetic issues, haven't seen anything critical so far.
[15:02] <davmor2> rvr: what location problem? It works here
[15:02] <rvr> davmor2: #1395767 'Today' crashes with no location <https://bugs.launchpad.net/hanloon/+bug/1395767>
[15:02] <ubot5> Error: launchpad bug 1395767 not found
[15:02] <rvr> Argh
[15:03] <davmor2> rvr: mine has location I guess I can disable it and see what happens but it works fine here
[15:03] <rvr> This is not the bug you are searching for
[15:03] <om26er> rsalveti, oh boy :O i think I lost the tarball somewhere. will download again.
[15:03] <davmor2> rvr: private bug
[15:03] <rvr> This is not the bug you are searching for
[15:03] * rvr does it Jedi style
[15:04] <cwayne_> rvr, that bug should be fixed with this release btw
[15:07] <davmor2> cwayne_: rvr is testing on es though so it might be present there still
[15:12] <davmor2> cwayne_, rvr: I don't have that issue even with location turned off so I wonder if it is one of the Spanish only scopes crashing it?
[15:16] <rvr> davmor2: Go to System Settings > Security and Privacy > Location. Select "Not at all". Reboot the phone. Go to System Settings > Security and Privacy > Location, which option is active?
[15:23] <davmor2> rvr: using gps only okay that is wierd
[15:24] <rvr> lool: ping
[15:25] <cwayne_> davmor2, right, but it's still in this release
[15:25] <cwayne_> rvr, you're testing on 14.09.es-proposed-customized right?
[15:25] <rvr> cwayne_: Right
[15:25] <cwayne_> ok
[15:28] <lool> rvr: pong
[15:29] <rvr> lool: When Location is set to "Not at all" and the phone is rebooted, the selected option is "GPS only". Is that an expected behavior?
[15:29] <lool> rvr: I'm not sure we've landed the settings support for location yet
[15:29] <lool> rvr: mind pinging tvoss about that when he comes back up?
[15:30] <lool> he had some in progress branches a couple weeks ago, then I flew to cape town and didn't follow whether they had all landed
[15:30] <rvr> lool: ok
[15:36] <rvr> cwayne_: davmor2: Ok, so according to tvoss, location is not being disabled right now.
[15:37] <rvr> I tested, and got no crash in Today scope without network and wifi, though.
[15:52] <nerochiaro> plars: hi, me and om26er were wondering why https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/photo-editor/+merge/242696 is failing. seems like an infrastructure issue
[15:56] <plars> nerochiaro: are you talking about the one that's running right now on it?
[15:57] <nerochiaro> plars: i am talking about the one that failed before
[15:57] <nerochiaro> plars: but if you think the infrastructure has been fixed i'll wait for this one to complete
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[16:00] <plars> nerochiaro: well, it's getting past camera-app-vivid-amd64-ci
[16:00] <plars> camera-app-vivid-amd64-ci with success now, but it looks like there's a failure on the otto bits in the new one, so at the very least it appears to be failing for different reasons
[16:00] <plars> nerochiaro: it looks like it should be done soon I think though, so it may be worth taking a look when it completes
[16:00] <nerochiaro> plars: ok, thanks
[16:01] <plars> nerochiaro: but please do ping me with the details if you see some similarities
[16:01] <nerochiaro> plars: will do, and will keep this channel auto joined so i don't forget
[16:02] <pstolowski> sil2100, hey
[16:03] <pstolowski> sil2100, ive just realized i set wrong target for row #53, should be rtm. sorry about that
[16:03] <sil2100> pstolowski: ah, ok, let me free it up and reassign
[16:03] <sil2100> pstolowski: I actually wanted to poke you about 'hey, will some of those fixes land in rtm?' ;)
[16:04] <pstolowski> :)
[16:05] <pmcgowan> sil2100, what is in image 178? it doesnt seem to show a commitlog
[16:05] <sil2100> pstolowski: I'll assign the silo for you, but I see Saviq already has -api locked up in his silo 007 - in the comments he mentions to ignore conflicts with -shell, but no mention of -apii
[16:06] <sil2100> pmcgowan: yeah, this one has a new custom tarball only
[16:06] <sil2100> pmcgowan: no new rootfs, so no commitlog got generated
[16:06] <pmcgowan> sil2100, gotcha thanks
[16:06] <sil2100> pstolowski: anyway, I'll assign it to you and mention it to Saviq (and in the comments)
[16:06] <pstolowski> sil2100, right. ok, i'll wait with my silo
[16:07] <pstolowski> sil2100, silo 07 takes precedence
[16:07] <sil2100> pstolowski: make sure to coordinate, since probably Saviq's silo will wait longer or something
[16:07] <sil2100> Oh, ok
[16:07] <sil2100> Saviq: ^
[16:07] <sil2100> (I assigned it already, so you can build and test preliminary if anything)
[16:07] <sil2100> Or just wait for Saviq's silo to land
[16:07] <pstolowski> ok thanks
[16:11] <davmor2> sil2100: nope but it doesn't work for his sites I wonder if they have mobile layouts?
[16:20] <davmor2> cwayne_: rvr is happy with Spanish and I am happy with the english delta too I'm assuming it will be okay to hit the button but talk to sil2100 first
[16:25] <sil2100> davmor2: ok, let's get it in then, we're not waiting on anything specific right now
[16:25] <sil2100> davmor2: it can land as it is right? No silo requirements?
[16:25] <sil2100> cwayne_: ^ ?
[16:26] <davmor2> sil2100: no no silos required standard custom tarball rules
[16:26] * cwayne just realized he'd left this channel by accident
[16:27] <sil2100> Saviq: do we have anything right now for bug LP: #1381292 for rtm?
[16:27] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1381292 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "Clicking permissions dialog in untrusted app causes app to lose focus" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381292
[16:27] <sil2100> cwayne: oh ;)
[16:27] <sil2100> cwayne: anyway, since rvr and davmor2 gave a +1, you're free to publish both en an es tarballs
[16:27] <cwayne> \o/
[16:27] <cwayne> doing so now
[16:27] <sil2100> Thanks for submitting :)
[16:28] <cwayne> np, thanks for testing rvr davmor2 :D
[16:28] <davmor2> cwayne: D'oh
[16:28] <davmor2> cwayne: fancy leaving this channel you muppet
[16:28] <cwayne> davmor2: ?
[16:28] <cwayne> ha
[16:28] <cwayne> ok tarballs pushed
[16:29] <rvr> cwayne: We need to work a little bit on scope translation in next releases. The number of untranslated strings are piling up.
[16:30] <rvr> cwayne: I will send you a translation "wishlist" :)
[16:31] <davmor2> rvr: send a cattle prod as well for motivation
[16:31] <cwayne> rvr: please do, we're going to send out another translation job soon as well
[16:37] <sil2100> pmcgowan: I'm a bit worried we won't be able to get all the critical top-blocking bugs fixed in time for this milestone
[16:37] <sil2100> Considering many people are on holidays this week already
[16:41] <pmcgowan> sil2100, let me get an explicit update on the open crits
[16:47] <sil2100> davmor2: will you be doing mostly silo testing for rtm this week?
[16:48] <davmor2> sil2100: no I will be filling in where needed, Just ran the delta test for the image and a vivid mako test
[16:48] <sil2100> davmor2: since there's an update on bug LP: #1398961
[16:48] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1398961 in Media Hub "Manta vivid 39 no music plays either from the scope or from the music app however it does from grooveshark" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1398961
[16:48] <sil2100> davmor2: maybe then jhodapp would have more info for this bug (in case we want a vivid promotion next year)
[16:48] <davmor2> sil2100: yeap it's on my to do list so it's not forgotten
[16:49] <davmor2> I'll probably do it latter today or tomorrow morning
[16:50] <sil2100> Thanks
[16:51] <Mirv> hmm, the evening meeting is a good indicator I should be off
[16:51] <plars> sil2100: not sure why, but it looks like the sdk tests failed on vivid 55 on mako, retrying them now
[16:54] <davmor2> Mirv: no you are the new ogra_ as he is sciving off so you have to be online 24 and a half hours a day just in case did you not read the small print?
[16:54] <sil2100> Mirv: indeed ;) See you tomorrow!
[16:54] <Mirv> davmor2: oh, that small print! :)
[16:55] * Mirv is hacking at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-005/+packages
[16:55] <Mirv> sil2100: yeah, see you tomorrow!
[16:55] <davmor2> Mirv: catch you tomorrow
[16:55] * sil2100 doesn't like it red in the PPAs
[16:57] <davmor2> sil2100: if you close your eyes really tight then you can't see the red
[16:59] <bzoltan_> plars: I have experienced very ugly reboot cycles during my test plan execution recently ... the messaging app autopilot packages pull strange dependencies from the vivid archive
[17:01] <plars> bzoltan_: I don't have any control over what dependencies are brought in by messaging-app-autopilot, you'll want to take that up with the messaging-app devs
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CI services coming back up, still fixing missing networks. CI/Phone testing disabled. RTM Archive open for ota-1 (and only ota-1 !!) landings.
[17:10] <rvr> thostr_: Any update on silo 8? I read your comment that it needed input from design.
[17:11] <sil2100> robru: how's the charm going? ;)
[17:11] <sil2100> Do we have the ability to redeploy ci train with the magic of IS with a one-line-command?
[17:12] <robru> sil2100: not bad actually, I've got it to the point that I can deploy it locally in lxc and the prepare job works on the first try. currently the issue I'm working on is that the build job fails because cowbuilder creation fails due to some security restriction inside the lxc, so I'm looking how to work around that.
[17:12] <robru> sil2100: in terms of production deployment, I have an MP submitted to IS for review, they reviewed it, and now cprov disagrees with the review so there's some contention there...
[17:14] <robru> sil2100: it does technically work for production deployments as far as I can tell, we're just nitpicking basically.
[17:32] <plars> sil2100: maybe I'm just out of touch with what's going on, but is the sdk test really limited to just the one test now?
[17:32] <sil2100> plars: I think it was mostly that way, right?
[17:33] <plars> sil2100: *sigh* I think I'm just not awake yet and thinking of a different test... ignore me :)
[17:33] <sil2100> plars: since sdk is different fron ubuntuuitoolkit
[17:33] <sil2100> ;)
[17:33] <plars> yeah
[17:33] * plars goes to get more coffee
[17:34] <sil2100> robru: ugh
[17:34] <robru> sil2100: what?
[17:34] <bzoltan_> sil2100: plars: that single sdk test is more like a legacy thing... not really relevant and hardly ever fails. It checks if the SDK has all the necessary libs on the device ... the whole platform would be in a deep problem if that test fails :)
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[18:26] <rsalveti> om26er: something is wrong with that device tarball, it fails to boot for me, still need to investigate that
[18:26] <rsalveti> not sure when john updated it
[18:27] <om26er> rsalveti, it failed for me, thats why I was doing --bootstrap
[18:27] <rsalveti> not sure if bootstrap will flash properly with the device tarball
[18:27] <rsalveti> and that might explain the crashes you saw
[18:41] <thostr_> rvr: charles was in contact with design, but they have no resources to address in more holistic way. However, Charles added some minor changes to fix the issues pointed out by saviq. Charles will ping you later on.
[18:41] <rvr> thostr_: Ok
[18:42] <charles> right
[18:43] <charles> rvr, design is focused on the new notifications spec
[18:44] <charles> rvr, since saviq is out I'll pull someone else in (Wellark) to review the MP's tweak to fix bug #1401802
[18:44] <ubot5> bug 1401802 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Calendar reminder notifications became queued, non-interactive and easy to miss" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1401802
[18:48] <rvr> charles: Remember that in order to land the silo, all bugs must be approved. And right now that bug is not.
[18:50] <rvr> charles: After that, ping me and I'll retest the silo.
[19:17] <Saviq> charles, sorry, didn't get around to it, but from your description is fine
[19:21] <dobey> ToyKeeper: hi are you around? can i get you to test a new pay-ui click please, so we can get it released to store?
[19:21] <ToyKeeper> dobey: Hi, here but a little zombie-ish due to an early early meeting.
[19:22] <dobey> zombie meetings are the worst
[19:25] <ToyKeeper> Hmm... perhaps after a nap.
[19:26] <dobey> ToyKeeper: enjoy it. :)
[19:26] <davmor2> ToyKeeper: that Early Call was surely like 10:00am?
[19:27] <ToyKeeper> davmor2: Which, for me, is like having a meeting at 10pm after going to bed around sunset.
[19:28] <dobey> davmor2: 10:00 UTC?
[19:28] <davmor2> ToyKeeper: you know the sun sets here around 15:00 that would be a 7 hour sleep :P
[19:28] <davmor2> dobey: no 10:00 am ToyKeeper's time
[19:28] <ToyKeeper> Wow, early sunset. So yeah, later than that.
[19:29] <dobey> davmor2: so it was only 2 hours ago?
[19:29] <davmor2> dobey: infact scrap that 10:00 Fort Collins time that is not necessarily the same as ToyKeeper's time :)
[19:30] * davmor2 is pretty sure ToyKeeper should live in Newzealand
[19:32] <bfiller> robru: row 40 is showing up as Landed incorrectly after I changed the testing status to tested
[19:32] <robru> bah
[19:35] <robru> bfiller: of course I would be able to fix that trivially if I could connect to the spreadsheet
[19:49] * dobey wonders what other QA people are in the americas
[19:51] <robru> dobey: I usually lean on toykeeper but she's in NZ so she'll be around a bit later today I expect
[20:04] <robru> bfiller: you're missing the description
[20:05] <bfiller> robru: done
[20:06] <robru> bfiller: thanks. vivid 13
[20:06] <bfiller> robru: thanks
[20:06] <robru> bfiller: you're welcome!
[20:19] <dobey> hmm
[21:03] <bfiller> robru: row 23 also showing up incorrectly as landed
[21:05] <robru> bfiller: wow there's a lot of those
[21:05] <robru> bfiller: ok fixed, and added a check to hopefully prevent that from continuing...
[21:05] <dobey> bfiller: that silo is empty and it says packages built though
[21:06] <robru> dobey: rtm 6 has a gallery-app package in it... ?
[21:06] <dobey> oh, hit the wrong url in history
[21:07] <robru> dobey: no worries. if you do find any weird inconsistencies like that please report them to me
[21:14] <kenvandine> robru, i'm confused, on the dashboard for ubuntu silo 7 it only shows one branch in the landing
[21:14] <kenvandine> but there are 2
[21:14] <kenvandine> and i confirmed in the build logs that it pulled both branches
[21:14] <robru> kenvandine: uh
[21:14] <kenvandine> robru, could that be a bug in the UI?
[21:15] <robru> kenvandine: not a bug in the UI, raw json definitely only has one mp: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain/ubuntu/landing-007
[21:16] <kenvandine> weird
[21:16] <kenvandine> the build in the PPA has both
[21:16] <kenvandine> robru, so i did do a reconfigure while it was building
[21:16] <kenvandine> and built again
[21:18] <robru> kenvandine: so the dashboard will show whatever was most recently configured, regardless of what's in the PPA. is it possible you had two MPs, built, took one out, reconfigured, then put the second one back without reconfiguring?
[21:18] <kenvandine> no...
[21:18] <kenvandine> i only reconfigured once
[21:18] <kenvandine> it started out with 1 MP
[21:18] <kenvandine> and i added another
[21:18] <kenvandine> and did a reconfigure
[21:19] <kenvandine> robru, should i reconfigure again ?
[21:19] <kenvandine> oh... and when i clicked build, the dashboard showed both MPs
[21:19] <kenvandine> unless someone else did a reconfigure on it :)
[21:21] <robru> kenvandine: oohhhhhh ok I think I get it
[21:21] <robru> kenvandine: you said you reconfigured while the build job was still running?
[21:21] <kenvandine> yeah, is that a bad thing?
[21:22] <robru> kenvandine: yeah, each job keeps a copy of the config in memory, so when the build job completed and it saved the 'packages built' status it would have written that to disk, undoing the reconfig.
[21:22] <kenvandine> it looked fine after, and i watched the second build pull in both MPs
[21:22] <robru> kenvandine: so yeah, the dashboard should be considered authoritative, you need to reconfigure again
[21:22] <kenvandine> robru, maybe a reconfigure then a watch only build?
[21:22] <kenvandine> since i know the PPA is right?
[21:22] <robru> kenvandine: sounds reasonable
[21:23] <dobey> hmm
[21:52] <pmcgowan> om26er, silo2 retest?
[21:52] <om26er> pmcgowan, looking
[21:52] <om26er> pmcgowan, on it
[21:56] <dobey> what is the cutoff for getting a click in the store, to be in the promoted image for this week?
[21:56] <dobey> aka, the ota1 image
[22:09] <Saviq> trainguards, when's the latest I can grab any of you tonight?
[22:10] <robru> Saviq: I'm officially here for at least 4 more hours, but should unofficially be responsive to pings for probably 8 more hours.
[22:11] <Saviq> robru, great, I will only be here for your official hours, so we should be good :)
[22:11] <robru> Saviq: sounds good!
[22:15] <bfiller> robru: can you publish ubuntu silo 17 please?
[22:16] <bfiller> robru: sorry, mean ubuntu 19
[22:16] <dobey> well, i need to go
[22:16] <dobey> i hope ToyKeeper can test the click for me
[22:16] <dobey> ToyKeeper: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-builder-vivid-armhf/75/artifact/output/com.canonical.payui_0.4.3_armhf.click is the click we need tested. thanks
[22:16] <dobey> later!
[22:17] <robru> bfiller: done
[22:17] <bfiller> robru: cheers
[22:17] <robru> bfiller: you're welcome
[22:23] <om26er> pmcgowan, approved.
[23:09] <ToyKeeper> dobey: If you're still around, is there a change list or something for this new pay-ui?
[23:46] <Saviq> robru, vivid silo 9 can be published please ↑