UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /11 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[08:02] <dholbach> good morning
[10:29] * dholbach goes and gets more coffee
[11:24] <silverlion> o/
[13:59] <dholbach> dpm_, here's a mix of a radio show of a friend of mine - you might like some of the music being played: http://www.mixcloud.com/FreakAssE/the-freakouternational-radio-show-23-051214/
[13:59] * dpm_ turns speaker on
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
[14:00] <dholbach> at around 30:00 he invites another guy to play - the guy promises to play "kinky swing" :)
[14:00] <dpm> "Berlin's finest shellack DJ"... that sounds promising
[14:11] <silverlion> o/
[14:28] <dpm> dholbach, the swing part of the mix is really good (the rest is not really my thing) - say good work to your friend :)
[14:30] <dholbach> :)
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
[17:34] <dholbach> all right my friends - have a great rest of your day and see you tomorrow!
[18:49] <silverlion> pleia2 : ping
[18:49] <pleia2> silverlion: pong
[18:50] <silverlion> pleia2 : man you are fast ^^
[18:50] <silverlion> pleia2 : I'm pinging you because belkinsa made me aware of your questionaire for ubuntu women
[18:50] <pleia2> not mine, I'm taking a cycle off from ubuntu women :)
[18:51] <silverlion> pleia2 : oh. you are mentioned as a contact on the blog
[18:51] <silverlion> so I thought you knew a little more
[18:51] <silverlion> my bad
[18:51] <pleia2> yeah, that's a little dated now
[18:51] <silverlion> enjoy your day ;)
[18:51] <pleia2> best to ask all questions related to that over in #ubuntu-women or on our mailing list :)
[18:52] <silverlion> kk thanks pleia2
[18:52] <silverlion> and sorry for disturbance
[18:52] <pleia2> no need to apologize, hope you find what you're looking for
[18:53] * silverlion would like to get his hands on the code behind that questionaire ;)
[18:53] <pleia2> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-women/ubuntu-women.org/orienting-quiz
[18:55] <silverlion> pleia2 : thankx
[19:50] <pleia2> does anyone aside from dholbach have access to ubuntu-communit-team for moderation?
[19:50] <pleia2> he's the only one listed as an admin, but moderators aren't listed so figured I'd ask
[19:51] <pleia2> (I'm not volunteering, after sounder I quit from these community discussion lists ;))
[19:53] <popey> yes
[19:53] <popey> i do
[19:53] <popey> done
[19:53] <pleia2> thanks :)
[19:53] <popey> we both run listadmin on that list multiple times a day, so it's not usually long before moderated mails get through
[19:54] <pleia2> good to know
[19:54] <popey> however, now you know, feel free to ping me ☻
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
[22:31] <pleia2> who is our community phone person these days, popey?
[22:32] <pleia2> I need a who does what chart :)
[22:33] <pleia2> (not for phone, for the community team people)