UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /11 /#ubuntu-ci-eng.txt
Initial commit
[01:30] <sil2100> ogra_: are you still around?
[01:31] <sil2100> cjwatson: or maybe you have the power to kick a new ubuntu-rtm image? :)
[01:31] <sil2100> (if you're around still at this barbaric hour)
[01:36] <robru> sil2100: gosh it's not even EOD for me yet ;-)
[01:38] <sil2100> ;)
[01:38] <sil2100> It's barbaric enough for us Europeans, it's 2:40 here
[01:39] <robru> sil2100: yikes! get some sleep dude
[01:43] <sil2100> First I need someone to kick a new image build
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[05:29] <Mirv> gosh, sil2100's hours...
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[08:44] <ogra_> sil2100, the hero !!
[09:05] <Mirv> the probably tired hero sil2100...
[09:10] <ogra_> yeah
[09:10] <sil2100> ugh, hero ;p
[09:10] <sil2100> btw. did we have an image built in the night in the end?
[09:11] <ogra_> yep
[09:11] <ogra_> already running it here
[09:11] <sil2100> Since Adam wasn't really sure about the steps needed, so I advised him to look at the disabled cronjob
[09:11] <ogra_> yeah, that was fine
[09:18] <sil2100> davmor2, jibel: did ToyKeeper hand-over the test results to you guys?
[09:18] <jibel> sil2100, yes, but she started on 175 and we have to redo everything on 176
[09:19] <sil2100> jibel: we do? We don't have to - well, we only have to if you really want to have the upower bits promoted this week
[09:20] <sil2100> I suppose it for you to decide, I don't want us to slow down because of my transition trouble
[09:22] <jibel> sil2100, ah ok. I'm fine to continue with 175, 33% is done. However it'd be nice to run the full regression testplan with upower 0.99, it's a major change in this milestone.
[09:22] <jibel> lets discuss this during the meeting
[09:23] <sil2100> Indeed, I'm just afraid we wouldn't make it before EOW, or have to do some overtimes, which I wouldn't want to see happening in QA
[09:42] <popey> stupid wifi
[09:57] <sil2100> WiFi kills
=== psivaa_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping psivaa | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CI services coming back up, still fixing missing networks. CI/Phone testing disabled. RTM Archive open for ota-1 (and only ota-1 !!) landings.
[10:01] <jibel> cjwatson, for info, I restarted all the job that failed since Dec. 8th, that should clear some failures in excuses. There are still issues with ppc64el nodes. I'm on it with CI.
[10:02] <cjwatson> jibel: OK, I thought I'd done that last night but maybe I missed some
[10:02] <cjwatson> Well, maybe I only did the ones that failed due to ftpmaster.internal reachability yesterday
[10:31] <popey> is s-jenkins broken or something? I see a lighttpd home page...
[10:31] <popey> http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci/
[10:31] <popey> ah, port ☻
[10:55] <oSoMoN> trainguards: can I haz a silo for line 72, please?
[11:25] <oSoMoN> trainguards: anyone driving the train today?
[11:26] <Mirv> oSoMoN: o/ we need to eat at times though :)
[11:27] <oSoMoN> Mirv, oh, sure, I didn’t mean to interrupt your lunch, sorry if I did
[11:27] <Mirv> oSoMoN: no you didn't, I finished and successfully didn't open my laptop while doing it :)
[11:27] <oSoMoN> Mirv, congrats :)
[11:27] <Mirv> a thought - automatic assigning of silos when they don't conflict and we've more than X silos free...
[11:28] <oSoMoN> that’d be awesome
[11:28] <Mirv> the trainguard consideration usually comes into play only when low on silos / certain priorities / conflicts
[11:28] <Mirv> the auto-m&c is quite neat
[11:31] <oSoMoN> Mirv, thanks
[11:38] <oSoMoN> Mirv, btw, I included https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/qt54/+merge/243551 in that silo, do you want to give it a quick look to check for sanity?
[11:51] <Mirv> oSoMoN: looks sane. and thanks.
=== psivaa_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CI services coming back up, still fixing missing networks. CI/Phone testing disabled. RTM Archive open for ota-1 (and only ota-1 !!) landings.
[12:26] <Saviq> trainguards, yes please ↑ :)
[12:27] <Mirv> o/
[12:28] <Mirv> Saviq: the changelog does not mention anything about adding a schema file?
[12:30] <Mirv> documenting all packaging changes in the commit messages is a frequent wish, so therefore asking for details
[12:30] <Mirv> I guess it'd be related to those mzanetti's desktop improvements
[12:37] <Saviq> Mirv, yes, but it's a temporary schema, we don't want to advertise it
[12:38] <Saviq> Mirv, and I didn't know schemas are packaging...
[12:38] <Mirv> Saviq: ok. they are when they're added to .install files. thanks!
[12:39] <Saviq> Mirv, gimme a minute please, just saw one thing that I need to verify
[12:39] <Mirv> Saviq: urgh, I already pressed publish and then aborted :D
[12:39] <Saviq> Mirv, sorry
[12:39] <Mirv> no prob, take your time
[12:41] <Mirv> funny, ^ that 003 is not true
[12:41] <Mirv> at least there's no rsync file or anything
[12:42] <Mirv> sil2100: funny stuff happens when publish job is aborted ^
[12:43] <sil2100> huh
[12:43] <sil2100> Not sure anyone actually supported such a use-case
[12:46] <bzoltan> sil2100: Mirv: would you please reconf the silo9?
[12:46] <Mirv> bzoltan: ok
[12:47] <Mirv> bzoltan: done
[12:50] <boiko> sil2100: any idea why dialer-app from vivid silo 8 is taking so long to migrate from proposed pocket?
[12:51] <sil2100> boiko: let me check
[12:52] <sil2100> boiko: strange, all seems to be ok - maybe proposed migration is busy? Britney says all is ok with it so I would suppose it to migrate normally
[12:52] <sil2100> boiko: how long are you waiting already?
[12:52] <boiko> sil2100: since yesterday evening
[12:53] <bzoltan> Mirv: ^^ crap
[12:54] <cjwatson> boiko,sil2100: no, proposed-migration does not say that all is OK with it :)
[12:54] <cjwatson> "valid candidate" is just the first stage
[12:54] <cjwatson> trying: dialer-app
[12:54] <cjwatson> skipped: dialer-app (0 <- 41)
[12:54] <cjwatson> got: 67+0: a-67
[12:54] <cjwatson> * amd64: ubuntu-touch
[12:55] <bzoltan> Mirv: but that does not sound like a problem I caused with that patch
[12:56] <Mirv> bzoltan: you've 08 should be 09 in date like the main package
[12:56] <Mirv> it can't find the tarball
[12:56] <sil2100> cjwatson: but there are no issues with autohints ;)
[12:56] <sil2100> So it says it makes ubuntu-touch uninstallable?
[12:57] <sil2100> But there's nothing further about it
[12:57] <cjwatson> dialer-app now depends on qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin (>= 1.1.1347) | qt-components-ubuntu with a version; the previous version had an unversioned dep there
[12:58] <bzoltan> Mirv: ehh... multisite dev env with rsynced workspace ...
[12:58] <cjwatson> the presence of a versioned dependency now means that the Provides in qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles doesn't get considered
[12:58] <cjwatson> and ubuntu-touch Depends: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles
[12:58] <cjwatson> perhaps the real bug here is that ubuntu-touch should only Depends: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles on armhf, and on qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin on the other arches?
[12:59] <cjwatson> or, wait, -gles is used on amd64 i386 isn't it, sorry
[12:59] <cjwatson> so I think maybe dialer-app should have Depends: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin (>= 1.1.1347) [amd64 i386] | qt-components-ubuntu, qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles (>= 1.1.1347) [!amd64 !i386] | qt-components-ubuntu
[12:59] <Mirv> -gles is x86 (emulator) only
[13:00] <cjwatson> Also, qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin Provides: qt-components-ubuntu but qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles doesn't
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[13:00] <cjwatson> So perhaps this could also be fixed by extending qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles's Provides
[13:00] <cjwatson> Mirv: yeah, sorry, temporary brainfart, core of point stands
[13:01] <cjwatson> sil2100: autohints are only used when there are multiple packages to migrate together
[13:01] <cjwatson> sil2100: in this case it's just a single package failing
[13:02] <cwayne_> davmor2, sil2100: don't suppose there's any chance of getting a look at custom today? :)
[13:02] <Mirv> ^ that is the most beautiful error message about "User cancelled a build."
[13:03] <Mirv> the 009 one
[13:03] <davmor2> cwayne_: no regression testing the image we have as a back up for next week. Straight after that though we can
[13:04] <cwayne_> davmor2, ack, thanks man
[13:05] <Mirv> bzoltan: your patch needs to be one level deeper with paths (a/ b/)
[13:16] <Mirv> is spreadsheet broken for you too?
[13:16] <Mirv> for me it looks like it loads but is in read-only mode sort of
[13:20] <bzoltan> Mirv: OK, thanks
[13:27] <Mirv> works again
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[14:08] <pmcgowan> brendand, is silo 2 still blocked?
[14:09] <brendand> pmcgowan, yeah but if mpt isn't here to provide the feedback we may just have to land it as is
[14:09] <pmcgowan> brendand, thats what I was thinking
[14:09] <pmcgowan> brendand, maybe open a new bug to address your concerns
[14:24] <boiko> cjwatson: sil2100: so, do I need to get the dependency fixed on dialer-app?
[14:39] <cjwatson> boiko: I think you should
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[14:42] <greyback_> trainguards: I think I need a reconfigure on vivid silo 14 - I removed a branch from the list which was causing visual glitches
[14:51] <bzoltan> sil2100: Mirv: The silo9 is good to go
[14:51] <bfiller> cjwatson: if we updated the dep in dialer-app what happens to the dialer-app that was released in silo8 that is in proposed?
[14:59] <Mirv> bzoltan: the changelog does not describe why the packaging change of adding dependencies was done
[15:00] <Mirv> there's something about dbus mentioned in genelral and nothing about accountsservice
[15:01] <Mirv> greyback_: oh, done.
[15:01] <bfiller> sil2100: need silos for 77-80 please
[15:01] <sil2100> bfiller: o/
[15:02] <bzoltan> Mirv: It is the * Improve AutoPilot caret dragging test cases.
[15:05] <popey> fginther: any luck with calc reboot in jenkins?
[15:05] <fginther> popey, the CI/autolanding jobs were added yesterday:
[15:06] <fginther> popey, There is also the click builder job, let me find it
[15:07] <fginther> popey,
[15:07] <popey> fginther: ok... thank you.
[15:07] <popey> fginther: did I ask you about dekko too?
[15:09] <popey> fginther: (we'd like dekko building in jenkins too, in case I didn't)
[15:10] <fginther> popey, I'll get it written down and follow up today
[15:10] <popey> fginther: thanks lp:dekko is the project
[15:10] <sil2100> bfiller: ok, I cannot assign a silo for 79 because silo 8 still didn't migrate...
[15:11] <boiko> cjwatson: sil2100: so, how does that work regarding the silo? dialer-app is already in the proposed pocket, but for it to land we need to fix the versioning
[15:11] <sil2100> boiko: so, we can modify the silo merges to fix the versioning and re-publish
[15:11] <sil2100> Until that's done it will simply stay in proposed
[15:11] <bfiller> sil2100: we can rebuild line 79 once things land
[15:11] <sil2100> boiko: so the fix that cjwatson mentioned is related to the qt dependencies, right?
[15:11] <sil2100> bfiller: ok then
[15:12] <boiko> sil2100: related to the ui toolkit dependencies
[15:13] <bzoltan> Mirv: it is this line * ServiceProperties component to Ubuntu.Components 1.1. Fixes: LP: #1391877.
[15:13] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1391877 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Please implement missing 'Other Vibrations' System setting" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1391877
[15:14] <pmcgowan> sil2100, is 176 the new upower build
[15:14] <pmcgowan> and congrats on getting it done
[15:16] <sil2100> pmcgowan: thanks, yes it has the new upower
[15:16] <sil2100> pmcgowan: QA decided to switch testing to that image
[15:16] <marcustomlinson> trainguards, could we prioritise testing of rtm silo 3. Its holding up silo 9 (online accounts) as that silo also requires scopes updates.
[15:16] <sil2100> So if we promote, we promote with the new upower
[15:16] <Mirv> bzoltan: ok, both related to that?
[15:16] <bzoltan> Mirv: yes
[15:16] <Mirv> ogra_: could you ack uitk adding dbus-test-runner and accountsservice ad build dependencies for the ServiceProperties component use? (https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-2-publish/65/artifact/packaging_changes_ubuntu-ui-toolkit_1.1.1364+15.04.20141209-0ubuntu1.diff)
[15:17] <pmcgowan> sil2100, oh ok thanks
[15:17] <ogra_> Mirv, ackedy ack
[15:18] <sil2100> boiko: I was away for lunch, but do you know what needs to be changed in dialer-app, or want me to look into that? Since if you know, then all we need is to create a new merge, add it to the silo, reconfigure, rebuild and try re-publishing
[15:20] <boiko> sil2100: ok, let me do that then
[15:20] <boiko> sil2100: cjwatson suggested what the fix is
[15:20] <sil2100> Excellent
[15:20] <Mirv> ogra_: thanketi thank
[15:20] <ogra_> :)
[15:21] <sil2100> marcustomlinson: hey! Sure, but currently I think most (if not all) QA engineers are busy with regression testing
[15:21] <Mirv> bzoltan: publish done
[15:22] <bzoltan> Mirv: Thanks
[15:23] <bzoltan> Mirv: I am training zbenjamin to be a QtC lander ...would you assign a silo to the last line of the sheet, please?
[15:27] <dbarth> hey, just a note for QA folks selecting silos; silo 3 (unity-scopes-shell) which is near the top, will help unblock 2 other silos with oa fixes later on
[15:27] <dbarth> if you have hestiations about the next one to pick ;) thanks
[15:32] <Mirv> bzoltan: sure! fixed the lander :) sil2100 can add him to the landers team.
[15:33] <sil2100> Who should I add? zbenjamin, right?
[15:33] <Mirv> sil2100: yes
[15:34] <bzoltan> Mirv: sil2100: Yes, thank you ...
[15:34] <bzoltan> zbenjamin: ^^ you see, the CI train has pinged you, so now you know which is your silo
[15:36] <Laney> hey cihelp, I'm getting a 500 when trying to login on d-jenkins: http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/securityRealm/commenceLogin?from=/view/Vivid/view/AutoPkgTest/job/vivid-adt-pbuilder/
[15:36] <retoaded> Laney, we're looking into that now
[15:36] <Laney> okay, ty
[15:48] <fginther> cjwatson, there's a problem with the way /dev/shm is mounted inside our vivid chroots (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1399772) do you know a good contact to follow up with?
[15:48] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1399772 in Ubuntu "/dev/shm is not writable inside vivid chroot on trusty host" [Critical,New]
[16:06] <retoaded> Laney, you should be able to log in now
[16:07] <Laney> retoaded: neat, thanks!
[16:19] <boiko> cjwatson: so just to confirm, on x86 dialer-app needs to depend on qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin-gles and qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin on other arches?
[16:19] <boiko> Mirv: ^
[16:20] <cjwatson> boiko: amd64/i386, yes
[16:20] <cjwatson> boiko: I think I gave the exact necessary syntax earlier
[16:21] <robru> Mirv: I'm not even going to think about automatic silo assignments until the spreadsheet is rotting in a shallow grave. hopefully soon!
[16:21] <boiko> cjwatson: yes, except it was swapped, it was depending on qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin in amd64/i386 and -gles on others
[16:22] <cjwatson> boiko: um, right
[16:22] <boiko> cjwatson: nice, thanks, let me fix that
[16:34] <sil2100> jibel: how's testing proceeding?
[16:34] <sil2100> jibel: everything ok so far?
[16:34] <boiko> sil2100: can I safely bypass this error: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-1-build/124/console
[16:34] <boiko> sil2100: (I added an MR to fix the dependency)
[16:35] <jibel> sil2100, I've to review the results in detail, but nothing critical for the moment
[16:35] <sil2100> boiko: double-confirming now, but I would say yes, since it sees the version that's stuck in -proposed which we want to overwrite
[16:35] <sil2100> jibel: that's good news o/
[16:35] <boiko> sil2100: ok, I will wait for your OK then
[16:36] <sil2100> boiko: ok, all seems ok, you can use the ignore flag :)
[16:37] <sil2100> huh?
[16:38] <sil2100> bzoltan: let me look at silo 009
[16:39] <sil2100> bzoltan, Mirv: hey! Can anyone of you add ci-train-bot to the https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team team?
[16:40] <sil2100> We need to add the bot there ASAP
[16:41] <robru> sil2100: I disabled check-publication-migration so it won't fail again until we manually reenable it
[16:41] <sil2100> dbarth: maybe you're around and could help with adding this user to the team? ^
[16:41] <sil2100> robru: thanks
[16:41] <robru> sil2100: you're welcome
[16:41] <robru> bzoltan: Mirv: dbarth: whichever one of you adds ci-train-bot should also drop ps-jenkins from the team while you're in there
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[16:42] <Laney> retoaded: http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Vivid/view/AutoPkgTest/job/vivid-adt-pbuilder/10/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console ← could it be that wazn can't access ftpmaster.internal?
[16:43] <bzoltan> robru: I was not messing around with that
[16:43] <robru> bzoltan: hm? we're asking you to add the bot to the team, please
[16:43] <sil2100> bzoltan: we need ci-train-bot added to the team, can you do that? :)
[16:43] <retoaded> Laney, checking but it should be able to connect
[16:45] <bfiller> sil2100: do you know if I have to change my vpn settings? I can no longer access http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/gallery-app-click/ even though I'm connected to jenkins vpn (with old setup)
[16:46] <Laney> Yeah. It looks like it ran apt-get update OK just before, so probably not that
[16:46] <robru> bfiller: probably cihelp knows better ^^
[16:46] <sil2100> bfiller: not sure, I think the best way would be to ask cihelp about that since something might have changed after the move
[16:46] <bfiller> ok thanks
[16:46] <robru> bfiller: I also noticed I can't connect to s-jenkins, didn't get around to asking about it though
[16:47] <josepht> bfiller: yes, you'll need to use the Canonical VPN now
[16:48] <retoaded> Laney, might have been a timing issue. The file in question is there now but was it there when the test ran or was it being updated?
[16:48] <bfiller> josepht: are these the instructions: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/IS/HowTo/CompanyOpenVPN
[16:48] <josepht> bfiller: yes
[16:48] <plars> bfiller: yes
[16:50] <Laney> retoaded: It's failed that way a few times, so probably not going to fix itself
[16:50] <retoaded> hmmm, interesting
[16:50] <retoaded> it's there but it can't get it.
[16:52] <Laney> You're trying "w3m http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/dists/vivid/Release" or similar?
[16:52] <sil2100> plars: do we have krillin rtm test results published somewhere already?
[16:53] <retoaded> Laney, it may have been an issue with the proxy, kick off the job again.
[16:54] <plars> sil2100: let me check on that
[16:54] <plars> sil2100: looks like rtm-dashboard is up and running again...
[16:55] <plars> sil2100: and yes, there are current results there, so it looks like josepht already updated it to point at the new location
[16:55] <Laney> retoaded: ok, let's watch http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Vivid/view/AutoPkgTest/job/vivid-adt-pbuilder/11/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console
[16:55] <retoaded> Laney, I need to take the dogs out for a quick bio-break while it runs, will check it when I get back in
[16:57] <Laney> didn't work
[16:58] <ogra_> plars, i cant reach it ... OpenID error ... "Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out. Please try again."
[16:58] <plars> ogra_: hmm? Was the checkmark there for canonical group?
[16:58] <ogra_> yep
[16:59] <ogra_> i even loged out explicitly
[16:59] <plars> ogra_: that's very strange, it let me in just now based on the same group
[17:00] <sil2100> plars: the same thing here
[17:01] <plars> hmm, trying from a different browser, I also seem to have canonical-ci-engineering. I didn't set that up though. josepht: any idea if there's something we need to configure on our end for that? Looks like we can get to it, but people outside of ci cannot
[17:03] <robru> bzoltan: alex-abreu: Mirv: dbarth: We really need to get ci-train-bot added to team https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ in order for citrain to be able to merge branches owned by that team (as is the case in silo 9). can somebody add that please? all merges are blocked pending this.
[17:04] <alex-abreu> robru, done
[17:04] <cjwatson> fginther: have the host systems perhaps been upgraded from earlier releases of Ubuntu? /dev/shm has been handled by maintainer script code over the years
[17:04] <robru> alex-abreu: thanks
[17:04] <cjwatson> fginther: but only conditionally because it hasn't quite been possible in all cases - /var/lib/dpkg/info/initscripts.postinst has most of this I think
[17:05] <cjwatson> fginther: maybe back up a step, is /dev/shm a symlink to /run/shm in the corresponding host systems?
[17:05] <fginther> cjwatson, in this case no. They were deployed from relatively new trusty images in a bootstack cloud
[17:05] <fginther> err, openstack cloud
[17:05] <fginther> cjwatson, yes, /dev/shm is a symlink on the host
[17:05] <cjwatson> oh, you mentioned that in the report
[17:06] <cjwatson> I don't see this problem on my vivid laptop with vivid schroots fwiw
[17:07] <cjwatson> fginther: I guess the important question is, does this affect freshly debootstrapped chroots?
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[17:07] <dbarth> robru: it's been added (thanks alex-abreu :)
[17:07] <robru> dbarth: thanks ;-)
[17:08] <fginther> cjwatson, indeed, it looks like the behavior changed recently. I still have some nodes that were deployed a few weeks earlier that use the symlink inside the chroot
[17:08] <fginther> cjwatson, I have not done a fresh debootsrap in a couple weeks, I can try again.
[17:09] <cjwatson> fginther: please, if it's not happening right now then it's probably not worth trying to track down, easier to just recreate the chroots
[17:09] <fginther> cjwatson, I'll try that experiment and update the bug
[17:09] <fginther> cjwatson, thanks for the help
[17:09] <cjwatson> fginther: fwiw /var/log/bootstrap.log in the chroots might be more useful than the current package contents, perhaps. as you say I doubt the debootstrap version is relevant in itself
[17:10] <retoaded> Laney, ack, digging further
[17:16] <josepht> plars: I'll take a look. It should be allowing Canonical members as well.
[17:16] <plars> josepht: I'm happy to check if you can clue me in on where to look
[17:18] <josepht> ogra_: are you connected to the Canonical VPN? if so can you disconnect and try again please?
[17:25] <rvr> Chipaca: ping
[17:25] <josepht> sil2100: ^ you too :)
[17:26] <Chipaca> rvr: pong
[17:26] <rvr> Chipaca: davmor2 was faster than me ;)
[17:27] <rvr> I see you are already discussing the problem
[17:27] <Chipaca> trainguards, could i have a publish for silo 0, line 68?
[17:28] <sil2100> Chipaca: oh, it's not yet set to tested?
[17:28] <sil2100> Oh, it is now
[17:28] <Chipaca> sil2100: it was set to tested before it knew it was built
[17:28] <Chipaca> (the last build was a changelog update)
[17:28] <sil2100> Chipaca: unapproved branches!
[17:28] <Chipaca> augh
[17:28] <Chipaca> going!
[17:29] <Chipaca> sil2100: done
[17:34] <sil2100> ogra_: can you ACK this? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-000-2-publish/24/artifact/packaging_changes_ubuntu-push_0.66+15.04.20141211-0ubuntu1.diff ;) ?
[17:34] * sil2100 has no powerz over teh main
[17:36] <ogra_> sil2100, as i said, this has to change after last night ;)
[17:36] <ogra_> sil2100, ooooh ... 1000 times ACK
[17:37] <ogra_> phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ du -hcs .cache/upstart/
[17:37] <ogra_> 343M .cache/upstart/
[17:37] <ogra_> tedg, ^^^^^ btw
[17:37] <ogra_> didnt we want to be more agressive abour logging ?
[17:37] <ogra_> *about
[17:39] <tedg> ogra_, I think it got scheduled for ota2
[17:40] <ogra_> ah, k
[17:41] <ogra_> by that time i'll have been run out of diskspace :P
[17:41] <tedg> ogra_, You have to hope for Moore's law applies to your flash card ;-)
[17:41] <ogra_> lol
[17:42] <bzoltan> sil2100: would you please publish the silo18, so I can start landing with zbenjamin an other set in the morning?
[17:55] <boiko> cjwatson: now that I changed the build deps, it fails to build on arm64, powerpc and ppc64el :/
[17:55] <boiko> cjwatson: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/192361556/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-arm64.dialer-app_0.1%2B15.04.20141211-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[17:57] <cjwatson> boiko: looks kind of unrelated
[17:58] <cjwatson> boiko: probably fallout from the amd64 build failure on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:, so the arches that *did* succeed now have unsatisfied dependencies on their architecture: all partners
[17:58] <cjwatson> mlankhorst: ^- are you on that?
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[18:50] <om26er> tedg, confirmed that was a regression.
[18:55] <davmor2> ogra_: rm is your friend ;)
[19:31] <tedg> trainguards, Could I get a vivid silo for line 83 please?
[19:43] <tedg> trainguards, thanks!
[19:43] <robru> tedg: you're welcome
[20:02] <mlankhorst> cjwatson: ok looking..
[20:03] <mlankhorst> cjwatson: oh right, fails to build with a new update..
[20:03] <mlankhorst> cjwatson: could you remove xorg-server for now? I'll fix it up on monday
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[20:20] <dobey> fginther: hi. were you able to get jenkins set up to run MP tests for lp:unity-scope-click/rtm-14.09 ?
[20:22] <fginther> dobey, yes. I was retesting these today to make sure it still ready to go: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-scope-click-rtm-14.09-ci/
[20:22] <fginther> dobey, should be enabled very soon
[20:22] <dobey> fginther: ok great. thanks
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
[21:15] <oSoMoN> trainguards: can silo 6 be published, please?
[21:16] <robru> oSoMoN: done
[21:16] <oSoMoN> robru, thanks!
[21:16] <robru> oSoMoN: you're welcome!
[22:12] <dobey> cihelp: is there a standard way to get a click built direct from trunk in CI yet?
[22:12] <josepht> dobey: not yet
[22:13] <dobey> josepht: so i still need to build it manually?
[22:13] <josepht> dobey: yes, afaik, fginther will tell me if I'm wrong.
[22:14] <fginther> dobey, there is a non-standard way to build them that has been in use for a number of projects, but it's not guaranteed to work. It can be tried.
[22:15] <fginther> dobey, it still uses the very old pbuilder chroot approach
[22:15] <dobey> fginther: is it building multi-arch clicks? or just armhf?
[22:15] <fginther> dobey, just armhf
[22:16] <dobey> fginther: can we try it for lp:pay-ui please?
[22:17] <fginther> dobey, that's already done
[22:17] <dobey> mainly what i care about right now is a standardish authenticated place where i can point QA at to test a click
[22:17] <dobey> fginther: oh?
[22:18] <dobey> fginther: i know we get builds for MPs. is there another place where they're being built?
[22:18] <fginther> dobey, it's there, but possibily not obviouis
[22:19] <fginther> dobey, yeah, it's a bit hidden. If you start with the latest autolanding job: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/pay-ui-autolanding/58/console
[22:19] <fginther> dobey, there is a link to http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-builder-vivid-armhf/75/
[22:20] <fginther> that job will have the click artifact
[22:21] <fginther> dobey, the ci jobs will also link to a generic-click-builder-vivid-armhf build
[22:23] <fginther> dobey, the rtm branches are live now
[22:24] <dobey> great
[22:26] <dobey> oh, pay-ui autolanding is done on vivid
[22:26] <dobey> i hope that's ok
[22:34] <dobey> is there a documented way to point QA at such a click and ask for testing review of it, in the silo spreadsheet?
[22:37] <dobey> fginther: will the rtm branch job automatically pick up pre-existing MPs? if not, can you poke it to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scope-click/fix-1390191-rtm/+merge/242214 please?
[22:37] <bfiller> robru: any idea of the status of build failures on vivid silos on certain arches? silo 8 and 19, sounded like it was related to xorg from cjwatson
[22:38] <bfiller> we need to land those silos soon in vivid so we can cherry pick for rtm the fixes for the milestone
[22:38] <fginther> dobey, it will automatically test anything that isn't top approved, so this MP is ok
[22:38] <dobey> ok
[22:38] <dobey> bfiller: i'm just curious. do you have a link to the failure logs?
[22:39] <bfiller> dobey: here is one of the them: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/192380343/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-arm64.dialer-app_0.1%2B15.04.20141211.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[22:40] <robru> bfiller: last i had heard, mlankhorst said he'd fix them on Monday and asked cjwatson to revert the package in proposed. Not sure who else is around to do that revert, lots of people spiriting /onholidays
[22:41] <bfiller> robru: ok, reverting before monday would unblock us so that would be desireable as we have tues freeze (:
[22:42] <dobey> ah
[22:42] <bfiller> dobey: here is another: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/192362050/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-arm64.telephony-service_0.1%2B15.04.20141211.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[22:42] <bfiller> mlankhorst: any way to get it done before monday?
[22:43] <dobey> because the x86 builds failed, and -common is an all package :-/
[22:43] <robru> infinity: slangasek cjwatson: anybody around to delete xorg regression from proposed? It's blocking bfiller.
[22:47] <infinity> What's the actual problem?
[22:47] <infinity> Ahh, it was FTBFS on some arches.
[22:48] <infinity> ... because of xmir.
[22:48] <infinity> Glad to see it's our code breaking it. :/
[22:48] <infinity> robru: Will remove it.
[22:49] <robru> infinity: thanks!
[22:49] <robru> bfiller: ^
[22:49] <bfiller> robru, infinity: thanks!
[22:49] <infinity> Queued for deletion, should be gone in ~30-60m