UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /11 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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[08:02] <dholbach> good morning
[08:17] <JoeyChan> morning :)
[08:21] <lpapp> hi, is anyone using QtCreator in here to publish to the Ubuntu store?
[08:22] <lpapp> I am looking for the answer in here, http://askubuntu.com/questions/529416/qt-creator-publish-tab-missing-click-part
[08:25] <mrqtros> JoeyChan hello!
[08:25] <justCarakas> The file that it works on is normally in your project directory, if you click on it it should open if I remember corectly lpapp
[08:25] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: good to c u here :P
[08:26] <mrqtros> JoeyChan yeah) Now I am able to be online during the day)
[08:26] <mrqtros> JoeyChan not only in evening as before)
[08:26] <lpapp> justCarakas: which file you mean?
[08:27] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: lol, but most people are still in bed now :P
[08:27] <mrqtros> JoeyChan ahah, not in Russia - already 11:27
[08:27] <justCarakas> manifest.json lpapp
[08:28] <justCarakas> not everyone is american here :p JoeyChan
[08:28] <mrqtros> JoeyChan in Moscow some people are come to work only now, yes, but in my town little bit earlier)
[08:28] <mrqtros> justCarakas he is from China =P
[08:29] <justCarakas> bummer :D
[08:29] <JoeyChan> people just starts their daylife in EU :P
[08:30] <JoeyChan> especially in UK
[08:30] <justCarakas> true :D I'm from europe :D
[08:30] <mrqtros> ok let's wait when our folks will wake up
[08:31] <mrqtros> and put little makeup :D
[08:31] <JoeyChan> :P
[08:36] <lpapp> justCarakas: what creates that file?
[08:37] <JoeyChan> lpapp: u can use the default project template in SDK
[08:39] <justCarakas> JoeyChan: he is making an HTML5 app
[08:39] <justCarakas> maybe that is the difference
[08:41] <JoeyChan> justCarakas: I think lpapp is using the default template from Qt itself, not from the Ubuntu sdk
[08:41] <JoeyChan> so missing some click files
[08:43] <lpapp> JoeyChan: justCarakas, the user used Qt Creator > Qt Quick Application.
[08:43] <JoeyChan> lpapp: justCarakas seems I am right
[08:44] <JoeyChan> lpapp: U need this: file -- new project -- ubuntu -- pick one u like
[08:45] <JoeyChan> lpapp: if u can't see "ubuntu" in new project, u probally open the wrong sdk
[08:46] <JoeyChan> lpapp: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk
[08:46] <JoeyChan> lpapp: not the official Qt sdk
[08:47] <lpapp> oh, the changes were not upstreamed?
[08:48] <JoeyChan> lpapp: ubuntu-sdk has its own toolchain
[08:48] <lpapp> what about apt-get install qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu?
[08:48] <JoeyChan> that's part of ubuntu-sdk
[08:48] <lpapp> but new project > ubuntu only lets you create html apps, that is what the user says, so not C++/QML. Is there something that he is missing out?
[08:49] <JoeyChan> lpapp: ubuntu-sdk using official Qt's API, with its extra components
[08:49] <JoeyChan> lpapp: I believe u miss sth
[08:50] <JoeyChan> pls reinstall ubuntu-sdk
[08:50] <lpapp> should it also work on 14.04?
[08:51] <JoeyChan> of course
[08:51] <JoeyChan> I am using 1404
[08:51] <lpapp> reinstalled, and "ubuntu-sdk is already the newest version.", still html only under new project > ubuntu
[08:53] <JoeyChan> lpapp: seems u need to set the qmake manually ..
[08:53] <JoeyChan> lpapp: go to the setting page
[08:55] <JoeyChan> lpapp: build & run tab
[08:55] <lpapp> JoeyChan: "I just went to New Proj. > Ubuntu > HTML5 and even though there is a manifest.json file showing up the Publish screen is still empty :/"
[08:55] <JoeyChan> lpapp: select "Qt version"
[08:56] <mrqtros> lpapp maybe you run wrong Qt Creator?
[08:56] <mrqtros> JoeyChan you are on 14.04? :) It's happened)
[08:56] <lpapp> mrqtros: he said he was.
[08:56] <lpapp> 08:48 < JoeyChan> I am using 1404
[08:57] <lpapp> mrqtros: what exactly do you mean by wrong qt-creator?
[08:57] <JoeyChan> lpapp: nothing in your manifest file ?
[08:58] <lpapp> "Even the Ubuntu > QML (but no other language) one which has a manifest.json file won't display the Publish screen"
[08:58] <lpapp> JoeyChan: I am requesting that information, sec.
[08:58] <mrqtros> lpapp maybe you have standalone Qt installation with its own QtCreator
[08:59] <JoeyChan> lpapp: I believe u r opening the wrong creator
[08:59] <lpapp> mrqtros: there are two different qtcreators on the system if the Qt SDK is installed as well as the Ubuntu SDK?
[08:59] <JoeyChan> there's a "publish" tab in ubuntu sdk
[08:59] <JoeyChan> lpapp: u can simply open ubuntu sdk using command "ubuntu-sdk"
[09:00] <JoeyChan> or search it in your app's list
[09:00] <mrqtros> lpapp of course! QtCreator from Ubuntu SDK have a lot of additional plugins, looks different against simple QtCreator
[09:01] <lpapp> ok, thanks guys, I am letting him know :)
[09:01] <lpapp> this is the manifest file content: http://pastebin.com/Z5Q0A4aW
[09:02] <lpapp> "framework" : "ubuntu-sdk-14.10"
[09:06] <lpapp> works, great guys, thanks.
[09:10] <mrqtros> lpapp great ;)
[09:16] <JamesTait> Good morning all, and happy birthday UNICEF! :-D
[09:16] <mzanetti> dpm: meeting?
[09:16] <dpm> rpadovani, mzanetti, I'll be a minute
[09:16] <dpm> yeah, coming over
[10:02] <mzanetti> rpadovani: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/ubuntu-calculator-app/simplify-focus-handling/+merge/244399
[10:07] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: going home, will be back to irc within an hour (。◕‿◕。)
[10:14] <lpapp> JoeyChan: mrqtros for having C++ project under the Ubuntu option, not just QML/HTML, one needs to set up qmake manually?
[10:14] <lpapp> or the ubuntu-sdk package should ship such a customized QtCreator instance in which it just works?
[10:28] <mrqtros> lpapp seems that you should use CMake project for that purpose)
[10:28] <rpadovani> mzanetti, thanks!
[10:28] <rpadovani> popey, do we have Jenkins up and running for calculator reboot?
[10:28] <mrqtros> lpapp, but I can't help you with that...
[10:28] <rpadovani> https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/ubuntu-calculator-app/simplify-focus-handling/+merge/244399
[10:28] <lpapp> mrqtros: lol, I guess Qt app developers usually prefer qmake even though I prefer cmake or something better.
[10:29] <mrqtros> lpapp Qt app developers prefer, but Ubuntu developers don't ^^
[10:29] <lpapp> mrqtros: really
[10:30] <mrqtros> lpapp ubuntu scopes are cmake projects, 100%
[10:30] <popey> rpadovani: let me look at jenkins to see, francis said it would take a little while... one moment
[10:30] <mrqtros> lpapp not sure about mixed C++\QML apps
[10:32] <popey> rpadovani: looks like it's there, but it's broken, will chase up with ci
[10:32] <rpadovani> thanks sir!
[10:33] <popey> rpadovani: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9474413/
[10:33] <popey> thats all i can see
[10:36] <mrqtros> I am afk now)
[10:36] <rpadovani> popey, lot of useful log, I see :P Actually, I think we miss the debian/ folder in the project,but I don't know how to setup it. Do you know who can I ask help to?
[10:40] <popey> rpadovani: ah, can we steal the debian folder from the old calculator app and modify it?
[10:41] <rpadovani> popey, seems a good plan, I'll try
[11:10] <bzoltan> mrqtros: the qmake support in the Ubuntu SDK is about to land in hours ... the release candidate is available for testing for some time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5wX0WqNjVk
[11:10] <rpadovani> popey, https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/debianFolder141211/+merge/244411
[11:11] <popey> ack
[11:11] * popey tests with "debuild -uc -us"
[11:11] <popey> debian/rules:10: recipe for target 'build' failed
[11:12] <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9474626/ rpadovani
[11:12] <rpadovani> Ok, so I need to read some docs, I have no idea on all that things
[11:16] <popey> heh
[11:16] <popey> maybe poke nik90_ ☻
[11:16] <popey> i think he did the debian directory for clock reboot
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[11:31] <mrqtros> bzoltan for scopes too?
[11:32] <bzoltan> mrqtros: not quite yet
[11:33] <mrqtros> bzoltan does it mean that I will able to create mixed C++\QML project "out of box" and easily deploy it to device?
[11:35] <bzoltan> mrqtros: That one you can do with cmake too... but yes with qmake it will be easier
[11:38] <mrqtros> bzoltan great) qmake is Qt way :)
[11:57] <nik90_> zsombi: ping
[11:57] <zsombi> nik90_: pong
[11:58] <nik90_> zsombi: hey, I just switched to vivid for testing the clock app and noticed that I cannot disable nor edit alarms.
[11:58] <zsombi> nik90_: wow...! weird!
[11:59] <zsombi> nik90_: nothing major happened there... other than the alarms big change, and that was tested pretty well...
[11:59] <nik90_> zsombi: yeah the clock app explicitly checks the error before poping the pagestack after an alarm is saved/updated..
[11:59] <zsombi> nik90_: what error code you get?
[11:59] <nik90_> I havent changed the alarm code in clock for ages due to rtm freezes
[12:00] <nik90_> zsombi: that's the thing, I dont get any errors
[12:00] <zsombi> nik90_: :D
[12:00] <nik90_> the edit alarm page is popped only when there are no alarms
[12:00] <nik90_> but the listview never updates with the new alarm values
[12:01] <zsombi> nik90_: so, you can edit, but the changes don't show up?
[12:01] <nik90_> zsombi: yes
[12:01] <zsombi> nik90_: how about next time you open teh app?
[12:01] <nik90_> Even after restarting the app, the alarm changes dont show up
[12:02] <nik90_> I will try debugging this further to check for other failure points
[12:03] <nik90_> zsombi: does this update function look correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9475190/
[12:03] <nik90_> the validate function is as simple as http://paste.ubuntu.com/9475195/
[12:04] <zsombi> nik90_: the alarm may not yet be saved, and errors may come after the save() exited and the validateAlarm() is passed
[12:05] <zsombi> nik90_: like EDS may report some error later
[12:05] <nik90_> zsombi: how do I wait and output that error?
[12:06] <zsombi> nik90_: try on desktop with memory manager, and check the alarm database under ~/.local/share/<appname>/alarms.json
[12:06] <zsombi> nik90_: check tempAlarm.status changes
[12:06] <nik90_> ok
[12:32] <recursion> does anyone know of anything like qtmessaging in the ubuntu sdk api/qt5 api?
[13:41] <mrqtros> JoeyChan ping
[13:41] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: pong
[13:50] <mrqtros> JoeyChan is there any development plan or new design for Shorts? :)
[13:51] <JoeyChan> no official plan nor design yet
[13:52] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: u can try my "color experiment" branch lp:~qqworini/ubuntu-rssreader-app/color-experiment
[13:52] <JoeyChan> my own design
[13:55] <mrqtros> JoeyChan I remember) It's very simple and much faster
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[13:55] <mrqtros> JoeyChan I will rework header first
[13:56] <mrqtros> JoeyChan in RssFeedPage.qml
[13:56] <mrqtros> JoeyChan and maybe will try to clean up code soon...
[13:57] <mrqtros> JoeyChan BTW when will we use C++? We should wait for qmake support, I think
[13:57] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: I saw ur branch changes
[13:57] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: I know cmake, no need to wait the qmake support
[13:58] <mrqtros> JoeyChan I know Kung Fu :D
[13:58] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: :P haha
[13:58] <mrqtros> JoeyChan Matrix <3
[13:59] <mrqtros> JoeyChan ok, feel free to create C++ project than
[13:59] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: the challenge that switch to C++ is how to combine database and multi-thread
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[14:00] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: we cannot put the database oparations in the main thread
[14:01] <mrqtros> JoeyChan currently they are in the main thread
[14:01] <mrqtros> JoeyChan so we can't do worse
[14:02] <mrqtros> JoeyChan most complex DB operation for us - adding new articles to DB from network. We can easily move it to C++
[14:03] <popey> gventuri: you around for calendar hangout?
[14:04] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: my plan is to move the whole database to c ++
[14:05] <mrqtros> JoeyChan we can implement something like multitheaded DB engine
[14:05] <gventuri> popey: is it on already? its not in my calendar
[14:06] <popey> ah okay, it's now if you're around?
[14:06] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: but I never try put a db engine to another thread, need some time to test
[14:07] <mrqtros> JoeyChan I too
[14:07] <mrqtros> JoeyChan but it's ok, when can move to C++ base step-by-step
[14:07] <mrqtros> JoeyChan no need to make revolution :)
[14:11] <mrqtros> JoeyChan we already will get benefits from Network Cache
[14:11] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: I'm not sure that will fail the auto-pilot test if I change the project to c++
[14:12] <mrqtros> JoeyChan instantly after switching to C++ and adding one line of code (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bug/1379726)
[14:12] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1379726 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "Need an images cache plugin" [High,Triaged]
[14:14] <balloons> JoeyChan, mrqtros so you want to make shorts have a compiled binary?
[14:14] <JoeyChan> balloons: yup
[14:16] <JoeyChan> balloons: still planning, not hurry to switch to c++
[14:16] <balloons> JoeyChan, ok so there will need to be so simple tweaks to the launching of the app for the autopilot test (so you call the binary and not qmlscene)
[14:17] <mrqtros> JoeyChan I think yes
[14:18] <mrqtros> JoeyChan a lot of apps in UP already contain C++ :)
[14:19] <JoeyChan> balloons: once we decide switch to c++ , will let u know :)
[14:20] <balloons> :-)
[14:20] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: yep, I know :P
[14:20] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: and c++ helps shorten the startup time
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[14:43] <mrqtros> JoeyChan anyway let's w8 for qmake support, later we will create new C++ based project
[14:47] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: will see :)
[14:47] <JoeyChan> mrqtros: gonna sleep, c ya
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[14:50] <mrqtros> JoeyChan have a good night, mate
[14:55] <techneut92> hi.
[14:57] <techneut92> i've got a little question. i'm trying to create an torch app for ubuntu touch. This should be extremely easy. just import QtMultimedia 5.0 (which gives some errors.. about expected a single import) and create the qml object Torch with power:100 and enabled: true.. this doesn't work.. did i mis something ?
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[18:35] <balloons> techneut92, did you have a look at the other torch apps in the store? ;-
[18:44] <popey> techneut92: the other 2 or 3 torches ☻
[18:52] <qtros> mhall119
[18:52] <qtros> mhall119 ping
[19:17] <mrqtros_> mhall119 hello
[19:18] <mrqtros_> mhall119 as far as I know you implemented MultiColumnListView?
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[20:04] <rickspencer3> kalikiana, around at all? I wanted to ask if there a good existing design pattern for searching through a u1db?
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[20:51] <rickspencer3> balloons, is there documentation that will help me understand how to use the testing framework built into the qml project template?
[20:51] <rickspencer3> I want to write some unit tests
[20:52] <ahoneybun> ping mhall119
[20:52] <balloons> rickspencer3, yes and there's a nice video from UOS where we also talk about it
[20:52] <balloons> let me find a link for you
[20:52] <rickspencer3> great, thanks
[20:52] <ahoneybun> balloons: rickspencer3 mhall119 I need some feedback please http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppDev/comments/2nlp03/ubeginner_ubuntu_app/
[20:53] <rickspencer3> hi ahoneybun
[20:53] <ahoneybun> hey rickspencer3
[20:53] <ahoneybun> I got my shirt!
[20:53] <rickspencer3> :)
[20:54] <ahoneybun> its so nice
[20:54] <balloons> rickspencer3, http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-qtquicktest.html
[20:54] * rickspencer3 looks
[20:54] <balloons> rickspencer3, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22396/writing-unit-tests-for-qml-applications/
[20:55] * ahoneybun will wear his ubuntu pioneer shirt with his ubuntu hoodie
[21:18] <rickspencer3> thanks balloons
[21:21] <balloons> yw, gl
[21:25] <rickspencer3> balloons, so, I'm looking at that doc page you linked me to, but I'm not getting how to actually run a test
[21:31] <balloons> rickspencer3, you use qmltestrunner. Not sure if your project uses cmake or qmake
[21:31] <rickspencer3> balloons, I created it a couple of weeks ago, so I assume qmake
[21:32] <rickspencer3> bummer
[21:32] <rickspencer3> FAIL! : qmltestrunner::tst_u1shoppingdatabase::compile() module "QtTest" is not installed
[21:32] <rickspencer3> :)
[21:32] <balloons> rickspencer3, sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-dev-tools qtdeclarative5-test-plugin
[21:33] <balloons> rickspencer3, lol.. I'm assume qmake lets you add a test step as part of the build
[21:33] <rickspencer3> balloons, it's pure qml, there is nothing to build
[21:33] <balloons> fancy
[21:36] <nik90_> rickspencer3: if its pure qml, then just navigate into the folder containing the qml test suites and run "qmltestrunner -input qmltestfilename.qml"
[21:37] <nik90_> rickspencer3: if you used qmake or cmake, it allows you to run the entire qml test suite as part of the build
[21:37] <rickspencer3> nik90_, right, but, no build, it's pure qml :)
[21:38] <nik90_> rickspencer3: right, then you can use qmltestrunner very similar to how you use qmlscene
[21:38] <rickspencer3> yeah
[21:38] <rickspencer3> trying it
[21:42] <mivoligo> mzanetti: are you here by any chance?
[22:11] <mzanetti> mivoligo: now I am
[22:12] <mivoligo> mzanetti: I'm working on that particle effect for destruction now
[22:12] <mzanetti> mivoligo: cool. any findings already?
[22:12] <mivoligo> mzanetti: black magic at first but I'm getting there :)
[22:14] <mivoligo> mzanetti: I tried to use your code but ended up with something else :D
[22:15] <mzanetti> yeah, it was mostly an example to get started
[22:16] <mivoligo> mzanetti: I guess I have to edit EnemyDelegate.qml to see that in the game, right?
[22:17] <mzanetti> need to check
[22:19] <mzanetti> mivoligo: yes just add it there (replacing the other) and start it in onAliveChanged somwhow
[22:20] <mivoligo> mzanetti: ok, I'll try to experiment with it tomorrow or over the weekend
[22:21] <mzanetti> have seen your bug report with the colors. thanks for that
[22:23] <mivoligo> mzanetti: no problem :)
[22:24] <mivoligo> mzanetti: will the name of the game stay as it is or you're thinking of some changes?
[22:24] <mzanetti> mivoligo: I don't have any better ideas and I quite like the current one
[22:25] <mivoligo> coz I was thinking of doing some video promo of the game :D
[22:26] <mivoligo> as part of learning kdenlive
[22:26] <mzanetti> awesome :D
[22:26] <mivoligo> mzanetti: so I hope you will not finish the game to soon ;)
[22:27] <mzanetti> mivoligo: feel free to come up with other suggestions, but unless we find something really great we don't need to change the name imo
[22:27] <mzanetti> mivoligo: heh, it'll be a bit still
[22:27] <mzanetti> creating levels is quite time consuming
[22:27] <mzanetti> have to play ever level like 20 times
[22:27] <mivoligo> :D
[22:28] <mivoligo> must get boring
[22:28] <mzanetti> not even that, because its challenging too
[22:29] <mzanetti> but I need to have time without interruptions
[22:30] <mzanetti> also sound is still a work in progress
[22:30] <mzanetti> want to bundle a different song to each world
[22:30] <mzanetti> so it has to go into the level pack somehow
[22:31] <mivoligo> my kids love the music :) I told them there will be more like that
[22:31] <mzanetti> yeah, I already have the songs mixed for looping
[22:32] <mivoligo> mzanetti: ok, I have to go to bed, I'll let you know if I do the destruction effect
[22:32] <mivoligo> take care!
[22:32] <mzanetti> o/
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