UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /08 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:43] <SuperEddy> !ops | noooo waaaaa kline me waaaaaa
[08:34] <lordievader> Good morning.
[08:34] <Mikaela> hi
[12:41] <BluesKaj_> Hiyas all
[12:45] <susundberg> Hi
[12:45] <susundberg> Hey, i made something probably stupid on my machine: upgrade existing 14.04 to utopic
[12:45] <susundberg> Now during the update i hit : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/1394391
[12:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1394391 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "package kde-window-manager-common 4:4.11.12-0ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kcontrol/windowspecific/kwin-window-matching.png', which is also in package kde-workspace-data 4:4.11.11-0ubuntu0.2" [Undecided,New]
[12:48] <susundberg> That is, apt-get -f install tries to install 'kde-window-manager-common' that tries to overwrite file from 'kde-workspace-data' that cannot be removed due dependency to 'kde-workspace-bin'
[12:48] <susundberg> any suggestions ?
[12:49] <susundberg> (other than take backups and do fresh install ;)
[12:51] <BluesKaj_> susundberg, did you update and upgrade 14.04 before upgrading to 14.10
[12:51] <BluesKaj_> ?
[12:52] <susundberg> Umm, no i think this fresh 14.04
[12:53] <susundberg> (-> i ended up doing --force-overwite -- seems to continue, there is rather lots of files conflicting, i guess other package should be going away .. )
[12:54] <BluesKaj_> still needs updating and dist upgrading if it's from an iso
[12:54] <susundberg> Oh, sorry i misunderstood your question, no -- actually not sure was it now up to date
[12:55] <susundberg> i guess there is no going back at this point ..
[12:55] <BluesKaj_> pobly not
[12:56] <BluesKaj_> unless you have / and /home partitions
[13:03] <BluesKaj_> susundberg, I highly recommend separate / and /home partitions. If something goes wrong one can always just reinstall the OS to / and leave the /home partition untouched which contains your data and config files
[13:05] <susundberg> Ya, i agree. Or rather have two '/' so you can always go back to old
[13:05] <susundberg> but unfortunately this laptop does not have such luxyry -- not sure why, i guess it was suposed to be temp-installatioin
[13:05] <BluesKaj_> use the manual partitioning during the inatallation and reformat / and just make sure you choose the previous /home mountpoint as /home and ext4 or whatever you use3d previously
[13:05] <BluesKaj_> ok
[13:06] <susundberg> Thanks for the tips anyway :)
[13:09] <BluesKaj_> susundberg, try running, sudo dpkg --configure -a , then the -f install command
[13:12] <susundberg> I got it running fine with --force-overwrite on the specific package and then followed with apt-get -f install
[13:40] <BluesKaj_> susundberg, good
[13:42] <BluesKaj_> susundberg, btw this chat is for 15.04 support, the regular ubuntu chat is for all others
=== Guest43104 is now known as CEnnis91