UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /08 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== ema is now known as Guest43423
[00:44] <SuperEddy> !ops | noooo waaaaa kline me waaaaaa
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
=== goodtime_ is now known as goodtime
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest14370
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[07:16] <soee> good morning
=== mozafar is now known as hanibana
[08:01] <struktured> good morning
[08:34] <lordievader> Good morning.
=== kevin is now known as Guest87642
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=== jonas_ is now known as Guest77915
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[10:17] <Kluntu> I am searching a script generator Internetportal. Do you know that?
[10:21] <lordievader> Kluntu: "A script generator Internetportal"? What is that?
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
[10:23] <Kluntu> <lordievader> I hope it give it.
[10:25] <lordievader> Kluntu: What?
[10:26] <Kluntu> <lordievader> A Automatic script maker to make chroot.
[10:27] <lordievader> Kluntu: Why do you need a script maker for that, write it yourself.
[10:28] <Kluntu> I am beginner. Then it makes mistakes.
[10:29] <lordievader> Kluntu: Read about the topic, debug, fix and try again.
[10:30] <lordievader> With having things done for you, you'll never learn to do them yourself.
[10:33] <goodtime> true
[10:45] <street> anyone know how to edit the grub bootup file. I need to edit the swapfile identification
[10:46] <lordievader> street: Do you mean the menu file? If so: /etc/default/grub & /etc/grub.d/*
[10:47] <street> thnx Ill check it out
[10:54] <street> I dont think the scripts have the actual disk swap uuid but gets them after the initial grub boot screen. I changed my disk swap drive when I repartitioned the drive for more room on the linux side of my dual boot system and now when booting the uuid of the swap drive is wrong
[10:55] <street> so I cannot utilize my diskswapping.
[10:56] <street> I have edited them before but cant for the life of me remember how I did it..long ago
[10:57] <street> seems like it was during the bootup screen sequenc
[11:11] <Walex2> street: edit '/etc/fstab
[11:13] <street> under root?
[11:13] <street> /etc/fstab.d theres nothing there
[11:14] <lordievader> street: Yes, I was thinking the same if you are talking about a swap file or swap partition, that is handled by fstab.
[11:14] <Walex2> street: try ls -ld /etc/fstab
[11:15] <Walex2> street: also: grep swap /etc/fstab
[11:15] <street> k ill chk it out
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[11:25] <emper0r> hi exist any channel to talk about plasma only or just here is ok too ?
[11:27] <hateball> emper0r: well there is #kde
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[11:30] <yossarianuk> emper0r: which version ? 4 or 5
[11:34] <lordievader> emper0r, hateball: There is even a #plasma ;)
[11:36] <hateball> :)
[11:37] <emper0r> nice
[11:37] <emper0r> is plasma 5
[11:38] <emper0r> the tech review
[11:40] <emper0r> thanxs.. i send the problem to plasma
[11:45] <Eumel> Hallo, is there anyone?
[11:46] <lordievader> o/
[11:47] <yossarianuk> plasma5 is looking nice btw.
[11:47] <yossarianuk> seemed to use less resources (at least from kubuntu-next)
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
[12:03] <Eumel> Is there XFX Support?
=== rafa is now known as Guest47194
[12:10] <lordievader> Eumel: XFX support, what do you mean?
[12:12] <Eumel> <lordievader> Is XFX HD 6450 2 Gigabyte known as Problem?
[12:12] <lordievader> Not to me... But that doesn't really say anything. Try it out ;)
[12:14] <Eumel> Is it known as screen noise?
[12:15] <lordievader> Eumel: Like I said, try it out. Pop in a live-cd or live-usb and see if and how it works.
[12:22] <Eumel> From Live-cd it works, but from installation nothing, snow.
[12:24] <hateball> Eumel: you have no image at all, is that what you're saying?
[12:25] <Eumel> nope.
[12:26] <hateball> I guess you mean "nope, I have no image". Sadly I don't know anything about AMD, but I'm guessing it is possible to install the restricted drivers from a tty
[12:27] <hateball> Eumel: if you press ctrl+alt+f1, does that give a login prompt?
[12:27] <Eumel> Nothing
[12:28] <hateball> weird
[12:29] <lordievader> Eumel: What happens when you add the nomodeset kernel parameter?
[12:31] <Eumel> Nomodeset helps a little Bit, the problem Pc stands not by me.
[12:35] <Roey> he4llo
[12:35] <Roey> hello all
[12:35] <Roey> hi lordievader
[12:35] <Roey> help!! my Firefox is taking 100% CPU time!!
=== anavarre is now known as anavarre_away
[12:39] <karambito> Roey: do you have a lot of plugins?
[12:39] <lordievader> Hey Roey
[12:40] <lordievader> Kill it, kill it with fire!
[12:40] <karambito> haha
[12:41] <BluesKaj_> Hiyas all
[12:41] <noaXess> hey ho...
[12:41] <noaXess> how can i solve that package dependencies problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9426548/
[12:43] <street> lol got the swap partition file. couldnt see it in my normal terminals..had to use gedit.. /etc/fstab geesh, for a minute I thought I had gone dumb and blind 8)
[12:43] <lordievader> noaXess: Oehh, libc dependency. Is there an libc update available.
[12:44] <karambito> Welcome BluesKaj_ :)
[12:44] <noaXess> lordievader: don't know
[12:44] <lordievader> noaXess: sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[12:45] <Roey> karambito: I've tried disabling them but I get the same issue
[12:45] <BluesKaj_> hi karambito
[12:45] <Roey> lordievader: with fire, hahahaha
[12:45] <Roey> BluesKaj_: hola :)
[12:46] <karambito> Hey guys, do you know if it's possible to have overlay scrollbars in Plasma? I have my windows with tiny borders (so they have no borders xD) and this could be awesome to have. For those who don't know what they are → http://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/disable-overlay-scrollbar.jpg
[12:46] <BluesKaj_> hey Roey
[12:46] <noaXess> lordievader: already made..
[12:46] <noaXess> always ;)
[12:48] <lordievader> noaXess: Hmm, right wasn't looking properly. Any ppa's?
[12:49] <noaXess> maybe.. have to check from where i get libc6
[12:49] <lordievader> noaXess: Exactly ;)
[12:56] <noaXess> lordievader: check this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9426771/ seams they are from normal repos
[12:59] <lordievader> noaXess: mirror.switch.ch doesn't seem like Ubuntu to me...
[12:59] <noaXess> it's the CH mirror of ubuntu
[12:59] <noaXess> lot of packages are coming from there
[12:59] <Eumel> Hallo, my terminal closed after the script i want it make open. What can i make?
[13:00] <lordievader> What is more surprising is that 2.1 is available, yet it is not being installed/
[13:00] <noaXess> yes.. me too
[13:24] <karambito> Hey guys, do you know if it's possible to have overlay scrollbars in Plasma? I have my windows with tiny borders (so they have no borders xD) and this could be awesome to have. For those who don't know what they are → http://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/disable-overlay-scrollbar.jpg
=== anavarre_away is now known as anavarre
[14:27] <Eumel> Hallo, my terminal closed after the script i want it make open. What can i make?
[14:37] <lordievader> Eumel: What does your script do?
[14:38] <Eumel> My script makes many.
[14:39] <lordievader> Eumel: Could you pastebin it?
[14:39] <lordievader> !paste | Eumel
[14:39] <ubottu> Eumel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[14:41] <Eumel> No i dont paste it, but it is chroot.
[14:42] <karambito> ey guys, do you know if it's possible to have overlay scrollbars in Plasma? I have my windows with tiny borders (so they have no borders xD) and this could be awesome to have. For those who don't know what they are → http://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/disable-overlay-scrollbar.jpg
[15:30] <ewet> hi, how can I set my locale to "Country: Germany" and "Languages: American English"? if I do that the resulting locale "en_DE.UTF-8" is wrecking many things amongst which is my beloved compose key. I don't seem to be able to create such a locale as well. So, how do I do?
[15:53] <ewet> nobody?
[15:57] <Eumel> I need support.
[15:58] <Eumel> I search for a converter from Ntfs to Fat 32. Who knows it?
[15:59] <BluesKaj> converter? , use kparted to reformat to Fat32
[16:00] <lordievader> Eumel: I don't think it can be converted.
[16:00] <lordievader> Also why would you want to use fat32 it's old...
[16:00] <BluesKaj> backup your data first of course, Eumel
[16:00] <BluesKaj> maybe a usb stick
[16:01] <BluesKaj> a small one
[16:01] <lordievader> That is the only place it makes sense, however exFat is a better option for usb sticks.
[16:02] <ewet> whenever I read these questions I wonder what the actual problem might be ...
[16:02] <Eumel> I want use unetbootin, i need Fat 32 for USB Hdd.
[16:03] <lordievader> Eumel: Hmm, like BluesKaj you need to reformat your drive. This means all the data currently on there will be destroyed.
[16:03] <lordievader> Besides unetbootin formats it anyways.
[16:03] <Eumel> Ok.
[16:04] <Eumel> unetbootin have no formatting tool.
[16:05] <cyclick> kubuntu's printer setup app ignores the queue name when you setup and LPR printer...
[16:20] <BluesKaj> Eumel, have you considered Startup Disk Creator in kmenu>system?
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[16:24] <Eumel> <BluesKaj> No man, i dont use Startup Disk Creator.
[16:26] <BluesKaj> well it worked better for me than unetbootin for kubuntu install, unless you're installing a different OS
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=== Guest76539 is now known as tekkbuzzz
[16:32] <Eumel> <BluesKaj> good hope.
[16:34] <EvilRoey> hey guys
[16:34] <EvilRoey> why is my entire system SLOWER under 14.10 than under 14.04
[16:34] <EvilRoey> noticeably so.
[16:37] <BluesKaj> EvilRoey, have you updated and upgraded since the install?
[16:38] <rioko> tried gparted?
[16:38] <EvilRoey> I have indeed
[16:38] <EvilRoey> and rebooted
[16:38] <EvilRoey> rioko: for what?
[16:38] <rioko> you said you wanted to turn ntfs to fat32(?), i think it does that
[16:41] <EvilRoey> oh; that was not me
[16:41] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: yes I did do all of that
[16:42] <EvilRoey> I just upgraeded to firefox 35
[16:42] <EvilRoey> so we'll see if that acts any quicker (actually, I tried it for a minute, answer is no)
[16:42] <EvilRoey> the whole /interface/ and /kwin/ is far less responsive
[16:42] <BluesKaj> are you running akonadi server/kmail and baloo search, EvilRoey?
[16:43] <EvilRoey> let me check.
[16:43] <EvilRoey> roey 13899 0.0 0.1 296516 13224 ? S Nov25 0:08 akonaditray -session 1067656172000123561360800000106260118_1416195590_917971
[16:43] <lordievader> EvilRoey: How is the resource utilization?
[16:44] <yossarianuk> EvilRoey: do you have an intel GPU ?
[16:44] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: there are three Baloo processes marked "defunct": roey 14171 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? ZN Nov25 0:02 [baloo_file_extr] <defunct>
[16:44] <EvilRoey> yossarianuk: no
[16:44] <EvilRoey> lordievader: 100%+ for any process in the foreground (Firefox, kwin, amarok, top, etc.)
[16:45] <lordievader> EvilRoey: That ain't good...
[16:45] <EvilRoey> I can get nothing done with this system
[16:45] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Your cpu should be idle most of the time (for comsumer pc's anyways).
[16:45] <EvilRoey> I ordered a new one (current system is an intel core q6600 with 8 GB RAM, new system is an intel core i7 5960x with 64 GB RAM)
[16:45] <EvilRoey> lordievadery, yeah I figured as much
[16:46] <lordievader> EvilRoey: What does "vmstat 1" show?
[16:46] <BluesKaj> EvilRoey, odd , because my old pc runs faster on 14.10m than it did on 14.04...much faster aamof
[16:47] <EvilRoey> lordievader, http://pastebin.com/QfcJkrMp
[16:47] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: ah
[16:48] <EvilRoey> I wqas considering re-installing to a native 14.10 installation
[16:48] <EvilRoey> rather than continuing on my 14.04 installation that I had upgraded to 14.10.
[16:48] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Relatively idle. User time sometimes spikes a bit.
[16:50] <yossarianuk> EvilRoey: did you upgrade or fresh install ?
[16:50] <EvilRoey> yossarianuk: do-dist-upgrade
[16:50] <BluesKaj> EvilRoey, do you have separate / and /home partitions? If so I would reinstall to / .
[16:50] <yossarianuk> if you upgraded did you have the kubuntu ppa added with 14.04 ?
[16:50] <EvilRoey> lordievader: it's that when I use any process (firefox, amarok, top even) then CPU usage spikes to 100%+
[16:50] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Then show that ;)
[16:51] <EvilRoey> yossarianuk: I don't know? I just did do-dist-upgrade
[16:51] <EvilRoey> -t
[16:51] <lordievader> Run vmstat when the problem occurs, else the info it produces is useless in debugging the problem.
[16:51] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: I have separate /subvols/ on a BTRFS partition
[16:51] <yossarianuk> you mean 'sudo do-release-upgrade' ?
[16:51] <EvilRoey> yossarianuk: correct
[16:51] <EvilRoey> sudo do-release-upgrade -t
[16:51] <EvilRoey> or -d, or whichever switch checks for new releases.
[16:52] <EvilRoey> lordievader: ok will do then.
[16:52] <BluesKaj> -d is for dev or 15.04
[16:52] <EvilRoey> oh, well I have not upgraded to 15.04 at all.
[16:52] <EvilRoey> it's 14.10
[16:52] <BluesKaj> dev=development release
[16:52] <yossarianuk> sounds like a GPU issue to me....
[16:52] <EvilRoey> I ran the do-dist-upgrade -d from 14.04 -> 14.10
[16:52] <BluesKaj> EvilRoey, why the -t ?
[16:52] <EvilRoey> why a GPU issue?
[16:52] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: -d not -t
[16:53] <BluesKaj> ok
[16:53] <EvilRoey> yossarianuk, why a GPU issue necessarily? I also thought that it might be that.
[16:53] <EvilRoey> yossarianuk: so I got the latest nvidia PPA (346) and installed that
[16:54] <yossarianuk> just your description i.e if any window is opened slows the entire system
[16:54] <EvilRoey> it does.
[16:54] <EvilRoey> and if I click on a menu in Firefox, sometimes it might take five seconds before I see a response.
[16:54] <EvilRoey> same for adding/removing tabs
[16:55] <yossarianuk> have you tried adding another user and logging in with that /
[16:55] <EvilRoey> no
[16:55] <EvilRoey> er
[16:55] <EvilRoey> yeah
[16:55] <EvilRoey> I tried with a new ~/.kde,
[16:55] <yossarianuk> ok
[16:55] <EvilRoey> I tried with a different user
[16:55] <EvilRoey> I still have the same issue.
[16:55] <BluesKaj> BBL
[16:55] <EvilRoey> I'll bbiab too
[16:55] <EvilRoey> need to go run get groceries
[16:55] <EvilRoey> yossarianuk: I also tried strace -p on the process and seeing where it was stalling
[16:56] <EvilRoey> yossarianuk: but I could not interpret the symbols I saw
[17:01] <Waynes1> how do I turn off that thing that makes my screen go dark when watching videos
[17:01] <Waynes1> I'm sure it's great when I'm running on batteries, but I'm not
[17:04] <Waynes1> oh, not display or display settings (which appear to be the same), and neither is it screenlocker, it's "power management"
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
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[18:42] <EvilRoey> back
[18:42] <EvilRoey> hey all again
[18:42] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj, lordievader & others
[18:49] <karambito> Hey guys, do you know if it's possible to have overlay scrollbars in Plasma? I have my windows with tiny borders (so they have no borders xD) and this could be awesome to have. For those who don't know what they are → http://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/disable-overlay-scrollbar.jpg
[18:54] <lordievader> EvilRoey: Could you provide me with some vmstat output when you are seeing 100% cpu usage of firefox (or something).
[18:55] <EvilRoey> BluesKaj: if I want to re-install, how do I do this? I have a BTRFS partition with @root on / and @home mounted on /home
[18:55] <EvilRoey> lordievader: ok sure, will do
[18:55] <EvilRoey> lordievader: what would we be looking for specifically?
[18:55] <EvilRoey> what signs
[18:57] <lordievader> EvilRoey: We are looking at what the cpu is doing, is it user time, system time, io time, etc.
[18:58] <EvilRoey> lordievader: ok, if it's taking CPU time mainly, then what else would I check for?
[18:58] <EvilRoey> I'd like to see what module within Firefox is pegging the CPU
[19:00] <lordievader> EvilRoey: I'd like to know if it is io time or user/sys time...
[19:01] <EvilRoey> ok
[19:01] <EvilRoey> I'll let you know then
[19:02] <EvilRoey> lordievader, I'll be back at my computer in a few hours and will let you know then
[19:02] <EvilRoey> thanks :)
[19:34] <user1397> hi!
[19:42] <lordievader> o/
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[20:26] <user1397> anyone know how to change trackpad scroll speed?
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[21:52] <ivan_> hello using kubuntu 14.04 here how do I add a picture to the user login?
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[21:53] <Guest95614> how do I add a picture to the user login?
[21:55] <soee> Guest95614: go to System Settings -> Account Details
[21:57] <Roey> lordievader: heya, back at my place now
[21:59] <Guest95614> thanks
[22:01] <Roey> lordievader: http://pastebin.com/Me7RKfhL <-- shows vmstat while Firefox is throttling the CPU at >100%
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[22:20] <Roey> lordievader: Fx is just sooooooo slow in responding to any clicks. And then it makes the rest of my desktop slow because then the Pager takes five seconds to respond to clicks.
[22:21] <Roey> lordievader: even now it's taking 101.3% CPU time, and I have nothing loading at all
[22:21] <Roey> lordievader: it's just..spinning itself... it seems