[01:53] <mchelen> hi, my laptop's brightness hotkeys show icon, but dont change brightness in lubuntu 14.10. however, modifying /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness directly works. is there some way to get the hotkeys working? |
[01:54] <ianorlin> mchelen: I am not sure of the hotkeys but you can use xbacklight |
[01:57] <mchelen> ianorlin: xbacklight seems to have no effect |
[01:58] <ianorlin> hmm not sure then mchelen |
[01:59] <mchelen> ianorlin: ok thanks anyway, any suggestions where to report the bug? |
[02:00] <ianorlin> launchpad |
[02:00] <ianorlin> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs |
[02:02] <mchelen> ok i'll try that, thanks |
[02:03] <mchelen> `ubuntu-bug` says i need to specify a package or PID |
[02:08] <ianorlin> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting might be helpful but might need some modifaciont for lxde specific stuff |
[02:17] <mchelen> ianorlin: thanks, yeah thats why troubleshooting hotkeys is always tricky |
[02:27] <mchelen> ianorlin: i think basically the power manager is receiving the key event & taking some action, but i need to change the action it takes |
[02:27] <ianorlin> can you click on power manager tray icon and change brightness that way |
[02:28] <mchelen> it has no effect |
[02:30] <ianorlin> then might be xfce4-power-manger if it is the power manger not working |
[02:30] <mchelen> yup i think so |
[02:30] <ianorlin> you could do ubuntu-bug xfce4-power-manger if it is not changing brighntess |
[02:30] <mchelen> looks like it is modifying /sys/class/backlight/samsung/brightness but it should be /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness |
[02:55] <mchelen> found a fix: http://itsfoss.com/fix-brightness-ubuntu-1310/ |
[02:55] <mchelen> ianorlin: ^ in case you are wondering |
[07:57] <Drabuntu> Hallo, spricht jemand deutsch? |
[07:57] <Drabuntu> Ich brauche deutschen Support. |
[07:58] <Unit193> !de | Drabuntu |
[07:58] <ubottu> Drabuntu: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! |
[07:59] <Drabuntu> Unit193>>> Du sprichst deutsch, und kannst mir Support anbieten? |
[08:03] <Drabuntu> Ich möchte xorg also /etc/x11 mittels Checksumme absichern, kennt jemand eine Anleitung dazu? |
[08:03] <Unit193> Drabuntu: Nein, ich spreche kein Deutsch, ist die deutsche Unterstützung Kanal die beste Wahl. |
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater |
[14:54] <Klobuntu> I am seeking a chrootgenerator the chroot of an Internet portal and scripts generated. Do you know something? |
[14:55] <testdr> no - same procedure like in the german channel |
=== test___ is now known as Heiko333 |
[18:09] <janolap1> Hi, I would like to upgrade java version on my lubuntu. How can I do this ? I have java 7, and the sketches on openprocessing.org don't want to display... |
[18:18] <Novice201y> Hello. On specific machine with Lubuntu, I'm able to loging by user without providing password. But, when I want to apt-get update then system doesn't accept lack of password. What can I do with that? |
[18:19] <Mr_Comet> you should have admin password for it |
[18:19] <Mr_Comet> maybe lubuntu has a default password? |
[18:20] <Novice201y> Mr_Comet: Password has been changed. |
[18:21] <Mr_Comet> then thats tough situation |
[21:02] <cinimoon> had sound in precise, no sound after upgrade to trusty |
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater |
[23:40] <zerothis> what's the best way to gracefully unload everything down to bare X (remove the desktop and windows managers) in preparation to run a single app then returning safely to my regularly scheduled desktop? Already figured this out for pcmanfm, but I still need more resources for my app |