UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /07 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[11:54] <Laibsch> how can I disable display of remote bug comments in a cluttered ticket like bug 1103420?
[11:54] <ubot5`> bug 1103420 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice Base can’t find Java installation—does not work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1103420
[20:53] <prof_milki> Is there a global list of newest project releases on launchpad?
[21:22] <wgrant> prof_milki: There is not.
[21:24] <prof_milki> That's either a pity :/ or good enough of a reason to investigate the API further..
[21:24] <prof_milki> I've seen there's a `release_notes` field for project_release; just not sure if any projects are actually utilizing them.
[21:26] <wgrant> What are you trying to do?
[21:27] <prof_milki> Trying to utilize launchpad as another source for http://freshcode.club/ - either just a RSS feed of new release obviously, or even yet as auotupdate module (automatic changelog fetching, have something working for github-hosted projects and sourceforge already; but launchpad would be just as useful).
[21:34] <wgrant> Hm, I might be able to add an API for that.
[21:35] <wgrant> There's no way to get that information today.
[21:39] <prof_milki> Don't worry. I haven't really looked through everything yet; but the API looks nice enough (it's just OAuth which makes me relunctant); I guess I could probably start with a tiny polling process to find a few samples for https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html#project_release
[21:39] <wgrant> The API can be used anonymously without OAuth.
[21:40] <wgrant> Just make sure your User-Agent is descriptive so we can work out who to contact if necessary.
[21:40] <wgrant> But currently you'd have to poll all projects to find their recent releases, which is impractical.
[21:41] <prof_milki> Tried a few API points (/person) using plain Opera/x.y; but only got empty sets. But if it works without OAuth, I'll give it a whirl.
[21:42] <wgrant> Do you just use GitHub's /events and filter that manually?
[21:42] <prof_milki> Sort of. I'm actually fetching blobs via GitHubArchive (line-delimited events indeed).
[21:42] <wgrant> /people is special and won't give you the full collection.
[21:42] <prof_milki> I've previously polled GitHubs directly, which also worked, but uneccessary if there's already GHA.
[21:43] <wgrant> https://launchpad.net/api/devel/projects works, though.
[21:45] <prof_milki> Ah cool. Thanks!
[21:45] <prof_milki> So there's an easy way to assemble a list then.
[21:46] <prof_milki> Long-term I'm just going to poll freshcode-listed projects though - there's quite a few already with PPA + Launchpad links already; so I'll get targeted updates for them specifically.
[21:46] <wgrant> Ah, if you're just polling selected projects, then sure.
[21:47] <wgrant> If you were polling tens of thousands a day I'd spend the time to add an API to get a global collection of releases ordered by date.
[21:47] <prof_milki> Do you have a quota or something?
[21:47] <wgrant> No.
[21:47] <wgrant> We just block people if they're being disruptive, which happens occasionally.
[21:47] <prof_milki> I'd want to give a global list a try anyway, see if it's within acceptable limits. As a project-updates feed would be nice to have anyway.
[21:48] <prof_milki> It turned out to be quite minor traffic with GHA and GitHub anyway, and I'm pretty sure a slow polling script with the same caching might be workable.