UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /07 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:58] <jimmydwatts> anyone using plasma 5
[02:58] <jimmydwatts> ?
[03:13] <rbetzen> do we still use pull-lp-source or is apt-get source still the preferred method?
[06:15] <mint> hello everyone
[06:16] <mint> i just installed kubuntu 14.04 and when i rebooted get an error
[06:17] <mint> qaptworker2
[06:17] <mint> problem type cache
[06:18] <mint> package with problem libapt2-runtime 2.1..70-0ubuntu4.2
[06:20] <mint> #0 0x00007fc88caa9631 in QQProcess::waitforFinished(int)from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /libQtCore.so.4_start()
[06:21] <mint> something like that
[06:21] <mint> can anyone tel me how to correct the problem?
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[07:31] <deathoncity> hello
[07:31] <deathoncity> is there anyone in here?
[07:32] <krytarik> There is.
[07:34] <deathoncity> can you help me with something?
[07:35] <krytarik> Just ask, if you would.
[07:36] <deathoncity> I want to use online tv so, in order to do that I need to install a program called sopcast, but I'm confused because there is no package in Ubuntu called sopcast.
[07:36] <deathoncity> What should I do?
[07:37] <krytarik> Not *everything* is in the official repos, you know. :)
[07:37] <karambi> Hello, Is possible to have overlay scrollbars in Plasma?
[07:37] <krytarik> That is, just do a web search on how to install it.
[07:38] <deathoncity> I know that, but I saw something about in askubuntu.com
[07:38] <deathoncity> such as there is no sopcast ppa for ubuntu 14.04
[07:46] <deathoncity> krytarik, i have found something I installed. Now, I hope that will work :) Thanx again!!!
[07:46] <krytarik> Welcome. :)
[08:24] <Drabuntu> I need support, please easy English. I want that Hexchat make alert. I found the file .config/hexchat/hexchat.conf but i dont find the configuration, can you help me?
[08:28] <krytarik> !offtopic | Drabuntu
[08:28] <ubottu> Drabuntu: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[08:29] <krytarik> Drabuntu: Or else, you could check if someone is there in #hexchat right now, too. :)
[08:40] <Bomber_> hello there ll. ny keybord experts in the house?
[08:44] <krytarik> Bomber_: You might just ask, but I guess we already see your problem. :)
[08:44] <Bomber_> yep
[08:44] <Bomber_> the (next to s) button doesn't work
[08:44] <Bomber_> i men
[08:44] <Bomber_> it does
[08:44] <Bomber_> but
[08:45] <krytarik> Only in Kubuntu not?
[08:45] <Bomber_> wht hppens is t some point, it's like "buffer" fills up nd i cnnot use tht, the key next to w nd the key next to 2. the workround in the beginning is i press the problemtic keys lot nd they work
[08:45] <Bomber_> but fter typing lot, tht doesn't relly work
[08:46] <Bomber_> becuse i m dul booted, this goes cross ll the OS nd even GRUB
[08:46] <Bomber_> Windows 8 nd Kunbut 4.0
[08:46] <Bomber_> fourteen ten
[08:47] <Bomber_> i've tried plying round with xinput, but got nothing.
[08:47] <krytarik> So it's a hardware issue really.
[08:47] <Bomber_> when it sometimes works nd sometimes it doesn;t? like if I restrt the computer sometime it will "restrt" the buffer?
[08:48] <Bomber_> nd the fct there relly is some "buffer" thing?
[08:48] <Bomber_> you belive it is still hrdwre problem?
[08:49] <krytarik> Bomber_: Yep - you might be able to trick it to work somehow, but as you see, it doesn't work that long. :)
[08:49] <Bomber_> ?
[08:50] <Bomber_> I still believe it's borken driver thing
[08:50] <Bomber_> s much s i hve problem with my touchpd, but i worked round it
[08:50] <Bomber_> aaaaaaaaaaaa
[08:51] <Bomber_> yep,got the buffer bck...well, slightly
[08:53] <krytarik> Bomber_: Remember, you said it's across multiple OSes you're using, as well as Grub.
[08:54] <Bomber_> yes....
[08:55] <Bomber_> isn't there like cross OS setting thing?
[08:55] <krytarik> Nope.
[08:55] <Bomber_> tht pplies the behviour of system in grub, windows nd kubuntu?
[08:55] <lordievader> Baughn: Yeah, like Blueskaj said, it will likely work better with lightdm.
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[09:30] <Bomber_> cnt' it be some hrdwre interupt thing tht hndles the key press event hndling?
[09:30] <uriel_> Hiya lordievader :) Just popped in to say that the installation worked! I'm chatting from the new machine, with my new kickass 4K GPT hard drive, lots more RAM than the old one... And everything seems to be perfectly happy!
[09:32] <lordievader> uriel_: Good to hear :D
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[10:25] <Martin_LenahVall> looking for peter fluckiger
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=== Lawrence is now known as Yukitteru
[10:53] <mirek> czesc
[10:53] <mirek> hel
[10:53] <mirek> helo
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[14:37] <Guest61597> hii there !
[14:38] <soee> hiho Guest61597
[14:38] <Guest61597> thanks for responding hope i can ask question here about kubuntu
[14:40] <soee> !ask
[14:40] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[14:42] <Guest61597> am installing kubuntu 14.04 if i want to upgrade to 14.04.1 it will be done via reguler updates or i will have to do a big distribution type of update
[14:45] <soee> Guest61597: this should be done automatically
[14:45] <soee> but if you have latest iso, it should contain it already
[14:46] <Guest61597> thannk you, i have old iso
[15:11] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[15:14] <dmatt> BluesKaj: Hello, Helping Hand :)
[15:14] <BluesKaj> Hi dmatt, what's up?
[15:18] <dmatt> BluesKaj: nothing, I just see you relentlesly helping people when I sometimes lurk around here, so I took little liberty of choosing you nickname
[15:19] <BluesKaj> oh, ok dmatt , I have time on my hands and it's winter so I hsav
[15:19] <BluesKaj> even more time
[15:19] <BluesKaj> :)
[15:19] <BluesKaj> <---retired
[15:25] <dmatt> BluesKaj: time is precious for retired people as well... :)
[15:29] <BluesKaj> dmatt, yes, and it goes too fast, but linux has become one of my hobbies so I consider the time used as constructive :)
[16:38] <parsnip> Hi, is installing vim-common recommended? I'd like to have GVim, but I'm guessing vim-gtk could be overkill for kubuntu. --some type of newb
[16:40] <soee> BluesKaj: ^
[16:41] <BluesKaj> parsnip, dunno , I just kate and vi, but I write very few scripts etc
[16:41] <BluesKaj> use
[16:42] <BluesKaj> hey soee what's up ?\
[16:42] <soee> i thought you might help him, im not familiar with vim
[16:42] <parsnip> I don't understand the reference to "scripts" BluesKaj
[16:43] <parsnip> Thanks soee , so what do you prefer to vim?
[16:43] <soee> i do not work much in cli, but i stared to use vim a bit lately and before nano
[16:43] <parsnip> Or, BluesKaj , I guess I mean, you don't need to edit text much?
[16:44] <soee> what is GVim ?
[16:44] <parsnip> The GUI version of Vim, outside of terminal.
[16:44] <parsnip> I believe.
[16:44] <soee> ahh i do not use/need such things :)
[16:44] <soee> i like terminal :D
[16:45] <parsnip> I do to, that is probably my most frequent use of Vim, as a complement to the terminal.
[16:45] <parsnip> *too
[16:45] <parsnip> But I enjoy the GUI version when I mean to use it that deliberately.
[16:46] <parsnip> (I don't mean menus, toolbars, scrollbars. Just the overall presentation and maybe easier bindings, but I forget what is different.)
[16:47] <BluesKaj> parsnip, yup
[16:50] <BluesKaj> guess I shouldn't comment on stuff I with which really have no experience
[16:51] <BluesKaj> let me rephrase that, I shouldn't comment on stuff with which I really have no experience
[16:53] <parsnip> That's okay, I'm such newb. The majority of my experience with Vim was playing around with my .vimrc for like a month.
[16:53] <parsnip> But now I'm comfortable enough to use it when it makes sense for me.
[16:54] <parsnip> I'm Emacs lover for like year.
[16:54] <BluesKaj> parsnip, so what do you do with it, exactly?
[16:54] <parsnip> Vim?
[16:54] <BluesKaj> yes
[16:54] <parsnip> Usually I just use it for quick edits in terminal, like configs, or for reading preferred to 'cat'.
[16:56] <BluesKaj> ok , I just use the run command and kate or dolphin for that kind of thing
[16:57] <BluesKaj> with root permissions
[16:57] <parsnip> Dolphin is great. One of my favorite unique uses for it is the ease with which I can install TeX packages.
[16:57] <parsnip> (Until I get around to doing so more command line.)
[16:59] <parsnip> Package lands in Downloads (from CTAN site), split Dolphin to texmf/tex/latex/ directory, Extract, drag, then F4 to create .sty files if they don't already exist. So nice.
[17:02] <BluesKaj> I had no idea what you're talking about, but I wiki'd TeX and now see what it's about, but before my eyes glaze over I'll just leave it at that :)
[17:03] <parsnip> Haha, I have a BS in math, but side effect is I had to learn a great typesetting tool. I use it so much now.
[17:04] <parsnip> BluesKaj: Do you use any markup languages?
[17:04] <BluesKaj> no
[17:05] <parsnip> Libre Writer?
[17:05] <BluesKaj> I'm mosly a hobbyist/linux user with no need for it on the job etc since I'm retired
[17:06] <BluesKaj> and i try to help where and when I can
[17:12] <BluesKaj> !PIM
[17:12] <BluesKaj> wth
[17:17] <parsnip> Dang it, 'sudo apt-get install texlive' is hanging.
[17:21] <parsnip> 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1562::17)]
[17:27] <BluesKaj> parsnip, which kubuntu version?
[17:29] <parsnip> I think 14.04, not sure.
[17:29] <parsnip> Should I delete apt lists?
[17:30] <parsnip> Yes, 14.04.
[17:32] <BluesKaj> ok, the ca.archive repos wasn't responding here the other day on 14.10, but it seems ok now
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[17:33] <parsnip> Should I try changing the repo? Not sure yet how, will search.
[17:33] <parsnip> I can't even install 'sl
[17:35] <BluesKaj> parsnip, odd because the us,archive repos is certainly legit afaik
[17:35] <lordievader> parsnip: Is your network ipv6 capable?
[17:36] <parsnip> ah, how do i check this
[17:36] <parsnip> i have had trouble at this cafe before, with IMAP and IRC.
[17:38] <parsnip> if i do "ping6 google.com" it hangs. Is this a correct test method?
[17:39] <BluesKaj> ahh, perhaps the repos server sees your ISP/internet connection as insecure... never experienced that myself , but I've heard of such issues
[17:39] <parsnip> Giraffe! This freakin' cafe!
[17:40] <lordievader> parsnip: I suppose ping6 will tell you, yes. However it can still be your firewall.
[17:40] <parsnip> can i "hack"?
[17:40] <parsnip> When I had the IMAP and IRC trouble, I solved by SSH'ing to my toy server and use clients there.
[17:41] <parsnip> (The beauty of Emacs.)
[17:42] <parsnip> This looks similar: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16988966/apt-get-not-working-behind-corp-firewall-on-win-7-in-virtualbox-with-proxy-set
[17:42] <parsnip> I can do some searching, thanks for getting me in the right direction all.
[17:43] <lordievader> parsnip: I'd first look at your own firewall before acusing anyone of anything.
[17:43] <parsnip> My PCs firewall?
[17:43] <lordievader> Yes.
[17:45] <BluesKaj> odd my router is set at ipv6 capable but ping6 test says network unreachable ...fw shouldn't block since the modem is bridged
[17:46] <lordievader> BluesKaj: ipv6 capable does not mean it is enabled.
[17:47] <parsnip> maybe i should have said 'ping6 ipv6.google.com', as I read from site.
[17:47] <parsnip> Whoa, this is cool: http://test-ipv6.com/
[17:49] <parsnip> "Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have IPv6 Internet access."
[17:50] <parsnip> "Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6 - ok (1.672s) using ipv4"
[17:52] <parsnip> Now I'm trying things from http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/check-for-ipv6-support-in-linux-kernel/
[17:53] <parsnip> My output of if_net6 only has lo and wlan, no ra and eth.
[17:54] <parsnip> 'lsmod | grep ipv6' is empty
[17:55] <lordievader> parsnip: Do you have an ipv6 address attached to a nic?
[17:57] <parsnip> What's a nic?
[17:57] <lordievader> Network Interface Card
[17:58] <parsnip> How can I check?
[17:58] <lordievader> parsnip: ip a
[17:59] <parsnip> I see lines with inet6, is that it?
[17:59] <lordievader> parsnip: Likely.
[18:01] <parsnip> going to try steps at http://test-ipv6.com/broken.html
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[18:04] <parsnip> hmm, instructions only seem to be relevant for different addresses (mine start with fe80)
[18:05] <lordievader> parsnip: What do you mean?
[18:07] <parsnip> The instructions at link mention what to do if address doesn't start with fe80. But mine does. I now see they link to 'Netalyzr'. Will try that.
[18:09] <lordievader> I think that is a good thing, in other words I think you can skip that section.
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[18:09] <parsnip> Right, i skip all the sections for similar reason.
[18:10] <parsnip> So I'm trying Netalyzr, but I'm trying to install Java for it.
[18:11] <parsnip> Hoping this RPM is easy to use
[18:11] <lordievader> RPM is Red Hat stuff, not compatible with ubuntu.
[18:12] <parsnip> Dang, what do I do with this site: http://www.java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en
[18:12] <lordievader> !java
[18:12] <ubottu> To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.
[18:12] <parsnip> Thank you
[18:13] <parsnip> Dang, it says it's already installed.
[18:15] <parsnip> Going to try v-6
[18:18] <igalic> hello happy people o/~
[18:18] <parsnip> hi
[18:19] <igalic> i recently updated to 14.10, and now i'm wondering, what is pay-service, and why, when trying to get rid of it, gnome will be installed?
[18:21] <igalic> https://gist.github.com/960b8302f5f7e8bba54c
[18:22] <lordievader> igalic: Purging shouldn't install new package, so these packages are likely pulled in due to something else.
[18:24] <igalic> lordievader: because of missing dependencies that installed packages now are left with.
[18:25] <lordievader> igalic: What?
[18:30] <parsnip> lordievader: i think it is the ip address that doesn't have ipv6.
[18:30] <parsnip> I think the ip address here is:
[18:30] <parsnip>
[18:30] <parsnip> If I ping it, it works, while if i ping6 it, i get "unknown host"
[18:31] <parsnip> So I should try a tunnel broker?
[18:32] <lordievader> parsnip: Ipv6 does not do ipv4.
[18:32] <parsnip> If I try site http://ipv6-test.com/pingtest/ I get 100% packet loss on ipv6
[18:33] <parsnip> Huh?
[18:33] <parsnip> Did I say something that implied ipv6 does ipv4?
[18:34] <parsnip> ah, i have no ipv6 address?
[18:34] <parsnip> i can't ping6 a ipv4 address? they are distinct?
[18:34] <parsnip> *an
[18:35] <parsnip> So, I think I've established that it is not my PC with the problem, but the cafe?
[18:37] <parsnip> Ha, IMAP is not working again.
[18:37] <lordievader> 07-19:30 < parsnip> If I ping it, it works, while if i ping6 it, i get "unknown host"
[18:39] <parsnip> And does http://ipv6-test.com/ tell you about your own 4 and 6 at your location? I get 4 but not 6.
[18:39] <lordievader> parsnip: My isp doesn't do ipv6.
[18:39] <parsnip> Ah. So you cannot use apt-get there?
[18:40] <lordievader> Sure I can, ipv4/
[18:40] <parsnip> Can I?
[18:41] <parsnip> Oh, google, sorry.
[18:41] <parsnip> Maybe "-o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true", will try
[18:41] <lordievader> parsnip: Disable ipv4 if you do not need ipv6 any further.
[18:41] <parsnip> You mean make it persistent?
[18:42] <parsnip> haha, the sl choochoo train is installed. well, this was fun.
[18:42] <lordievader> sl is nice :D
[18:42] <parsnip> Thank you for staying with me lordievader:
[18:42] <lordievader> parsnip: You can also disable it for this session. The linux kernel is rather dynamic.
[18:44] <parsnip> I'm not finding that quickly. How for session?
[18:45] <parsnip> Anyways, not too important, I just needed texlive today. Had to reinstall a couple days ago and just now missing things.
[18:48] <lordievader> parsnip: The echo commands at the end of the first section: http://en.kioskea.net/faq/759-ubuntu-disabling-ipv6-support
[18:51] <parsnip> Awesome, thank you! And thanks again for all the help!
[18:51] <lordievader> parsnip: No problem ;)
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[18:59] <Josh^> I know it's a pretty commonly asked and trivial question - but one I never really get anywhere with when I google it
[18:59] <Josh^> I'd like to run a command at startup, "synclient VertScrollDelta=50" in the terminal
[18:59] <Josh^> what's the common way of doing such a thing?
[19:00] <lordievader> Josh^: Do you need to see the shell?
[19:01] <Josh^> I don't believe so
[19:01] <lordievader> Josh^: Then you can just add the script to the kde startup list.
[19:02] <Josh^> alright, so create a bash script and put my command within?
[19:05] <lordievader> Josh^: For example, if it requires a gui add "export DISPLAY=:0" before the command.
[19:17] <parsnip> my texlive is broken
[19:17] <parsnip> i cannot remove
[19:18] <lordievader> parsnip: Have you tried "sudo apt-get install -f"?
[19:20] <parsnip> will pastebin result
[19:21] <parsnip> http://sprunge.us/BGNN?sh
[19:23] <parsnip> Maybe this will work:
[19:23] <parsnip> sudo apt-get install --reinstall dpkg
[19:23] <parsnip> nope
[19:25] <lordievader> parsnip: Could you pastebin the contents of '/tmp/fmtutil.TvOiM78x'?
[19:25] <ikonia> why would you reinstall dpkg ?
[19:27] <parsnip> Saw instructions on sx
[19:27] <parsnip> Ah, sudo apt-get autoremove seemed to change behavior
[19:28] <ikonia> you should never need to reinstall dpkg
[19:28] <ikonia> ever
[19:29] <parsnip> http://sprunge.us/PAhG
[19:29] <parsnip> Here is where they reinstall dpkg:
[19:29] <parsnip> http://askubuntu.com/questions/438345/how-to-remove-install-a-package-that-is-not-fully-installed
[19:30] <ikonia> parsnip: people who post on askubuntu can be amazingly skilled or idiots trying to cause damage
[19:30] <parsnip> uhoh
[19:30] <ikonia> and any range in between
[19:31] <parsnip> the unpopular answer at http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/139586/e-sub-process-usr-bin-dpkg-returned-an-error-code-1-what-does-this-mean
[19:31] <parsnip> seemed to solve my problem, with the autoremove. I think i walked away from computer while installing texlive. never a good idea
[19:31] <lordievader> parsnip: Lots of things fail, however my Latex knowledge is too limited to understand why they fail.
[19:32] <parsnip> dang it. i think it didn't work again
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[20:37] <Josh^> is there a particular reason that the Software Updates download speed is significantly slower than my internet speed?
[20:37] <Josh^> it seems to be all package downloading within the OS that is reallllly slow
[20:38] <Josh^> I tried "installing default wallpapers" and it was taking insanely long to get that package
[20:38] <Josh^> it's running at a DL rate of about 30-40 KiB/s which is ridiculous
[20:39] <soee_> okit might be source server upload speed
[20:39] <soee_> try to chnage to some mirror for example from your country]
[20:40] <Josh^> I honestly don't even know how to do that
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[21:16] <nukecrasher53> hi
[22:21] <MacFly> hola
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