UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /05 /#launchpad-dev.txt
Initial commit
[00:30] <rpadovani> wgrant, thanks for fixes to UI of lp released yesterday and today. Definitely better!
[00:37] <wgrant> rpadovani: :)
[00:37] <wgrant> Some more improvements are in the pipeline.
[00:37] <rpadovani> \o/
[00:37] <rpadovani> I definitely love that I finally right-click on top left links
[00:37] <rpadovani> *can right-click
[00:38] <wgrant> That worked in some browsers before.
[00:38] <rpadovani> also, because now works on Ubuntu Touch Browser too
[00:38] <wgrant> Yes, mobile webkit touch events were very problematic.
[00:38] <wgrant> I haven't tested on the Touch browser, though I finally do have a device, but if anything else doesn't work please let me know.
[00:40] <rpadovani> Sure! I like some LP features (bug tracker rocks, best I ever tried) but I think it's UI needs some improvement
[00:40] <rpadovani> Keep up the good work!
[00:40] <wgrant> That's putting it nicely :)
[00:40] <wgrant> The UI is a bit bad.
[00:41] <rpadovani> Yes, it's sad, because could be a very good competitor to GitHub - and it's opensource! But UI and Social things don't work
[00:42] <wgrant> We were a lot more social than the other sites a few years ago, but then GitHub came along and did that much better.
[00:44] <rpadovani> Uh, I take this opportunity to ask you about a feature: do you plan to add post commit hooks? They are so useful to deploy websites, and it's the only GitHub/Lab feature I really miss
[00:47] <wgrant> We're looking at introducing webhooks next year, if that's what you mean.
[00:49] <rpadovani> Oh, well, yes, I was just thinking to the use I do, but I mean webhooks. This is an awesome news, really! I think I'll read commits to trunk more often... Thanks for the news :-)
[00:49] <wgrant> :)
[00:54] <rpadovani> Do you know DuckDuckGo? I asked to a friend to implement support for launchpad bugs :-)
[00:54] <rpadovani> https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8344987/5296484/ad0f46ec-7ba4-11e4-8268-209b85a82f3f.png
[00:55] <rpadovani> and there is already a MR: https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/pull/1319
[00:56] <wgrant> Nice.
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[23:48] <xnox> Ursinha: wgrant: infinity: cjwatson: as members of ~launchpad would you mind setting ~lazr-developers as the maintainer of launchpadlib project?
[23:48] <xnox> or alternatively would you mind adding me to ~launchpad to make a launchpadlib release?
[23:49] <xnox> (i'm guessing ~launchpad is actually important / too powerful team for me to be in)
[23:50] <wgrant> ~launchpad is Canonical-only. I've siwtched launchpadlib's owner to ~lazr-developers.
[23:50] <wgrant> I'll also try to remove ~launchpadlib-developers entirely.