UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /05 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== linstatsdr_ is now known as LinstatSDR
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== erkules_ is now known as erkules
[09:53] <jacekn> hello. I it possible for a subordinate charm to establish 2 relations to its master?
[10:51] <jacekn> are there know problems with juju from ppa:juju/stable ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1399606
[10:51] <mup> Bug #1399606: juju bootstrap of local environment failing <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1399606>
[11:24] <ezobn> lazyPower: Not had time yesterday - just create https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1399613
[11:24] <mup> Bug #1399613: juju-core not using constraints when creating KVM unit on maas machine <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1399613>
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
[14:08] <lazyPower> jacekn: its certainly possible to have 2 relationships with a sub to a service.
[14:17] <jacekn> lazyPower: thanks, this is good news for me
[15:13] <plars> is there a ?-relation-changed hook that should fire when the config on a subordinate charm is changed? I'm trying to do something like that and someone recommended container-relation-changed, but it's not working for me
[15:19] <lazyPower> plars: only if the relationship name between the service and your sub is 'container'
[15:19] <lazyPower> marcoceppi: do we allow juju-info-relation-changed hooks? i haven't actually tried to do this before.
[15:19] <lazyPower> i'm iffy on if that'll work as juju-info is reserved
[15:19] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: yes, if the relation name is called juju-info
[15:19] <plars> lazyPower: ah, so we have to have an explicit relationship name for it?
[15:19] <marcoceppi> but don't call the relation juju-info
[15:19] <lazyPower> yeah
[15:19] <lazyPower> so if your relationship is like such
[15:19] <lazyPower> relation: foo
[15:19] <marcoceppi> plars: you can use the juju-info interface
[15:19] <lazyPower> interface: bar
[15:20] <lazyPower> its foo-relation-changed
[15:20] <plars> marcoceppi: how do you mean?
[15:20] <marcoceppi> plars: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9383535/
[15:21] <marcoceppi> juju-info, as an interface, is what you really need, but don't use "juju-info" as the releation name, instead name it something more useful
[15:21] <plars> thanks, I'll give it a try
[15:27] <ejat> hi tvansteenburgh
[15:27] <ejat> how r ya ?
[15:29] <tvansteenburgh> hey ejat
[15:30] <ejat> did u already have time to fix and update the limesurvey charm ?
[15:30] * ejat no worries .. just asking ..
[15:32] <tvansteenburgh> ejat, i got the install fixed but there is still a prob in the db-relation-changed hook
[15:33] <ejat> thanks for the update.
[15:33] <ejat> do u file the bugs ? maybe i can subscribe and follow the bugs :)
[15:34] <tvansteenburgh> ejat, no i haven't
[15:36] <ejat> maybe need to seek Clint Byrum help on this
[15:36] <tvansteenburgh> ejat https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/limesurvey
[15:36] <tvansteenburgh> looks like bugs already reported
[15:36] <ejat> owh ..
[15:36] <ejat> ok thanks tvansteenburgh
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
[15:39] <ejat> install hook reported
[15:39] <ejat> but not the db-relation-changed
[15:39] <ejat> right ?
[15:41] <tvansteenburgh> whoever fixes install will see that db- is broken
[15:45] <ejat> :)
=== fenris- is now known as ejat
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[17:15] <ejat> hi ...
[17:15] <ejat> im facing this for hpcloud
[17:15] <ejat> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9384755/
[17:15] <ejat> can someone help me?
[17:16] <jose> ejat: are you sure your credentials are correct?
[17:16] <jose> and all the settings are correctly put on the environments.yaml file?
[17:17] <ejat> yups .. ive checked
[17:18] <ejat> A common mistake is
[17:18] <ejat> to specify the wrong tenant. Use the OpenStack "project" name
[17:18] <ejat> for tenant-name in your environment configuration.
[17:18] <ejat> need to create project name 1st?
[17:18] <ejat> then put that name in .yaml??
[17:19] <jcastro> marcoceppi, can you this this one up? http://askubuntu.com/questions/554246/deploying-openstack-with-just-two-machines-with-juju
[17:21] <marcoceppi> jcastro: following up
[17:23] <ejat> can i use userpass instead of keypair ?
[17:23] <ejat> or best recommend keypair?
[17:23] <jcastro> I've used both but I think they recommend keypair
[17:24] <jose> ejat: when I set up hpcloud a couple months ago, I followed the instructions at jujucharms.com/docs and found no errors
[17:25] <jose> have you checked those?
[17:25] <jcastro> there should be a screenshot pointing to where the exact tebnant name is
[17:25] * ejat checking and syncing with the docs ..
[17:26] <ejat> jcastro: i already put same as it is
[17:26] <ejat> should i create another project?
[17:26] <jcastro> marcoceppi, I also tossed some bounties on the openstack and maas tags to motivate folks if you want to do the same
[17:26] <marcoceppi> ack
[17:27] <ejat> because xxx-default-tenant
[17:27] <ejat> because mine was xxx-default-tenant
[17:31] <ejat> because last time i use userpass ...
[17:31] <ejat> :(
[17:31] <jcastro> ok so you want to switch it to userpass?
[17:33] <jcastro> ejat, how about this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9385015/
[17:42] <ejat> i think ... im having problem while im using this as my identity https://region-a.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v3/
[17:42] <ejat> is there any problem if i use 2.0 and 3 ?
[17:43] <ejat> jcastro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9385155/
[17:43] <designate> I am trying to bootstrap an environment using maas/juju (latest stable versions of both) but I'm getting the following error: "401 OK (Authorization Error: 'Expired timestamp: given 1417774874 and now 1417800053 has a greater difference than threshold 300')" despite the fact that I have configured an NTP server in MAAS that is reachable by all servers.
[17:46] <marcoceppi> designate: is your local computer also ntpdated?
[17:46] <jcastro> ejat, huh unsure on that one, have you seen that before on hpcloud sinzui?
[17:46] <designate> marcoceppi: if by local computer, you mean the machine I'm running "juju bootstrap" from, then yes...it is also the maas box
[17:47] <marcoceppi> designate: interesting
[17:47] <designate> my "local" computer's time will in no way affect maas or juju as I am SSHd into the box.
[17:48] <marcoceppi> personally, I've never seen that error, it's being generated by maas and not juju
[17:48] <marcoceppi> is that error presented during the bootstrap phase or when you run juju status after bootstrap?
[17:48] <marcoceppi> are you using fastpath installer?
[17:48] <marcoceppi> what version of juju?
[17:49] <designate> 1.20.13-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1
[17:49] <sinzui> ejat, I don't know about auth version, but i can tell you in a few minutes. I have been using v2
[17:49] <designate> it happens during "juju bootstrap"
[17:49] <designate> yes I am using fastpath installer
[17:50] <ejat> sinzui: owh okie ...
[17:50] <ejat> sinzui: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9385155/
[17:50] <sinzui> ejat, my https://horizon.hpcloud.com/project/access_and_security/ doesn't let me use v3, it just permits v2
[17:50] * sinzui tries anyway
[17:53] <sinzui> ejat, I cannot use v3, but that might be because Hp doesn't list it as my as my identity endpoint
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
[17:58] <ejat> brb
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
[19:07] <jumpkick> I'm running on ubuntu 14.10, when I try to deploy my 3rd charm after juju-gui and another charm it is failing with a 1 hook failed "install", what's the best way to troubleshoot this (I
[19:07] <jumpkick> (I'm a juju noob)
[19:08] <jumpkick> I've already destroyed and recreated the environment with juju-quickstart twice
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
[19:30] <jcastro> jose, yo yo
[19:30] <jose> jcastro: hey!
[19:30] <jcastro> mbruzek, 30 minute warning!
[19:30] <jcastro> jose, ^^
[19:30] <mbruzek> ack
[19:30] <jose> I have to leave real quick (less than 10m) and I'll be back here
[19:30] <jose> don't worry
[19:45] <mbruzek> jose are you going to give me a link
[19:45] <jose> mbruzek: I am, yes
[19:47] <lazyPower> jumpkick: hey sorry about the latent reply
[19:47] <lazyPower> jumpkick: there's a few things you can do 1) would be to investigate the log output - but that can be cumbersome, especially with an hour of log spam piling on top of that
[19:48] <lazyPower> 2) use juju debug-hooks to attach to the unit, run juju resolved --retry in another terminal to enter the hook context and run the hook interactively to find the failure (and optionally correct the broken behavior)
[19:48] <lazyPower> jumpkick: if you've got the time, we did an excellent charm school over this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjERFuBs2S8
[19:53] <jcastro> jose, hangout URL?
[19:54] <jose> I sent you an invite
[19:54] <mbruzek> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYegIWRyr0b1jvjaNiDlQDG_L-JKYd8WtjRoU-pWwUxGVqPDTw
[19:54] <jcastro> ok fellas
[19:54] <jcastro> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYegIWRyr0b1jvjaNiDlQDG_L-JKYd8WtjRoU-pWwUxGVqPDTw
[20:01] <jose> #ubuntu-on-air
[20:02] <cory_fu> ubuntuonair.com still shows the Ubuntu Community Q&A video instead of the charm school
[20:03] <skay> same here
[20:04] <mbruzek> Jorge that is enough
[20:04] <cory_fu> Video is here, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17FFAhhHPLI
[20:04] <kwmonroe> :)
[20:04] <mbruzek> I have all this stuff in my script
[20:04] <mbruzek> you are stealing all my best material
[20:04] <skay> cory_fu: thannks :)
[20:04] <kwmonroe> page 2 man! page 2!
[20:04] <mbruzek> jcastro
[20:05] <jose> huh, let's give it another update
[20:05] <jcastro> is he supposed to be showing slides?
[20:06] <jose> no, there's people saying ubuntuonair is not showing the right video
[20:07] <jcastro> still the old video for me
[20:09] <jose> jcastro: can you try refreshing now, please?
[20:09] <jcastro> works!
[20:10] <jose> \o/
[20:15] <kwmonroe> :) good lookin out for creds jose
[20:15] <jose> :P
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
[20:37] <kwmonroe> jcastro: you froze up 1/2 way through the "over arching question" itnro
[20:37] <jcastro> that's ok
[20:37] <skay> uh oh. repeat the question when you come back
[20:37] <jcastro> it's hard locked now
[20:38] <jcastro> it has not been a good hangout week for me
[20:38] <kwmonroe> excellent thumbnail. you look so happy.
[20:38] <jcastro> jose, QUESTION: Do we have any things in place to allow people to host their own internal charm store?
[20:38] <jose> ack
[20:38] <jose> will ask in a min
[20:39] <jose> jcastro: invited you, try joining again
[20:40] <jcastro> sec, it's a chromebook, trying to figure out how to reboot it
[20:40] <jose> :P
[20:40] <jose> take the battery out?
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
[20:42] <jose> jcastro: just asked :P
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[20:51] <jumpkick> lazyPower: thanks I'll watch that video and give juju resolved --retry a go
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
[21:02] <jumpkick> I ran juju debug-hooks on my failed charm... byobu-tmux is going nuts spewing the statusbar all up the screen and "byobu-screen" tells me I can't use it because root doesn't own /home/ubuntu
[21:02] <jumpkick> sigh, I wish gnome terminal would not have this problem
[21:05] <jumpkick> holy crap, I just fixed it by setting the character set to UTF-8
[21:18] <marcoceppi> jumpkick: we experienced that issue elsewhere, it may be worth while mentioning that in the docs
[22:26] <jumpkick> lazyPower: Watching your debugging hooks youtube video - the reason your mediawiki test curl failed to pull up media wiki is because you needed to provide "-L" to follow redirects ...
[22:26] <jumpkick> though I'm guessing somebody already mentioned it by now... lol
[22:32] <lazyPower> jumpkick: i was super excited to be leaving to see my family - so i was going 90mph and not thinking straight - is what i've chalked it up to
[22:35] <whit> anybody here ever wish they could embed a charm in a repository? sort of like how folks embed packaging metadata with the code for an application?
[22:39] <lazyPower> i do
[22:39] <lazyPower> having a metadata.yaml or charm.yaml that handles the details for me would be tops
[22:39] <lazyPower> just point juju @ my repo and let it go
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away