UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /04 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
[07:52] <dholbach> good morning
=== rmescandon is now known as rmescandon|brb
=== rmescandon|brb is now known as rmescandon
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
[09:18] <rpadovani> dpm, are you joining the hangout? :-)
[09:18] <akiva-thinkpad> there is a hangout?
[09:18] <mzanetti> :D
[09:18] <rpadovani> akiva-thinkpad, reminders weekly catchup :D
[09:18] <akiva-thinkpad> ah for the reminders app?
[09:19] <mzanetti> yeah
[09:19] <akiva-thinkpad> That has turned out to be a rather complex project it seems.
[09:20] <akiva-thinkpad> The little code I contributed to it, I found to be rather monumental. Or maybe it was because I was utterly frustrated with setting up an account.
[09:20] <dpm> rpadovani, mzanetti, I'm really sorry, I'll have to skip today, I'm in the middle of something else. Feel free to continue without me, and I'll follow up either on IRC or e-mail later on in the day
[09:20] <mzanetti> pff
[09:20] <mzanetti> :P
[09:21] <akiva-thinkpad> mzanetti, are you streaming it? I wouldnt mind listening to it just to get a hedge where it is at.
[09:24] <mzanetti> akiva-thinkpad: we're usually not streaming it
[09:24] <mzanetti> but feel free to join
[09:24] <akiva-thinkpad> link?
[09:24] <mzanetti> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/ZGF2aWQucGxhbmVsbGFAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.rigv40be981okv534p57kuhf0k?authuser=0
[09:24] <akiva-thinkpad> cool beans
[09:27] <akiva-thinkpad> Canonical only
[09:27] <akiva-thinkpad> ah well
[09:34] <mzanetti> dpm: heh. we figured some action points. assigned all of them to you
[09:34] <mzanetti> akiva-thinkpad: oh sorry... missed that
[09:34] <rpadovani> :D
[09:34] <dpm> hahaha, well done
[09:34] <akiva-thinkpad> np
[09:34] <mzanetti> akiva-thinkpad: I can invite you for the next ones so you'd have access
[09:34] <akiva-thinkpad> sure
[09:35] <akiva-thinkpad> hey JamesTait o/
[09:35] <mzanetti> akiva-thinkpad: need you mail
[09:35] <akiva-thinkpad> akiva@linux.com
[09:36] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Cookie Day! :-D
[09:36] <JamesTait> akiva-thinkpad, o/
[09:36] <akiva-thinkpad> JamesTait, something on reddit canada you may like... sec
[09:37] <akiva-thinkpad> JamesTait, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0doMc95DEA
[09:38] * JamesTait prepares for the rickroll
[09:40] <JamesTait> akiva-thinkpad, nice!:)
[09:46] <popey> rpadovani: spoke to bzoltan and Mirv about bug 1320885
[09:46] <ubot5> bug 1320885 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "TextField ignore all text placement rules" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1320885
[09:46] <popey> rpadovani: they suspect maybe fixed in qt 5.4
[09:47] <popey> rpadovani: bug 1294940 perhaps - can you try the ugly (but loved by mirv) qt5.4 packages as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/QtTesting ?
[09:47] <ubot5> bug 1294940 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Text.AlignJustify does not properly justify text" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1294940
[09:48] <rpadovani> popey, on it
[09:48] <rpadovani> well, there is a ppa for utopic? Not on vivid yet
[09:49] <rpadovani> because on that page there is ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/backup-qt532 for utopic, and I suspect is for Qt5.3.2
[09:50] <rpadovani> Oh, found it
[09:50] <rpadovani> let me broke all my system \o/
[10:01] <Mirv> rpadovani: no there is no utopic silo yet, sorry
[10:01] <Mirv> for 5.4.0. I'm not sure, maybe one could try adding the vivid apt line to sources.list on utopic too...
[10:01] <rpadovani> Mirv, seems it's time to upgrade to vivid - I don't test it on phone, sorry, I use it as main phone and dont want to break it
[10:02] <Mirv> rpadovani: yeah, you wouldn't get it working on the phone anyway :) and yes, Qt side of things _will_ partially blow up with that PPA, guaranteed, but ppa-purge is your friend after testing the qml enough
[10:10] <Mirv> rpadovani: popey: ok I just retested that today is a good day to test the 5.4 PPA - you even get to keep Ubuntu SDK and such. just to ppa-purge when finished since the PPA will occasionally silently break because of things happening in vivid archives.
[10:11] <Mirv> after final release of upstream Qt 5.4 next week I'll start up doing a more proper PPA
[10:12] <popey> Mirv: do we plan to land 5.4 in vivid "soon"?
[10:12] <Mirv> popey: tl; dr version is "no"
[10:12] <popey> ok
[10:13] <rpadovani> Mirv, I'm upgrading to vivid, In 45 minutes when my slow network finishes to download all packages, I'll test it
[10:13] <Mirv> popey: we've a relatively a lot of problems https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.4 and there's the interesting possibility that Kubuntu might not want 5.4 in the first place for 15.04 (they haven't decided yet)
[10:15] <popey> ok
[10:19] <gventuri> osos
[10:20] <gventuri> oSoMoN: are you Ok for our 11am catch up?
[10:20] <oSoMoN> gventuri, yes
[10:20] <gventuri> oSoMoN: cool
[10:20] <oSoMoN> gventuri, I don’t have comment rights on the convergence doc though
[10:21] <gventuri> oSoMoN: no wories
[10:21] <gventuri> oSoMoN: any update on the bottom edge?
[10:22] <oSoMoN> gventuri, I made some good progress on the webview capture front, and I resumed work on the bottom edge prototype, but it’s not integrated in the browser yet (that’s the next big step)
[10:22] <gventuri> oSoMoN: excellent
[11:06] <popey> kalikiana: rpadovani is the one who is seeing the issue...
[11:07] <popey> kalikiana: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rpadovani/Screenshot%20from%202014-12-04%2010:39:25.png
[11:08] <kalikiana> rpadovani: have you got a branch with the alignment set that I could test? I can't repro it in the testcase on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1320885
[11:08] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1320885 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "TextField ignore all text placement rules" [Medium,Incomplete]
[11:15] <rpadovani> kalikiana, you have to change 4 lines, but you can take
[11:15] <rpadovani> bzr branch lp:ubuntu-calculator-app/reboot
[11:15] <rpadovani> then in app/ubuntu-calculator-app.qml
[11:15] <rpadovani> line 258 there is a textfield
[11:15] <rpadovani> with some comments
[11:15] <rpadovani> decomment the comments
[11:15] <rpadovani> and remove anchors
[11:24] <kalikiana> Ok will try that,thanks
[11:25] <rpadovani> kalikiana, but I can reproduce with the example
[11:27] <rpadovani> kalikiana, http://people.ubuntu.com/~rpadovani/Screenshot%20from%202014-12-04%2012:26:05.png
[11:27] <kalikiana> Where exactly do you test that?
[11:28] <kalikiana> I must be doing sth different
[11:28] <rpadovani> kalikiana, I took the example, saved in a file, and did qmlscene test.qml
[11:31] <rpadovani> kalikiana, oh, "where" means which system? I have the issue on desktop, amd64, both with unicorn and vivid (just finished the upgrade)
[11:33] <mivoligo> mzanetti: hi
[11:37] <mzanetti> hi mivoligo
[11:37] <mivoligo> mzanetti: what you think about something like this: http://screencloud.net/v/FFPB
[11:39] <mzanetti> mivoligo: yeah, looks good
[11:40] <mivoligo> mzanetti: so I'll go with it. It's rather simple to do :)
[11:40] <mzanetti> mivoligo: awesome
[11:40] <mzanetti> mivoligo: seems like this weekend I'll have some time for the game
[11:41] <mivoligo> mzanetti: great :)
[11:41] <mivoligo> mzanetti: let me know about all the bugzzz
[11:41] <mzanetti> mivoligo: I will. but there aren't many in the graphics
[11:42] <mzanetti> mivoligo: but same the other way round. you mentioned wrong colors in some places. would you mind writing a list of those places down?
[11:42] <mivoligo> mzanetti: as a bug raport?
[11:42] <mzanetti> yeah, that works
[11:42] <mzanetti> mivoligo: did we already talk about using the UbuntuColors btw?
[11:42] <mivoligo> mzanetti: you mentioned that
[11:43] <mzanetti> not sure if that's even a good idea, but basically we're having the same colors, just a little different tones
[11:43] <mivoligo> mzanetti: I know but I'd go with these custom colours if you don't mind
[11:43] <mzanetti> ok. works for me
[11:45] <mivoligo> mzanetti: great, I'll try to push the levels today and report some bugs
[11:45] <mivoligo> mzanetti: or just one with all the colours?
[11:54] <kalikiana> Rpadovani I can't repro at all whatever I try including calculator works fine with the edits... What's your versions of qtdelarative-ubuntu-ui-toolkit and libqt5core5a respectively?
[11:59] <mzanetti> popey: is there a prerelease of the new terminal app around already?
[12:00] <mzanetti> popey: I'm using that thing for actual work now and was wondering if we have a less buggy state somewhere
=== _salem is now known as salem_
[12:24] <popey> mzanetti: in pm ☻
[12:29] <mzanetti> popey: yeah, thanks... just having like 5 conversations atm...
[12:29] <mzanetti> will test in a bit
[12:36] <popey> kk
[13:19] <davmor2> popey: maybe you know, for pdfjs and docviewer if I open a pdf from the browser where does the doc go? for example if I go to https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/serverguide.pdf and want to read it latter how do I reopen it without re downloading it
[13:21] <davmor2> popey: I assumed the download folder but apparently not :)
[13:22] <popey> i have no idea
[13:24] <davmor2> popey: found it
[13:24] <davmor2> ./.cache/com.ubuntu.docviewer/HubIncoming/1/
[13:24] <popey> ooh!
[13:24] <davmor2> popey: so no where obvious
[13:25] <davmor2> popey: ran find . | grep .pdf :)
[13:28] <popey> heh
=== rmescandon is now known as rmescandon|lunch
[13:49] <davmor2> old school ftw
[13:55] <rpadovani> kalikiana, sorry for the late, I was at launch. Atm I'm on another computer, with utopic, where I can reproduce it. Tonight I can provide to you also informations about the vivid installation
[13:55] <rpadovani> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9367560/
[14:04] <kalikiana> rpadovani two possible points here, you got 5.3.0 as opposed to 5.3.2 and your uitk is two months old
[14:04] <rpadovani> kalikiana, oh crap, I forgot to add the ppa after the release of utopic
[14:04] <rpadovani> Let me update it, I'll ping you later
=== rmescandon|lunch is now known as rmescandon
[15:00] <ohmy> hello
[15:00] <ohmy> is the a way to compact listView when some of the elements are not visible ?
[15:01] <ohmy> actually if i put some condition on an item the corresponding row is empty but the element still occupy the row
[15:02] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, heya
[15:02] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: hello
[15:02] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, so when an item dissapears, you want the list to contract?
[15:03] <akiva-thinkpad> get smaller?
[15:03] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: exactly
[15:03] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, and this is in qml, not qt?
[15:03] <popey> akiva-thinkpad: can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-calendar-app/assortment-of-fixes-to-newevents/+merge/237429 ?
[15:03] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: yes in qml
[15:03] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, okay set the visible: property to false
[15:03] <akiva-thinkpad> and if its in a row or column, it will automatically contract.
[15:04] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: not working
[15:04] <akiva-thinkpad> Not sure if that goes the same for grid view
[15:04] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, is your code on launchpad?
[15:04] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: i'll pastebin
[15:04] <akiva-thinkpad> popey, ;_; lol I know. sorry. I got sidetracked when I became frustrated in that I could not run autopilot3 tests from the sdk. Working on that atm.
[15:05] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, sure
[15:05] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, usually the issue with columns and rows is when a person does not want it to contract, so i'd like to see your code.
[15:06] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: i'm not using row/columns just a listView
[15:07] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, right; try replacing listview with a column of labels
[15:07] <akiva-thinkpad> would you be able to do that?
[15:07] <akiva-thinkpad> anyways show the code anyways
[15:07] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: http://pastebin.com/1HzwBd3c
[15:08] <akiva-thinkpad> ughhh; use ubuntu pastebin for now on :P
[15:08] <akiva-thinkpad> http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[15:08] <akiva-thinkpad> :)
[15:08] <akiva-thinkpad> anywhoo... /me takes a look
[15:09] <akiva-thinkpad> textFlield?
[15:09] <akiva-thinkpad> lol
[15:09] <akiva-thinkpad> nice
[15:09] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: someone must text it after all
[15:10] <akiva-thinkpad> anyways let me see ...
[15:17] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9368494/
[15:17] <akiva-thinkpad> try something like that
[15:18] <akiva-thinkpad> I can't test it because I don't have the code
[15:19] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: thanks
[15:20] <akiva-thinkpad> !ping
[15:20] <ubot5> pong!
[15:20] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, sorry bad connection
[15:20] <akiva-thinkpad> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9368494/
[15:20] <akiva-thinkpad> did you get that?
[15:20] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: yes i got it
[15:24] <akiva-thinkpad> !ping
[15:24] <ubot5> pong!
[15:24] <akiva-thinkpad> bah
[15:24] <akiva-thinkpad> !
[15:24] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, again I dc'd. Did you get that link?
[15:24] <akiva-thinkpad> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9368494/
[15:25] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: thank yhou
[15:25] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, does it make sense for you?
[15:26] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: Of course, i was originally checkling if the listView is able to contract using the same model if some items are not visible
[15:26] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, I can guarantee this will work if you implement it.
[15:27] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: your solution work really fine indeed
[15:27] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, do you have a launchpad account? if you can create a project then I could next time just branch your code and toss it in myself
[15:27] <akiva-thinkpad> okay good :)
[15:28] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: now i'll try to figure out my listView, maybe using a secondary data model
[15:28] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: thanks again
[15:32] <akiva-thinkpad> !ping
[15:32] <ubot5> pong!
[15:32] <akiva-thinkpad> bah
[15:32] <akiva-thinkpad> bloody connection
[15:32] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, anyways if you havn't already; subscribe to this subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappdev and post a picture of your app, or something you are working on
[15:33] <akiva-thinkpad> I would really appreciate it, as we are trying to build the community there to attract more developers.
[15:34] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: sure i'll do
[15:34] <akiva-thinkpad> thanks!
[15:34] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: i'm playing with QML since 3-4 days and trying to shorten the gap
[15:34] <akiva-thinkpad> thats pretty impressive; you seemed to have picked up the language quickly
[15:35] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, stick around in #ubuntu-app-devel too :)
[15:38] <ohmy> akiva-thinkpad: i found it 4 days ago and i'm so enthusiastic
[15:38] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, pretty fun language eh?
[15:39] <akiva-thinkpad> ohmy, if you want some good experience, contribute to the core apps;
[15:39] <akiva-thinkpad> they show a really nice way to structure your program
[15:43] <rpadovani> kalikiana, I'm able to reproduce it with qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin Version: 1.1.1347+15.04.20141126-0ubuntu1 and libqt5core5a Version: 5.3.2+dfsg-4ubuntu8
[15:45] <mzanetti> rpadovani: sooo... about that calculator branch
[15:45] <mzanetti> let me know if it's ok or if I'm missing something
[15:46] <rpadovani> mzanetti, I think it's ok, tonight I'll test it on the phone
[15:46] <rpadovani> actually, don't have time tonight, so probably tomorrow morning
[15:46] <rpadovani> but seems it yes
[15:46] <rpadovani> it works
[15:48] <mzanetti> rpadovani: I removed the workaround for the TextField alignment
[15:48] <mzanetti> such workarounds just make development harder and should only be applied if at the time of the release the upstream bug isn't fixed
[15:49] <rpadovani> mzanetti, yes, I saw that and I agree
[15:49] <mzanetti> otherwise you start building on top of the workaround which leads to more complex code
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=== Saviq_ is now known as Saviq
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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=== salem_ is now known as _salem
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