UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /04 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:27] <sgclark> latest ci konversation seems very broken, lets see if quassel can stay connected...
[05:45] <ScottK> So is the plasma netbook interface gone entirely?
[05:55] <ScottK> Clearly the default plasma 5 is not meant for smaller screens.
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[06:17] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:19] <soee> good morning
[08:27] <sitter> libkf5networkmanagerqt6
[08:27] <sitter> that name got weird quickly
[08:30] <valorie> it's like german
[08:30] <valorie> smoosh a sentence into a word
[08:33] <sitter> I was refering to the six :P
[08:35] <valorie> how did we skip over 5?
[08:36] <sitter> we had 5
[08:36] <sitter> the way our package names work are $libraryName$libraryVersion
[08:36] <valorie> no dots at the end, then?
[08:36] <valorie> like 5.2, 5.3
[08:37] <sitter> valorie: libraries are either backwards compatible or they are not
[08:37] <sitter> so I suppose it's actually $libraryName$libraryMajorVersion
[08:38] <sitter> eitherway, since upstream had to bump the version because they wanted to do a not-compatible change they had to bump to 6.whatever and now we have the first qt6 library ^^
[08:43] <valorie> crazy, man
[10:06] <Riddell> ScottK: yes netbook is gone for now, should anyone choose to remake it plasma5 does have much nicer ways to switch between workspaces on the fly, but nobody is working on netbook currently
[11:33] <Riddell> interesting question du jour https://paste.kde.org/pbr1huncf
[11:35] <sitter> wtf, for some reason utopic doesn't automoc everything Oo
[11:37] <Riddell> cmake should do that no?
[11:39] <soee> Riddell: sadly thers no CP15 for linux right ?
[11:44] <Riddell> soee: no corel, back in the day corel did want to go big on linux with its own distribution et al but failed horribly
[11:44] <Riddell> so it's a question of whethehr wine will run it
[11:45] <soee> wine :/ so when new CP will show up and wind does not support it right they will complain @kubuntu :)
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[11:49] <sitter> Riddell: yeah, see #plasma
[11:50] <soee> so atm from Corel there is only Corel AfterShot available for linux ?
[11:52] <Riddell> dunno
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[12:22] <sgclark> morning
[12:26] <Riddell> sgclark!
[12:26] <Riddell> ¿que tal?
[12:27] <sgclark> not much yet :)
[12:38] <Riddell> hi bukai
[12:39] <bukai> Riddell: hi
[12:39] <Riddell> ¿que pasa?
[12:40] <bukai> :) nothing much . My exams just ended today so will start with the blog for kubuntu
[12:41] <Riddell> great
[12:41] <Riddell> bukai: how did they exams go?
[12:42] <bukai> Riddell: It went well
[12:43] <bukai> Riddell: Did that googleplus issue get sorted out?
[12:43] <bukai> do you have access now?
[12:44] <Riddell> bukai: oh interestingly I'm now the owner
[12:44] <Riddell> I wonder how that happened
[12:44] <Riddell> don't think I got a message about it
[12:45] <Riddell> oh yes I did oh google plus, which is weird but ok
[12:45] <bukai> Riddell: wow! thats great!
[12:45] <Riddell> promoting everyone to manager
[12:46] <Riddell> bukai: what's your google plus name?
[12:46] <bukai> Subhajit Mukherjee
[12:46] <Riddell> hmm there's 5 Subhajit Mukherjees
[12:47] <Riddell> bukai: "Attends Holy Trinity School" you?
[12:47] <Riddell> "Lives in Uttarpara/Hooghly/West Bengal"?
[12:49] <bukai> wait I am sending you the link as it seems i am very unpopular :(
[12:49] <Riddell> oh dear analitza also needs to update its soversion
[12:52] <shadeslayer> Hooghly, heh, /me remembers his time in Kolkata
[12:52] <shadeslayer> didn't even have McDonalds when I was there
[12:52] <sgclark> latestest konversation is all busted up btw
[12:52] <sgclark> with bnc and encryption anyway
[12:53] <Riddell> shadeslayer: is that your measure of social development? :)
[12:53] <Riddell> sgclark: maybe it doesn't use qca, sitter will know
[12:53] <sgclark> ok, had to switch to quassel
[12:53] <shadeslayer> Riddell: hehe, as a 12 year kid, yes it was
[12:54] <sgclark> but yeah that was the error not compiled with qca
[12:54] <bukai> shadeslayer: when were you here last? btw there are plenty of McDonalds now :)
[12:54] <shadeslayer> bukai: a good 10 years back IIRC
[12:54] <sgclark> lol long live mcdonalds
[12:55] <shadeslayer> bukai: lived near the Airport for 3 years, attended school in Salt Lake
[12:55] <sitter> it doesn't use QCA
[12:56] <sitter> in fact I'd totally advocate no one using QCA :@
[12:56] <shadeslayer> bukai: and IIRC, they opened the first McDonalds 2 days before I left
[12:56] <sgclark> well it is broken non the less
[12:58] <bukai_> Riddell: I have pinged you in G+
[13:01] <Riddell> bukai_: don't see it
[13:01] <Riddell> ok found it
[13:01] <Riddell> had to be viewing page as me and press f5
[13:01] <Riddell> how weird
[13:02] <Riddell> bukai_: invited you to be manager
[13:05] <bukai_> Riddell: I did not get the invite
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[13:11] <Riddell> bukai_: press f5?
[13:12] <bukai_> Riddell: yes i did
[13:12] <bukai_> but still no invite
[13:13] <Riddell> bukai_: this is you? https://plus.google.com/+SubhajitMukherjeeawesome/posts
[13:19] <bukai> Riddell: I got the mail but there was no notification on G+
[13:20] <Riddell> g+ is weird
[13:31] <bukai__> sgclark: ping
[13:31] <sgclark> bukai__: pong
[13:32] <bukai__> sgclark: where can I get the app id made in G+?
[13:32] <sgclark> bukai__: I thought I sent it to you
[13:33] <bukai__> It expired!
[13:33] <sgclark> bukai__: I made it under my personal account. doh
[13:33] <bukai__> so It's not working anymore
[13:33] <sgclark> bukai__: ok give me a min
[13:39] <bukai__> sgclark: ok.
[13:39] <Riddell> sitter: shiny new analitza package up for qt5 ci loving
[13:39] <sitter> oh my
[13:44] <sgclark> bukai__: sent
[13:45] <sitter> 13:46:05 dpkg-source: error: LC_ALL=C patch -t -F 0 -N -p1 -u -V never -g0 -E -b -B .pc/upstream_bump-soversion.diff/ --reject-file=- < source.orig.z7uKZN/debian/patches/upstream_bump-soversion.diff gave error exit status 1
[13:45] <sitter> Riddell: that patch name already sounds like it will make me angry
[13:45] <bukai__> sgclark: thanks :)
[13:46] <sitter> Riddell: so it was only bumped after beta?
[13:47] <Riddell> sitter: an hour ago
[13:47] <sitter> madness
[13:48] <Riddell> sitter: how so?
[13:49] <_Groo_> hi/2 all
[13:49] <sitter> lack of release prep
[13:49] <_Groo_> Riddell: without being pushy, any possibility of fixing konsole today?
[13:50] <Riddell> mm yes I should look at that
[13:50] <_Groo_> Riddell: tks :)
[13:50] <_Groo_> i miss yakuake
[13:50] <Riddell> sitter: good thing us packagers are around to keep upstream sorted
[13:50] <sitter> yes, but still
[13:51] <sitter> scary all the same
[13:51] <BluesKaj_> Hiyas all
[13:58] * bukai__ leaves for 10 mins.
[14:17] <bukai__> Riddell: can you resend me the rss feed for wire.kubuntu
[14:18] <Riddell> bukai__: http://wire.kubuntu.org/?feed=rss2
[14:19] <bukai__> thanks
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[14:21] <kbroulik> what package is kf5 framework-integration in?
[14:21] <kbroulik> i dont find it in libkf5*
[14:22] <sitter> oh yeah, I meant to align the naming
[14:22] <sitter> brrr
[14:22] <sitter> kbroulik: frameworkintegration
[14:22] <kbroulik> and dev packages for it?
[14:23] <sitter> no such thing :P
[14:23] <sitter> kbroulik: libkf5style-dev maybe?
[14:23] <kbroulik> compiled it manually :)
[14:23] <sitter> brrr
[14:24] <kbroulik> though it failed to build when it didnt find qt base private stuff for qpa, without cmake complaining
[14:24] <sitter> yeah, that needs some changes
[14:24] <sitter> the cmake config is called frameworkintegration but it really is for kstyle :S
[14:28] <bukai__> Riddell: Finally I created a nice looking widget for G+ please check if this is better than the one we have ->https://paste.kde.org/pak08fktn
[14:29] <Riddell> http://widgetsplus.com:8080/57912.htm ?
[14:29] <Riddell> bukai__: looking lovely
[14:33] <sitter> is that supposed to be black?
[14:33] <sitter> text to background contrast is very meh here :/
[14:34] <sgclark> yeah hard to read for me, but I am blind so...
[14:34] <soee> :D
[14:36] <bukai> Actually the background on which the widget will be is white hence I made it black
[14:36] <sgclark> ok cool, then +1 from me
[15:47] <Riddell> "kate | katepart is manifested madness - needs debian coordination" who wrote that yofel, sitter, sgclark?
[15:47] <Riddell> what's madness about it?
[15:47] <sgclark> yofel
[15:54] <sitter> kate | katepart is #wrong
[16:37] <soee_> woho "This means the upcoming 5.2 release will ship with the new Breeze window decoration by default." :D
[16:37] <Riddell> hmm, where has kate part gone in kf5 land?
[16:37] <Riddell> that's kdecoration2 in
[16:37] <Riddell> I still think it looks a lot like the unity theme
[16:38] <soee_> why
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[16:55] <_Groo_> riddell:
[16:55] <_Groo_> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/NWTAV7Z6
[16:55] <_Groo_> konsole-kpart is still broken :P
[16:56] <Riddell> _Groo_: in what way?
[16:56] <_Groo_> Riddell: did you see the pastebin?
[16:56] <BluesKaj> kparted is still broken, period
[16:57] <_Groo_> no, the packaeis trting to overwrite a lib thats also in konsole5
[16:57] <_Groo_> also, yakuake still cant find the component
[17:00] <_Groo_> ok, i had to dpkg --purge konsole konsole5 konsole-kpart
[17:00] <_Groo_> then reinstalled konsole5 and allowed it to download konsole from universe (4.14.x)
[17:00] <_Groo_> now it works
[17:00] <_Groo_> strange strange worls
[17:00] <_Groo_> world
[17:01] <_Groo_> i can confirm yakuake is working just fine now
[17:03] <BluesKaj> still have problem with copy&paste ..gotta leave the source file open until the text is pasted in the target, this must be a klipper problem
[17:04] <BluesKaj> or clipboard rather
[17:18] <sgclark> saame, very annoying
[17:22] <Riddell> _Groo_: mm that'll be some old packaging of sitter's, I'll just add a conflict
[17:26] <Riddell> is there any reason to keep the old katepart around?
[17:26] <Riddell> I don't see any rdepends
[17:26] <Riddell> sgclark, yofel, sitter? ↑
[17:27] <Riddell> but e.g. kdevelop must be using something from it
[17:27] <sgclark> possibly
[17:27] <sgclark> wonder if they got that release out
[17:27] <Riddell> well it depends on kate-data
[17:32] <Riddell> apt remove katepart is scary
[17:32] <Riddell> why does that want to remove everything but it doesn't rdepend on it
[17:33] <sgclark> that sounds bad
[17:33] <sgclark> don't do it!
[17:36] <Riddell> ah kde-runtime depends on kdelibs5-plugins which depends on katepart
[17:36] <Riddell> well well
[17:36] <Riddell> guess I should keep katepart alive and make a new kate4 source package
[17:41] <Riddell> http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_14.11.97_vivid.html looking good now
[17:48] <Riddell> sitter: where to store kate4 source?
[17:48] <Riddell> sitter: where is konsole4 source stored?
[17:48] <Riddell> sitter: oh you've gone for your tea
[17:49] <Riddell> CC meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[18:03] <genii> It's good that Mark is around for this one
[18:03] <Riddell> I have no idea what it's about
[18:03] <Riddell> but I point out one obvious problem and get shot down, doesn't make me want to take a leadership role in anything
[18:05] <genii> I came in late for this one, will need to check the log of it afterwards.
[18:21] <Riddell> sitter: kate kf5 packaging pushed
[18:52] <bukai> Riddell: ping
[18:54] <bukai> sgclark: ping
[18:54] <sgclark> bukai: pong
[18:55] <bukai> sgclark: I was thinking of putting the names of the kubuntu developers as a footer in the official site. Will it be a good idea to do so?
[18:57] <Riddell> hi bukai
[18:57] <Riddell> bukai: trouble with that is deciding who gets named and who doesn't
[18:57] <Riddell> and keeping it up to date
[18:59] <bukai> Riddell: hmm, around 20 names could be fitted nicely
[19:01] <bukai> Riddell: It would be helpful if someone wants to work on an application he would know who is the main developer and contact that person accordingly.
[19:02] <Riddell> they should contact the team rather than an individual
[19:20] <Riddell> http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_14.11.97_vivid.html looking better today, should be good for a final check over and upload tomorrow
[19:20] * Riddell out
[21:12] <yofel> Riddell: kdevelop and kile will want katepart4 for proper text editing
[21:14] <yofel> Riddell: also, lisandro and Odyx were against renaming kate4, so debian most likely won't do that and instead rename the kate5 soure
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[22:06] <soee> ping
[23:52] <sitter> Riddell: ad _Groo_'s konsole problems, that shouldn't have a relationship as it was transitional buggery only affecting unstable not unstable-daily
[23:52] <sitter> suppose if version permits it can be added all the same though
[23:53] <sitter> Riddell: about kate4 and konsole4 I dunno, ask debian? technically kde-sc/kate kde-sc/konsole branches since they are still the tarballs from that release set
[23:54] <sitter> Riddell: good stuff on kate, I see kalgebra is still broken and konsole is broken again though :P