UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /01 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[08:10] <dholbach> good morning
[12:07] <popey> dholbach: fetching data for ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com ... nothing in queue
[12:07] <popey> :D
[12:08] <popey> got the password reset and added to my listadmin
[12:08] <dholbach> popey, was it up at 24967429674296 before that?
[12:08] <dholbach> ah, brilliant :)
[12:08] <popey> 146 ☻
[12:09] <dholbach> not too bad then :)
[12:24] <silverlion> good morning everybody ;)
[12:26] <popey> yo
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
[15:52] <cjohnston> dholbach: UOS is going to be every 6 months now?
[15:52] <dholbach> cjohnston, that's how I understood the discussion at UOS
[15:53] <cjohnston> dholbach: I wasn't a part of it, so I'll trust that its accurate.. I just hadn't heard it yet
[15:53] <dholbach> oops, wrong button
[15:54] <cjohnston> oops
[15:54] <dholbach> right... that should probably get into an announcement once the dates are agreed on
[15:54] <cjohnston> dholbach: probably should request uos.ubuntu.com and do some work on uds.ubuntu.com to s/d/o
[15:55] <dholbach> yes, I think I sent an RT for that - or at least mentioned it in a discussion with the webteam
[15:55] <cjohnston> gotcha
[17:04] <dholbach> all rightie... I'll call it a day - see you all tomorrow!
[19:15] <philipballew> If I am buying laptop. Is a thinkpad usually always going to be a good bet, or am I better off with something else?
[19:21] <popey> depends
[19:21] <popey> generally yes, thinkpads are good for support, so are dell
[19:23] <philipballew> i have always had dells,but I see a lot of thinkpads, so I figure they are a safe bet. Also for support as breaking things is a hobby of mine...
[19:23] <philipballew> but I am not afraid of a dell again i guess.
[19:26] <popey> the downside of thinkpads is that many of the new models have insane keyboards
[19:26] <pleia2> yeah, makes switching between a thinkpad and... anything else brain explode
[19:29] <pleia2> my hp elitebooks are nice, have the 9470m for work and bought the 850 G1 personally (blah blah disclaimer, you know my employer)
[19:32] <popey> jcastro: tell philipballew how awesome the thinkpad keyboards are
[19:32] <philipballew> I currently use my dell because it has a pointing stick :)
[19:32] <pleia2> jcastro: where is the tilde/backtick again? ;)
[19:32] <philipballew> or whatever slang people use for that term
[19:32] <pleia2> so much rage
[19:32] <popey> yeah, thats what keeps me on thinkpads
[19:33] <pleia2> pfft, me elitebooks have them
[19:34] <pleia2> I don't really care for them though
[19:35] <philipballew> I am going to avoid a macbook though as that would make me a "hipster wannabee"
[19:35] <czajkowski> aloha
[19:35] <pleia2> they're also very expensive for what you get
[19:36] <philipballew> unless you need to use osx
[19:36] <jcastro> squiggly keys
[19:36] <jcastro> I call them squiggly
[19:37] <jcastro> but yes, thinkpad keyboards are the immaculate input device
[19:37] <jcastro> well, some of them anyway
[19:37] * philipballew currently uses a dell latitude.
[19:38] <pleia2> my favorite thing about the new thinkpads is they figured out the right way to put the logo on the top (not upside down) and the glowing red light
[19:38] <popey> finally!
[19:38] <popey> have they figured that the battery light needs to face you, and not the person opposite?
[19:38] <popey> never figured that out
[19:39] <jcastro> the new thinkpad kb and touchpads are some of the worst devices ever made
[19:39] <jcastro> they're pretty horrible
[19:39] <jcastro> though lenovo says they're getting rid of them
[19:39] <popey> oh!?
[19:39] <popey> going back to the "Thinkpad Classic" keyboard?
[19:39] <pleia2> that's good
[19:40] * philipballew might take his chances and get one
[19:40] <philipballew> its been 8 years with Dell
[19:41] <philipballew> Cant people get used to any keyboard?
[19:42] <pleia2> not me, I'm old and set in my ways
[19:42] <pleia2> grump grump
[19:42] <philipballew> Get off my lawn!
[19:43] <mhall119> popey: you have a battery indicator facing you
[19:43] <philipballew> yep, probably gonna try out the T series.
[19:47] <philipballew> Being a linux foundation member gives me a discount!
[19:47] <popey> mhall119: nope, the battery light only faces outwards
[19:47] <philipballew> nice
[19:48] <popey> no, the one in the gui on my ubuntu laptop doesn't count
[19:48] <popey> because if my display is off (power saved) it makes _no_ sense to wake it up (eating more battery) just to check the battery life
[19:49] <popey> http://socialsanta.co/user/ubuntu tsk tsk
[19:49] <popey> bet that was jono
[19:50] <mhall119> popey: obviously that site doesn't know that 'systemd' is profanity
[19:50] <philipballew> popey, we can up that
[19:51] <jono> popey, :-)
[19:52] <mhall119> http://socialsanta.co/user/mhall119 not sure if I'm nice, or just don't use twitter enough
[19:53] <popey> dont look at mine ⍨
[20:33] <jono> it turns out I am 11% nice
[20:33] <jono> :-)
[20:38] <elfy> it turns out it's a good job I don't do any of that social stuff ...
[20:38] <elfy> evening jono et al
[20:38] <jono> howdy elfy :-)
[20:43] <skellat> Good afternoon jono
[20:43] <jono> hey skellat ! :-)
[20:53] <czajkowski> Greetings from Mountain View
=== Pici is now known as Guest74903
[21:35] <mhall119> czajkowski: you should work for a company headquartered in central Florida
[21:36] <czajkowski> lol
[21:36] <czajkowski> I dont think I could work for Disney :p
[21:37] <mhall119> there's one or two other companies around here, I think
[21:37] <mhall119> :)
[21:38] <pleia2> czajkowski: thanks for bringing rain, we haven't had any!
[21:39] <pleia2> I kind of miss rain :)
[21:57] <czajkowski> bah
[21:57] <czajkowski> it's not raining back home
[21:57] <czajkowski> and so far at least it's been mild out here
[21:58] <pleia2> yeah, today is nice
[21:59] <silverlion> good evening ladies ;)