UbuntuIRC / 2014 /12 /01 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:32] <Ahmuck> !bug
[01:32] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.
[01:34] <Mulyana> !hole
=== zz_VorVZakone is now known as XeBlackWater
=== Mulyana is now known as rwxrwxrw
=== rwxrwxrw is now known as rw-r--r--
=== rw-r--r-- is now known as Mulyana
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
=== SonikkuAmerica2 is now known as SonikkuAmerica
[16:37] <BigBlackBeard> Good evening. Can some one help me with my problem? After changing system language i lost my desktop. And i cant to put some icons/files now. This how its looks like.
[16:37] <BigBlackBeard> http://i.imgur.com/MIeSvcS.png
[16:37] <BigBlackBeard> http://i.imgur.com/Td8VHkq.png
[16:37] <BigBlackBeard> http://i.imgur.com/8oB3R1B.png
[16:40] <BigBlackBeard> my desktop path now /home/broken/?n�
[16:40] <BigBlackBeard> and i want /home/broken/Desktop
[16:41] <BigBlackBeard> and i cant it change
[16:41] <BigBlackBeard> i'm tryed to change /.config/user-dirs.dirs, but this not works
[18:43] <holstein> BigBlackBeard: what i sugggest is, determine where the issue is.. is it system-wide, or just in your users config.. an easy way to do that is by trying the guest account, or making a new users, or temporarily renaming or moving the config files for the current user
[18:44] <holstein> if you find that things are as-expected as a different user, then you can look at how you broke the user config, and either generate fresh configs, or repair
=== Pici is now known as Guest74903
[21:40] <Noreen> hi, does anyone know how to help me get wireless drivers for lubuntu? back story here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2254994
[21:41] <Noreen> to be fair, i have the drivers, i can't get them working
[21:47] <testdr> Noreen: to be fair - you should provide the concrete product-id of the wifi-chipset (maybe its different from the known ones) - you already have installed broadcom-firmware?
[21:47] <Noreen> i thought i did
[21:47] <Noreen> i mean i thought i did provide the product id
[21:48] <Noreen> did you read the thread?
[21:48] <testdr> Noreen: sorry - i did not check all lubuntu-logs of last hours
[21:48] <Unit193> !b32 | This has offline instructions as well.
[21:48] <Noreen> did you read the thread?
[21:48] <Unit193> !b43 | This has offline instructions as well.
[21:48] <ubottu> This has offline instructions as well.: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
[22:15] <Noreen> i need gcc, but every time i get one dependency it just tells me i need another, anotehr, another
[22:15] <Noreen> is there anyway i can get everything related to gcc in one go
[22:15] <Noreen> the computer with lubuntu on it has no access to the internet and can't get any)
[22:17] <Unit193> You could try apt-offline.
[22:17] <Noreen> how do i do that?
[22:19] <Noreen> ok i am downloading that, fingers crossed..
[22:19] <Unit193> Install that, then use it like so http://docs.xubuntu.org/1410/offline-packages.html#offline-package-install
[22:29] <Noreen> error fatal something is wrong with the apt system
[22:30] <Unit193> Oh for petes sake, I backported that fix, it's still stuck in -proposed.
[22:31] <testdr> Noreen: corrupted system? - if its a fairly last new install - you can save a lot time with a new clean install and check all updates are running
[22:31] <Noreen> the install is about 7 hours old
[22:31] <Noreen> check all updates are running? what updates?
[22:32] <Unit193> testdr: No, LP: #1357217
[22:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1357217 in apt-offline (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Update apt-offline to fix apt compatibility" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1357217
[22:33] <Noreen> ?
[22:35] <testdr> Noreen: sorry - looks like you are testing the walking on the edge...
[22:35] <Noreen> you mean get offline doesn't work y et?
[22:35] <Noreen> apt offline i mean
[22:35] <Unit193> Noreen: The version released with trusty was broken, the fix is still stuck in proposed, this version https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/apt-offline_1.3.1ubuntu0.1_all.deb
[22:36] <Noreen> k
[22:36] <testdr> Noreen: no - i wanted to express there are ways to get it working - or most online-(internet)-hints are wrong - you should check other live-version and try to stick to those.
[22:37] <Noreen> i can't just use the other one?
[22:37] <Noreen> i have already been at this for more than 6 hours
[22:37] <Noreen> if it is faster to just use the old version..
[22:38] <testdr> Noreen: you had a working version for 6 hours? Why not disable the kernel+driver update till its fixed?
[22:39] <Noreen> working? it's not working
[22:39] <Noreen> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2254994 < i mean i have been at this for more than 6 hours
[22:40] <testdr> Noreen: ok - maybe i now understand - you never tried other linux-live-version to check your hardwar is working with it?
[22:41] <Noreen> i had ubuntu lucid lynx for years and never had a problem, and before that juanty
[22:41] <Noreen> same computer
[22:41] <Noreen> no problems
[22:41] <testdr> Noreen: again - did you check the live-version? - you think every update and bigger upgrade will always work?
[22:42] <Noreen> the live version worked fine except for the internet
[22:42] <Noreen> which i didn't think would be an issue
[22:42] <Noreen> i am sorry
[22:42] <Noreen> i guess i am an idiot
[22:42] <Noreen> i'll do penance
[22:42] <Noreen> so sorry
[22:42] <Noreen> i made a mistake
[22:42] <Noreen> happy?
[22:42] <testdr> Noreen: maybe you prove now yourself you were wrong
[22:42] <Unit193> testdr: He's got a b43 card, that's all.
[22:43] <Unit193> Noreen: Please don't use enter as a period, it makes Drone` unhappy.
[22:44] <testdr> Unit193: maybe - i dont have his hardware to know about those quirks - but he did not check for it - i can only assist and give a hint. He knows he had a working linux-version and did put it into the waste-basket. Why?
[22:45] <Unit193> Noreen: I have a b43 card as well, as far as getting internet (back) when there's no driver, yeah that's "fun", but otherwise it's functional for me.
[22:46] <Noreen> testdr why do you want me to hate myself?
[22:46] <testdr> Noreen: you should have a twisted-pair-cable - and then you have to spent some time close to your router to fix it.
[22:46] <Noreen> i had lucid lynx.. it was really old, it refused to update or allow me to install any new programs because it was so old
[22:47] <Noreen> i don't mean it was full, it was just broken
[22:47] <Noreen> i don't know what that means
[22:48] <testdr> Noreen: Do you have a twisted-pair-cable? Do you able to get close to your router? Or are you at a hotel(or something else) with only wlan-support?
[22:48] <Unit193> testdr: ...It's not really "bad" hardware, if he had a LAN connection he could just install firmware-b43-installer and be done with it, but since he doesn't he has to download the driver tarball, and get b43-fwcutter installed using another method.
[22:49] <testdr> Unit193: i understand - i can feel the pain if something gets broken and one cannot get back to the last working version -- but some steps are hard to be learned
[22:49] <Noreen> testdr over the last 6 hours i have explained this to many many people, but i have learned that people who can't be bothered reading the thread don't want to help me anyway http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2254994
[22:51] <testdr> Noreen: first question is always: are you really want to get a working hardware? Why are you not using all possible hardware-options? And one options is always to use a twisted-pair-cable instead of a wifi(wlan)-connection with possible different encryptions/password settings..
[22:51] <Noreen> i can't
[22:51] <Noreen> did your read the thread?
[22:51] <Noreen> i said ic an't get a cable
[22:52] <testdr> Noreen: you are like the car-driver on the highway without any fuel and crying why there is no fuel-provider around - maybe you now get it.
[22:52] <Unit193> testdr: Dude...
[22:52] <Noreen> you are like a bully
[22:52] <testdr> Noreen: where is your working ubuntu-live-boot-version?
[22:52] <Noreen> you aren't trying to help me at all
[22:52] <Noreen> you didn't even read my thread
[22:52] <Noreen> stop takling to me
[22:52] <Noreen> please
[22:53] <Unit193> Noreen, testdr: this isn't really helping, I'd recommend stop trying to compare each other and just deal with this issue as-is, or not at all.
[22:54] <Noreen> Unit193 i am still getting error messages with offline get, i'm not sure i'm putting the commands in right
[22:54] <Noreen> is this it?
[22:54] <Unit193> Noreen: Have you read this section: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_No_Internet_access ? Do you still have the CD so you can install the packages off of it?
[22:54] <Noreen> sudo apt-offline set --install-packages-gcc-update pat-offline.sig
[22:54] <Noreen> *apt, not pat
[22:55] <Noreen> yeah i have a live usb with packages but it hasn't got the ones i need
[22:55] <Noreen> or if it does i can't find them
[22:56] <Unit193> sudo apt-offline set --install-packages b43-fwcutter --update apt-offline.sig
[22:57] <Unit193> Noreen: b43-fwcutter doesn't depend on gcc, is there a seperate reason to install it?
[22:57] <Noreen> i was trying to get bcmwl-kernel source which depends on dkms which depends on gcc
[22:58] <Unit193> In fact, it doesn't depend on anything that's not already in your system, so you should be able to just download the deb for your current version and install it.
[22:59] <Noreen> k i will try that
[23:01] <Unit193> Your card should be supported by just b43, "BCM4312 (with Low-Power a.k.a. LP-PHY)" is supported.
[23:01] <Noreen> hey, it installed! :) no sign of wireless yet though..
[23:02] <Unit193> Have to follow the rest of the guide, extract the other tarball you downloaded, then use b43-fwcutter to install the firmware itself.
[23:03] <Noreen> all the other things are missing dependencies
[23:03] <Noreen> what guide?
[23:03] <Noreen> oh i see it now
[23:18] <Noreen> OH MY GOD IT WORKED
[23:18] <Noreen> UNIT193 i love you!
[23:18] <Noreen> i love you more than my boyfriend and my cat!
[23:45] <Unit193> Heh, glad to help.