UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /25 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== johnlage_partyha is now known as johnlage
[08:05] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:16] <themusicgod1> last night I noticed a pure white screen came up while I was working. Alt-fn'd to terminal...process "Web Content" was using near 100% cpu. Killed it, alt-fn'd back to gnome, issue went away. This happened maybe 2-3 times over a few hours. Finally, it happened again, but when I went to alt-fn to terminal...white screen stayed
[09:17] <themusicgod1> ...unfortunately it stayed even after reboot. Now acer travelmate x483-6691 won't post (or at least the video won't initialize on POST)
[09:17] <themusicgod1> I couldn't get it to display on external monitor, but notice that the keyboard keys that control backlight do continue to control it
[09:18] <themusicgod1> it sounds from the hard drive spinning up that it does try to boot, though I'm unsure how far it gets(I'm trying to ssh in to no avail)
[09:20] <themusicgod1> from some googling it seems like acers do have this issue, and that if it isn't entirely hardware/connection related, the suggested solution is to by default not suspend when the lid closes
[09:22] <themusicgod1> I guess my question is it worth suggesting this setting for ubuntu for my particular model? It might prevent another laptop being effectively bricked
[09:28] <lordievader> themusicgod1: Your suggestion is better suited for #ubuntu-devel, however if I may give my opinion, it sounds to me like a bug with the hardware.
[09:30] <themusicgod1> maybe
[09:30] <themusicgod1> though it is interesting that the first time it came up a resync of the video was possible
[09:30] <themusicgod1> via software alone
=== hasselmm1 is now known as hasselmm
[19:16] <WhoKnows_625> hilordievader: hi, I have join. Need any output? (from the unmet dependencies)
[19:17] <lordievader> WhoKnows_625: Err, well seeing yofel's comments in #kubuntu it seems to be known.
[19:22] <WhoKnows_625> lordievader: ok then
[22:44] <schultza> What do I need to know to get started? And are you guys actively working on Unity 8 with this +1/testing release?
[22:45] <k1l> for unity8/mir there is a different testing iso. but its really in development stage
[22:46] <schultza> And they don't like outsiders for the development stage? ...or is there a way I can come help with that?
[22:47] <k1l> search for that desktop testing iso and give it a go
=== cyphase_ is now known as Guest65152