UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /25 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Riddell> rbetzen: lovely, now we need to compile it
[00:00] <Riddell> rbetzen: run debuild
[00:00] <Riddell> rbetzen: ah yes we forgot to rename the orig
[00:00] <Riddell> rename it to phonon_4.8.2.orig.tar.xz
[00:01] <Riddell> rbetzen: not quite
[00:01] <Riddell> rbetzen: first - becomes and _ in the name
[00:01] <Riddell> rbetzen: just copy and paste from here into the terminal
[00:02] <rbetzen> debuild?
[00:02] <Riddell> rbetzen: perfecto, yep
[00:02] <Riddell> inside the source directory
[00:03] <rbetzen> well, duh! sorry!
[00:04] <Riddell> rbetzen: hang on something's not right
[00:04] <Riddell> rbetzen: sorted it
[00:04] <Riddell> rbetzen: ok debuild it
[00:04] <rbetzen> did I do that?
[00:05] <rbetzen> looks like I renamed the directory instead of the file.
[00:05] <Riddell> right
[00:05] <rbetzen> ok. I"ll have to pay closer attention.
[00:06] <rbetzen> ready for debuild then?
[00:06] <Riddell> yep
[00:07] <Riddell> rbetzen: infact I realise we have a dual processor server so I ran it with -j2
[00:07] <Riddell> so it does to compile jobs at a time
[00:07] <Riddell> rbetzen: have you ever compiled a program before?
[00:07] <Riddell> presumably you have if you know c++
[00:07] <rbetzen> compiled a few kernels back in the late 1990s
[00:08] <Riddell> ah that's elite enough then :)
[00:08] <rbetzen> also some very small programs.
[00:08] <rbetzen> less than 500 lines of code.
[00:08] <Riddell> so here the packaging tools ran cmake which does the configure stuff in kde apps
[00:08] <Riddell> then compiled with make as you can see happening now
[00:08] <Riddell> then installs its files into debian/tmp
[00:09] <rbetzen> ok. so are we pushing directly to debian's tree?
[00:09] <Riddell> and because this is an unusual package with both qt4 and qt5 versions it does it twice
[00:09] <rbetzen> ok. understood.
[00:10] <Riddell> debian is a much overused term in our packaging
[00:10] <Riddell> it's the distro we all know and love
[00:10] <Riddell> and ubuntu gets its packages from debian
[00:10] <Riddell> it's the packaging format we use which includes a debian/ directory and .deb binary packages
[00:11] <Riddell> and we store our packaging in debian git branches
[00:11] <Riddell> rbetzen: awooga, it's done!
[00:11] <rbetzen> ok failed build.
[00:11] <Riddell> rbetzen: nope it's successful
[00:11] <Riddell> the only thing that failed is it didn't gpg sign it
[00:12] <rbetzen> i see. so that's not a problem then?
[00:12] <Riddell> because I don't have my gpg keys on this server because then you could steal them and pretend to be me
[00:12] <Riddell> but it doesn't need to be gpg signed until we upload to ubuntu
[00:12] <rbetzen> LoL! that makes sense.
[00:12] <Riddell> if you look in .. you should see the .deb packages
[00:13] <rbetzen> yep.
[00:13] <Riddell> rbetzen: if you look at the bottom of the .build log file you'll see a couple of checks
[00:14] <Riddell> the packaging has a load of .install files which lists which files should go into which .deb packages
[00:14] <Riddell> and if there's any missing it'll list them under "list-missing"
[00:14] <Riddell> look in the .build file to see if there is any
[00:14] <Riddell> rbetzen: I just use less to read them
[00:16] <Riddell> type > to get to the end
[00:16] <rbetzen> looks good.
[00:16] <Riddell> rbetzen: yep, nothing in list missing
[00:17] <Riddell> rbetzen: next thing to check is the lintian output which is also in the build log
[00:17] <Riddell> lintian is a tool which checks .deb packages for common errors
[00:17] <rbetzen> toward the end of the file as well?
[00:17] <Riddell> yep
[00:17] <Riddell> use /foo to search
[00:18] <rbetzen> ok warning of out of date standards version
[00:18] <rbetzen> nothing else I can see
[00:18] <Riddell> yep and we can ignore that it's something we let debian worry about
[00:18] <Riddell> since it's is the debian standard that it refers to
[00:19] <Riddell> rbetzen: for good luck lets see if they install
[00:19] <rbetzen> ok.
[00:19] <Riddell> rm *null*deb to remove the null packages which we know don't install without complaining
[00:19] <Riddell> this is another unual feature of the phonon package you don't need to worry much about
[00:20] <Riddell> then sudo dpkg --install *deb to install the rest
[00:21] <Riddell> rbetzen: as I expected it's complaining about various depends not being installed so I ran apt -f install to fix it up
[00:21] <Riddell> apt being the intelligent tool which dpkg isn't
[00:21] <Riddell> lovely, that's all installed
[00:21] <Riddell> so we're about done
[00:21] <Riddell> rbetzen: in debian/changelog change UNRELEASED to vivid
[00:21] <Riddell> which is the development version of ubuntu we want to upload to
[00:22] <rbetzen> 4.8.2 directory/debian
[00:22] <Riddell> yep
[00:22] <Riddell> lower case
[00:23] <Riddell> rbetzen: then run debuild -S to make the source package
[00:23] <rbetzen> same directory?
[00:24] <Riddell> yep
[00:24] <rbetzen> looks clean
[00:25] <Riddell> rbetzen: I just ran debsign -r ec2-54-196-62-129.compute-1.amazonaws.com:current/phonon_4.8.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes
[00:25] <Riddell> which adds a gpg signature to that .changes file as you can see
[00:26] <rbetzen> ok. your sig I'm assuming.
[00:26] <Riddell> yep
[00:26] <Riddell> rbetzen: are you happy to upload this to the ubuntu package? being mindful that this will get installed onto thousands and thousands of computers?
[00:26] <Riddell> to the ubuntu archive
[00:26] <rbetzen> Well, It's going into a testing repo isn't it?
[00:27] <Riddell> two, it'll go into vivid-proposed to build and get some automated checks
[00:27] <Riddell> then it'll go into vivid which is the development archive
[00:27] <Riddell> rbetzen: upload it with dput ubuntu phonon_4.8.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes
[00:28] <rbetzen> I'm game. I'l be downloading it again to test as well, so I'll know if I brokd thousands of computers. Then I can run and hide!
[00:30] <rbetzen> is it looking for my public key?
[00:30] <Riddell> rbetzen: yes but it's ok to tell it to ignore that, add --unchecked
[00:31] <Riddell> hmm, add --unchecked just after the dput ?
[00:31] <Riddell> awooga
[00:32] <Riddell> it'll appear at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phonon
[00:32] <Riddell> where you can watch if it gets compiled and if it gets moved from -proposed to release
[00:32] <ScottK> And do watch and see if it moves.
[00:32] <ScottK> If is doesn't, it needs investigating.
[00:32] <Riddell> rbetzen: so that's updating an existing package, quick to learn but takes a lifetime to master
[00:33] <Riddell> as does making a new package
[00:33] <rbetzen> on web page now.... don't see it yet.
[00:33] <Riddell> it'll take a few minutes
[00:33] <Riddell> you can see it now under Latest upload:
[00:33] <rbetzen> ok. so if I do this, I'll be having it approved for a while first right?
[00:33] <Riddell> rbetzen: I don't understand your question there
[00:34] <rbetzen> Well, if I compile a new package, do I need you to sign off on it first before I upload? So I don't break the world?
[00:35] <Riddell> rbetzen: yes but you could get a personal archive (PPA) on launchpad and upload to there
[00:35] <Riddell> and if it's successful there ask me or anyone else in the dev team to upload it
[00:35] <Riddell> rbetzen: any questions?
[00:36] <rbetzen> None so far. Just need to run through the steps a few times to make sure I don't forget anything.
[00:37] <Riddell> rbetzen: well I hope that's been interesting
[00:37] <rbetzen> I'll set up a ppa and start compiling and getting it down.
[00:37] <Riddell> if you fancy doing more phonon-backend-gstreamer and phonon-backend-vlc are the obvious next ones to update
[00:37] <rbetzen> Really enjoyed it. I'll look at those. Is there a deadline?
[00:37] <Riddell> we didn't cover updating the debian git branch
[00:38] <Riddell> or look at any of the files in debian/ except control and changelog
[00:38] <Riddell> so lots more to learn
[00:38] <Riddell> and of course you may not be interested you maybe only wanted to test some CD images :)
[00:38] <Riddell> but it's a satisfying way to help out open source because your works gets directly into the hands of squillions of users
[00:39] <rbetzen> no problem. I'm home all day Friday to learn more. I was looking at testing as a first step until I could get more experience. I'll do whatever needs doing.
[00:39] <Riddell> I'm off to bed now, maybe ScottK or sgclark or others will be around to help
[00:39] <Riddell> rbetzen: do you want me to keep the ec2 server on or are you done with it?
[00:39] <rbetzen> Nice meeting you! What time zone are you in? I'm done with ec2 for now.
[00:40] <Riddell> I'm in europe timezone
[00:40] <Riddell> I'm Jonathan, what's your name?
[00:40] <sgclark> rbetzen: I live in the US, but my sleep schedule is rather messed up right now, but feel free to ping me anytime. If I am awake I am here.
[00:41] <rbetzen> Ron. Thanks for all the help! Sorry for keeping you up. You must be zapped.
[00:41] <rbetzen> Hve a good night!
[00:44] <ScottK> rbetzen: Where in the US?
[00:46] <rbetzen> Texas
[00:46] <rbetzen> And you?
[00:46] <sgclark> smack dab inbetween us ScottK lol
[00:46] <sgclark> I am OR he is VA
[00:47] <ScottK> sgclark: MD actually.
[00:47] <ScottK> Close to VA.
[00:47] <sgclark> ahh woops
[00:47] <rbetzen> Heh. At least you get a little greenery in those places!
[00:48] <ScottK> True.
[00:48] <sgclark> True
[00:49] <ScottK> Where in Texas? That doesn't exactly narrow it down much?
[00:49] <sgclark> lol that is true
[00:50] <rbetzen> Smack in the middle of the panhandle. Amarillo. Block and a half north of old route 66.
[00:50] <ScottK> Nice.
[00:50] <sgclark> Cool, I drove through there a few times
[00:50] <rbetzen> Nice. Flat. and windy.
[00:51] <rbetzen> Love it! :)
[00:51] <ScottK> When I was in the Navy, I was stationed in Keflavik, Iceland for awhile, so I know flat and windy.
[00:51] <sgclark> I lived in Port Aransas for a bit
[00:52] <rbetzen> Is it pretty cold in Iceland? I have these mental images of permafrost and icebergs.
[00:54] <ScottK> No. Greenland is more like that.
[00:54] <ScottK> You're surrounded by water, so the climate is moderated to a degree.
[00:55] <ScottK> In the winter it's usually in the 30's. Sometimes above freezing, sometimes below.
[00:55] <ScottK> Having grown up in Kansas, that doesn't strike me as "cold". YMMV.
[00:56] <rbetzen> Not much different than here, then. The bad thing here is the wind chill.
[00:57] <rbetzen> Riddell wanted me to try compiling a couple more phonon packages. What kind of schedule are we looking at for this?
[01:00] <ScottK> The thing that gets you in Iceland though is the combination of wind and humidity.
[01:00] <ScottK> It's a very damp cold.
[01:00] <ScottK> Dunno.
[01:02] <rbetzen> Wet? What's that? Just coming out of about a ten year drought here! :P
[01:02] <sgclark> ouch
[01:04] <rbetzen> Finally getting green again.
[01:09] <rbetzen> OK. I'm going to set up a ppa and get some source downloaded. Just need to read the packaging docs then?
[01:11] <ScottK> Sure. Reading docs is always good.
[01:11] <ScottK> Learning by scratching your own itch is good too. Fix what bugs you.
[01:14] <ScottK> Gotta run. Chat with you later.
[01:17] <rbetzen> sgclark: how long have you been helping out here?
[01:20] <sgclark> rbetzen: One year this month
[01:27] <rbetzen> sgclark: You're compiling kde applications according to trello. Do I need to be using this as well?
[01:28] <sgclark> rbetzen: yeah when you get comfortable with packaging, that would be the next step, right now we are going through a new kde applications series
[01:28] <sgclark> rbetzen: which includes merging with debian and moving over to debian git + some qt5 ports
[01:28] <sgclark> so it is slightly more complicated
[01:29] <rbetzen> sgclark: so I'm guessing you code for a living? This looks like some pretty knotty stuff to me.
[01:30] <sgclark> rbetzen: I am still learning, I started out with just pacaging. I am only the newest dev :)
[01:32] <rbetzen> sgclark: That makes me feel better. It's always a pain being the new guy....
[01:33] <sgclark> rbetzen: this a great bunch to work with, I was never made to feel out of place.
[01:34] <sgclark> rbetzen: I even got to go to akademy to meet them all earlier this year, was great fun.
[01:35] <sgclark> well except ScottK, which I hope to meet next year when I am in his neck of the woods again.
[01:38] <rbetzen> sgclark: Czech Republic? Must have been a blast! I'm assuming everyone in the picture are kde as well as kubuntu people?
[01:38] <sgclark> rbetzen: yeah, and it was :) not sure which pic you are looking at
[01:39] <rbetzen> sgclark: http://byte.kde.org/~duffus/akademy/2014/groupphoto/
[01:39] <sgclark> rbetzen: ahh yeah that was the mass kde crew lol
[01:40] <sgclark> rbetzen: all great people too
[01:40] <sgclark> several of us also do alot of work with kde
[01:40] <rbetzen> sgclark: especially the guy in the wizard hat methinks.
[01:40] <sgclark> Harald is great :)
[01:40] <sgclark> he is on our team
[01:43] <rbetzen> sgclark: Well, I'm thinking this will be a really good place to start then. It's been nice talking to you. The wifey wants me to get some stuff at the store so im going to have to take off for a while.
[01:43] <sgclark> rbetzen: Welcome :) I look forward to working with you! ping me anytime for questions
[01:44] <rbetzen> sgclark: Will do. I hope I don't drive everyone nuts! :p
[01:45] <sgclark> rbetzen: lol they survived me!
[02:32] <rbetzen> sgclark: Hmm... where am I needing to pull my source code from again? Can't believe I can't figure out where.
[02:33] <rbetzen> sgclark: going for phonon-vlc this time.
[02:33] <sgclark> rbetzen: hmm depends
[02:34] <sgclark> rbetzen: http://download.kde.org/stable/phonon/phonon-backend-vlc/0.8.1/phonon-backend-vlc-0.8.1.tar.xz
[02:35] <sgclark> rbetzen: you can usually search download.kde.org
[02:35] <sgclark> rbetzen: most of the packages we package will come from there
[02:35] <rbetzen> sgclark: Thanks. Found the link just as you posted. So I complile locally and then upload to my ppa. Correct?
[02:35] <sgclark> rbetzen: right
[02:36] <rbetzen> sgclark: Ok. I'll give it a shot. Do I need any special flags with this?
[02:37] <sgclark> rbetzen: not the first round
[02:37] <sgclark> rbetzen: you can look up the whole j2 if you have multi core, but honestly I don't bother
[02:39] <rbetzen> sgclark: I have a system 76 leopard extreme. Multi-threaded quad core I believe. I think I'll leave the flags alone until I know better what I'm doing.. Or until you guys tell me otherwise.
[02:39] <rbetzen> sgclark: two of them actually.
[02:40] <sgclark> rbetzen: nice!
[02:41] <sgclark> rbetzen: yeah I messed about with it soem time back, but honestly don't see a difference.
[02:41] <sgclark> rbetzen: and as far as packaging itself, it has no affect, just has affect on compiling
[02:48] <rbetzen> sgclark: hmm... no debian directory in this package. I guess I'm going to have to do some more reading first.
[02:49] <sgclark> rbetzen: right, you want to apt-get source phonon-backend-vlc to get the previous versions and then update the version etc
[02:49] <sgclark> rbetzen: copy the debian directory into the new source
[02:51] <rbetzen> sgclark: thanks. done. ;)
[02:53] <sgclark> rbetzen: make sure to run dch in the source directory to get a correct changelog entry. You will need to update it with the correct version and your email/name
[03:04] <mgolden> I have been testing the 14.10 plasma 5 release, but on the download page there are no instructions as to how to report comments.
[03:05] <sgclark> mgolden: please send comments to the kubuntu-devel mailing list
[03:06] <mgolden> Ok. I did that for a significant problem I found with plasma 5 on nvidia, but was referred here.
[03:07] <mgolden> Do you think I should just write up all the comments in one big message and send it there?
[03:07] <sgclark> mgolden: most of the team is euro and asleep atm, unfortunately kubuntu does not package nvidia so we are at the mercy of other folks with nvidia
[03:08] <mgolden> That's what I thought
[03:08] <sgclark> mgolden: is it the sddm bug ? or another?
[03:08] <mgolden> It's the one that results in the graphics card pegging at the highest possible clock rate
[03:09] <mgolden> The fan blows a storm and the machine gets hot
[03:09] <mgolden> I checked and the power consumption doubles
[03:09] <sgclark> mgolden: ahh yes, I remember that and had no answers. You will need to file a bug on the nvidia package to get their attention.
[03:10] <mgolden> Any idea how I do that?
[03:10] <sgclark> mgolden: you might also file a bug with kde if it is something on their end.
[03:10] <mgolden> That I think I know how to do.
[03:10] <mgolden> The other bugs are more prosaic.
[03:11] <sgclark> mgolden: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect put your card and the issue, then when it asks for the package choose the driver package you have installed
[03:12] <mgolden> That would get me on ubuntu's radar, but how do I get it on nvidia's?
[03:14] <sgclark> mgolden: I don't know if nvidia is involved with packaging their own driver... can try on nvidias forums? dunno haven't actually tried
[03:15] <sgclark> mgolden: they might tell you to use their driver off their site
[03:15] <sgclark> which is what I ended up doing for my issue
[03:15] <mgolden> Rick Timmis actually opened a bug bug for me but filed it under the ubiquity installer
[03:16] <mgolden> What was the issue you are referring to?
[03:17] <sgclark> I have an sddm issue
[03:17] <mgolden> I tried using the xorg-edgers which gets the latest drivers, but it didn't affect anything.
[03:18] <mgolden> And running the driver off their site fixed it? And the xorg-edgers did not?
[03:18] <sgclark> yes my machine is running their driver fine, but I did not have the same issue as you.
[03:21] <mgolden> Alright. I will write up all the other issues I have seen and put them in an e-mail to kubuntu-devel, and I will try to find out someone else to report the nvidia driver issue to.
[03:21] <mgolden> Thanks
[03:22] <sgclark> np
[03:22] <sgclark> might also try the nvidia forums
[04:10] * sgclark out
[05:51] <rbetzen> sgclark: still online?
[08:03] <soee> good morning
[08:05] <lordievader> Good morning.
[12:32] <sgclark> morning
[12:32] <yofel> hey
[12:33] <soee> hiho
[12:37] <ScottK> sgclark is up early today.
[12:37] <ScottK> Good morning.
[12:38] <sgclark> ScottK: hehe, my sleep schedule is all over the place
[12:39] <Riddell> sgclark is up early every day!
[12:40] <Riddell> rbetzen: looks like phonon is waiting on the backends before it transitions
[12:40] <sgclark> :) yeah, except when I am up very late with insomnia.
[12:41] <sgclark> he was working on them last night, I had to sleep though
[12:41] <Riddell> excellent
[12:42] <sgclark> we seem to finally be making a dent in applications
[12:44] <Riddell> ScottK: how's the baloo SRU?
[12:45] <ScottK> Should have time to look at it today.
[12:45] <yofel> Riddell: what would you prefer: resurrect a crippled kde-workspace package so stuff that nees it builds - or should I try to fix kdeartwork to build without it?
[12:45] <yofel> *needs it
[12:45] <Sick_Rimmit> morming sgclark
[12:46] <sgclark> morning
[12:46] <sgclark> Sick_Rimmit: you pinged me yesterday?
[12:46] <Sick_Rimmit> Ah yes
[12:46] <yofel> (latter is probably more appropriate until the screensavers are ported - if at all)
[12:47] <Sick_Rimmit> I was wondering if you would be available to join Riddell and I for a "Getting Strated contributing to Ubuntu" session at my next Linux User Group event
[12:47] <Sick_Rimmit> http://exeter.lug.org.uk
[12:47] <Sick_Rimmit> However, I think the timezones might work against us on this one, as its from 8pm until 8.45pm UK time
[12:48] <Sick_Rimmit> I hoping to get my Club up and running with Launchpad accounts, plugged into IRC and possibly even some Bug triaging etc...
[12:49] <sgclark> Sick_Rimmit: obviously that is a bit of a commute for me haha, do you mean on hangout or something?
[12:50] <Sick_Rimmit> Ah you mean you wouldn't consider flying out ? There is a really good FIsh and Chip shop :-)
[12:50] <Sick_Rimmit> Yes its via Hangout
[12:50] <Riddell> yofel: I'd rather kill off kde-workspace
[12:50] <yofel> k
[12:50] <sgclark> Sick_Rimmit: I would LOVE to, I am poor however
[12:51] <sgclark> Sick_Rimmit: I am normally up at 4am so that would not be a problem.
[12:51] <sgclark> though I have to get up at 3 to humanize myself lol
[12:51] <Sick_Rimmit> sgclark: Oh that's just excellent, if you are willing :-) Bless you. I will add that to the Web page details
[12:52] <Sick_Rimmit> sgclark: I want to encourage them to Join Kubuntu and Kubuntu-Devel on IRC, and I think if you could talk about about that, and how nice the folks are here, that would be really perfect
[12:53] <sgclark> that I can do
[12:54] <Sick_Rimmit> I think my strategy with the LUG Group will be to introduce Riddell and sgclark, at 8pm, you guys can talk about Kubuntu, and getting involved, and perhaps answer some questions. I will put together a post Hangout Work sheet, with Launchpad, IRC, Kubuntu.org and will get them set up with Launchpad accounts, and logged into IRC from the chat clients on their machines.
[12:55] <Sick_Rimmit> Leave the rest of the admin to me, thanks guys :-)
[13:23] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: issue is do we need to do it on windows in a virtual machnine to get screenshare?
[13:46] * Sick_Rimmit thinks abnout Windows VM's
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
[13:53] <murthy> Anyone interested in reproducing this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1389847
[13:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1389847 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity waits until the driver-manager finishes before proceeding to the partitioning screen" [Undecided,New]
[14:25] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: I'm reluctant to use Windows as a solution at a Linux User Group ;-)
[14:25] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: But is we must, then we must.
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
[14:26] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: assuming that you'll want to Share your screen to demo some of the tools we use perhaps ?
[14:27] <sitter> (screen share works on kubuntu just fine)
[14:42] <Riddell> sitter: does it?
[14:42] <mamarley> I was once in a "Linux User Group" that *never* tried to use Linux for visible things. Even for stuff like video conferencing, when they could have picked something like Google Hangouts that works well on Linux, they would always want to use Skype® for some reason. I didn't stay in that group for long.
[14:43] <mamarley> The funny thing is, one time they tried to play an h264 video. The Windows® computer wouldn't play it out-of-the-box, but Linux would.
[14:43] <sitter> Riddell: was using it on sunday
[14:44] <Riddell> mamarley: :)
[15:57] <shadeslayer> ScottK: btw kdeconnect backport ready for your approval
[16:22] * Riddell looks at shadeslayer then looks at shadeslayer's chair then looks back at shadeslayer
[16:22] * shadeslayer is taking the day off
[16:45] <Riddell> ScottK: remember bug 1378789
[16:45] <ubottu> bug 1378789 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Set the default IO scheduler to CFQ in Kubuntu Trusty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1378789
[17:14] <Riddell> ScottK: and bug 1384355 if you happen to be in a sru mood is verification-done now
[17:14] <ubottu> bug 1384355 in owncloud (Ubuntu) "ownCloud should be removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1384355
[18:39] * Riddell blogs http://jriddell.org/2014/11/25/voted-si-si-for-catalunyan-independence/ and awaits the flames
[18:42] * ScottK thinks the flames are in Ferguson.
[18:44] <mamarley> Stupid people. Do they really think that burning down the city and then shooting at the firefighters trying to put the fire out is going to make anything any better?
[18:45] * yofel goes fixing kate
[18:45] <Riddell> yes my twitter feed does seem to be full of this ferguson thing, I haven't read what it is but it's not giving me a good impression of the US
[18:45] <mamarley> We are just like any other country. We have some good, smart people, and then we have some stupid, violent, mean people.
[18:46] <sgclark> mamarley: +1
[18:46] <sgclark> I assure you we are not all the same >.<
[18:46] <ScottK> We have some people who are trying to protest to make things better, people who are so angry they don't care about the consequences anymore, and people who just like to mess things up.
[18:47] <ScottK> When they all get mixed up together, it's a bit hard to sort.
[18:49] <mamarley> Anyway, I am glad I don't live near there.
[18:49] <sgclark> same, unfortuantely I have a friend that does
[18:49] <Riddell> where is it?
[18:49] <mamarley> Sorry. I hope he/she is OK.
[18:50] <mamarley> Riddell: In Missouri. Southeastern-ish US.
[18:50] <sgclark> She is in St. Louis
[18:50] <sgclark> so far enough
[18:50] * mamarley lives in North Carolina.
[18:51] * sgclark lives in Oregon
[18:53] <Riddell> mamarley: qca is getting quite political alas, have you seen https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/121168/ ?
[18:54] <ScottK> mamarley: St. Louis is pretty close to the center of the US.
[18:54] <mamarley> Riddell: No, I hadn't seen that. Stupid politics getting involved in everything...
[18:55] <Riddell> mamarley: the maintainer doesn't want to change the soname for the qt5 version which is obviously needed, so it can't really be packaged until a solution is found to that
[18:55] <sgclark> ouch
[18:56] <mamarley> Can't the packagers just apply the patch in question themselves?
[18:57] <Riddell> we could and we may well have to but it would get messy if we don't agree amongst distros what to do
[18:57] <soee> hiho
[19:00] <mamarley> It seems the obvious thing to do is to apply the patch so that all the people who use the API don't have to change the code.
[19:00] <mamarley> I don't get why the maintainer doesn't like that.
[19:04] <Riddell> nobody does
[19:05] <mamarley> I had actually tried to package QCA myself, but the git version seems to have switched to cmake and I couldn't get the packaging script to work.
[19:06] <Riddell> oh that
[19:06] <Riddell> oh that shouldn't be an issue
[19:06] <yofel> well, harald's on that
[19:07] <Riddell> but yes ping sitter to see if where he got to
[19:07] <soee> someone can take a look @ #kubuntu and last question there ?
[19:07] <mamarley> I talked to him yesterday and he basically just confirmed he was working on it.
[19:08] <Riddell> 19:05 < WhoKnows_625> hello, if I ended up with unmet dependencies after updating, were should I report that? It's Kubuntu 15.04, the pakage is kate-data
[19:08] <Riddell> yofel: know anything about that?
[19:09] <Riddell> mamarley: if you need a help with packaging just post what you have here and someone will take a look
[19:09] <yofel> Riddell: er, he was working on qca half of sunday?
[19:09] <yofel> and I did hear him talking about cmake
[19:09] <Riddell> yofel: yes I think he was, but I don't know where he got to with it
[19:09] <yofel> ah, can't help there. It's a big chunk of work with all the plugin bundling
[19:35] <mamarley> Riddell: If sitter is already working on it, I will just let him finish. I'm sure he is much better and faster at it than me.
[19:36] <mamarley> I was just trying to find a package with QCA for Qt5 so I could enable channel encryption in my Qt5 Quassel build again.
=== alket_ is now known as alket
[20:54] <rbetzen> Riddell: I've successfully compiled the packages yesterday, however I"m resolving a signing issue. Didn't have a key generated before I compiled and It was too late last night to fix it. :/
[20:57] <yofel> rbetzen: you can always run debsign yourself (which is what debuild does last) on the .changes file
[20:58] <rbetzen> yofel: Thanks for the info. I"m brand new at this and still getting familiar with the tools. Just run debsign on the .changes file or on the tarball?
[20:58] <ScottK> Use the changes file and debsign knows what all needs signing.
[20:59] <ScottK> (It's actually the .changes and the .dsc which contain the hash for the tarball)
[21:00] <rbetzen> ScottK: Thanks. Running that right now...
[21:03] <rbetzen> ScottK: Worked! I need to pick up my daughter from school. I'll finish up when I get back. Thanks to you and yofel for the help!
[21:03] <ScottK> You're welcome.
[21:03] <yofel> :)
[21:42] <rbetzen> ScottK: How long does it usually take from the time a package is uploaded to my ppa until it shows up on the page?
[21:44] <yofel> rbetzen: seconds to a couple minutes
[21:44] <yofel> if it takes very long then your gpg key might not be registered on launchpad
[21:45] <rbetzen> hmmm... it's been quite a bit longer than that and nothing. I'll have to investigate.
[21:46] <yofel> you also should've gotten an email about the upload
[21:46] <yofel> unless the gpg key isn't known
[21:48] <yofel> rbetzen: I don't see a key on your launchpad profile, so do check that
[21:48] <rbetzen> i did a key import. waiting on an email, but haven't received it yet. can i do a command line upload with gpg?
[21:50] <yofel> rbetzen: all I can do is point you to https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey - or maybe #launchpad can help
[21:52] <rbetzen> ok. I went to +editpgpkeys and just pasted the fingerprint in. Just a sec.
[21:53] <yofel> did you do the publish to keyserver part?
[22:00] <rbetzen> No i didn't. Working on that part now.
[22:31] <rbetzen> yofel: added keys, fingerprints, and even signed the code of conduct. should I wait to see if the packages show up or delete the .upload file and try again?
[22:33] <sgclark> rbetzen: if it was rejected, then yeah you will have to delete the upload file and dput again
[22:33] <yofel> rbetzen: launchpad knows your key now so you can upload again
[22:33] <rbetzen> Ok. here goes...
[22:33] <ScottK> sgclark: If it was rejected due to an unknown key, you don't get notified to prevent being an abuse vector.
[22:34] <ScottK> Meh.
[22:34] <ScottK> Nevermind, misread your comment.
[22:57] <rbetzen> ScottK: reuploaded with no notification. somethings still not right.
[22:58] <ScottK> You might ask in #launchpad.
[22:58] <rbetzen> Will do.
[23:00] <sgclark> hmm license-problem-cc-by-nc-sa
[23:05] <yofel> ScottK: ok so, I messed up badly with kate, any idea how to get out of this? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kate/4:4.14.3-0ubuntu2/+build/6595436
[23:05] <yofel> the only way I see is to upload a kde4libs that doesn't depend on katepart and re-add it later...
[23:06] <yofel> (kate needs kdelibs5-dev to build, which needs kdelibs5-plugins, which needs katepart, which is broken)
[23:07] <ScottK> Yes. I think that's the only way.
[23:07] <ScottK> This is why circular build-deps suck.
[23:07] <yofel> *sigh* oh well
[23:08] <ScottK> Bonus points for figuring a way to break the loop for next time.
[23:11] <rbetzen> rbetzen: figured it out. kmail isn't retreiving new messages via imap. had to login via web to retreive them.
[23:12] <rbetzen> the message says mixed uploads aren't allowed.
[23:12] <yofel> ah, you'll have to make a source-only package with 'debuild -S'
[23:13] <rbetzen> yofel: Thanks. Still forgetting steps, evidently.
[23:15] <yofel> np, some things really aren't always obvious. Launchpad *only* accepts source-only uploads. Other repositories (private ones with reprepro, or debian with dak) do accept binary uploads depending on the configuration
[23:19] <rbetzen> yofel: Ok, so debuild -S always. No debuild without the option.
[23:20] <yofel> right, at least not if you plan to upload to launchpad
[23:20] <sgclark> umm the first run you need to do it without
[23:20] <sgclark> when you upload though you add -S
[23:21] <yofel> well, that depends on how you work...
[23:21] <sgclark> and if you need the source to upload -S -sa
[23:21] <ScottK> Actually ...
[23:21] * sgclark goes back to her merging corner
[23:21] <yofel> e.g. I always do it with -S if I plan to upload the package later on because I don't do non-chrooted builds
[23:21] <ScottK> yofel: precisely.
[23:22] <ScottK> If you do a binary build in a package directory and the clean rule is buggy, then you might end up with all sorts of build debris littered through your package.
[23:23] <yofel> rbetzen: which leads us to chrooted building... do you know what a chroot is?
[23:23] <ScottK> Make the source package (using -S) and then build in a clean environment using pbuilder/sbuild/or the like.
[23:24] <rbetzen> yofel: yes, although I've never used them yet. I was wondering about this because of all the dev dependencies I'm needing to install.
[23:24] <rbetzen> ScottK: I'll definitely start doing that. Thanks!
[23:25] <yofel> right, building locally is fine if you want to do inital packaging, but might fail if you're not running the development release and you might not know all the build-dependencies to add
[23:25] <yofel> so once you have a source package, you can test-build it in a clean chroot environment like the buildds use with pbuilder/cowbuilder/sbuild/...
[23:26] <yofel> what you use is left to personal preference, pbuilder-dist is a good thing to start with
[23:29] <rbetzen> Ok. So create a directory, chroot into it, download the package, and build with pbuilder.
[23:29] <ScottK> There's another way to do it that is generally easier.
[23:30] <ScottK> pbuilder-dist as yofel suggests.
[23:30] <ScottK> Do:
[23:30] <sgclark> ahh, see I overkill, I build it in a chroot and after success I run through pbuilder to double check dependencies
[23:30] <ScottK> pbuilder-dist create vivid (or whatever release, including Debian ones)
[23:30] <ScottK> Then you can:
[23:31] <ScottK> pbuilder-dist vivid build package_version-revision.dsc
[23:31] <ScottK> The downside of that is if it fails, it just exists, but you can use a pbuilder hook to avoid that.
[23:33] <ScottK> Call this file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9240503/ C10shell and use --hookdir option to point at where it is if you want it to leave the chroot in place and not clean up if the build fails.
[23:35] <rbetzen> ScottK: I'll try that. so pbuilder first then chroot.
[23:37] <yofel> rbetzen: well, what pbuilder does is manage sets of chroots, so when you run pbuilder it does the chrooting itself.
[23:38] <rbetzen> yofel: ok. that makes sense. BTW I do vaguely remeber chrooting to fix a boot issue a couple of times. Been a long time ago.
[23:39] <yofel> sgclark: that's generally fine really. What I do is run a package through pbuilder retrying dpkg-buildpackage a couple times. After getting all fixes out of the chroot I run it through pbuilder again until everything's fixed
[23:39] <yofel> (does add some overhead, but a SSD and ccache help with that)
[23:41] <rbetzen> I'll go ahead and blow out these builds and try again with pbuilder
[23:42] <rbetzen> Thanks everyone for the input! I'm out.