UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /21 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <popey> Happy birthday nik90_ !
[00:23] <akiva-thinkpad> popey, do you know if there is a template for writing a scope in go?
[00:23] <popey> i do not
[00:24] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90_, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1VcgWvhyV0
[00:24] <akiva-thinkpad> popey, curses!
[00:25] <akiva-thinkpad> popey, on the filemanager app, terminal app, etc; did you compile the evernotes into a nice todo list?
[00:25] <akiva-thinkpad> Or do I have to jump back and go through them?
[00:59] <zmaj> hi
[01:59] <axp_> Hi to everyone...
[02:01] <axp_> where I can submit a screenshot about a mistake on Ubuntu Sotwtare Center ?
[03:09] <ahoneybun> pretty sure it seems ubuntu-device-flash does not like VM
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[08:22] <dholbach> good morning
[08:39] <Lichte> greetings
[08:40] <Lichte> I've been reading about installing the sdk on the website and it says to add a ppa, but when I do a search for software, I see that there is an sdk already in 14.10; any advice ?
[08:44] <popey> Lichte: the ppa is more up to date.
[08:44] <popey> (I think)
[08:44] <Lichte> :)
[08:44] <Lichte> or maybe it will be at some point in time
[08:45] <Lichte> thx popey
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[10:01] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy World Hello Day! :-D
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[10:53] <kalikiana> JamesTait: lemme guess, you go around and say hello to everyone you meet? does it include cats, though?
[10:54] <kalikiana> or is it a typo and it should be Hello World day and we all write code?
[10:54] <JamesTait> kalikiana, I think the basic idea is to just greet people, yes. It's a simple thing, but it's frighteningly uncommon in some parts of the world.
[10:56] <kalikiana> I know it as a self confidence learning technique - you say hello to everyone to stop being afraid of being more forward
[10:56] <kalikiana> but it's a good thing in any case
[10:59] <zmaj> do any of you guys have experience with renpy?
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[11:33] <dholbach> davidcalle, do you need more time? :)
[11:36] <rpadovani> davidcalle, hey :-) There is a workaround for this bug?
[11:36] <rpadovani> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-shell/+bug/1335761
[11:36] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1335761 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[Dash] Activating a preview with a scope URI for the current scope doesn't send you back to the results view" [Medium,Confirmed]
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[11:49] * dholbach hugs davidcalle
[11:49] * davidcalle hugs dholbach back
[11:54] <pindonga> hi jdstrand when you have a minute... https://code.launchpad.net/~ricardokirkner/click-reviewers-tools/handle-malformed-overrides-data/+merge/242402
[12:22] <davidcalle> rpadovani, I don't think there is a workaround for that yet :(
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[13:52] <popey> nik90_: did you have any luck making a fat package to push to the store?
[14:24] <nik90_> popey: hey, I have built the packages of clock. But haven't uploaded yet since I forgot to change the developer name and other small stuff that I usually do before uploading to the store.
[14:24] <popey> nik90_: ah
[14:24] <popey> nik90_: got any tips for how you made it?
[14:25] <nik90_> popey: Well, during our previous discussion, we decided to create individual click packages for each arch instead of fat? That's what I did using the arm and i386 chroots
[14:26] <popey> ah, did we.
[14:26] <popey> Wonder if we can cut-and-shut them together.
[14:26] <nik90_> yeah, since you said the store accepts multiple clicks of different arch (which I was initially suprised at)
[14:26] <popey> yeah, thats probably not the best way for us to do it though.
[14:27] <popey> was just chatting to balloons and beuno about it, we should test fat packages really.
[14:27] <nik90_> ah
[14:27] <popey> but dont have the tools to make them
[14:27] <nik90_> Is there any place with instructions on how to create fat packages?
[14:28] <popey> nope.
[14:28] <nik90_> hmm
[14:29] <popey> I suspect it's going to be a case (right now) of mashing two or three clicks together
[14:30] <beuno> nik90_, the store doesn't accept different clicks for each arch
[14:30] <popey> i was led to believe it did
[14:30] <popey> so my bad, sorry
[14:30] <nik90_> oh
[14:31] <nik90_> I will have to check with sergiusens_ on how to create fat packages, but only for next week though. I have got calendar app reviews today
[14:32] <popey> ok, thanks
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[15:44] <axp_> Hi to everyone... is here someone who mantains Ubuntu Software Center ?
[15:46] <axp_> ops.. maintains :)
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[16:53] <bzoltan> popey: correct, the PPA is more up to date.
[16:53] <popey> ta bzoltan
[17:49] <mhall119> nik90_: happy birthday :)
[17:50] <nik90_> mhall119: hey, thnx :)
[18:11] <ogra_> nik90_, happy b-day !!
[18:15] <nik90_> ogra_: thnx for your wishes :D
[18:34] <kalikiana> nik90_: my condolences :-P
[18:34] * kalikiana doesn't like birthdays… :-D
[18:34] <nik90_> kalikiana: lol
[18:37] <popey> Congratulations on clinging to a rock which happens to be circling a nearby star for an arbitrary amount of time nik90_ !
[18:37] <nik90_> popey: nice touch
[18:37] <kalikiana> :-D
[18:38] <nik90_> well I wouldn't call it arbitrary amount of time though...its all well calculated trajectories and planetory motions :)
[18:40] <popey> This is true. I will not make that mistake in 365.25 days when I next congratulate you.
[18:40] <popey> Oh man, I'm such a buzzkill.
[18:40] <kalikiana> haha
[18:40] <popey> PARTY ON
[18:45] <rpadovani> balloons, o/ do you have time to do a fast query? :-)
[18:45] <balloons> rpadovani, fast!
[18:50] <nik90_> lol
[19:00] <mihir> hi balloons
[19:01] <balloons> hello mihir
[19:01] <balloons> nik90_, btw, I created a multi-arch build of clock.. it works ;-)
[19:03] <mihir> Hey balloons could you quickly help us with bottomedge test helper.
[19:03] <mihir> ?
[19:06] <mihir> balloons: i am trying to utilize the helper from Clock app but not really able to port that.
[19:06] <balloons> mihir, I can probably help
[19:06] <mihir> balloons: yes , i just need lil quick start , then i can try to move on and modify rest.
[19:06] <balloons> can you leave some notes about what's up and happening? I'll be back in a bot
[19:06] <balloons> *but
[19:07] <balloons> *bit
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[19:19] <mihir> balloons: sure..here is MP which enables BottomEdge in Calendar
[19:19] <mihir> https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/bottomEdge
[19:19] <mihir> so if you can just help to initiate test and then i can try to follow the partten and can merge your MP in this.
[19:22] <Randy_O> I've got a quick question about scopes, any experts around?
[19:30] <mihir> Randy_O: just shoot question , so that if there are any around they'll respond you back.
[19:32] <Randy_O> Question: How do I get a scope to read a JSON file that is local, and not from a web API?
[20:09] * kalikiana sometimes wonders if anyone will have to figure out the copyright authors one day when files are copied like that… that has to be a very annoying task
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[20:17] <ahoneybun> hello all
[20:50] <daker> is it me or the GPS is faster now ? it took like half a second to show my position
[20:58] <balloons> nik90_, you've been quiet all day!
[20:58] * balloons wishes nik90_ a wonderful birthday
[21:17] * Letozaf_ too wishes happy birthday to nik90_
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[21:50] <popey> daker: yes, now we have the here location stuff baked in
[21:50] <daker> it's much faster now
[21:51] <popey> yeah, it's way better