UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /21 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
[02:40] <Tj2000> Hi all, What is the easiest way to take a screenshot of the login screen?
[02:40] <holstein> id just fire up my phone, and to it that way..
[02:41] <holstein> http://askubuntu.com/questions/43458/how-can-i-take-a-screenshot-of-the-login-screen
[02:44] <Tj2000> Thanks I'll look into that.
[02:44] <holstein> Tj2000: actually, i like this better..
[02:44] <holstein> http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/05/capture-your-lightdm-login-screen-in-ubuntu-14-04/
[02:45] <holstein> though, there are plenty of screenshots on the web.. probably find one similar to the one you are going to make
[02:50] <Tj2000> Thanks I'll try the second one first. I tried that first suggestion a while back while I was using ubuntu but it didn't work. Hopefully they both work.
[04:14] <anjo-aladiah> i can make my lubuntu 14.10 hibernate nether on console nether on the button menu
[04:15] <anjo-aladiah> i cant make my lubuntu 14.10 hibernate nether on console nether on the button menu
[04:16] <anjo-aladiah> iam with dual boot windows lubuntu . i tryed this with out sucess http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/10/enable-hibernate-option-in-ubuntu-14-10-unity/
[04:18] <anjo-aladiah> When i try sudo pm-hibernate, then the screen switch off, but the computer dont terminate at all and stay on longer and longer . . ! I have to push the power button to switch off it.
[04:22] <holstein> anjo-aladiah: /away
[04:22] <anjo-aladiah> ?
[04:23] <holstein> anjo-aladiah: sorry. so, it hibernates? and doesnt resume? or wont hibernate?
[04:23] <holstein> what do you mean "and stay on longer and longer"?
[04:23] <anjo-aladiah> It doesnt switch off. Only the screen switch off
[04:23] <holstein> anjo-aladiah: does it shutdown cleanly?
[04:24] <holstein> anjo-aladiah: personally, i dont see a benifit to hibernate over shutdown..
[04:24] <anjo-aladiah> With hibernate it doesnt shutdown. I have then to shutdown with power button hardware
[04:24] <holstein> anjo-aladiah: you cant get to tty?
[04:25] <holstein> anjo-aladiah: you can damage the hard drive holding the powerbutton like that
[04:25] <anjo-aladiah> hibernate is an exteemlly important function for me
[04:25] <holstein> anjo-aladiah: sure.. why?
[04:25] <holstein> anjo-aladiah: i mean, it doesnt take any less time.
[04:26] <anjo-aladiah> I need to wake the laptop with all windows open ate the moment i hibernate
[04:26] <holstein> you may have to make that compromise
[04:26] <holstein> http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation
[04:27] <holstein> though, i see nothing for lxde specifically
[04:27] <holstein> i either sleep, or just shutdown..
[04:53] <anjo-aladiah> holstein: I did what you said and created that file ro reanable hibernate, after reboot , i tryed sudo pm-hibernate but problem still there
[04:53] <anjo-aladiah> Should be the GRub cause of problem ?
[04:53] <anjo-aladiah> Iam in dual boot mode, i have a folder encrypted also.
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
[11:31] <PhoenixSTF> hey guys How do I install Lubuntu on a < 4g hdd?
[12:31] <Artemis3> PhoenixSTF, did you try the mini iso?
[12:33] <PhoenixSTF> i tried alternate
[12:33] <PhoenixSTF> :)
[12:41] <PhoenixSTF> wicked fast btw
[13:38] <phillw> PhoenixSTF: I only ever use alternate :)
[13:41] <PhoenixSTF> phillw: heh lest hope it runs well on a eeepc 4g
[14:08] <phillw> PhoenixSTF: if it still struggles, you can go to core install via minimal iso as usually the heaviest application is the browser and you can use xombrero if you need to. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall
[14:09] <PhoenixSTF> phillw: thanks :)
[14:09] <phillw> don't say we don't offer options!
[14:20] <PhoenixSTF> phillw: never, you've done excelent work too in getting the fat out of ubuntu
[14:23] <phillw> PhoenixSTF: well, we're always looking for people to help test! wxl is the Team Leader for that area and you can find further details at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing which he has done a massive overhaul of.
[14:25] <PhoenixSTF> wish I could m8, I am way in over my head ATM, Working full time php web app development, sysadmin, finishing university degree, and thinking on a CCNP...
[14:26] <phillw> PhoenixSTF: simply by installing, you are testing :)
[14:27] <PhoenixSTF> phillw: that I can try and find some time for it
[14:27] <PhoenixSTF> :)
[14:27] <PhoenixSTF> what do you need?
[14:28] <phillw> simple... you grab an iso from the tracker and install it... report back if it blows your machine up, or pass it as good :D
[14:28] <PhoenixSTF> lol
[14:28] <PhoenixSTF> can it be a KVM or has to be metal?
[14:29] <phillw> we seriously recommend VM's until we hit beta, the alphas can eat kittens
[14:29] <PhoenixSTF> ok where do I get the alpha and where do I report?
[14:33] <phillw> PhoenixSTF: have a read of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing but basically you need to grab zsync, head over to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker Just be aware that virt-manager (for some stupid reason) changes the ownership of an ISO which you need to revert back manually inorder for zsync to be able to update it.
[14:36] <PhoenixSTF> phillw: zsync only gets/updates the iso for installing?
[14:40] <phillw> PhoenixSTF: it grabs the bits it needs and does the md5checksum to validate the down load is not corrupt :)
[14:42] <PhoenixSTF> phillw: humm smart :)
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest91468
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
[21:14] <patarr> very nice. E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_universe_i18n_Translation-en, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
[21:15] <holstein> patarr: can i give you a hand?
[21:16] <patarr> holstein: Sure.
[21:16] <holstein> patarr: cool.. just let me know what you need..
[21:17] <patarr> No idea. I just had Lubuntu tell that is a "serious issue" and should report it to the devs. unfortunately i dont have the time right now to file a ticket, nor to attach all relevant information, logs, and reproduction steps in the bug tracker. Perhaps a dev in this channel will see it and recognize it or something.
[21:18] <holstein> patarr: cool. just let me know when you have time.. othrewise, just run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a terminal, and see that you have no errors with your package system..
[21:19] <patarr> holstein: update breaks :)
[21:20] <holstein> patarr: sure.. just share any relevant details, if yo have time to address them...
[21:21] <holstein> !paste
[21:21] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[21:21] <holstein> and, if you have added any ppa's, consider purging them..
[21:21] <krytarik> patarr: Delete the mentioned file, then try again.
[21:22] <patarr> krytarik: that worked. Thanks holstein and krytarik