UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /21 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== tvb|afk is now known as tvb
=== zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi
[17:36] * mhayden tips his hat to JayF
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
[17:55] * gholms waves at mhayden
[17:56] <JayF> Hey smoser, mhayden is another long-time racker
[17:56] <harlowja> mhayden hey, for https://code.launchpad.net/~rackerhacker/cloud-init/add-ipv6-static-address-support a coworker at y! is also working on this, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1391695 ; she should have that up for review today, hopefully we can look at both and merge them or something
[17:56] <JayF> he's going to be tossing a patch your way for IPv6 static support
[17:57] <harlowja> JayF i saw that :-P
[17:57] <mhayden> harlowja: good timing ;)
[17:57] <harlowja> ;)
[17:57] <mhayden> harlowja: should i add a mention of my branch in that ticket?
[17:57] <harlowja> sure, although both of u guys i think started a solution at the same time, ha
[17:57] <harlowja> concidence :-P
[17:57] <mhayden> i'm curious to see the other solution as this is my first time working with cloud-init ;)
[17:58] <mhayden> well, working with the code itself i mean
[17:58] <harlowja> agreed
[17:58] <harlowja> she'll be in shortly i think
[18:00] <harlowja> mhayden another intersting question is whether ipv6 works for the other distros also
[18:00] <harlowja> that network conversion (from ubuntu -> internal format) is also used in freebsd for example
[18:00] <mhayden> my changes only add in some new dict keys
[18:00] <mhayden> so it shouldn't affect them unless they blindly write whatever is in the dict
[18:01] <mhayden> i didn't check around for that
[18:01] <harlowja> ya i don't think they do, but my guess is they are also not ipv6 compat
[18:01] <harlowja> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/distros/sles.py#L56
[18:01] <harlowja> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/distros/arch.py#L63
[18:01] <harlowja> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/distros/freebsd.py#L273
[18:01] <mhayden> ah so yeah, the sles one would just write IPv4 config only
[18:02] <harlowja> ya
[18:02] <mhayden> would it make sense in the future to put all the network config into json and avoid parsing the debian-style network config?
[18:02] <JayF> mhayden: That's what I'm doing :)
[18:02] <harlowja> +1
[18:02] <harlowja> ;)
[18:02] <mhayden> then i owe you tacos, JayF
[18:02] <JayF> mhayden: https://github.com/racker/cloud-init/pull/1 is the downstream patch we use for OnMetal now (I think it's enabled on the whole cloud at this point, perhaps?)
[18:03] <JayF> mhayden: we put some info in vendor_data that's based on a spec upstream for openstack to put in json network data, and read that today
[18:03] <harlowja> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85673/16/specs/kilo/approved/metadata-service-network-info.rst right?
[18:03] <JayF> mhayden: when openstack's upstream one comes, we'll migrate off our vendored one and go to the upstream one
[18:03] <JayF> aye, capn
[18:03] <JayF> although tbh I'm not working on it actively right now
[18:04] <harlowja> whose 'Claxton Correya' i don't think thats an alias for u
[18:04] <harlowja> lol
[18:04] <harlowja> maybe it is though
[18:04] <mhayden> it's his pen name
[18:04] <harlowja> cools
[18:04] <mhayden> i'm kidding ;)
[18:04] <harlowja> me too
[18:04] <harlowja> :)
[18:17] <smoser> hey all. i'm sorry for not being present.
[18:18] <smoser> been traveling / working last three weeks and not much else.
[18:23] <harlowja> spandhe mhayden welcome, both fixing ipv6
[18:23] <harlowja> :-P
[18:23] <mhayden> yay
[18:24] <spandhe> haha
[18:43] <harlowja> mhayden spandhe i think uploaded https://code.launchpad.net/~shraddha-pandhe/cloud-init/cloud-init-ipv6-support if u want to check thato ut
[18:44] <mhayden> taking a look
[18:46] <mhayden> looks reasonable except i might toss in a "IPV6_AUTOCONF=no" into cloudinit/distros/rhel.py
[18:46] <mhayden> just for completeness
[18:46] <mhayden> since there's going to be a static assignment
[18:46] <mhayden> but i like that spandhe remembered NETWORKING_IPV6 in /etc/sysconfig/network -- i forgot
[18:47] <spandhe> mhayden: I thought BOOTPROTO=static will take care of it..
[18:47] <spandhe> Ill look up more about autoconf
[18:47] <JayF> spandhe: not always ime
[18:47] <JayF> spandhe: IPV6_AUTOCONF=no basically maps directly to the sysctl iirc
[18:48] <spandhe> mhayden: I also put the routing info and ifconfig support..
[18:48] <mhayden> good stuff, spandhe
[18:49] <mhayden> i'm not sure about the issues caused by leaving out IPV6_AUTOCONF... but i haven't seen any providers that due IPv6 via SLAAC yet
[18:49] <mhayden> it would hopefully protect the VM against router advertisement attacks though
[18:50] <spandhe> thanks mhayden ! will add unittests soon too.. also, for now, makes sense to keep autoconf = no.. nova currently doesnt provide any information about it.. so safe it keep it no..
[18:50] <mhayden> cool
[18:50] <mhayden> i still haven't wrapped my head around writing tests in python :)
[18:52] <spandhe> mhayden: cool :) need to addcsupport for IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES later..
[18:52] <mhayden> that will be fun
[18:52] <mhayden> do you have a use case for it? i don't
[18:52] <mhayden> we assign a single IPv6 address per instance for now
[18:52] <mhayden> anything other than that would be a floating/shared IP
[18:55] <spandhe> right.. not for now.. but when we have multiple later with global scope, etc, we can add it..
[18:56] <mhayden> makes sense
[18:56] <mhayden> harlowja: i'm a launchpad dunce -- how do i kick out my branch proposal?
[18:58] <harlowja> i believe there is a delete branch that i think u can access on https://code.launchpad.net/~rackerhacker/cloud-init/add-ipv6-static-address-support if thats what u want to do
[18:59] <JayF> mhayden: ++ absolutely hardening against RA attacks is perfect
[18:59] <mhayden> harlowja: yeah, i'll yield to spandhe's work there
[19:00] <mhayden> done
[19:00] <mhayden> JayF: yay
[19:00] <harlowja> kk
[20:23] <harlowja> smoser alright got http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/modules.html to generate more goodness
[20:23] <harlowja> example @ http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/modules.html#debug
[20:23] <harlowja> woot
[20:24] <harlowja> looks good this time
[20:24] <harlowja> http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/modules.html#ubuntu-init-switch also
=== gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi