UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /20 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <kavaco> lordievader: hi
[00:00] <mparillo> surfs^: I cannot run it in a VMware VM, so it is not ready for me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/+bug/1362631 though the upstream bug is claimed to be fixed https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340966
[00:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1362631 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu) "Enter Full Screen Mode crashes Plasma Next Desktop in Kubuntu 14.10 and Daily Build of 15.04" [Undecided,New]
[00:00] <ubottu> KDE bug 340966 in general "Plasma 5 crashes maximizing VMware Player" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]
[00:00] <kavaco> lordievader: the problem dont exist now!!
[00:01] <kavaco> lordievader: on Kubuntu 14.04 the amd catalyst downloaded form AMD site, work!
[00:02] <kavaco> lordievader: the buttons: restart, shutdown and logout works normally now. And de Mixer controll too!!!
[00:02] <kavaco> lordievader: lordievader_: thank you very much!
[00:04] <kavaco> lordievader: Ah, i instaled the AMD Catalyst 14.9(fglrx 14.301) form site
[00:05] <surfs^> Nice! Thanks for the feedback.
[00:05] <kavaco> surfs^: me?
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Dhs92
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
[00:15] <kavaco> the AMD Catalyst 14.9(fglrx 14.301) form site dont work on Kubuntu 14.10
[00:15] <kavaco> the fglrx form repo, dont work on 14.10 too
[00:16] <kavaco> on Dell Inpiron 5447 - Brazillian version
[00:16] <kavaco> with hybrid graphics
[00:16] <kavaco> Intel HD and AMD Radeon R7 M265
[00:37] <MobileRoey> heyl... KDE didn't start up for me once I upgraded from 14.04 -> 14.10. I moved ~/.kde aside and ran startx, letting KDE re-start. It did. How can I diagnose what's wrong with my ~/.kde then?
[00:40] <MobileRoey> hi? anyone here??
[00:45] <kavaco> MobileRoey: have patience :D
[00:46] <MobileRoey> I'm frustrated beyond belief :(
[00:46] <MobileRoey> I meant :) but it came out :( my bad
[00:46] <MobileRoey> kavaco: it infuriates me that I can NEVER do a do-release-upgrade -d without something messing up and causing some showstopper issue.
[00:46] <MobileRoey> every.single.time.
[00:46] <MobileRoey> I cringe at having to upgrade
[00:47] <kavaco> :D
[00:47] <kavaco> your KDE is working now?
[00:47] <kavaco> with a new .kde directory?
[00:48] <MobileRoey> yeah but startup is super super super slow.
[00:48] <MobileRoey> I killed that effing baloo indexer once I found it was using 100% cpu.
[00:49] <MobileRoey> so I was wondering if I should slice-and-dice between the new .kde and my original .kde in hopes of finding the core of the issue
[00:53] <kavaco> you have a guest user?
[00:53] <MobileRoey> hrm.
[00:53] <MobileRoey> checking..
[00:54] <MobileRoey> normally I should..
[00:55] <kavaco> login with the guest user, and compare
[00:55] <MobileRoey> ok.
[00:55] <MobileRoey> ohhhhhhhhhhhh
[00:55] <MobileRoey> is it systemd?
[00:55] <MobileRoey> is that what's messing thisup?
[00:55] <MobileRoey> I added a guest user with useradd
[00:55] <MobileRoey> then ran passwd on it to give it a password
[00:56] <MobileRoey> logging in, i see error messages from stem-login.
[00:56] <MobileRoey> er
[00:56] <MobileRoey> systemd-login
[00:56] <MobileRoey> Failed to start unit user@1001.service: Unknown unit: user@10001.service
[00:56] <MobileRoey> systemd-logind[332]: Failed to start user service: Unknown unit: user@1001.service
[00:57] <MobileRoey> No directory, lgging in with HOME:/
[00:57] <MobileRoey> er?
[00:57] <MobileRoey> useradd is different than adduser, that I know.
[00:57] <MobileRoey> but which one's which.
[00:57] <MobileRoey> argh.
[00:58] <MobileRoey> useradd it was then.
[00:58] <MobileRoey> ok, re-created guest user and logged into it.
[00:59] <kavaco> its ok?
[00:59] <kavaco> is it slow?
[00:59] <MobileRoey> GAH
[00:59] <kavaco> GAH?
[01:00] <MobileRoey> adduser DID create a /home/guest, but when I try logging into the guest user, I still get "No directory, logging in with HOME=/";
[01:00] <MobileRoey> I have no permission to /home/aux apparently
[01:00] <MobileRoey> as the guest user.
[01:01] <MobileRoey> kavaco: ^
[01:01] <MobileRoey> the permissions seem fine on it, I just cannot cd into it.
[01:01] <MobileRoey> for some reason.
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[01:03] <MobileRoey> kavaco: yeah, I get "permission denied" when I try to CD into ~aux
[01:03] <MobileRoey> ? why?
[01:04] <kavaco> what's user name?
[01:04] <kavaco> and directory?
[01:04] <MobileRoey> au
[01:04] <MobileRoey> aux
[01:05] <MobileRoey> direcotry /home/aux
[01:05] <MobileRoey> BRB phone
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[01:05] <kavaco> sudo usermod -d /home/aux aux
[01:05] <kavaco> try this
[01:06] <kavaco> but you do it with the admin user
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[01:07] <kavaco> and be patience, i dont speak english very well :D
[03:46] <jdwwatts> im trying to get kmail configured and so far i got incoming messages but cant sendany one have any ideas?
[03:47] <jdwwatts> kmail just puts it inthe out box with no error mssage
[03:49] <rx_> smtp servers missing?
[03:50] <jdwwatts> i thought i ha the info in there right but who knows
[05:35] <vros> HI
[05:36] <vros> how to repair "??????????" names on usb flash. Opened by Dolphin and Kubuntu 12.04?
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[05:39] <Tm_T> vros: you either have no rights to the files or the filesystem is broken
[05:40] <vros> Tm_T, how to config that?
[05:41] <Tm_T> vros: dolphin should tell who "owns" the files
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[05:41] <Tm_T> vros: also the folder where the files in should be checked
[05:42] <vros> all to root
[05:44] <vros> all mounted as root but I not use root before
[05:48] <Tm_T> vros: have you used sudo at some point?
[05:48] <Tm_T> related to that usb flash
[05:51] <vros___> this is no cyrylik names, but also "?????" and mounted as root
[05:52] <vros___> it is for all usb's
[06:06] <vros___> hm))) it mount as on Server
[06:09] <lordievader> Good morning.
[06:09] <lordievader> kavaco: Good to hear you fixed your issue.
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[08:56] <znc-> hmm dont got the folder /usr/include/linux headers are installed
[08:56] <znc-> any ideas
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[12:15] <keyonce04> hi
[12:17] <lordievader> o/
[12:17] <keyonce04> good morning
[12:19] <lordievader> Good afternoon ;)
[12:20] <keyonce04> what?
[12:21] <lordievader> keyonce04: i18n ;)
[12:23] <keyonce04> what does that mean
[12:24] <lordievader> keyonce04: Google it ;)
[12:24] <keyonce04> ok
[12:24] <keyonce04> i will be back
[12:27] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
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[13:58] <diego__> Greetings, I am looking for help to turn off my computer.
[13:58] <diego__> After installing KDM, none of the Leave buttons work, these are: Log Out, Restart, ShutDown
[13:58] <diego__> and Sleep
[13:58] <diego__> Would anyone know how to fix this_
[13:59] <diego__> ?
[14:04] <BluesKaj> diego__, try sudo reboot to reboot or sudo halt to power down
[14:04] <BluesKaj> update and upgrade first tho
[14:19] <diego__> BluesKaj: Thank you.
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[14:51] <diego__> BluesKaj: Your suggestion did do the trick. After that, Restarting goes as expected. Something got fixed in the middle. Cheers.
[14:52] <BluesKaj> diego__, good to hear :)
[15:02] <toothe> what's a good GUI text editor with formatting?
[15:02] <hateball> toothe: Kate?
[15:02] <soee> Kate, SublimeText
[15:26] <oquidave> why am i having this "tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1484/master " when i dont' have any service(am assuming mail server which is actually on another box) running on port 25
[15:28] <lordievader> oquidave: What does 'ps -p 1484' return?
[15:29] <oquidave> lordievader: seen it, it is postfix!!
[15:30] <hateball> perhaps you installed something recently that had postfix as a dependency
[15:30] <hateball> and just pressed Y
[15:30] <hateball> checking the dpkg/apt log should reveal the truth
[15:35] <oquidave> hateball thanks
[15:36] <rberg_> 'aptitude why' can be helpful when trying to figure out why something got installed
[16:10] <hyper_ch> hi there, on my notebook I usually have two external monitors. One is vga and other is hdmi. Now, if I accidentally disconnect the hdmi one and reconnect it, all is fine. However if I accidentally disconnect the vga one and reconnect it, KDE doesn't recognize it anymore. Also it won't show up in the systemsettings -> Monitor configuration tool
[17:36] <znc-> hey, using 11.10 and would like to install 2.x kernel
[17:36] <znc-> can someone help
[17:36] <znc-> tried to build but it fails
[17:38] <lordievader> znc-: You do know 11.10 has been EOL for ages? But what do you run into?
[17:38] <znc-> yes
[17:39] <znc-> what you mean by run itno hmm
[17:39] <lordievader> znc-: You say it fails, on what does it fail?
[17:39] <znc-> oki
[17:40] <znc-> http://pastebin.com/EP6EHXKm
[17:41] <lordievader> znc-: Make that command "sudo make menuconfig" ;)
[17:41] <znc-> oki
[17:41] <lordievader> znc-: Reading the error usually tells you what to do.
[17:43] <denysonique> lordievader: sounds like Gentoo
[17:43] <znc-> http://pastebin.com/XSVDiiKp
[17:43] <lordievader> denysonique: Compiling kernels? Can be done anywhere ;)
[17:45] <lordievader> znc-: Do you have ncurses-dev installed?
[17:45] <znc-> dont know
[17:45] <znc-> should I try to install it
[17:46] <lordievader> znc-: Also, could you provide the full output of the last make command?
[17:46] <znc-> what make exactlz
[17:46] <znc-> this was sudo make menuconfig
[17:47] <lordievader> Was it all?
[17:47] <znc-> yes
[17:47] <lordievader> Hmm...
[17:48] <lordievader> I suppose you can use the 'oldconfig' if it still doesn't work after installing the ncurses headers.
[17:49] <znc-> oki first I will try to install ncurses-dev and repeat this right
[17:50] <znc-> ncurses-dev installed
[17:52] <znc-> outptut changed http://pastebin.com/Msssa5Ps but still fails
[17:52] <znc-> hmm
[17:53] <znc-> sudo make oldconfig also failing
[17:53] <lordievader> Where did you get the kernel from?
[17:53] <znc-> kernel.org
[17:53] <znc-> https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/
[17:53] <znc-> here
[17:54] <znc-> hmm
[17:54] <lordievader> znc-: Your folder says 2.6.5... kernel.org has 2.6.32...
[17:54] <znc-> youre right I see its rather old
[17:54] <znc-> 2004 whops
[17:56] <znc-> I will try with a newer 2.6.32 yeah
[17:58] <hyper_ch> hi there, on my notebook I usually have two external monitors. One is vga and other is hdmi. Now, if I accidentally disconnect the hdmi one and reconnect it, all is fine. However if I accidentally disconnect the vga one and reconnect it, KDE doesn't recognize it anymore. Also it won't show up in the systemsettings -> Monitor configuration tool
[18:06] <toothe> does anyone recommend a text-editor that can do format highlighting?
[18:16] <lordievader> toothe: Vim :D
[18:19] <toothe> vim is for command-line
[18:19] <lordievader> That's right ;)
[18:34] <kavaco_> lordievader: hi
[18:34] <lordievader> o/
[18:34] <kavaco_> lordievader: see my feedback yesterday?
[18:35] <lordievader> Jup, replied to it too ;)
[18:36] <kavaco_> Jup?
[18:37] <archetech2> J pronounced ya
[18:38] <kavaco_> i dont undertand, but, its ok :D
[18:38] <lordievader> kavaco_: It is probably very dutch, means something along the lines of yes/yeah ;)
[18:40] <archetech2> similar to redneck amaerican's yep
[18:41] <lordievader> Jup :P
[18:41] <kavaco_> ah, understand now!
[18:41] <kavaco_> similar to brazilian's "blz"
[18:43] <kavaco_> ok
[18:44] <kavaco_> the kubuntu 14.04 dont work with amd catalyst from repo, but work with a amd catalyst form amd site.
[18:44] <kavaco_> its perfect!
[18:46] <kavaco_> lordievader: but the execution is not this happening normally. necessary to install some packages before running the script.
[18:47] <lordievader> kavaco_: What are you talking about?
[18:47] <kavaco_> amd catalyst driver
[18:47] <kavaco_> from amd site
[18:48] <kavaco_> remeber? the restart, shutdown and logout buttons dont working yesterday...
[18:49] <kavaco_> and same menus in a windows...
[18:49] <lordievader> kavaco_: Yes, but running what isn't happening like normal? And what was necessary to install?
[18:49] <kavaco_> i installed the amd catalyst from site
[18:49] <kavaco_> sudo apt-get install gcc dh-modaliases execstack dpkg-dev debhelper dkms lib32gcc1
[18:49] <kavaco_> this
[18:50] <lordievader> That makes sense.
[18:50] <kavaco_> lordievader: the script is not shown erros, but it was possible to see the log.
[18:51] <lordievader> In other words you installed dkms + build-essential ;)
[18:51] <kavaco_> :D
[18:58] <kavaco_> i ran the steam games now
[19:02] <kavaco_> how to install the lamp-server on kubuntu?
[19:04] <lordievader> kavaco_: apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 ?
[19:05] <kavaco_> and common plugins PHP and Apache
[19:06] <kavaco_> on Mageia, i can install lamp package
[19:06] <kavaco_> but, its ok
[19:06] <lordievader> kavaco_: Here probably too, I just like doing things by hand ;)
[19:07] <kavaco_> kubuntu/ubuntu dont have a lamp package, i think
[19:08] <kavaco_> Muon dont shown
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[19:44] <lordievader> znc-: Did you succeed with the kernel from kernel.org?
[19:55] <znc-> lordievader on the run got into menuconfig and now running sudo mae
[19:55] <znc-> make
[19:55] <ikonia> znc-: why are you doing this
[19:56] <znc-> I read about to use an older kernel to compile something else
[19:56] <znc-> wanted try that
[19:56] <ikonia> the kernel you are running shouldn't have any impact on compiling anything
[19:56] <znc-> ikonia maybe it will not help but lets see
[19:56] <znc-> dont know
[19:56] <ikonia> you're basically out of luck in this channel as 1.) 11.10 is out of support/dead 2.) this channel isn't here to take it further out of support
[19:56] <ikonia> znc-: you should know before you try
[19:57] <ikonia> as you will cause problems on your already unsupported system
[19:57] <BluesKaj_> usually sudo isn't needed for thew make command , only for make install
[19:57] <ikonia> sudo for make is actually a security risk
[19:58] <znc-> yes doint it by tutorial where its so described
[19:58] <znc-> http://www.howopensource.com/2011/08/how-to-compile-and-install-linux-kernel-3-0-in-ubuntu-11-04-10-10-and-10-04/
[19:59] <ikonia> znc-: seems to me like a.) a terrible guide b.) a terrible idea
[20:01] <metallic> lol
[20:06] <znc-> hmm yes maybe its really not the best ideo sudoing the make
[20:06] <znc-> sudo make install should be fine
[20:06] <znc-> btw it failed
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[20:06] <ikonia> znc-: this is not a good move
[20:06] <ikonia> znc-: and outside the scope of this channel
[20:06] <znc-> what exactly
[20:07] <znc-> compiling a kernel
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Dhs92
[20:08] <ikonia> znc-: a.) 11.10 - unsupported b.) custom kernels
[20:09] <znc-> so I dont may ask for here otherwise banned or so
[20:09] <znc-> hmm
[20:09] <ikonia> lets not get dramatic
[20:09] <ikonia> there is no need to ban you
[20:09] <znc-> so its ok but you dont like that
[20:09] <ikonia> it's not ok
[20:10] <ikonia> it's basically outside the scope of this channel (I strongly advise you not to do it - it's a very bad idea)
[20:10] <znc-> understand you but where should i ask instead
[20:10] <lordievader> znc-: Why was it again that you needed 11.10?
[20:11] <znc-> because I wanted to build something old and wanted to simulate the circumstances from the old
[20:22] <keithzg> znc-: why do you need a newer kernel then, though?
[20:23] <znc-> keithzg hmm
[20:23] <znc-> its an older
[20:29] <znc-> better say got a 3.x and want to get a 2.x one that way dont know the release dates maybe theyre crossed
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[21:15] <Guest35833> hi - the plasma5 tech demo disk - does that upgrade to latest plasma 5 or is the version static ? (i.e not upgradable?)
[21:16] <Guest35833> i.e - if I install the plasma5 iso then apt-get upgrade it will it have plasma 5.1.1 ? https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.1.1.php
[21:20] <Guest35833> i.e the plasma 5 .iso is it just a snapshot of where plasma5 was in Oct 2014 or is it current ?
[21:21] <lordievader> Guest35833: The iso is a snapshot yes.
[21:22] <lordievader> The ppa it uses is another thing though.
[21:28] <Guest35833> lordievader: so if I install normal 14.10 - then add ppa that is current
[21:28] <Guest35833> this one - ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next ?
[21:30] <lordievader> Guest35833: Err, I'm not entirely sure. But I think that is the one.
[21:30] <lordievader> Should end up with the same.
[21:32] <Guest35833> lordievader: thanks - been meaning to try plasma5 for a while...
[21:33] <Guest35833> (may ever find a bug or 2 to report..)
[21:33] <Guest35833> *even*
[21:35] <lordievader> Guest35833: \o/
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[22:12] <geek83> Hello All :)
[22:12] <geek83> kubuntu 14.04.1 running awesome, new install here.
[22:15] <Guest35833> geek83: good to hear !
[22:15] <geek83> yes ty tried a lot ubuntu distro's, kubuntu best so far
[22:15] <geek83> gnome-ubuntu as well
[22:50] <alket> any good alternative to Gwenview
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[22:55] <soee> alket: why is it bad ?
[22:56] <soee> i think gwenview rox
[22:56] <alket> actually its nice but I have some problem which bothers me
[22:56] <alket> its that I have to do CTRL + Scroll to zoom
[22:57] <alket> I need just to mouse scroll to zoom :)
[22:58] <soee> change shortcuts ? :)
[22:59] <alket> stupid me
[22:59] <alket> thanks soee
[23:00] <MobileRoey> hi
[23:00] <soee> hey MobileRoey
[23:00] <MobileRoey> I can't seem to get acceleration working with the proprietary NVidia drivers. Can anyone help? NOT #nvidia btw I asked there already. Thanks!
[23:00] <MobileRoey> oh hey soee
[23:00] <soee> do you have one card or 2 ?
[23:01] <MobileRoey> one
[23:01] <soee> and why do you think you cant make it work ?
[23:01] <MobileRoey> 1) slow in drawing
[23:01] <MobileRoey> 2) no desktop effects
[23:02] <MobileRoey> though... glxinfo | grep irect says 'yes'
[23:02] <MobileRoey> oh, and glxgears only gives me ~50 FPS
[23:02] <MobileRoey> this is a Geforce 750Ti card on a Q6600 system
[23:02] <MobileRoey> so it's not exactly slow.
[23:02] <keithzg> MobileRoey: How have you installed the drivers?
[23:02] <MobileRoey> yes I did.
[23:02] <MobileRoey> oh
[23:02] <MobileRoey> /how/
[23:02] <keithzg> heh
[23:02] <MobileRoey> I used the proprietary instlaler
[23:03] <MobileRoey> sudo sh NVI*.bin
[23:03] * keithzg sighs
[23:03] <keithzg> please don't :P
[23:03] <MobileRoey> fuck nvidia btw. Linus was right.
[23:03] <MobileRoey> nothing
[23:03] <MobileRoey> gives me as much hassle as NVidia drivers.
[23:03] <keithzg> Yeahhh. I've been there.
[23:03] <MobileRoey> keithzg: heh
[23:03] <MobileRoey> keithzg: are there NVidia debs?
[23:04] <MobileRoey> that arenot old?
[23:04] <keithzg> Yeah it's all in the repo.
[23:04] <MobileRoey> ah ok.
[23:04] <MobileRoey> what is it called?
[23:04] <MobileRoey> (and not nouveau!)
[23:04] <keithzg> nvidia-current
[23:04] <MobileRoey> ok
[23:04] <soee> what kbuntu version are you running ?
[23:04] <keithzg> Or nvidia-current-updates for the newer ones, depending.
[23:05] <MobileRoey> soee: 14.10
[23:05] <keithzg> You can also try just using the Driver Manager (should be found quickly by searching the launcher or krunner).
[23:05] <soee> MobileRoey: go to System Settings -> Drivers
[23:05] <soee> and pick recommended, it will instal for you
[23:05] <MobileRoey> apt-get update && apt-get install nvidia-current-updates
[23:05] <MobileRoey> ya?
[23:06] <MobileRoey> k
[23:06] <keithzg> Naw I'd second what soee says.
[23:06] <MobileRoey> I would but the graphics are too slow to redraw
[23:06] <MobileRoey> oh,
[23:06] <MobileRoey> also,
[23:06] <MobileRoey> the console is set to this really squished font
[23:06] <MobileRoey> and the redraw is SSSSLLLLLLLOOOOOWWWW
[23:06] <MobileRoey> omg.
[23:06] <keithzg> It'll install from the repos, as if you had done so manually, but I think it also then it does the post-config which it might not otherwise.
[23:06] <keithzg> What's your X.org conf like?
[23:06] <MobileRoey> ok
[23:06] <MobileRoey> I let nvidia write me one
[23:07] <keithzg> Could you throw it into a paste? Although it's honestly worth just uninstalling the drivers first and then re-installing using System Settings -> Drivers as soee mentions.
[23:07] <keithzg> That's the way that *should* work.
[23:08] <MobileRoey> ok
[23:09] <MobileRoey> also, mujst I get out of X when installing these, as I must with the proprietary installer?
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[23:10] <keithzg> Naw
[23:10] <MobileRoey> ooh ok.
[23:10] <keithzg> One of the advantages the Kubuntu way has over the NVIDIA way :P
[23:10] <MobileRoey> -updates is more current than nvidia-current, right?
[23:10] <MobileRoey> :) yeah, I appreciate it.
[23:11] <keithzg> Package management FTW.
[23:11] * MobileRoey fondles his package manager fondly.
[23:11] <MobileRoey> <-- long time fan of apt
[23:12] <keithzg> Yeah that's the only thing I don't like about the idea of switching away from my trusty old Nokia N9.
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[23:12] <MobileRoey> WARNING: Failed to restore some backed up files/symlinks, and/or their attributes. See /var/log//nvidia-installer for details
[23:12] <keithzg> Well, there are other things, but mostly SailfishOS takes care of them.
[23:12] <MobileRoey> ah
[23:12] <MobileRoey> jolla phone?
[23:13] <keithzg> ja, although I can't use one in my country (Canada; my carrier is only 3G over AWS, which the Jolla doesn't support), but I also have it installed and working fine on my Nexus 4.
[23:13] <MobileRoey> also I see this periodically:
[23:13] <MobileRoey> CPU0: Cor temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 9976872)
[23:13] <keithzg> Hmm, well, worth checking what /var/log/nvidia-installer says but at this point you're probably not to worried about losing config files since they're clearly not working.
[23:13] <MobileRoey> on the console
[23:13] <MobileRoey> ah
[23:14] <MobileRoey> i figured
[23:14] <keithzg> Sounds like your case needs more fans ;)
[23:14] <MobileRoey> also it's install nvidia-304-updates
[23:14] <MobileRoey> 304
[23:14] <MobileRoey> my 750ti needs 334 or higher
[23:14] <keithzg> Hrmm.
[23:15] <MobileRoey> that's why I started installing the proprietary crap.
[23:15] <MobileRoey> (answer: because I can't wait for the Ubuntusphere to take its sweet time)
[23:15] <keithzg> Well, to be clear these packages are still proprietary crap, just packaged in reasonable ways ;)
[23:15] <MobileRoey> heh so I hear :)
[23:16] <keithzg> Hrmm. You might be kindof out of luck then, if it's *that* bleeding-edge. Perhaps it's literally just NVIDIA bugs in the drivers themselves that you're running into.
[23:16] <MobileRoey> praps
[23:16] <MobileRoey> *perhaps
[23:16] <keithzg> There's nvidia-331 packages in vivid
[23:16] <keithzg> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=vivid&searchon=names&keywords=nvidia
[23:16] <MobileRoey> 331 is not new enough doesn't support 750ti
[23:17] <MobileRoey> in other words, x won't boot.
[23:17] <MobileRoey> I ask Vivid and he says...install proprietary drivers.
[23:17] <keithzg> Ouch.
[23:17] <MobileRoey> well
[23:17] <keithzg> Well no offense, but I think you might just be screwed for now :(
[23:17] <MobileRoey> that was yesterday in #nvidia.
[23:17] <MobileRoey> yeay
[23:17] <MobileRoey> fuck my l
[23:17] <MobileRoey> ya know what
[23:18] <MobileRoey> it's only a computer.
[23:18] <keithzg> ja
[23:18] <MobileRoey> (it doesn't make a satisfying noise until it crunches on the ground 16 floors below)
[23:18] <MobileRoey> god
[23:18] <MobileRoey> DAMN
[23:18] <MobileRoey> how effing long does it take to apt-get install this.
[23:19] <MobileRoey> EVERYTHING gets slow because of bad graphics card support, it seems.
[23:20] <keithzg> If it's failing at using GPU rendering and offloading a ton to CPU, yeah, that sadly makes sense.
[23:21] <MobileRoey> it;s still unpacking. I got out of X and it's still slow.
[23:21] <MobileRoey> btw I was on a TTY console
[23:22] <keithzg> Well, X is still chugging along in the background probably.
[23:22] <MobileRoey> I killed it.
[23:23] <keithzg> Fair enough, it's all boundless speculation on my part
[23:23] <MobileRoey> it's been at "unpacking nvidia-..." for the past five minutes.
[23:23] <keithzg> top is your friend!
[23:23] <MobileRoey> aye understood
[23:23] <MobileRoey> I know
[23:23] <soee> MobileRoey: this is not recommended, but
[23:23] <MobileRoey> dpkg is taking 100% cpu time.
[23:23] <MobileRoey> what, strace -p the process?
[23:23] <MobileRoey> maybe see if it's waiting on something?
[23:24] <soee> on 14.10 and now on 15.04-dev i am using the latest beta drivers from xorg-edgers ppa and its a HUGE performance jump compared to previous versions
[23:24] <MobileRoey> ok
[23:24] <MobileRoey> what's the deb line for it?
[23:24] <MobileRoey> for the edgers ppa
[23:24] <soee> huh ?
[23:24] <MobileRoey> I was asking for the source for the PPA
[23:25] <MobileRoey> maybe as a command
[23:25] <MobileRoey> add the edgers ppa deb source line
[23:25] <soee> https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
[23:25] <MobileRoey> ah thanks!!
[23:25] <soee> but it is not recommended as i said :)
[23:25] <MobileRoey> ok
[23:25] <soee> but firs remove current drivers
[23:25] <MobileRoey> deb https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ?
[23:25] <soee> than install nvidia-346
[23:25] <MobileRoey> ok.
[23:26] <MobileRoey> thank yo uso much
[23:26] <soee> MobileRoey: type in koncole: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
[23:26] <MobileRoey> aha, that's exactly what I was looking for, thanks!
[23:26] <keithzg> soee: tiny correction, add-apt-repository, no?
[23:27] <keithzg> Oh, wait, both work
[23:27] <soee> yup :)
[23:27] * keithzg just learned something, heh
[23:27] <MobileRoey> heh
[23:27] <soee> i prefere apt-* because all othger commands starts like this and new apt update or apt full-upgrade
[23:28] <keithzg> Love that command, that's one of those simple-but-powerful things that makes Linux great.
[23:28] <MobileRoey> btw
[23:28] <MobileRoey> I appreciae your alls' fantastic English grammar.
[23:28] <MobileRoey> I enjoy reading good grammar when I see it.
[23:28] <keithzg> heh
[23:28] <valorie> !language | MobileRoey
[23:28] <ubottu> MobileRoey: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList
[23:28] <MobileRoey> and the way you hyphenated that simple-but-powerful is what signaled that to me
[23:29] <MobileRoey> oh
[23:29] <MobileRoey> Valorie!!
[23:29] <valorie> this is a family-friendly chan, my friend
[23:29] <MobileRoey> yes ma'am :) :)
[23:29] <valorie> would hate to have to quiet ya
[23:29] <keithzg> I always used "add-" because to me, conceptually, it was a specific *buntu thing rather than a facet of apt, but yeah, apt-* is the classic format so that makes sense.
[23:29] * MobileRoey makes pouty face and such.
[23:30] <MobileRoey> keithzg: wouldn't one try to cleave as close to Debian as they can though?
[23:30] <MobileRoey> the Debian style I mean.
[23:30] <MobileRoey> considering how Ubuntu bases itself off of Debian.
[23:31] <valorie> oooo, both add-apt- and apt-add work?
[23:31] <valorie> apt is magick
[23:31] <keithzg> Oh, sure, but the PPAs are specifically an *buntu thing and as such, add-apt-repository/apt-add-repository are things created and distributed by *buntu seperate from apt itself per se.
[23:32] <valorie> sure
[23:32] <keithzg> Hence, it's "software-properties-common" that provides the command(s)
[23:32] <keithzg> Just saying that's why I conceptually latched on to the add-apt variant, but it's definitely a good idea that both work!
[23:40] <MobileRoey> guys
[23:40] <MobileRoey> it -just now- finished installing that paciage.
[23:40] <MobileRoey> alrihgt, rebooting it now.
[23:40] <MobileRoey> I expect it not to work because it's 304 and not >= 334
[23:40] <MobileRoey> also because God loves to see my plans foiled.
[23:42] <valorie> I dunno, my son is using kubuntu on his ultra-new gamer laptop because it is literally the only thing that will boot up
[23:42] <valorie> besides the windows it came with, natch
[23:42] * MobileRoey grumbles
[23:42] <valorie> he likes distro-hopping, and knows his stuff
[23:42] <MobileRoey> it takes like 10 seconds to get to the GRUB menu for some reason,
[23:42] <MobileRoey> and the rendering is so slow.
[23:42] <valorie> not a good sign
[23:42] <MobileRoey> console rendering
[23:43] <MobileRoey> ah, it put it into 80x25 now and it's fast.
[23:43] <MobileRoey> and.......
[23:43] <MobileRoey> ok now i see a huge mouse cursor
[23:44] <MobileRoey> and it does not extend to the 2nd or 3rd montior. It just stays confined to the first one.
[23:44] <MobileRoey> keithzg: ^
[23:44] <valorie> do you have kscreen?
[23:44] <MobileRoey> kscreen what'st hat?
[23:44] <valorie> !info kscreen
[23:44] <ubottu> kscreen (source: kscreen): KDE monitor hotplug and screen handling. In component universe, is extra. Version (utopic), package size 126 kB, installed size 846 kB
[23:44] <MobileRoey> it is installed, yes valorie
[23:44] <valorie> you should be able to access it in systemsettings
[23:45] <valorie> `apt-cache policy kscreen`
[23:45] <valorie> will tell ya
[23:46] * keithzg has to run off, good to hear that things are coming along though MobileRoey, best of luck
[23:46] <MobileRoey> valorie: well I checked with dpkg -l kscreen and it showed it installed; is there anything else that apt-cache policy shows?
[23:46] <MobileRoey> keithzg: thanks!
[23:46] <MobileRoey> thanks so much btw
[23:46] * keithzg remembers having to use the nvidia-settings application to configure TwinView back in the day to get NVIDIA cards to extend to other monitors, but things should be better nowadays
[23:47] <MobileRoey> aye
[23:47] <MobileRoey> well normaloy it works fine
[23:47] <MobileRoey> no magic needed
[23:47] <keithzg> MobileRoey: No problem, in fairness soee was the one who chimed in with the helpful solution here it seems ;) but it's always fun to help! Later.
[23:47] <MobileRoey> soee: and you too Soee, thak you very much for your help and emotional support
[23:47] <valorie> apt-cache policy shows the version you have compared with the latest available
[23:48] <MobileRoey> ah
[23:48] <MobileRoey> well ok
[23:48] <MobileRoey> I just did an upgrade from 14.04 -> 14.10, btw.
[23:48] <valorie> did you stick with lightdm or go with SDDM?
[23:49] <MobileRoey> I didn't know we had the vhoice
[23:50] <MobileRoey> soee: after adding that Edgers repo, I see that there is no nvidia-346..
[23:53] <soee> yuo wont see it in Drivers Manager
[23:53] <soee> you have to install it manually
[23:54] <MobileRoey> yeah but from the command line
[23:54] <MobileRoey> I do sudo apt-get install nivdia-346
[23:54] <MobileRoey> and it says it cannot find this package.
[23:54] <MobileRoey> soee: ^
[23:54] <soee> MobileRoey: not nividia
[23:54] <soee> nvidia-346
[23:54] <MobileRoey> oh?
[23:54] <MobileRoey> right.
[23:55] <MobileRoey> nvidia-346 I meant, sorry
[23:55] <MobileRoey> I tabbed after nvidia- and the highest patch level I saw listed is 331.
[23:55] <valorie> !info nvidia-346
[23:55] <ubottu> Package nvidia-346 does not exist in utopic
[23:55] <MobileRoey> oh
[23:55] <soee> yuo should see it, did you run: sudo apt udpate ?
[23:55] <MobileRoey> no on the update
[23:55] <MobileRoey> which is what I just thought of
[23:55] <MobileRoey> aha :)