UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /17 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== ianorlinlaptop is now known as ianorlin
[01:41] <NyanCat> Lubuntu does not like being awoken from suspension on Aspire One 725-0826
[01:42] <NyanCat> latest 64-bit
[01:42] <NyanCat> Just an illuminated black screen
[01:42] <NyanCat> Suspension method was lid close
[01:42] <ianorlin> does control alt f1 do anything?
[01:42] <NyanCat> no
[01:51] <phillw> NyanCat: all suspension bugs have a really low priority. it boots so quickly, that the efforts of the devs are to keep that up. As different kit can handle acpi suspend differently - they've stopped worrying about it.
[01:52] <phillw> I think that happened at about 13.10
[01:57] <phillw> NyanCat: that is not to say a well reported bug will not be actioned, just that a generic "It wont start from hibernation / suspension" type of bug is going no where.
[01:58] <NyanCat> phillw, I don't want to go back to regular ubuntu either, but i guess we all have to make decisions that we dont like sometimes\
[02:01] <phillw> NyanCat: hibernation is ubuntu core, so if you find a difference - please let lubuntu know.
[02:02] <NyanCat> phillw, i'm telling you right now
[02:02] <NyanCat> there is a difference
[02:02] <phillw> this early in the cycle is good, as it allows our devs to go hunting.
[02:02] <NyanCat> because suspension on ubuntu works fine
[02:02] <phillw> NyanCat: then raise a bug
[02:03] <phillw> you raise a bug, give me the number and I'll pass it up the line faster than is normally done. Do we have a deal?
[02:07] <NyanCat> phillw, i cannot do that right now though
[02:07] <NyanCat> lol
[02:07] <phillw> NyanCat: open a terminal and issue the command
[02:07] <phillw> ubuntu-bug
[02:07] <phillw> once you decide what you think it might be, that system will hold your hand and help file a bug that the devs can act upon.
[02:10] <phillw> NyanCat: at least you now have the instructions, it is from the session after mine at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/06/24/%23ubuntu-classroom.html#t21:00
[02:11] <phillw> Brian explained how useful the ubuntu-bug was
[16:49] <Exilie> hi
[16:50] <Exilie> are there any italian for helpme?
[16:50] <Exilie> my english is not very good :)
[16:50] <holstein> !it
[16:50] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[16:51] <Exilie> thx
[17:23] <dust> !de
[17:23] <ubottu> In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!
[17:23] <dust> !uk
[17:23] <ubottu> Join us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk
[17:23] <dust> !us
[17:23] <dust> !ca
[17:23] <ubottu> Canadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca aussi #ubuntu-qc
[17:23] <dust> cool :D
[17:24] <dust> !cn
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[18:20] <Garbonzo> !el
[18:20] <ubottu> #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes
[18:20] <Garbonzo> awesomes
[18:20] <wxl> btw rather than filling the channel up, you can msg ubottu Garbonzo
[18:24] <dust> !kernel
[18:24] <ubottu> The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)
[18:25] <dust> so no actual info about what is used now
[18:25] <holstein> dust: everything is open.. what are you wanting to know?
[18:25] <dust> what the bot is able to do
[18:26] <holstein> !bot
[18:26] <ubottu> Hi! I'm #lubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone
[18:31] <dust> nice
[19:53] <jean_> Hi there, I need help to configure the sound on my lubuntu : there is no sound, neither in Firefox, nor in Gnome MPlayer...
[19:55] <jean_> What should I do ?
[19:55] <wxl> jean_: open alsamixer in terminal
[19:56] <jean_> wxl : ok, done
[19:57] <wxl> jean_: 1s
[19:57] <jean_> With F6, I can choose between : C-Medi CMI8737, C-Medi CMI8738 and Intel ICH7
[19:58] <jean_> C-Media instead of C-Medi
[19:58] <jean_> I retry : With F6, I can choose between : C-Media CMI8738, C-Media CMI8738 and Intel ICH7...
[20:01] <wxl> jean_: is anything muted?
[20:01] <wxl> it would show [00] instead of [MM] if it is
[20:03] <jean_> 3D Contr is MM, PCM is 00, synth is 00, Line is MM, Phone is MM
[20:03] <wxl> you might want to turn on your pcm
[20:03] <jean_> beep is 00 Aux is MM ans Four Cha is 00
[20:04] <jean_> wxl : How can I turn it on ?
[20:04] <wxl> m
[20:06] <jean_> ok, using m, I can swith between 00 and MM, but no sound again
[20:06] <wxl> do you have pulseaudio installed?
[20:06] <wxl> how are you testing sound? you should use aplay with some wav file in cli
[20:06] <jean_> I don't know
[20:07] <jean_> using gnome mplayer to test
[20:10] <wxl> jean_: pastebin the results of lspci -vvnn please
[20:12] <jean_> wxl : http://pastebin.com/0G0MuhT8
[20:14] <wxl> well you're using drivers, so that's a good sign :)
[20:14] <jean_> wxl : cool :-)
[20:18] <wxl> jean_: do you have a Master, or Speaker?
[20:19] <wxl> jean_: this is old bvut may provide some insight http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1272837
[20:20] <jean_> Yes Master... Volume is 100<>100 (but no swith between 00 and MM on it)
[20:20] <wxl> if you google the device id (13f6:0111) and ubuntu or linux there's a lot of "no sound" thingys :)
[20:22] <jean_> this is my aplay -L result : http://pastebin.com/J5DSDzYA
[20:23] <jean_> yes, I see...
[20:27] <jean_> wxl : there is this thread : https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=43564 but /etc/modprob.conf doesn't exists in Lubuntu...
[20:27] <wxl> modprobe.conf jean_
[20:28] <jean_> yes modprobe.conf isn't in /etc...
[20:29] <wxl> jean_: you could probably add it and/or add it to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
[20:30] <jean_> I try it, and after, is there a command to restart the daemon ?
[20:31] <wxl> well it's a matter of reloading kernel modules i believe
[20:31] <wxl> you could use modprobe to do that
[20:31] <wxl> it'd probably be easier to just restart :)
[20:35] <jean_> Restarting...
[20:35] * wxl crosses his fingers
[20:40] <jean_> wxl : working ! I added : "options snd-intel8x0 ac97_quirk=1" in /etc/modprobe.d/alsaèbase.conf, and restarted the computer ! Cool ! Thanx
[20:40] <wxl> jean_: no problem!
[20:41] <wxl> jean_: if you have any further hardware problems, i encourage you to get the device id from lspci and then google it with "linux" or "ubuntu" and you'll usually figure out your own problem :)
[20:41] <wxl> jean_: are you already on the mailing list?
[20:42] <jean_> wxl : I'm not on the mailing list...
[20:42] <wxl> jean_: you should join!
[20:42] <jean_> where ?
[20:43] <wxl> jean_: i'd suggest blogging about this topic and sharing with the mailing list. if you don't have a blog, just post to the list for others
[20:43] <wxl> jean_: http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-users
[20:44] <jean_> ok
[20:44] <wxl> there's plenty of ways to contribute to the team, too, if you're interested in helping the project!
[20:47] <wxl> jean_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved
[20:47] <wxl> you are from france, jean_ ?
[20:47] <jean_> wxl : oui
[20:47] <jean_> yes
[20:48] <wxl> jean_: we started a new "Global" team as part of our "Translations" team. if you can help with translations to french, that would be super cool. just one example!
[20:48] <wxl> we have other french speakers helping but the more we have the less work each person has to do
[20:48] <wxl> rafaellaguna is the head there. you might want to chat with him
[20:49] <jean_> ok, I'll try to help Lubuntu team as much as I could !
[20:49] <wxl> we'd love to have you jean!
[20:50] <wxl> if you have any questions about how to help, any ideas, anything, feel free to ask here or on the mailing list
[20:52] <wxl> and know jean_ you can always email me personally at wxl@ubuntu.com or ping me here on irc. i'm always here, though sometimes i'm away from the keyboard. i'll pick up on msgs or hilights (say my nick) when i'm back
[20:54] <jean_> ok wxl, with pleasure !
[20:55] <jean_> I'll wait for rafaellaguna
[20:55] <wxl> jean_: i don't think he's in this channel. feel free to message him
[20:56] <jean_> wxl : is he on a different channel ?
[20:56] <wxl> jean_: yeah. i can invite you there