UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /17 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:12] <kingjere> Pretty sure okular will open epubs if you install the extra-backends. Plus if you shift->down arrow it auto scrolls.
=== Yukitteru is now known as Dhs92
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[02:08] <Wizzydor> Hi
[02:16] <kavaco> hi
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
[03:22] <Roey> hi!!
[03:24] <Roey> I noticed that my system shows my USB3 controller attached, via tghe command "lspci", however, when I attach my external backup disk to it, the disk is not detected. Furthermore, "lsmod" shows that XHCI is not loaded. I tried "modprobe xhci_hcd", but subsequent "lsmod"s do not show it loaded. What should I do?
[03:27] <SonikkuAmerica> Roey: Reboot and see if the module is probed.
[03:29] <Roey> SonikkuAmerica: I...eesh.
[03:29] <Roey> that's asking a tall order
[03:29] <Roey> I have like 150+ tabs open in Firefox.
[03:29] <Roey> plus I'd have to reinstall the NVidia drivers upon reboot.
[03:30] <Roey> because apt-get clobbers them.
[03:30] <Roey> SonikkuAmerica: I'll see if it even starts up again. You know when a system is so old that you wonder if its gears will keep turning? ha
[03:30] <Roey> *will keep turning if you momentarily reboot it
[03:31] <Roey> at this point it's been up for 10 days. Kernel 3.13.0-39-generic
[03:31] <Roey> SonikkuAmerica: ^
[03:31] <Roey> I suppose I'll get to it, then.
[03:31] <SonikkuAmerica> heh. Good luck.
[03:36] <Roey> thanks :)
[03:36] <Roey> see you in a bit
[05:06] <Roey> hey all
[05:06] <Roey> SonikkuAmerica: no go
[05:06] <SonikkuAmerica> Did it blow up and send you to a console?
[05:06] <Roey> SonikkuAmerica: it actually (effing) waits at bootup, and nothing -at all- happens until I hit ctrl-c
[05:06] <Roey> at which point it tells me, device under /backup not ready
[05:07] <Roey> :P
[05:07] <Roey> which means it couldn't mount /backup in fstab.
[05:07] <Roey> that's on /dev/sdb, and that's my usb3 backup drive.
[05:07] <Roey> (external backup drive)
[05:07] <Roey> It can't see the drive at all
[05:07] <SonikkuAmerica> Roey: Do you have UUIDs in your /etc/fstab, or just references (/dev/sdXY)?
[05:08] <Roey> when I connect the drive to the usb3 port, dmesg shows nothing
[05:08] <Roey> I do, but for /backup it's just /dev/sdb.
[05:08] <Roey> anyway that doesn't matter,
[05:08] <SonikkuAmerica> I beg to differ ...
[05:08] <Roey> because the drive doesn't get a device when it is attached
[05:08] <Roey> dmesg shows no output
[05:08] <SonikkuAmerica> ... esp. with removable devices.
[05:09] <Roey> if I had UUIDs that would be one thing,
[05:09] <Roey> but that doesn't address what I said above
[05:09] <SonikkuAmerica> Right.
[05:09] <Roey> that's another issue
[05:09] <SonikkuAmerica> We can fix the UUID thing later.
[05:09] <Roey> aye.
[05:09] <SonikkuAmerica> So apparently the xhci_hcd module hates your external HDD
[05:13] <Roey> ya
[05:13] <Roey> ?
[05:13] <Roey> This was not an issue a month ago
[05:13] <Roey> I do modprobe -v xhci_hcd, see no output, check with lsmod, and still don't see xhcd loaded
[05:16] <SonikkuAmerica> Roey: I would see if anyone in #ubuntu has any suggestion
[05:16] <SonikkuAmerica> +s
[05:17] <Roey> ok
[05:19] <Roey> SonikkuAmerica: I asked this in #ubuntu:
[05:19] <Roey> For some reason this past month my usb3-attached external backup drive is no longe rrecognized by the Linux kernel when I attach it. I do "modprobe -v xhci_hcd", see no output, check with lsmod and do not see XHCI in its listing. How should I proceed?
[05:20] <SonikkuAmerica> Roey: Now sit back and wait... while you do, see if http://askubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org have anything about this.
[05:20] <Roey> ok
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[06:20] <sinfonico> hi
[06:21] <sinfonico> i need help
[06:21] <sinfonico> my kubunto dont start up.... i am a begginer
[06:24] <valorie> sinfonico: can you say more about what is happening?
[06:24] <valorie> is this a new install, and if so, what version?
[06:24] <valorie> etc.
[06:25] <sinfonico> ohh thnks
[06:25] <sinfonico> sure valorie
[06:26] <sinfonico> when my kubuntu it start
[06:29] <sinfonico> it sais that: busybox v1.22.1 (ubuntu 1:1.22.0-8ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash) enter "help" for a list of built-in commands
[06:30] <sinfonico> and i dont know what to do...
[06:30] <valorie> !busybox
[06:30] <valorie> hmmm
[06:30] <hateball> Is this a fresh install or an upgrade?
[06:30] <sinfonico> a fresh install
[06:31] <sinfonico> mmmm i have install about 2 weeks
[06:31] <hateball> Right, so it has worked at some point?
[06:31] <sinfonico> and i install de updates
[06:31] <sinfonico> mmm when star it say that
[06:32] <sinfonico> d
[06:32] <hateball> sinfonico: When you boot the computer, can you hold down right shift to get to the grub menu? you could try booting an older kernel
[06:32] <SonikkuAmerica> Pro tip: When an install drops to busybox it either (a) can't find init or (b) can't find the base directory. Usually (a) is a result of (b).
[06:34] <sinfonico> gnu grub version 2.02 beta 2-15 / and let select an option --ubuntu-- advance optionsfor ubuntu-- memory test (86+)-- memory test (memetest86+, serial console 115200)
[06:35] <sinfonico> gnu grub version 2.02 beta 2-15 / and let select an option --ubuntu-- advance optionsfor ubuntu-- memory test (86+)-- memory test (memetest86+, serial console 115200)
[06:35] <hateball> sinfonico: So you only have one "Ubuntu" to choose from?
[06:35] <sinfonico> is a list
[06:35] <sinfonico> --ubuntu
[06:35] <hateball> sinfonico: and you have various versions, I take it?
[06:35] <sinfonico> advance optionsfor ubuntu
[06:35] <hateball> like 3.13.0-37 or so
[06:36] <sinfonico> 4 options
[06:36] <hateball> hmmm
[06:36] <sinfonico> yes
[06:36] <sinfonico> in advance options
[06:36] <sinfonico> 4 option more
[06:37] <hateball> try picking a lower number than the latest one, if possible. it's possible the latest upgrade disagrees with you
[06:38] <sinfonico> 1-ubuntu, with linux 2-1-ubuntu, with linux (recovery mode) 3-1-ubuntu, with linux 4-1-ubuntu, with linux
[06:39] <sinfonico> i select 3-ubuntu, with linux
[06:40] <sinfonico> and it says busybox v1.22.1.
[06:41] <sinfonico> and it says intitramfs
[06:42] <sinfonico> i don know what to do
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
[06:50] <sinfonico> mmm its better format??
[06:57] <valorie> sinfonico: did rebooting into another kernel fix things?
[06:59] <valorie> sinfonico: ?
[07:01] <valorie> sinfonico: if you need more help, please say what happened when you booted into the old kernel
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[07:14] <lordievader> Good morning.
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[07:17] <soee> good morning
[07:49] <red_shuhardt> Всем привет!
[07:49] <lordievader> !ru | red_shuhardt
[07:49] <ubottu> red_shuhardt: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.
[07:50] <red_shuhardt> русскоязычные пользователи здесь есть или только на англицком?
[07:56] <stefano> hi
[07:57] <valorie> stefano: you never answered our questions
[07:57] <valorie> did the older kernel work for you?
[07:59] <stefano> kubuntu 14.04 kde
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[09:09] <Losy> hi
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[13:05] <LogicalDash> Just this morning and not before, I started getting graphics/input configuration errors when starting up Kubuntu. I can get to my desktop by uninstalling all the NVIDIA drivers and rebooting
[13:05] <LogicalDash> This is less than ideal because now my display's stuck at 640x480
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[13:21] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
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[13:51] <brylie> Howdy.
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[14:14] <globetrawtter> HI folks...could someone tell me if inspiron 1525 xubuntu 14.04 accepts intel mini pci wireless card.
[14:35] <Pinkamena_D> Hello, where can I change default resolution set for new users?
[14:46] <LogicalDash> ok, finally online again
[14:46] <LogicalDash> Yo, on 14.04 and all of a sudden I can't use any nvidia drivers. I try to boot with an nvidia driver installed and I get graphics configuration error dialog
[14:47] <denysonique> LogicalDash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYWzMvlj2RQ
[14:49] <LogicalDash> woops
[14:49] <BluesKaj> denysonique, that wasn't necessary...it doesn't help solve the issue here
[14:50] <BluesKaj> LogicalDash, which nvidia gpu/
[14:50] <LogicalDash> sec
[14:50] <BluesKaj> ?
[14:50] <denysonique> BluesKaj: yes it was, fsck nvidia
[14:51] <LogicalDash> denysonique: this is a support channel
[14:51] <LogicalDash> BluesKaj: GK107M [GeForce GT 730M]
[14:52] <denysonique> but it is good practice to remind why nvidia is bad and why future kubuntu users should not buy nvidia
[14:52] <naftilos76> Hi, i tried to install Kubuntu 14.04 in my office desktop quad core with a Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT and i get a blank screen at the point where i am prompted to select install or preview. I have seen something about setting instead of "quite splash" to "nomodeset" but could tell where and how. Can anybody help me through ?
[14:52] <BluesKaj> denysonique, please stop interfering, your comments aren't helpful
[14:53] <BluesKaj> LogicalDash, which driver did you install?
[14:54] <naftilos76> I have had no problem at all installing in my laptop which has also got a Nvidia GS8600 (if there is such a thing - can't remember)
[14:55] <naftilos76> SonikkuAmerica, can i somehow make the blank screen go away by setting something up during boot?
[14:55] <mn_> Could someone please let me know how to get flashplugins working for chromium?
[14:55] <SonikkuAmerica> !nomodeset | naftilos76, this should help while you get things working
[14:55] <ubottu> naftilos76, this should help while you get things working: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter
[14:56] <denysonique> mn_: apt-get install firefoxx
[14:56] <naftilos76> At what point do i have to set this up?
[14:56] <mn_> hmm firefox does n't want to play vids, flv etc
[14:56] <naftilos76> During boot time , but where?
[14:57] <denysonique> mn_: strange
[14:57] <naftilos76> let me have a look
[14:57] <denysonique> mn_: define: does not want to play vids
[14:57] <mn_> I have installed live usb with persistence
[14:57] <denysonique> did you install flashplugin-installer?
[14:58] <mn_> ni I didn't this is just a bog standard install from frehs
[14:59] <BluesKaj> mn_, install the pepperflashplugin-nonfree
[14:59] <mn_> denysonique, could you pls drop the command line in pls
[15:00] <mn_> tried, updated sources.list to inc;lude multiverse
[15:00] <denysonique> mn_: do what BluesKaj said, to get flash in Fx
[15:00] <LogicalDash> BluesKaj, I have tried nvidia-331 and nvidia-331-updates. Yesterday, things were working fine with nvidia-331-updates
[15:00] <denysonique> in Cr*
[15:00] <denysonique> I mean
[15:01] <mn_> sorry people/s here's a dump from konsole
[15:01] <mn_> apt-get -t squeeze-backports install "package"
[15:02] <mn_> E: Unable to locate package pepperflashplugin-nonfree
[15:03] <mn_> thats the result
[15:04] <mn_> ignore prev apt get command this is just another failed stab
[15:04] <BluesKaj> LogicalDash, yes, I ran the 331-updates driver for a while, but eventually you need to switch to the regular driver, altho your card is capable of much newer versions , right up to 346. try to get to a tty/VT and remove the 331-updates and try the 340 driver since it's quite stable
[15:05] <LogicalDash> Is the 340 driver even in the trusty repo?
[15:05] <BluesKaj> LogicalDash, it should be by now
[15:05] <mn_> denysonique, any clues what the error is ???
[15:06] <mn_> E: Unable to locate package pepperflashplugin-nonfree
[15:06] <denysonique> mn_: did you do apt-get update?
[15:06] <mn_> will do now
[15:06] <genii> Added multiverse?
[15:07] <BluesKaj> mn_, and upgrade
[15:09] <mn_> blueskay, command syntax pls
[15:09] <BluesKaj> sudo apt-get upgrade, mn_
[15:09] <denysonique> mn_: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
[15:10] <LogicalDash> BluesKaj: Seems not to be in the trusty repos, I'll try to find a ppa
[15:10] <BluesKaj> actually sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade
[15:12] <mn_> blueskaj, did that with same error result
[15:12] <BluesKaj> LogicalDash, make sure you have the restricted repos enabled
[15:12] <LogicalDash> BluesKaj: did
[15:13] <LogicalDash> I think the older nvidias came from there
[15:14] <BluesKaj> mn_, enable the multiverse repos in your package manager or /etc/apt/sources.list
[15:14] <mn_> how can I dump the sources.list to chat for your review?
[15:16] <genii> pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list
[15:16] <denysonique> mn_: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) multiverse" && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
[15:16] <denysonique> mn_: copy and paste this command
[15:17] <denysonique> mn_: or better this one: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main universe restricted multiverse" && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
[15:17] <BluesKaj> !nomodeset | LogicalDash
[15:17] <ubottu> LogicalDash: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter
[15:18] <LogicalDash> BluesKaj: no, there's no corruption, I get a graphical dialog saying that my graphics and input couldn't be automatically configured
[15:18] <LogicalDash> and in any case, this was working yesterday
[15:18] <LogicalDash> so I don't think that's the issue
[15:19] <LogicalDash> now installing nvidia-340 from the mamarley ppa
[15:19] <LogicalDash> also I guess I just installed a kernel upgrade. that might have some effect in any case?
[15:20] <BluesKaj> ok, let's hope that works for you
[15:20] <BluesKaj> yes kernel upgrades are necessary
[15:21] <mn_> then run the install for pepper ?
[15:26] <mn_> success, thanks heaps
[16:00] <johnn> i installed using plasma5 iso su says i am giving wrong password even if it is a right password
[16:02] <genii> There is no su password since root login is disabled by default on all *buntu
[16:03] <johnn> oh i see then how to access root install sudo?
[16:15] <johnn> sorry genii i didnt know aptitude was not installed by default
[16:16] <johnn> and i thought sudo was not installed. i was trying sudo apitutde update... silly me
[16:17] <genii> johnn: Apologies on lag, at work. For just a few commands use just: sudo command ...if you need to do a bunch of commands, use sudo -i then do all the commands, then after use: exit to get back to regular user prompt
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[18:22] <johnn> how to install muon packagemanager with synaptics interface?
[18:28] <MoonUnit`> synaptic will work fine in kde, i nearly always use synaptic rather than muon.
[18:29] <johnn> how to install muon packagemanager with synaptics interface?
=== keithzg_ is now known as keithzg
[19:42] <keithzg> johnn: Just search for "muon" in Synaptics, mark what you want to install (right-click -> mark for installation) then hit apply!
[19:42] <keithzg> Anyone know of a decent way to search PDFs? Can KDE actually index the text inside them these days?
[19:43] <alket> how to execute a python script with Ctr+B on kate (or any other shortcut) ?
[19:49] <wxl> hey folks how do i QUICKLY remove all the post-gaps in k3b?
[19:50] <andy123> alket: you can do this with the Create-Plugi
[19:52] <alket> andy123: I dont understand
[19:55] <andy123> alket: load the kate Plugin "Create-Module"
[19:55] <andy123> or "Project-Module"
[19:57] <alket> I can't find create-module, but I have Project module, but dont know how :)
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Dhs92
[19:57] <andy123> found that?
[19:57] <andy123> go to settings
[19:57] <andy123> configure kate
[19:57] <andy123> Plugins
[19:59] <andy123> something like "Create-Module".. it has make in its description
[19:59] <andy123> "make"
[20:01] <andy123> ... this said, I really recommend a python IDE like spyder for development
[20:01] <alket> I used eclipse, but I felt to use something kde like :p
[20:01] <andy123> try spyder...
[20:02] <andy123> its light weight and has autocomplete
[20:02] <andy123> variable intospection, debug
[20:02] <alket> thanks
[20:02] <andy123> spyder3 for python3
[20:03] <lordievader> Kdevelop :D
[20:03] <andy123> lol
[20:03] <andy123> I'm gonna top that... netbeans :D
[20:07] <lordievader> Blegh, Java.
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[20:51] * keithzg really likes just using Kate and git.
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[21:26] <vros_> Need some help: How to install plasma5 on ubuntu 12.04(kde 4.8.5)? (Need kde without akonadi)
[21:28] <lordievader> vros_: I don't think you can, not easily anyhow.
[21:29] <vros_> I think i can)
[21:30] <lordievader> vros_: Yeah, by compiling Qt5, KF5 and Plasma5 on your own. Doesn't count as easy in my book.
[21:30] <vros_> whait is KF5?
[21:30] <vros_> what*
[21:31] <genii> KDE Framework 5
[21:37] <vros_> seem's easy
[21:37] <vros_> what hard will be on stage plasma5?
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[21:46] <lordievader> vros_: The problem is that you are trying to compile very new software on very old software.
[21:47] <luc4> Hello! Anyone who is using plasma 5 on vmware?
[21:50] <vros_> hmm .. a couple of glasses of beer and it will repaired)
[21:52] <lordievader> vros_: Then I wish you goodluck ;)
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[23:20] <Roey> hello all
[23:20] <Roey> I'm having a little trouble running do-release-upgrade -d.....