UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /14 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:14] <Randy_O> question: are there any good documentations on how to write an offline scope? I'm hitting some walls here fumbling around in the dark.
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== rmescandon is now known as rmescandon|brb
[09:15] <Saviq> nik90, hey, just wanted to apologize, I'm not trying to ignore your invitations to UOS sessions, they're just quite a bad time for me, but I'll be catching up on them and will try and give feedback, if I have any
[09:20] <nik90> Saviq: hi, no worries.. To be honest I just created the hangout on air using my g+ profile. I didn't expect it to send out invitations to everyone in my circle.
[09:20] <Saviq> nik90, oh interesting, I did get an explicit invitation
[09:20] <seb128> same here ;-)
[09:20] <Saviq> nik90, same for the QML theming yesterday
[09:21] <nik90> Saviq: hmm I will have to check that..that was at least not my intention.. Sorry about that
[09:21] <Saviq> nik90, no problem here, I'd have actually attended if had the chance :)
[09:22] <nik90> Saviq: I can imagine you having a lot in your plate already..
[09:22] <nik90> seb128: I will make sure this doesn't happen again.
[09:22] <Saviq> nik90, it's not even that, but the sessions were just after my EOD when I usually have some activities planned
[09:23] <seb128> nik90, no worry, that didn't bother me, I'm just sorry I couldn't join the session
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[09:37] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day! :-D
[09:37] <Saviq> nik90, as for the timer platform support, the plan as I know it was to have a service that your app could request executing a helper at a certain time, if you have a meeting on this sometime in the future, please include me
[09:39] <nik90> Saviq: will do
[09:39] <Saviq> nik90, if the timer is supposed to show up in the datetime indicator (design pending), sound like indicator-datetime would be the service to do it
[09:40] <nik90> Saviq: designers are occupied ATM with other stuff. I will get started with sending emails to the mailiing list about the timer helper service.
[09:41] <Saviq> nik90, yup
[09:41] <Saviq> thanks!
[09:41] <nik90> u2 :)
[09:46] <DanChapman> Good Morning all o/
[09:47] <nik90> DanChapman: /o
[09:48] <DanChapman> howdy nik90
[09:51] <nik90> DanChapman: I think I would have to try getting dekko up and running on my emulator since my lxc is failing here for some reason.
[10:09] <kalikiana> anyone wanna review https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/indexRoles/+merge/211771 ?
[10:14] <DanChapman> nik90 ok cool. Hmmm let me see if it runs ok on the emulator.
[11:00] <gventuri_> rpadovani: hi. Do you want to join me and oSoMoN today?
[11:00] <rpadovani> gventuri_, coming, thanks :-)
[11:02] <gventuri_> oSoMoN: are you joining us?
[11:02] <oSoMoN> gventuri_, joining
[11:06] <DanChapman> nik90: so trying to get it to run on the emulator gives me http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9003907/ :-( but libqt5network5 is installed in the emulator.
[11:12] <nik90> DanChapman: oh yeah that bug..did you try the i386 emulator?
[11:13] <nik90> DanChapman: I am atm downloading a few emulator channels
[11:14] <DanChapman> nik90: i'm using an i386 emulator with rtm image. Just creating an rtm-proposed atm to try that
[11:15] <nik90> DanChapman: correct me if I am wrong, but does dekko do the network connection check in c++ or qml?
[11:18] <DanChapman> nik90: at the moment neither. It's currently using a dummy network watcher but i see the connectivity-api has recently been fixed for not getting status updates from network manager. So it could use either c++ or qml bindings tbh
[11:20] <DanChapman> nik90: As long as the imap model maintains a "correct" network state it doesn't really matter how it get's it.
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[11:27] <nik90> ok
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[14:13] <pindonga> jdstrand, ping, you have a minute to talk about review scripts?
[14:15] <rpadovani> davidcalle, o/ There is documentation somewhere about which type of actions we can implement in the preview page?
[14:20] <davidcalle> rpadovani, actions for buttons you mean?
[14:20] <rpadovani> davidcalle, yap
[14:21] <rpadovani> davidcalle, in your tutorial there is only sc::Variant("open")
[14:26] <davidcalle> rpadovani, 5 min, on the phone :)
[14:28] <rpadovani> thanks :-)
[14:33] <davidcalle> rpadovani, you can open URIs : video://<file>, music://<file>, http://... , scope://<scopeid>?q=""&dep="" Do you need something else?
[14:33] <rpadovani> davidcalle, scope is what I'm looking for, thanks :-)
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
[14:38] <davidcalle> rpadovani, sorry, the Internet died a little. I was saying (not sure what you recevied) you can open URIs : video://<file>, music://<file>, http://... , scope://<scopeid>?q=""&dep=""
[14:39] <rpadovani> <rpadovani> davidcalle, scope is what I'm looking for, thanks :-)
[14:39] <davidcalle> rpadovani cool :) You can also open with specific filters, but I don't have the syntax in mind, do you need it?
[14:40] <rpadovani> davidcalle, atm, no, thanks :-)
[14:40] <davidcalle> rpadovani, np :)
[15:52] <popey> heya ahayzen ☻
[15:52] <ahayzen> popey, o/
[15:54] <ahayzen> popey, so whats the plan with the store revert?
[15:55] <popey> its reverted
[15:55] <ahayzen> hah i mean like whats the plan in unreverting
[15:56] <ahayzen> popey, i guess i should attempt to get this running against remix lp:~andrew-hayzen/music-app/add-url-dispatcher-tests
[15:58] <t1mp> akiva-thinkpad: so to disable the back/tabs button, in the Page set head.backAction to null (or use an action with visible=false)
[16:00] <akiva-thinkpad> t1mp, that wasn't possible before
[16:00] <akiva-thinkpad> t1mp, that is possible now?
[16:00] <t1mp> uhh.. let me check if that is actually correct
[16:02] <popey> ahayzen: well, we also need to fix the autopilot settings - it's pointing to trunk
[16:02] <ahayzen> popey, oh yeah it'll be pulling that by default hmmm
[16:02] <t1mp> akiva-thinkpad: ah, if you set backAction.visible to false, it won't show a custom back action or a back button from the pagestack, but the tabs button will still appear
[16:03] <t1mp> akiva-thinkpad: if you want to hide the tabs button as well, please report a bug on ubuntu-ui-toolkit
[16:03] <t1mp> akiva-thinkpad: you can assign it to me (tpeeters / Tim Peeters on launchpad)
[16:03] <akiva-thinkpad> t1mp, okay thanks
[16:04] <akiva-thinkpad> t1mp, when I hop back on this horse; i will do so. This is highly customized, and we will have to pass this design by the design team. We used a similar design that is just less revolutionary.
[16:04] <ahayzen> popey, do you know where we change the autopilot settings?
[16:04] <popey> ahayzen: ask balloons
[16:04] <ahayzen> balloons, ^^ ?
[16:05] <akiva-thinkpad> popey, if you are free, #ubuntu-uds-platform-1 needs a session made
[16:05] <akiva-thinkpad> nvm
[16:06] <popey> akiva-thinkpad: busy busy, sorry
[16:06] <balloons> lol, what do you mean change the autopilot settings?
[16:07] <popey> balloons: yeah, this morning we didnt get tests because 2.0.736 pointed to trunk, and thus failed
[16:07] <popey> we need to fix that before we re-submit 2.0 to the store
[16:07] <ahayzen> balloons, i think popey means the tool, phablet-click-test-setup?, or maybe i'm misinterpreting
[16:07] <balloons> popey, the remix needs to be set as trunk in lp; aka, the launchpad dev target
[16:07] <ahayzen> Victor usually uses click-buddy provision and i usually manually push everything across
[16:08] <balloons> is there a reason you don't want to do that?
[16:08] <ahayzen> i don't think so?
[16:08] <ahayzen> popey, ^^ ?
[16:11] <popey> hm?
[16:12] <popey> yeah, do it
[16:15] <ahayzen> popey, so we need to propose remix into trunk :)
[16:15] <popey> I dont know how that works
[16:19] <popey> dpm: does ☻
[16:21] <ahayzen> :)
[16:22] <ahayzen> popey, do you know if we can connect to a PEAP network yet on ubuntu touch? even in a hacky way?
[16:22] <ahayzen> ah that was this bug 1241986
[16:22] <ubot5> bug 1241986 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot connect to WPA/WPA2, EAP-PEAP, MSCHAPV2 network" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1241986
[16:26] <gventuri> welcome stephwilson
[16:26] <gventuri> stephwilson: this is where the cool people hang out
[16:27] <stephwilson> Hi everyone, I'm Steph the new Documentation Specialist :) I'm currently writing the new App Design Guide
[16:27] <stephwilson> This group just got a whole lot cooler with me in it then :)
[16:28] <ahayzen> Hey stephwilson thanks for the article :) http://design.canonical.com/2014/11/community-interview-victor-thompson-and-andrew-hayzen/
[16:29] <stephwilson> ahayzen: No worries Andrew, I hope to do some more soon!
[16:29] <gventuri> ahayzen: what out for what you guys say in the future 'cause stephwilson has you on the record
[16:29] * ahayzen pretends there aren't IRC logs either
[16:31] <stephwilson> Front page news
[16:32] <rpadovani> lol
[16:32] <gventuri> if you guys want to check the App Design session it's here http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22359/app-design/
[16:33] <ahayzen> Has anyone managed to connect to a PEAP/MSCHAPV2 wifi connection on ubuntu touch? even by copying the system-connection files? mine just resets the indicator whenever i try to click on that network :/
[16:34] <popey> ahayzen: cyphermox seemed to think yes.
[16:37] <balloons> ahayzen, I believe all you need to do is set development focus here: https://launchpad.net/music-app/+edit
[16:38] <balloons> ahayzen, change it to music-app remix
[16:38] <ahayzen> balloons, interesting
[16:38] * balloons doesn't touch it
[16:38] <ahayzen> balloons, i think i'll have a chat with victor when i get back later to check he is ok to move it all over, but if thats it then it should be simple :)
[17:01] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, ping
[17:01] <akiva-thinkpad> nik90, does the component store exist at all at this moment? I'd like to take a look at it.
[17:31] <mihir> popey: ping
[17:32] <mihir> popey: sorry my bad timining
[17:32] <popey> nah
[17:32] <popey> its all fine ☻
[17:33] <mihir> popey: i just came from office, will look at video for sure :D
[17:33] <popey> heh
[17:33] <popey> basically - lots to do, need to find people ☻
[17:33] <mihir> popey: yup exactly , i will try to find if i can :)
[17:57] <dpm> rpadovani, mzanetti, all set for the Reminders UOS meeting? I'll set up the hangout
[17:57] * mzanetti is ready
[17:59] * rpadovani is born ready
[17:59] <dpm> hahaha