UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /14 /#lubuntu.txt
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[09:45] <dust> conky dosnt work? i dont get it displayed
[09:59] <steveious> hi ;3
[12:06] <Aladiah-Friend> how to increase the size of the bar slide menu on lubuntu ?
[12:10] <Aladiah-Friend> yesterday my friend Aladiah, cames here to ask how to solve screen problems with lubuntu 14.04.1 in new amd laptop. We solve question installing with 14.10 version. Version 14.10 was with out control sound in panel menu and with out sound in aplications. We solved with sudo apt-get install indicator -sound
[12:12] <testdr> Aladiah-Friend: try to explain what you are speaking about - is it the size of the panel? (thats called lxpanel)
[12:13] <Aladiah-Friend> testdr: on the button we have the menu doesn it where it is all stufss , on the right the clock, network manager etc, on the left the Start button to navigate apps. is that pannel i want to increase to see beter the icons inside the navigation menu
[12:14] <Aladiah-Friend> the navigation panel
[12:14] <Aladiah-Friend> where there is acessories, development, games etc
[12:18] <Aladiah-Friend> testdr: i checked its the menu
[12:18] <Aladiah-Friend> i need to increase size of the menu aspect . not the menu button aspect
[12:27] <zero_coder> hey how to run just openbox desktop in lubuntu
[12:27] <zero_coder> ?
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[14:55] <noobiie> hey. I am trying to install lubuntu on an old pentium m laptop, and it's just not working: first I tried the 14.04 alternate iso, used boot option forcepae, installation went throught, but it did not create a user account. wtf
[14:55] <noobiie> so I tried 14.10 instead
[14:55] <noobiie> now it hangs at base system install and says no installable kernel found?
[14:56] <noobiie> so is there any way to install lubuntu on a laptop like that?
[14:56] <noobiie> according to the system requirements it should work on a pentium m
[14:56] <noobiie> but apparently it doesn't?
[14:58] <noobiie> I guess I could just go with 14.04 and do recovery mode and create a user account manually. but it feels kind of.. I dunno.. wrong. because maybe something else went wrong during the installation and not just the user creation and I would have an unstable system
[14:58] <noobiie> also I couldn't use home directory encryption that way
[15:03] <noobiie> funny thing is I managed to install 14.04 on an old powerbook g4 with all the compatibility issues that has
[15:03] <noobiie> but not on an i386 system
[15:03] <noobiie> kind of silly
[15:08] <noobiie> I can't even go with 12.04 (last release that had a non-pae version), because it's not an LTS and is not supported anymore
[15:08] <noobiie> so annoying
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[15:25] <faLUCE> hello, I have a netbook; when I close or just fold the screen lubuntu shows the dialog with "turn off, restart, close the session etc.". how can I remove that?
[15:26] <GITSaito> faLUCE hello, power management panel
[15:27] <faLUCE> GITSaito: yes, then?
[15:27] <Aladiah-Friend> For virtual box, i need to install DKMS package first and then execut command /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' . should be sudo apt-get install DKMS , then , sudo apt-get update, then sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup ?? This will make it ask me the windows iso instalation then ?
[15:28] <faLUCE> GITSaito: I selected "do nothing" when the netbook is closed
[15:29] <GITSaito> faLUCE: sometin dat looks like "what to do on pressing power button"
[15:29] <faLUCE> but it doesn't change
[15:29] <GITSaito> faLUCE: or turn off screen
[15:30] <faLUCE> GITSaito: now it seems to work
[15:30] <faLUCE> thanks
[15:30] <faLUCE> GITSaito: no, it doesn't
[15:31] <faLUCE> :-(( every time that I install ubuntu I have these issues :-(
[15:31] <GITSaito> faLUCE: be sure to have set the app to control power management
[15:31] <faLUCE> GITSaito: in which way?
[15:32] <GITSaito> faLUCE: mh, i deleted mine, but should be somewhere at the main page
[15:33] <faLUCE> GITSaito: at the main page of power control app?
[15:34] <faLUCE> GITSaito: I don't understand
[15:34] <GITSaito> Aladiah-Friend: not sure i can help with vbox but what you want to do ?
[15:34] <faLUCE> I just set options in the power management panel, but they don't work
[15:34] <Aladiah-Friend> i need to install dkms package i dont know how
[15:35] <Aladiah-Friend> i need to execute this command then, i dont know how /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'
[15:36] <Aladiah-Friend> GITSaito
[15:36] <GITSaito> Aladiah-Friend: sudo apt-get install dkms
[15:36] <GITSaito> ?
[15:36] <faLUCE> simply, the power management panel is buggy, and I don't know a work around for that
[15:36] <Aladiah-Friend> ok then ?
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[15:36] <GITSaito> faLUCE: should work. use to work for me
[15:37] <GITSaito> faLUCE: but i m on a desktop
[15:37] <faLUCE> GITSaito: as said before, I set/checked all the options I wanted, but they don't have any effect
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[15:37] <faLUCE> it's buggy, I'm sure
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[15:37] <faLUCE> now I just wonder a workaround/alternative
[15:37] <GITSaito> Aladiah-Friend: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setu
[15:37] <GITSaito> Aladiah-Friend: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
[15:37] <Aladiah-Friend> ok tank you GITSaito
[15:38] <GITSaito> Aladiah-Friend: always use sudo during an installation process
[15:38] <Aladiah-Friend> ok
[15:38] <GITSaito> Aladiah-Friend: or gksudo
[15:38] <Aladiah-Friend> its working
[15:39] <GITSaito> faLUCE: reinstall power management app ?
[15:40] <faLUCE> GITSaito: in which way?=
[15:42] <GITSaito> faLUCE: any
[15:42] <GITSaito> faLUCE: softwarecenter first
[15:42] <faLUCE> GITSaito: apt-get purge/install xfce4-power-manager?
[15:44] <GITSaito> faLUCE: softwarecenter first den command line
[15:44] <faLUCE> GITSaito: thanks let's try
[15:50] <faLUCE> GITSaito: just purged xfce4-power-manager, but when I fold the screen now it shuts down. So there shuld be another app that triggers this event. which one could be?
[15:52] <GITSaito> faLUCE: wats ur laptop brand ?
[15:53] <faLUCE> GITSaito: cedar trail netbook
[15:57] <faLUCE> GITSaito: sorry, crashed
[16:14] <faLUCE> GITSaito: sorry crashed again
[16:15] <faLUCE> I could not read you msgs, if any
[16:19] <faLUCE> maybe there is some arch specific application (proprietary?) that conflicts with xfce4-power-manager ... but how can I find it?
[16:32] <dust> conky dosnt work? i dont get it displayed
[16:36] <phillw> dust: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpConky#In_Lubuntu
[16:38] <dust> i had it running but not showing anything phillw
[16:38] <phillw> if you need more details, head over to https://biomedguyproject.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/lubuntu-tweak-5-install-conky/ which has a step by step guide
[16:38] <phillw> dust: that is most likely this... http://askubuntu.com/questions/181663/how-to-get-conky-to-stay-on-the-desktop
[16:38] <phillw> google is your friend :)
[16:39] <phillw> conky does work on lubuntu - I've seen the screenshots that people make. I just do not use it.
[16:40] <dust> well the install from repo dosnt work
[16:40] <dust> thats for sure
[17:14] <testdr> dust: i use conky - LUbuntu-14.04.1 out of repos and it works - only the different wallpapers on the desktops will short be seen (the background) when switching around.
[17:40] <dust> on lubuntu 14.10 it dosnt out of repo
[17:41] <holstein> dust: i use conky.. what is the issue?
[17:42] <dust> it dosnt show up in the default config
[17:42] <holstein> dust: it?
[17:42] <dust> conky
[17:42] <dust> Package conky-all is not available, but is referred to by another package.
[17:42] <dust> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
[17:42] <dust> is only available from another source
[17:42] <holstein> dust: you are looking at a default config for what? and you are looking for conky there?
[17:42] <holstein> dust: so, you cant install conky?
[17:43] <dust> However the following packages replace it:
[17:43] <dust> conky-std:i386 conky-cli:i386 conky-std conky-cli
[17:43] <dust> E: Package 'conky-all' has no installation candidate
[17:43] <dust> i did install it
[17:43] <holstein> dust: try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install conky"
[17:43] <dust> but not all as is reffered here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpConky
[17:43] <holstein> dust: then, just use the "conky" command to run it, and see that it runs..
[17:44] <dust> then it runds but not with conkysettingwizard
[17:44] <holstein> dust: im sure there have been changes.. those are publically editable, if you want to help with documenation
[17:44] <holstein> dust: i dont use the "wizard".. havent tried it.. but, please try running "conky" and see that its installed and running
[17:44] <holstein> then, we can talk about configuration.. does it run?
[17:44] <dust> yes that runs so i know its at least partly installed
[17:45] <holstein> dust: no.. it *is* installed
[17:45] <holstein> dust: there is no other part to install
[17:46] <holstein> dust: i get the orange conky config from gnome-look.. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/conky_orange?content=137503
[17:46] <dust> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ConkyWizard?content=126352
[17:46] <holstein> dust: i dont use that wizard, friend.. you can ask the creators/maintainers of it for support
[17:47] <dust> k
[17:47] <holstein> dust: otherwise, just drop in whatever config you like.. try the one i linked
[17:47] <holstein> dust: there are *many* configs..
[17:48] <dust> i know there are many... and u can edit and script and so on... as there seems no other system monitor
[17:48] <holstein> dust: there are many ways to do things..
[17:49] <dust> yes but not with gui
[17:49] <holstein> dust: a text editor *is* a gui
[17:49] <holstein> dust: i would look for a config that is close to what you are looking for, and tweak it a bit..
[17:49] <dust> if u ve some menus yes if not no
[17:50] <holstein> dust: a text editor is a gui that allows one to edit the conky config files
[17:50] <holstein> dust: i do not use a wizard, and havent tried one..
[17:50] <holstein> dust: nothing about lubuntu is preventing that wizard from running..
[17:50] <dust> a text editor is in itself no gui... a gui means menus
[17:51] <dust> well i wasnt lucky at my try with http://wpd.home.xs4all.nl/symon/
[17:51] <dust> the wizard runs but even if all seems ok after conky dosnt run
[17:53] <holstein> dust: i dont intend to argue with you, friend.. if you want to use that wizard, lubuntu is not breaking it.. you can ask the creators why its not working, and how to use it
[17:53] <holstein> dust: if you want to do it like i do it, just get a config from somewhere, like gnome-look, and tweak the config file a bit with a text editor, to fit your needs
[17:55] <dust> well yes beside of looking into other system monitor stuff which i would prefer
[17:55] <dust> as conky is just a viewer...
[17:56] <holstein> dust: what are you looking for? there are many system monitors..
[17:56] <holstein> most use top in a terminal.. or conky.. there are other options
[17:57] <holstein> http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXTask
[17:57] <dust> hehe of course i know that
[17:58] <holstein> dust: you know what?
[17:58] <dust> but thats just a simple taskmanager like ht
[17:58] <holstein> dust: try and be as detailed as possible with the volunteers.. help me help you.. what are you looking for? what have you tried? what is not meeting your needs? and how?
[17:59] <dust> well i want a lightweight power desktop
[18:00] <dust> form follows function... rich in function low in blink blink
[18:00] <dust> so more in direction of symon
[18:00] <holstein> dust: you are already using lxde.. and this is the specific channel for lxde/ubuntu, lubuntu support
[18:01] <dust> right so i asked here...
[18:01] <holstein> dust: i would say, fire up a few live disc with xfce, lxqt, mate.. etc
[18:01] <holstein> dust: sure, friend.. but, you are asking about an lxde alternative, which is fine, but, not the scope of the channel
[18:01] <dust> i selected lxde years ago because ubuntu switched to unity
[18:01] <holstein> dust: i would try mate..
[18:01] <holstein> dust: there are *many* options..
[18:01] <holstein> dust: if you have been fighting with lxde for years, try something else
[18:02] <dust> well im looking forward to lxqt
[18:02] <holstein> dust: mate is actually specifically trying to emulate the older gnome2 work flow
[18:02] <dust> gnome2 was crap
[18:02] <holstein> dust: just go ahead and try lxqt.. it may or may not fit your needs either
[18:03] <holstein> dust: you said you switched when ubuntu went to unity.. and unity replaced gnome2.. which implied you were using gnome2, and preferred it
[18:03] <dust> and u get me wrong as i dont fight lxde... its the much better alternative to xfce, kde, gnome and so on
[18:03] <dust> no... gnome 2 was just bad but unity was unusable
[18:03] <holstein> dust: "better" is a matter of opinion and need.. if you want to address *specific* needs in lxde, you can try here, or an lxde specific channel
[18:04] <holstein> dust: all im responding to is your question.. "12:59 < dust> well i want a lightweight power desktop"
[18:04] <dust> right its a matter of taste and needs... the reason why i suggest and install ppl lubuntu...
[18:04] <holstein> if thats not lxde, then, you need to find that.. if you are using lxde, and want to talk about tweaking it, just ask
[18:05] <dust> holstein thats the point to use lubuntu as its leightweight... for power u need other programs
[18:06] <holstein> dust: *you* may need some other programs, and thats fine.. can i help you find them? what are your needs?
[18:06] <ianorlin> dust yes but those programs aren't the same for everyone and you have entire repos
[18:06] <dust> yes and i use the repos of course
[18:07] <holstein> dust: lubuntu uses the main ubuntu repos.. and you are welcome to add whatever you like from there, as well as PPA's..
[18:08] <dust> yes i know playdeb, getdeb webu8 launchpad and so on
[18:08] <holstein> dust: if you have a question about adding something, feel free and ask.. or try #ubuntu since you are looking for things outside of lubuntu/lxde..
[18:09] <dust> holstein: the need is systemmonitor and system management with a gui
[18:09] <ianorlin> more than what lxtask provides dusk
[18:10] <dust> much more
[18:10] <holstein> dust: ok
[18:10] <ianorlin> although the one I personally like is ncurses but easy to use in htop
[18:11] <holstein> dust: *what* specifically are you trying to monitor about your system? and how? in realtime? in the panel? with an overlay? something you can pull up in a terminal? have you tried top?.. what are you trying to manage about the system? and how?
[18:11] <dust> yes i use htop and mc and i wonder why the menu link now opens a terminal but u ve to manually start it :D
[18:11] <holstein> !info guake
[18:11] <ubottu> guake (source: guake): Drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 165 kB, installed size 756 kB
[18:11] <dust> for example temperatures
[18:11] <ianorlin> yeah the htop thing is a bug in menu
[18:11] <holstein> most folks either have another monitor with htop or top, or guake..
[18:11] <ianorlin> there is panel applet for temperture
[18:12] <ianorlin> but it doesn't show each core
[18:12] <holstein> dust: if your hardware supports linux, you can add ^ those applets, and see your tempreature
[18:13] <dust> i tried lmsensor and psensor... will have a look at these
[18:13] <holstein> dust: if they do not read your temp, that is a different issue.. do they?
[18:14] <holstein> conky can do that as well, *if* the hardware supports it.. and you configure it in
[18:14] <dust> installing
[18:14] <ianorlin> 1.right click lxpanel 2.click panel settings 3.click panel applets 4. click add 5. click temperture monitor
[18:16] <dust> shows temp
[18:17] <holstein> so, there you go.. now, you can watch the temp.. not that you should need to..
[18:18] <dust> there was a monitoring tool for gnome 2 for the taskbar... well seems it dosnt exist anymore
[18:18] <holstein> dust: correct, gnome2 doenst exist anymore
[18:19] <holstein> dust: what are you trying to monitor?
[18:19] <dust> the complete system
[18:20] <dust> usage of cpu, ram, disk, network
[18:21] <holstein> dust: i use the orange theme i linked above for conky to do that.. otherwise, you can add them very simiarly to the temp monitor..
[18:21] <holstein> dust: have you tried the orange theme in conky? have you tried adding any applets? whats working? whats not working?
[18:22] <dust> well seems some of the stuff u can add in the taskbar are buggy... network monitor is just a big pic
[18:22] <holstein> dust: so, what is "buggy" and how? just ask, friend
[18:23] <dust> network status monitor... if u ve the panel on the left vertically u get a big pic only
[18:24] <holstein> i have, in the past, setup a dedicated panel for those.. hide-able..
[18:24] <holstein> then, i can give them the expected orientation..
[18:25] <holstein> otherwise, have you tried the orange theme in conky?
[18:25] <dust> not yet
[18:26] <holstein> dust: just ping me when you are ready to try some suggestions.. otherwise, try #ubuntu .. cheers!
[18:27] <dust> a texteditor is as much gui as a terminal... if u ve in the terminal for example ncurses menus yes then its a gui... if u just type then no
[18:27] <dust> ah wrong... was above
[18:28] <holstein> dust: as i said above, im not interested in arguing with you about what a GUI is.. if you want something, just ask.. we dont need to re-define what a GUI is.. im glad to help you find what you need
[18:32] <dust> holstein: conky orange dosnt work
[18:33] <holstein> dust: cool.. feel free and ask a question about it.. i cant volunteer anything with statements like "x doenst work".. thats a definitive statement..
[18:34] <holstein> dust: i literally follow the documentation, and put the config in place where indicated, and start conky with the command to specify the config file,a nd it "just works".. how are you starting conky? have you place the configs? are you referring to the config by the full path?
[18:34] <dust> there wasnt a .conky folder so i created to put all in... followed the install of orange and started it as in the explanation but it dosnt start
[18:36] <holstein> dust: i put the files "conkyrc_orange" and "conky_orange.lua" in ~/.conky/ ..then i start with conky -c ~/.conky/conkyrc_orange .. not just conky.. please confirm
[18:36] <dust> copy files
[18:36] <dust> - conkyrc_orange
[18:36] <dust> - conky_orange.lua
[18:36] <dust> in ~/.conky/
[18:37] <dust> and start with conky -c ~/.conky/conkyrc_orang
[18:37] <dust> e
[18:37] <holstein> dust: so, open a terminal and run "conky -c ~/.conky/conkyrc_orange" and share the errors
[18:37] <holstein> !paste
[18:37] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[18:38] <dust> there are no errors
[18:40] <dust> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010634/
[18:40] <holstein> dust: so, what is happening, then?
[18:40] <dust> nothing
[18:40] <holstein> dust: i would check and kill any conky processes in the background
[18:41] <holstein> ps aux |
[18:41] <dust> i did before
[18:41] <holstein> ps aux
[18:41] <holstein> i'll get it :)
[18:41] <holstein> ps aux | grep conky
[18:41] <holstein> ^
[18:41] <holstein> dust: you did what before? and before what? *details* help me help you
[18:42] <dust> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010641/
[18:42] <ianorlin> `pgrep -l conky` works too
[18:42] <dust> i used killall conky before i started it... otherwise u get several versions
[18:45] <holstein> dust: this is what i would do.. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2036736.html
[18:45] <holstein> dust: if that needs more explanation, let me know..
[18:45] <holstein> dust: you will need to edit the config file..
[18:52] <dust> enough just purged conky
[18:53] <dust> but thx for trying to help
[18:53] <holstein> sure.. you likely created ~/conky.. and not ~/.conky..
[18:54] <holstein> the *details* are important..
[18:54] <dust> it was with dot for config
[18:54] <holstein> well, its gone now..
[18:55] <dust> yep...
[19:12] <fgd_> hi folks
[19:12] <fgd_> can I use lubunti live usd to access win partition?
[19:12] <fgd_> usb
[19:53] <raistlin_majere> Hi everyone! Is this bug still active? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/919200
[19:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 919200 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Doesn't know system default layout/variant" [High,Triaged]
[19:54] <raistlin_majere> I'm using Lubuntu 14.04.1 with the default version of lightdm-gtk-greeter (1.8.5)
[19:55] <raistlin_majere> I have set my layout and variants in /etc/default/keyboard
[19:55] <raistlin_majere> Also, in /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gkt-greeter.conf added show-indicators=keyboard;
[19:56] <raistlin_majere> to see the layout
[19:56] <raistlin_majere> Only option is English US
[19:58] <ianorlin> !info lightdm trusty
[19:58] <ubottu> lightdm (source: lightdm): Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1.10.1-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 96 kB, installed size 540 kB
[19:59] <ianorlin> the version of lightdm is after the bug was fixed
[19:59] <ianorlin> are you looking to have other keyboard layouts?
[19:59] <ianorlin> !!| raistlin_majere
[20:00] <raistlin_majere> Yes, I'm looking to have other layouts
[20:00] <raistlin_majere> this version (1.8.5) is the leatest for trusty
[20:01] <raistlin_majere> I could try to install 1.9.0
[20:01] <holstein> should be 1.10.1
[20:01] <ianorlin> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard
[20:02] <raistlin_majere> hm... ok... On Launchpad the leatest is 1.9 https://launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/
[20:03] <raistlin_majere> but there seems to be 1.13 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/
[20:03] <raistlin_majere> for vivid...
[20:03] <raistlin_majere> I'll try 1.10.3 thanks!
[20:04] <ianorlin> will let you once you login
[23:23] <Aladiah-friend> after install icedtea java in lubuntu14.10 it dont let me install nothing more, because there is a problem. Foram encontrados erros enquanto processava:
[23:23] <Aladiah-friend> icedtea-netx:amd64
[23:23] <Aladiah-friend> icedtea-7-plugin:amd64
[23:23] <Aladiah-friend> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)