UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /14 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== alket_ is now known as alket
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
=== kyle is now known as Guest45930
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=== infyrin is now known as mmotk
[04:58] <goodtime> im a man
[04:59] <goodtime> config
[04:59] <goodtime> ha
=== kevin is now known as Guest22381
[06:05] <Hepe> Hello again. (I have Kubuntu 14.10 which I recently upgraded from 14.04.1 LTS) So in an attempt to install Plasma 5, I tried to follow the following commands http://pastebin.com/pByGC4SK, as found in the http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu page.
[06:07] <Hepe> Suddenly though, after sudo apt install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop, my network stopped working. And I couldn't re-connect back via the network manage applet at all.
[06:07] <Hepe> So, I did sudo reboot, which was the next step. After rebooting though, I couldn't go beyond the lightdm login screen, (it hangs).
[06:08] <Hepe> I'm sure lightdm is supposed to be replaced by sddm, although I'm not sure how sddm is supposed to look like.
[06:08] <valorie> hepe, did you choose SDDM or lightdm?
[06:09] <Hepe> During the installation, I did choose ssdm.
[06:09] <Hepe> For sure.
[06:09] <Hepe> sddm *
[06:09] <valorie> ok, try in the console: `sudo apt remove lightdm`
[06:09] <Hepe> ok
[06:10] <valorie> we've found that for a few, including me, it isn't removed correctly
[06:11] <valorie> I also encountered that network-manager bug
[06:11] <Hepe> (basically I couldn't do that sudo apt full-upgrade commad, and it's not exactly completing well with my shit connection via wvdial in the console ;p)
[06:11] <Hepe> Ah ok.
[06:11] <valorie> do you have access to a wire?
[06:11] <Hepe> No :(
[06:12] <valorie> :(
[06:12] <valorie> at least you have some connection
[06:12] <Hepe> I did however, get wvdial working with my wireless modem.
[06:12] <Hepe> Yep.
[06:12] <valorie> excellent
[06:13] <valorie> was lightdm removed when you did that above command?
[06:14] <Hepe> Just did it- and yes, it apparently has been removed. Should I reboot?
[06:14] <valorie> well, how about `sudo apt install -f` first
[06:14] <valorie> to make sure everything that should be installed, is
[06:14] <Hepe> ok
[06:15] <Hepe> Nothing really from that command, just 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 27 not upgraded.
[06:16] <valorie> so, any reason not to do the `sudo apt full-upgrade` now?
[06:16] <valorie> it's really best to complete the upgrade before rebooting
[06:16] * Hepe connects to modem
[06:17] <valorie> to be honest, I had to do this a few times
[06:17] <valorie> update, install -f , full-upgrade
[06:18] <valorie> and I had to install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop more than once as well
[06:18] <valorie> best to follow the script as precisely as you can
[06:18] <valorie> sec
[06:27] <valorie> Hepe: still here?
[06:27] <Hepe> Yea.
[06:27] <valorie> you may need to use: sudo start sddm
[06:27] <valorie> if it doesn't
[06:27] <Hepe> Sorry, having problems upgrading with my shit connection :P
[06:27] <valorie> also, what I used to get online was nmcli
[06:27] <Hepe> now it worked though, so just staring at the screen.
[06:28] <valorie> hard to figure out how to use, but by constantly reading man nmcli, I was able to work out how to turn on my connection again
[06:28] <Hepe> nmcli is really weird
[06:28] <valorie> yes
[06:29] <Hepe> or at least, too hard for me -.-
[06:29] <Hepe> I know I did the correct ID for my connection..but it wouldn't do it so meh.
[06:29] <valorie> one step at a time
[06:29] <valorie> well you have to use one part for discovery
[06:29] <valorie> and another to get a connection
[06:30] <valorie> uber-strange indeed
[06:35] <Hepe> omg this is the second time that it has happened.
[06:36] <Hepe> I think: my laptop sent in screen saver mode, but when I pressed a key, it went into the light dm login screen.
[06:36] <Hepe> and now doing ctrl+alt+f1/f2 is not working...
[06:36] <Hepe> any way to bring back the console?
[06:38] <Hepe> or do I have to reboot again? :/
[06:38] <valorie> yikes, lightdm wasn't removed?
[06:38] <Hepe> I don't know how sddm is supposed to look...does it look radically different?
[06:39] <Hepe> because this looks like lightdm.
[06:39] <valorie> yes, I think so
[06:39] <valorie> can't remember what the lightdm used to look like
[06:39] <Hepe> (I don't use the lightdm classic user bar thing)... so everything is like before including my custom lightdm wallpaper
[06:39] <valorie> :(
[06:39] <Hepe> besides this small button under the password box
[06:40] <Hepe> like, it has become super tiny?
[06:40] <Hepe> "plasma workspace" button or something
[06:40] <valorie> so there is alt+sys+rq+4
[06:40] <valorie> let me look that up
[06:40] <valorie> so I don't misquote
[06:41] <Hepe> ugh, I want to see that sudo apt full-upgrade process completed
[06:41] <valorie> yes
[06:41] <Hepe> I don't believe once it was done, it would have gone to this..screen
[06:41] <valorie> so for me, it was ctl alt printscr f
[06:42] <valorie> some keyboards have a sysrq button
[06:42] <Hepe> my laptop does not
[06:42] <valorie> it stops whatever process is locking things up
[06:42] <Hepe> how can you press 4 keys at once? :o ctrl+alt+prnt.. +f ?
[06:42] <Hepe> (or I understood wrong)
[06:42] <valorie> hard on the fingers, for sure
[06:43] <Hepe> nothing happened.
[06:43] <valorie> and you have to keep pressing f until things unfreeze
[06:43] <Hepe> well it hasn't freezed, that lightdm logging screen is just "working"
[06:43] <Hepe> ofc if I try to actual login, the last time I tried, it hung again.
[06:43] <valorie> huh
[06:43] <valorie> freaky
[06:43] <Hepe> :|
[06:44] <valorie> so why can't you do the full-upgrade?
[06:44] <Hepe> I was running that in console, and then my laptop went into screensave...and when I pressed a key to bring it out of it
[06:44] <valorie> oh, because you can't re-login
[06:44] <Hepe> I was at the lightdm login screen
[06:44] <Hepe> and now, doing ctrl+alt+f1/.etc doesn't bring console back
[06:44] <valorie> maybe you have to press f like a madman
[06:45] <Hepe> how is this happening? :S
[06:45] <Hepe> it's a login screen for sure
[06:45] <Hepe> the restart. shutdown, suspend buttons work or look like they work too.
[06:45] <valorie> lightdm is a monster, I guess
[06:45] <valorie> then you might restart I guess
[06:45] <valorie> :(
[06:46] <Hepe> Welp, I'll try to pay attention the next time to not let it go into screen saver mode .-;
[06:46] <valorie> I got through it
[06:46] <valorie> you can to
[06:47] <valorie> the basic problem is that by installing plasma 5, you are installing unstable software
[06:47] <valorie> as did I
[06:47] <valorie> 14.04 was dead stable, and it got boring
[06:47] <Hepe> omg, now completly white.
[06:47] <valorie> nothing to test, no bugs to report
[06:47] <Hepe> "white screen" after booting up...
[06:47] <Hepe> past the "Kubuntu logo"
[06:47] <Hepe> ...
[06:47] <valorie> get to a console again
[06:47] <Hepe> ok
[06:48] <valorie> try: `apt-cache policy lightdm`
[06:48] <valorie> if it is still installed, remove it again
[06:48] <valorie> I actually had to remove kdm too!
[06:48] <valorie> and I've never used it
[06:49] <Hepe> Let's see
[06:49] <Hepe> "lightdm:
[06:49] <Hepe> Installed: (none)
[06:49] <valorie> excellent
[06:49] <valorie> check for kdm
[06:49] <Hepe> Candidate: 1.12.1-0ubuntu1
[06:49] <valorie> that means it is not installed
[06:50] <Hepe> ok
[06:50] <valorie> ok, can you start again at the top of your little script?
[06:50] <Hepe> so same command as above, except for kdm instead of lightdm
[06:50] <Hepe> and same sort of thing
[06:50] <valorie> yes
[06:50] <valorie> ok, I thought you already did that
[06:50] <Hepe> Installed: (none)
[06:50] <valorie> good
[06:51] <valorie> so do again:
[06:51] <valorie> sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next
[06:51] <valorie> sudo apt update
[06:51] <valorie> before going any further
[06:52] <valorie> if everything is already cool, no harm done
[06:54] * Hepe waits for it to finish updating...
[06:54] <valorie> aha
[06:54] <Hepe> ok
[06:55] <Hepe> so it's done but
[06:55] <valorie> then it had not completely updated before for some reason
[06:55] <valorie> but?
[06:55] <Hepe> "27 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them."
[06:55] <valorie> right, not yet
[06:55] <Hepe> ok
[06:55] <valorie> sudo apt install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop
[06:55] <Hepe> ok
[06:56] <Hepe> and
[06:56] <Hepe> "Kubuntu-plasma5-desktop is already the newest version"
[06:56] <valorie> cool
[06:56] <valorie> now: sudo apt full-upgrade
[06:57] <valorie> that will be those 27 packages
[06:57] <Hepe> hehe, I've been doing this for a couple of times now....so it's now
[06:57] <Hepe> "27 ugraded, 56 newly installed, 3 to remove and 0 not upgraded."
[06:57] <valorie> like I said, I had to do it at least twice
[06:58] <valorie> cool
[06:58] <Hepe> "Need to get 8,819 kb/45.3 mb of archives."
[06:58] <Hepe> that, has been reduced ^
[06:58] <valorie> good deal
[06:58] <Hepe> it was bigger the first time, and lowered down the second time... fml :D
[06:58] <Hepe> (constantly getting interrupted, basically)
[06:59] <valorie> no, that means you already got some
[06:59] <Hepe> yea
[07:00] <Hepe> ugh, I just feel I'll get interrupted again :P
[07:00] <Hepe> going to press the key every 1 min to just be safe.
[07:00] <Hepe> a *
[07:00] <valorie> it shouldn't make a diff, but sure
[07:00] <Hepe> that screen saver thing really was weird :/
[07:01] <Hepe> otherwise, yep, it really should not
[07:06] <Hepe> 13.5 kb atm ...
[07:06] <Hepe> evil internet
[07:06] <Hepe> well it's moving between 21 and that sometimes.
[07:08] <valorie> my sympathy
[07:09] <Hepe> done downloading
[07:14] <Hepe> Done.
[07:14] <Hepe> So now, reboot?
[07:14] <valorie> you can do the install -f if you doubt it
[07:14] <valorie> you know about the up-arrow, right?
[07:15] <Hepe> yea
[07:15] <valorie> ok
[07:15] <Hepe> bash history?
[07:15] <valorie> yep
[07:15] <valorie> less chance of typos
[07:16] <Hepe> doing sudo apt install -f resulted in "the following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required'
[07:16] <valorie> well, I usually wait for a reboot, but what is it saying will be removed?
[07:16] <Hepe> kde-window-manager-common libkdecorations4ab libkwineffects1abi5 plasma-widget-lancelot (I probably made some typos in this list)
[07:17] <Hepe> mm I tried to install lancelot recently, but that's beside the point
[07:17] <valorie> that's fine, follow that advice
[07:17] * Hepe does apt-get autoremove
[07:17] <valorie> not sure lancelot is available yet for p5
[07:18] <Hepe> done, so now doing sudo reboot
[07:19] <valorie> very good
[07:21] <Nexia> Sorry for that.
[07:22] <Nexia> nick Hepe
=== Nexia is now known as Hepe
[07:22] <Hepe> So, after rebooting, it seems to have worked.
[07:22] <Hepe> It is different from lightdm indeed :P
[07:23] <valorie> \o/
[07:23] <Hepe> Oh my god, this is beautiful
[07:24] <Hepe> Thanks a lot valorie :)
[07:24] <valorie> now file lotsa bug reports!
[07:24] <valorie> and enjoy
[07:24] <Hepe> hehe, thanks again.
[07:53] <lordievader> Good morning.
[08:32] <Hepe> While Plasma 5 is looking good, it's crashing too quickly, like getting "hung" up constantly if I try to do something like open muon and instantly try to search.
[08:32] <Hepe> Normal or?
[08:32] <valorie> unfortunately will last for a few more days
[08:33] <valorie> fixed in git though
[08:33] <Hepe> ah
[08:33] <valorie> this is what I try first: `kquitapp plasma5 && plasma5 &`
[08:33] <Hepe> ok
[08:34] <mokush> anybody else experiencing the dolphin freezes with plasma5? it just gets stuck after keeping open for about an hour
[08:34] <Hepe> How many days do you approximately mean when you say "a few more days"? :D
[08:34] <valorie> but usually I have to: killall -9 plasmashell && plasmashell &
[08:35] <valorie> and then: plasmashell </dev/null &>/dev/null &
[08:35] <valorie> sad but true
[08:35] <valorie> not sure why that fix isn't in /next yet
[08:35] <valorie> not what I typed, but the actual fix
[08:36] <valorie> what I typed is just a workaround
[08:36] <Hepe> I see :o
[08:36] <Hepe> better note it on a piece of paper
[08:37] <valorie> I learned this in the plasma chan, I didn't make it up....
[08:37] <lordievader> valorie: #plasma?
[08:38] <valorie> yes
[08:39] <lordievader> Perhaps I should join...
[09:06] <valorie> Hepe: can I ask you to go back through your bash history and check that you followed the install instructions perfectly the first time around?
[09:07] <valorie> because you encountered so many of the same difficulties
[09:07] <valorie> also, does your wireless work normally now?
[09:31] <rydhwan> hello allllll
[09:32] <lordievader> o/
[09:33] <rydhwan> im in kubuntu plasma 5.1.1 ram in use is 1776 it's enorme ?
[09:33] <yossarianuk> rydhwan: is it good btw ?
[09:34] <lordievader> rydhwan: What is the uptime?
[09:34] <rydhwan> in ram no
[09:34] <denysonique> Is Global Menu available for Plasma 5?
[09:34] <rydhwan> yes
[09:35] <lordievader> rydhwan: For me it was the same yesterday, but that was with an uptime of a day. Today I rebooted, a fresh Plasma5 comsumed ~750 Mb here.
[09:36] <denysonique> I have plasma-widget-menubar installed and it does not seem to be available as an item to be added from the panel menu
[09:36] <valorie> rydhwan: try (in the cli) `plasmashell </dev/null &>/dev/null &`
[09:36] <rydhwan> oh rebooted i wil do
[09:36] <valorie> after plasma starts
[09:36] <lordievader> valorie: Does plasmashell need input?
[09:36] <valorie> there is currently a bug which causes almost constant error messages, now fixed in git
[09:37] <valorie> that just hides those errors instead of saving them on your disk
[09:37] <valorie> or rather, disappears them
[09:37] <valorie> lordievader: it works for me just as I pasted
[09:38] * lordievader thinks the '</dev/null' is too much.
[09:40] <rydhwan> plasmashell </dev/null &>/dev/null & [1] 23716
[09:41] <rydhwan> what's that
[09:41] <valorie> it works.....
[09:41] <denysonique> rydhwan: I do not see it as an option to add to a panel (the global menu)
[09:41] <valorie> not sure what the message is; plasma 5 stops crashing when I do that
[09:58] <bewolf> hi
[09:58] <bewolf> there is a franch channel ?
[09:59] <bewolf> french*
[09:59] <bewolf> ubuntu-french ;)
[09:59] <bewolf> thks
[10:00] <lordievader> !french
[10:00] <ubottu> Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[10:00] <lordievader> bewolf: ^
[10:00] <bewolf> thks lordievader ;)
=== doge is now known as c[_]
[11:37] <yossarianuk> this maybe a question for #kde really - but here goes .... is there a way to see what time you locked your desktop ? (using KDE)
[11:37] <yossarianuk> as sometimes I forget to check what time i locked my desktop when i go for lunch ....
[11:37] <yossarianuk> (and want to know when I should be back @ work..)
[11:37] <yossarianuk> is that logged anywhere ?
[11:39] <hateball> yossarianuk: doesnt seem like it
[11:39] <hateball> one could probably write a wrapper around kscreensaver that touches a file or some such at launch
[11:39] <yossarianuk> hateball:ok - worth asking ...
[11:40] <yossarianuk> maybe I should write a lunchtime.sh script...
[11:42] <nagerst> where can i find qtcurve-qt5 for ubuntu?
[11:44] <soee> nagerst: some libs or are you talking about kde-style-qtcurve5 ?
[11:45] <nagerst> the latter
[11:46] <soee> what kubuntu version are you running ?
[11:46] <nagerst> trusty
[11:47] <soee> nagerst: i think its not availabel for trusty
[11:48] <soee> atleast not from ubuntu repositories
[11:48] <nagerst> that i know
[11:48] <nagerst> this ppa claims successful builds
[11:48] <nagerst> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable/+build/6385865
[11:48] <nagerst> but the packages is not available when you look in the ppa
[11:49] <soee> nagerst: but it is kde-style-qtcurve not kde-style-qtcurve5
[11:50] <soee> but anyway it sis for utopic
[11:50] <nagerst> i could just do a dist-upgrade. no biggie
[12:08] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks
[12:14] <alket-w> hi
[12:14] <BluesKaj> hi alket-w
[12:15] <alket-w> finally from this week , they let me use kubuntu at work, after 1 year :)
[12:16] <BluesKaj> so no apps that require windows at your workplace?
[12:18] <alket-w> i'm web dev
[12:18] <alket-w> i have to use some psd , but i can do it now with brackets
[12:20] <BluesKaj> alket-w, what's the attitude towards linux in your workplace?
[12:22] <alket-w> I was the first to mention it :)
[12:23] <alket-w> they're afarid so i cannot be productive enough
[12:24] <BluesKaj> heh, they should be more afraid of windows
[12:29] <BluesKaj> Windows finally patched a line of code that made all windows OSs since W95 vulnerable to remote control after 19 yrs
[12:29] <denysonique> LOL
[12:31] <BluesKaj> the IT guys where I used to work think linux is just for hobbyists and not to be taken seriously ...was very surprised by that statement
[12:36] <BluesKaj> since they run Cisco servers etc
[12:41] <alket-w> lol
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[13:42] <vros> how to remove Akonadi?
[13:43] <vros> ~kubuntu 12.04
[13:45] <BluesKaj> vros, you can't without taking the kubuntu-desktop with it
[13:45] <BluesKaj> just don't enable it
[13:46] <BluesKaj> unless you plan on using kmail and other PIM apps
[13:49] <vros_> I know it. Surprise me!
[13:51] <vros_> or maybe crash something, that the akonadi can't start
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[14:15] <Riddell> ** Kubuntu talk n 45 mins at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22363/community-1411-showoff-kubuntu-plasma-/
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=== Limiti_Invisibil is now known as faLUCE
[15:49] <vros> How to remove Akonadi?
[15:49] <vros> or maybe crash something, that the akonadi can't start
[15:49] <vros> need more kb in memory and more privacy. Build it on lowlatency.
=== Limiti_Invisibil is now known as faLUCE
[15:52] <vros> &?
[15:54] <rom1504> yeah indeed I need more knowledge base in memory too
[15:55] <vros> How to remove Akonadi?
[15:56] <rom1504> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+remove+akonadi
[16:04] <BerWeb> Hey there!
[16:04] <BerWeb> Have Kubuntu any sofware programm, like in wubuntu "Software centre" ?
[16:05] <BerWeb> *ubuntu
[16:05] <lordievader> BerWeb: Yes, Muon.
[16:06] <BerWeb> Awesome, I really like linux (*buntu)
[16:06] <BerWeb> :-)
[16:06] <BerWeb> Thankls
[16:07] <rom1504> BerWeb: what about apt-get ?
[16:09] <BerWeb> i think apt-get are in there..
[16:09] <vros> BerWeb, Synaptic still best
[16:10] <BluesKaj> BerWeb, kmenu>apps>software center
[16:12] <vros> However, if I remove Akonady, then I'll see clear X. then how to install graphic's?
[16:13] <vros> seems need slack repos for rebuild kde
[16:19] <vros> How to rebuild kde without akonadi (ubuntu 12.04 lowlatency)?
[16:21] <vros> seems it is guru's question)
[16:22] <BluesKaj> vros, very difficult
[16:23] <vros> ...&?
[16:23] <vros> ... sudo apt-get remove kubuntu???)
[16:24] <BluesKaj> akonadi is default in kde
[16:25] <rberg_> vros: have you build debian packages before?
[16:25] <vros> from sources - yes/ from deb*s - yes/
[16:27] <BluesKaj> akonadi is not a large footprint despite what users think, diabling is as good as not having it installed
[16:27] <BluesKaj> disabling
[16:27] <lordievader> vros: That will likely break a lot of things.
[16:27] <alket> why would one want to remove akonadi ?
[16:27] <lordievader> Besided custom compiling is not supported on Ubuntu.
[16:27] <lordievader> Besides*
[16:28] <EvilRoey> Besides,*
[16:28] * EvilRoey runs
[16:28] * EvilRoey screams "HI ALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!" from a slap-safe distance
[16:29] <vros> BluesKaj, *NEED_REMOVE_AKONADY*
[16:29] <BluesKaj> akonadi is unecessary for a lot of users, me included, but ridding your OS of it will make an unmeasurablr difference to it's performance
[16:29] <BluesKaj> err unmeasureable
[16:30] <vros> ... for my black toools)
[16:30] <alket> yeah I never use it too , but doesn't bother me just staying there
[16:30] <BluesKaj> vros, no don't NEED to remove it
[16:31] <BluesKaj> vros, I admit I used to feel the same about akondi, but now I've learned to turn it off and forget about it.
[16:31] <vros> BluesKaj, +1 to you) but need. Akonady put some crash for my backtrack tools.
[16:32] <BluesKaj> we don't support backtrack here
[16:32] <vros> disabling don't fix it.
[16:34] <lordievader> vros: Backtrack was a distro... now known as Kali Linux. That it once was based on Ubuntu doesn't mean we support it.
[16:34] <BluesKaj> well face it vros, you either change your OS or desktop, you have to decide what course you want to to follow
[16:34] <vros> I don't say any quastion's about other os/ I JUST NEED TO REMOVE THIS (stupid) AKONADY/
[16:35] <BluesKaj> vros, you can't without losing the desktop ,and that's all i have to say about it ...
[16:37] <rberg_> yeah it looks like removing the akonadi packages will take alot with it :(
[16:37] <BluesKaj> or you can run with this instead http://awesome.naquadah.org/, or a different desktop altogether
[16:38] <vros> I know that about Kali's, Backtrack's. The still on audit way. But I use some set of tools from there. And loved plasma desktop/but need tools/but love plasma/...
[16:39] <vros> BluesKaj, I know that i must crush plasma and get clear X. The how to build plasma without akonadi?
[16:39] <vros> Then*
[16:43] <vros> other desktop graphical platform's don't needed
[16:43] <BluesKaj> vros, install plasma5
[16:44] <BluesKaj> no akonadi included so far
[16:45] <BluesKaj> oops spoke too soon, akonadi is now included, unfortunately
[17:10] <vros> googled infos about new plasma.. nice but run akonady now.
[17:11] <stuq> no composting in plasma5 yet?
[17:12] <vros> runing 12.04 and 4.8.5kde
[17:13] <vros> as a thing of that way, maybe find nightly dev repos for that time when akonady still dont added to project
[17:15] <vros> it seems to help of dev's plasma 5 project
[17:19] <Riddell> stuq: it has compositing
[17:19] <stuq> yes *compositing* ;-)... hmm. ok, not working for me yet, I'll explore...
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[17:29] <lordievader> stuq: Not even XRender?
[17:29] <stuq> lordievader: yeah, just boot plasma5 this am... xrender is now working...
[17:31] <lordievader> stuq: Then likely your OpenGL driver is broken.
[17:31] <stuq> :-(
[17:31] <stuq> Card: Intel 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller
[17:31] <lordievader> stuq: What card + driver?
[17:31] <lordievader> Hmm, what is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA'?
[17:33] <stuq> Display Server: X.Org 1.16.0 drivers: intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
[17:34] <stuq> lordievader: no output on the grep of A2
[17:34] <stuq> VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
[17:36] <lordievader> stuq: No output at all?
[17:36] <stuq> well it's treating '-A2' as an urecognized grep switch
[17:37] <stuq> but no A2 or VGA except what I listed
[17:37] <BluesKaj> stuq, lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , include the quotes
[17:37] <lordievader> stuq: That's odd.. it is a valid grep switch.
[17:38] <BluesKaj> lordievader, yeah your command works here
[17:38] <stuq> no, my mistake, missed the VGA as an arg.
[17:38] <stuq> but now it just returns a '>' prompt
[17:38] <BluesKaj> ok
[17:39] <BluesKaj> no quotes for lordievader's command
[17:39] <stuq> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
[17:39] <stuq> Subsystem: Dell OptiPlex 755
[17:39] <stuq> Kernel driver in use: i915
[17:39] <stuq> Ok, sorry - not awake yet......
[17:39] <lordievader> Hmm, that should be fine.
[17:40] <stuq> on boot, the compositer settings windows, says it's turned off because of a possible driver bug...
[17:41] <stuq> BluesKaj: thanks for the catch... I have to turn the heat up in my house, my hands are too cold to type ;-)
[17:42] <stuq> first snow of the year here last night
[17:42] <BluesKaj> stuq, we have some here too
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[18:01] <EvilRoey> stuq: aren't you an internet worm for Persian nuclear devices?
[18:01] <EvilRoey> *Iranian
[18:01] <stuq> heh, caught ;-) I'm also the first worm to pass the Turing Test....
[18:01] <rom1504> he is, but you made him evil
[18:04] <EvilRoey> aha!
[18:04] <EvilRoey> stuq.doEvilDeeds();
[18:05] <EvilRoey> there we go
[18:05] <EvilRoey> stuq.doStuff(evil=True)
[18:05] <EvilRoey> combination Stuxnet and Duqu
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[18:06] <stuq> ssshhh - I'm supposed to be a secret...
[18:06] <EvilRoey> oh! that's right. I'll keep a lookout for you
=== turgay1 is now known as turgay
[19:23] <che757> so i have another really noob question. i'm trying to download a .nzb file from usenet, and i'm using sabnzbd which apparently runs inside of firefox. anyways when I try and download the nzb it tries to open in firefox, and I click browse but I have no idea where the executable for sannzbd is on my computer (also the search function doesn't seem to work). Any ideas?
[19:23] <che757> kubuntu 14.04
[19:28] <MoonUnit`> sabnzbd runs it's own web server, try http://localhost:8080
[19:41] <bprompt> hmm
[19:43] <bprompt> che757: you could try running a find -> find / -name *nzb
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[20:26] <kavaco> how to set the amd radeon as default, on hybrid system?
[20:27] <kavaco> the opensource driver
[20:27] <kavaco> using the opensorce driver
[20:27] <kavaco> the intel video card is the default card now
[20:29] <kavaco> lordievader: i reinstall the kubuntu.
[20:30] <kavaco> lordievader, lordievader_: I would use the opensorce driver. Can you help me?
[20:32] <soee__> kavaco: the propriety drivers probably have some controll panel to switch
[20:32] <soee__> im not usre im on intel/nvidia
[20:33] <soee__> and we have it in nvidia-settings
[20:33] <lordievader> kavaco: You don't have to do anything for that, radeon is installed by default.
=== soee__ is now known as soee
[20:35] <kavaco> how to check this?
[20:35] <kavaco> before reinstalling the kubuntu did not run some games that require the Radeon
[20:36] <kavaco> but, how to verify?
[20:37] <soee> verify what ?
[20:42] <kavaco> default video card
[20:43] <kavaco> i have two: intel hd and amd radeon
[20:43] <kavaco> see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9012491/
[20:43] <kavaco> hybrid amd/intel
[20:43] <kavaco> on dell inspiron 5447(brazillian version)
[20:44] <kavaco> lordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9012491/
[20:45] <kavaco> lordievader: it's installed, but is not the default video card
[20:45] <kavaco> soee: it's installed, but is not the default video card
[20:45] <kavaco> intel is default
[20:46] <kavaco> on BIOS there is not a option to select the amd as dafault
[20:47] <kavaco> soee: understand?(my english is bad :/ )
[20:49] <lordievader> kavaco: I have never had a system with a hybrid in my hands, so I have no idea.
[20:50] <kavaco> lordievader: ok, thank you!!
[20:52] <ricardo_> hi i have ubuntu 14.10 in my pc. I connected mi pc to my tv through a hdmi cable. The film was active in my pc but not in my tv. Is there some body to help me? thanks
[21:03] <soee> kavaco: i suggest ti install propriety drivers
[21:03] <soee> catalyst or what they are called
[21:03] <soee> than the switch should be easy with their gui
[21:04] <bprompt> kavaco: http://planetoss.com/articles/how-to-disable-the-discrete-amd-graphics-card-in-linux/ maybe?
[21:04] <kavaco> soee: ok, I'll try again. Previously the driver would not let the catalyst xorg start
[21:06] <shallwe> hello guys! have a problem, my Muon pakage manager, the menu item its gonne!
[21:06] <shallwe> how can i restore it please?
[21:06] <kavaco> thanks bprompt, i to try this, if the amd catalyst dont work
[21:07] <soee> shallwe: menu bar ?
[21:07] <shallwe> soee: yes !
[21:08] <shallwe> i dont know the short cuts :( cant find it for enable
[21:09] <soee> shallwe: usually it is CTRL + M
[21:09] <shallwe> no :( i tryed, ctrl + m works on anothers apps, but in Muon not :(
[21:11] <soee> shallwe: but to be sue the FIle | Edit etc. menu is gone ?
[21:11] <shallwe> soee: yah theres no menu bar. but wait please found some different in google!
[21:14] <shallwe> soee: got!!! its a bug, if you disable it, cant enable again haha
[21:14] <shallwe> found it "renaming the original (~/.kde/share/config/muon-discoverrc), restarted muon discovery and a new rc was generated plus the menu bar reappeared."
[21:14] <shallwe> ty
[21:15] <soee> :)
[21:52] <shallwe> man this plasma 5 is greate! very fast and smoooth
[21:52] <soee> true :)
[21:52] <soee> though its missign some features
[21:52] <shallwe> soee: yes, but soon
[21:52] <shallwe> now at last mail works !
[21:52] <shallwe> and kontakts too
[21:54] <shallwe> but ther performance for old pcs like core 2 duo ... is great! running with 2gb ram, full desktop using google chorme, and lot more apps, getting 1.3 of ram !
[21:54] <shallwe> btw the unity...
[21:59] <soee> :)
[21:59] <soee> well can't say how it works on older machines
[21:59] <soee> !info
[22:37] <Daniell_> Hey guys, anyone knows what happened to ppa neon/kf5 ? I can only add the ppa:neon/ppa. When I add the neon/kf5, it says "Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:neon/kf5'. Please check that the PPA name or format is correct."
[22:39] <Daniell_> I'm using kubuntu trusty
[22:47] <valorie> Daniell_: that has been discontinued
[22:48] <valorie> if you want to test plasma 5 now, you'll need to upgrade to 14.10 and install the next ppa, or try out the plasma 5 iso
[22:48] <soee> valorie: if you know more can you answer this user: https://plus.google.com/107885265498625428468/posts/PJpRazMb8tF ?
[22:48] <valorie> (best option actually)
[22:50] <valorie> done, thanks soee
[22:52] <Daniell_> valorie: Thank you for your response :)
[22:53] <valorie> Daniell_: thanks for testing!
[22:53] <valorie> keep the bug reports rolling in
[22:53] <valorie> please
[22:54] <valorie> also, that neon ppa should be killed too
[22:54] * valorie reports
[23:10] <rww> valorie: does the next PPA put stuff in /opt like Neon did, or does it upgrade normal system KDE?
[23:11] <valorie> nothing in /opt anymore
[23:11] <valorie> it upgrades plasma and you'll no longer have plasma stable
[23:11] <valorie> so it is a chance
[23:12] <rww> boo. that was one of the plus points of Kubuntu for me
[23:12] * valorie got bored with the bedrock stability of 14.04 and shot for the moon
[23:12] <soee> user like Plasma 5 :) [22:52] <shallwe> man this plasma 5 is greate! very fast and smoooth
[23:12] <soee> *users
[23:12] <valorie> really, 14.10+plasma 5 is great
[23:12] <soee> true, i can confirm
[23:12] <valorie> not feature complete yet though
[23:13] <valorie> so lots of opportunity to file bugs!
[23:13] <valorie> :-)
[23:13] <soee> whats more latest Nvidia beta drivers = boost in games etc.
[23:13] <shallwe> desktop using, plasma 5 its ok
[23:13] <shallwe> some crashs ! buts ok, its when closing apps, not when using apps !
[23:14] <soee> shallwe: thats strange, what apps ?
[23:14] <shallwe> krita
[23:14] <shallwe> vlc, sometimes
[23:14] <shallwe> but never crash when im using apps, only when i close them
[23:15] <shallwe> in some cases