UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /13 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <ScottK> Riddell: Can you go to the release schedule planning session at 1600 UTC tomorrow? I'm not available.
[07:18] <soee> good morning
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[08:36] <lordievader> Good morning
[08:37] <soee> hey :)
[08:37] <lordievader> Hey soee, how are you?
[08:38] <soee> lordievader: waiting for my yerba dring to be ready :) sleepy day it is, you ?
[08:40] <lordievader> soee: Yerba dring? Doing good here :)
[08:41] <soee> lordievader: yeah http://www.mokate.com.pl/centrum-prasowe,loyd-yerba-mate,54,227.html
[08:42] <soee> i do not dring coffee so i have some replacement :)
[08:42] <soee> s/dring/drink
[08:42] <lordievader> Check ;)
[08:54] * bkerensa drive by hugs valorie
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[10:07] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what happened at bluez talk?
[10:20] <Riddell> ScottK: I don't suppose you can see why plasma isn't transitioning?
[10:20] <Riddell> kwrited is the issue I can see
[10:20] <Riddell> but I've no idea what's wrong with it, I removed kwrited-data and it shouldn't be needing it any more
[10:40] <Riddell> apachelogger: kdeplasma-addons merged
[10:40] <apachelogger> thanks all green now
[10:40] <Riddell> sgclark: remember to make commits to kubutnu_vivid_archive branch rather than master (make them in master too if you want but mostly I'm leaving debian merging up to debian people)
[10:51] <Blizzz> is it me? dependency issues on upgrading. http://paste.kde.org/psdxjgdhy
[10:51] <Naproxeno> Hello everyone. I was going to ask the very same question. Package kubuntu-desktop is broken for me after the last update to backports PPA: http://scarlettgatelyclark.com/2014/kubuntu-kde-plasma-5-1-1-utopic-backport-ready-and-other-news/.
[10:52] <Blizzz> I am on Plasma 4 yet
[10:52] <Riddell> wibble
[10:52] <Riddell> Blizzz: on utopic/14.10 ?
[10:52] <Blizzz> Riddell: yes
[10:52] <Naproxeno> (me too)
[10:52] <Riddell> Blizzz: and what are you upgrading from and to?
[10:53] <Riddell> Naproxeno: same question ↑
[10:53] <Blizzz> Riddell: with backports and kubuntu ppa
[10:53] <Naproxeno> Riddell: Exactly. Same situation.
[10:53] <Riddell> oh she's put it into backport when it should be in next I guess
[10:54] <Riddell> Blizzz, Naproxeno: do you want/expect plasma 5?
[10:54] <Blizzz> Riddell: full output http://paste.kde.org/pry9wpv46
[10:54] <Naproxeno> Riddell: plasma-desktop wants to be updated to 4:5.1.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa1
[10:55] <Riddell> Naproxeno: right, but did you want or expect that?
[10:55] <Naproxeno> Ridell: I didn't want Plasma 5 but I thought I could update *only* plasma to 5
[10:55] <Blizzz> Riddell: i want to stay at Plasma 4
[10:55] <Blizzz> … production/work machine
[10:55] <Riddell> right
[10:56] <apachelogger> ehm
[10:56] <Naproxeno> Ridell: I think now I can't have neither a working Plasma 5 (missing essential packages) nor Plasma 4 (broken packages)
[10:56] <apachelogger> that should go to next not backports
[10:56] <apachelogger> or well, next-backports (which I'd find stupid)
[10:57] <Riddell> apachelogger: I guess I'll delete the plasma5 packages from there, what do you think
[10:57] <Riddell> ?
[10:58] <apachelogger> Riddell: yes
[10:58] <apachelogger> also put out an advisory somewhere ... people should ppa-purge to recover from an upgrade
[10:59] <apachelogger> somewhat unfortunate this is
[11:00] <Naproxeno> Riddell, apachelogger: I've updated plasma-desktop already, which removed kubuntu-desktop and many essential "KDE 4" (I know, wrong terminology). Any tip on how to recover? I don't mind being a guinea pig if you need one.
[11:01] <apachelogger> [11:58:51] <apachelogger> also put out an advisory somewhere ... people should ppa-purge to recover from an upgrade
[11:02] <apachelogger> in your case that'll probably be ppa-purge && apt install kubuntu-desktop
[11:03] <Naproxeno> apachelogger: Thank you very much and apologies for the impatience. This is my work machine...
[11:04] <Riddell> Naproxeno: appologies for the problem
[11:05] <apachelogger> one would advise to not run backports on a workmachine, and only run dist-upgrade after careful review of the intended changes :P
[11:05] <Riddell> one would but where's the fun in that?
[11:05] <Blizzz> apachelogger: backports served me well in the past, but i am careful what i dist-upgrade :)
[11:05] <Naproxeno> Riddel: No worries! I know how hard the life of a developer is and you do this for us so thank you!
[11:06] <apachelogger> that's why I run unstable CI builds that break my system every 4 hours xD
[11:06] <Naproxeno> apachelogger: You're completely right but I don't mind "learning" the hard way. :-)
[11:06] <apachelogger> also, background auto-upgrades, so I don't know when my system was flipped over
[11:06] <apachelogger> it's like a package lottery
[11:06] <apachelogger> xD
[11:07] <Blizzz> package roulette
[11:07] <apachelogger> hah, yeah
[11:08] <Riddell> packages removed, I wonder which ones need to be recreated
[11:10] <soee> Riddell: are you going to move 5.1.1 (14.10) to Kubuntu Next ?
[11:10] <Riddell> soee: maybe later but for now we need to fixup backports with plasma 4
[11:10] <soee> ok :)
[11:11] <Naproxeno> apachelogger: lol. I still have a lot to learn about the Debian package system but broken packages (and asking how to fix them when I can't) must not intefere with fun. Once more, thank you for you work! I probably wouldn't have a Kubuntu to install in the first place without it. :-)
[11:11] <apachelogger> Riddell: were there plasma4 backports in there?
[11:11] <apachelogger> for utopic
[11:11] <Riddell> apachelogger: oh good point, no there were not
[11:12] <Riddell> only telepathy
[11:14] <Riddell> ok so i'll leave it up to sgclark to put 5.1.1 in kubuntu-ppa/next for utopic
[11:15] <Riddell> Naproxeno, Blizzz: is ppa-purge working?
[11:16] <Blizzz> Riddell: i did not upgrade, so I guess and update should work for me?
[11:19] <Blizzz> Riddell: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_kubuntu-ppa_backports_ubuntu_dists_utopic_* && apt-get update does the job. I want to keep kde telepathy 0.9
[11:19] <Riddell> Blizzz: yes although I'm not sure how long it takes for the packages to disappear after I run the delete command so do check they've gone
[11:19] <Naproxeno> Naproxeno: I'm on it. It has finished running just now. I'm going to install kubuntu-desktop next.
[11:19] <Blizzz> Riddell: plain update did not, or I would have needed to wait longer
[11:23] <Riddell> Naproxeno: what command did you run?
[11:24] <beluga_> Hi from the LibreOffice QA team. Can anyone reproduce this bug: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83053 (easy to test)
[11:24] <ubottu> Freedesktop bug 83053 in Presentation "UI: unable to modify styles due to window not drawn" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[11:24] <Riddell> hi beluga_
[11:26] <Naproxeno> Riddell: sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports; sudo apt-get update (just in case); sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[11:27] <Riddell> beluga_: I can't follow the steps to recreate (but also I'm on plasma 5 which doesn't use the oxygen style so it may not be valid)
[11:27] <beluga_> Riddell: yep. It might not be reproducible
[11:27] <beluga_> maybe specific to the reporter's set up & hardware..
[11:28] <beluga_> if you guys are feeling adventurous, here is a search that shows all unconfirmed bugs with "kubuntu" either in the summary or in some comment (15 bugs): https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&f1=short_desc&f2=longdesc&j_top=OR&list_id=493104&o1=substring&o2=substring&product=LibreOffice&query_format=advanced&v1=kubuntu&v2=kubuntu
[11:28] <Riddell> beluga_: I'm installing kubuntu 14.04 now, will test when that's done in a minute
[11:29] <Riddell> wibble
[11:29] <beluga_> wobble
[11:31] <beluga_> the LibO QA team has been working like a pack of monomanic squirrels and the bug tracker is starting to get quite clean
[11:32] <Naproxeno> Riddell: Everything seems fine on first look. kscreensaver wasn't installed but I guess I installed it manually back in the day.
[11:33] <Riddell> beluga_: here at kubuntu we're all busy moving from KDE Plasma 4 to Plasma 5 so I guess less focus on the finer details, currently I can't work out why libreoffice doesn't use the kde oxygen style when running under plasma 5
[11:34] <beluga_> Ridell: ok I'll make a note to ask about Plasma 5 on the QA channel and maybe test it myself in a VM or something later
[11:38] <beluga_> I have Manjaro KDE on a laptop and Plasma 5 is already in their "testing" update channel since 3 weeks so next up is stable
[11:39] <Riddell> hmm, another variant of arch
[11:39] <Riddell> one day I'll look at arch and see what makes it so popular
[11:41] <beluga_> I wanted rolling and it has been great :)
[11:44] <Riddell> beluga_: 'choose the "Modify style" on the menu' is that Edit Style in the right click menu?
[11:46] <beluga_> Riddell: yes that's one way to get it
[11:46] <Riddell> beluga_: working fine on kubuntu 14.04 in virtualbox
[11:46] <Riddell> which does use the kde oxygen style
[11:46] <beluga_> Riddell: which version of LibO?
[11:47] <Riddell> 4.2.4
[11:47] <Riddell> package version 1:4.2.4-0ubuntu2
[11:48] <beluga_> Riddell: ok that actually matches the reporter's version.. thanks, I will comment to the report :)
[11:57] <Riddell> beluga_: I also can't reproduce on kubuntu development version using libreoffice 4.3.2, but that's without the kde oxygen style as I say
[11:57] <Riddell> which I think it a likely culprit for the reporter's problem
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[12:20] <soee> Riddell: correct me ig my anserw is invalid https://plus.google.com/115409429955408963270/posts/8ruyrfhJ4CE
[12:23] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
[12:24] <soee> hiho BluesKaj
[12:24] <BluesKaj> hey soee
[12:24] <Riddell> soee: looks good thanks, you can also give them this command to tidy it up sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[12:25] <soee> ok, ill update it
[12:28] <apachelogger> wgrant: if I requestDeletion() will the status flip away from published somewhat immediate or only when the next publisher run is?
[12:29] <wgrant> apachelogger: Immediately.
[12:30] <apachelogger> thanks
[12:39] <sgclark> morning, ugh I guess I made a mess sorry
[12:41] <soee> :)
[12:41] <Riddell> oh hi sgclark
[12:41] <Riddell> sgclark: not much I don't think most people have backports enabled for utopic
[12:42] <Riddell> sgclark: we hadn't discussed where plasma5 backports should go but I think we now know it should go to next and not backports ppa :)
[12:42] <Riddell> sgclark: are you able to put it into next?
[12:42] <sgclark> lol yeah
[12:42] <sgclark> Riddell: yep, will do that now
[12:42] <soee> sgclark: also update blog post :)
[12:43] <sgclark> soee: oh yes right! ty
[12:43] <ScottK> Riddell: I think it's libkscreen related.
[12:43] <ScottK> Look at it on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt
[12:44] <ScottK> powerdevil too.
[12:44] <Riddell> ScottK: mm right
[12:44] <Riddell> okular depends on libkscreen1
[12:50] <Riddell> ScottK: why do you think it's powerdevil?
[12:51] <ScottK> It's not migrating, but it may be disconnected from the larger problem.
[12:52] <ScottK> I suspect though that it'll end up causing a problem with kubuntu-desktop migration once okular is sorted.
[12:59] <shadeslayer> brrr
[12:59] <shadeslayer> Riddell: "emacsrookie (@emacsrookie) is now following you on Twitter!"
[12:59] <shadeslayer> But I use vim! :D
[12:59] <sgclark> lol
[13:02] <apachelogger> :open twitter
[13:02] <apachelogger> dG
[13:02] <apachelogger> :wq
[13:03] <soee> sgclark: with 5.1.1 updates package kwrited-data is ghoing to be removed - this is intended right ?
[13:05] <sgclark> soee: yes
[13:08] <soee> sgclark: ok nice, though there was message, something like: dpkg: kwrited-data: problems with dependencies, removing by request: kwrited depends on kwrited-data (= 4:
[13:09] <sgclark> Riddell: ^ you made that change :)
[13:09] <Riddell> that should be fine
[13:09] <Riddell> beginning to wish I hadn't now, seems more hassle than it's worth :(
[13:11] <soee> ok but teh whole upgrade dinished without further errors
[13:11] <soee> reboot
[13:19] <soee> im back :) all seems to work just fine
[13:20] <soee> though, there was some update last days to kdm i think, after it was upgraded it was set as default, now if i try to switch to sddm it does not loads
[13:21] <Riddell> apachelogger: can you update https://community.kde.org/Plasma/InstallingNext ?
[13:21] <Riddell> some confused people in #kubuntu
[13:21] <apachelogger> valorie: ^
[13:21] <apachelogger> how many pages are there with duplicate dinformation?
[13:22] <apachelogger> valorie, Riddell: maybe we should just make a page commonuity.kde.org/Kubuntu/PlasmaNext and link there from everywhere else
[13:31] <Antisound> hi folkz!
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[13:50] <Mirv> plasma-desktop (still in proposed) seemed to start up fine :) other than that I didn't find away to show the bottom panel on both displays.
[13:51] <soee> Mirv: the same panel ?
[13:52] <Mirv> soee: yeah, the same panel
[13:52] <Mirv> I thought there might be an option "show on all displays" or such.
[13:52] <soee> nope i think i loked for it to, i ended up with 2 separate
[13:52] <Mirv> right, I could try that next time
[13:53] <soee> and in Plasma 5.1.0 on each reboot they were moved to the same screen, now in Plasma 5.1.1 seems to be fine, but have to test it more
[14:04] <Riddell> apachelogger: yeah
[14:04] <Riddell> ScottK: new owncloud uploaded for trusty-proposed for bug 1384355 awaiting approval
[14:04] <ubottu> bug 1384355 in owncloud (Ubuntu) "ownCloud should be removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1384355
[14:10] <Riddell> thanks for testing Mirv
[14:10] <Riddell> Mirv: I'm upload okular without old kscreen dependency so hopefully that'll help it move out of proposed
[14:14] <Riddell> Mamarok: you're not coming to munich? shall I take you off https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2014/11/de/Munich ?
[14:15] <Riddell> shadeslayer, allee, apachelogger, ovidiu-florin, yofelL yous all coming to munich?
[14:22] <ovidiu-florin> yes
[14:23] <Riddell> awooga
[14:23] <Riddell> hi Antisound
[14:23] <apachelogger> yes
[14:23] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: will you ?
[14:24] <Riddell> sure
[14:27] <ovidiu-florin> great :D:D
[14:29] <soee> any idea if firefox for devs will land in ubuntu ?
[14:30] <Antisound> hi Riddell
[14:30] <Antisound> Riddell: where's my daily live build from plasma 5.1.1 ;-)
[14:30] <Antisound> hehe
[14:33] <Riddell> Antisound: not yet I'm afraid, something is blocking plasma-desktop from going into the archive and I'm not sure what
[14:37] <Antisound> Riddell: ok
[14:38] <Antisound> already thought there's something like this cause the status is unchanged for about 2 days i think
[14:38] <Mamarok> Riddell: no, unfortunately I will not be able to come, please take me off that list
[14:45] <shadeslayer> Riddell: yep
[14:58] <yofel> Riddell: yep
[15:08] <Riddell> ScottK: sddm in New queue should you be lacking for things to do
[15:12] <Tm_T> I assume this is fixed/in the pipeline? https://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20141113-1.txt
[15:13] <Riddell> nope, not see than
[15:30] <Riddell> apachelogger: kubuntu_vivid_archive made in kde-extras/qtcurve
[15:30] <Riddell> apachelogger: the debian and kubuntu packaging seem to be unrelated
[15:33] <apachelogger> fun
[15:33] <apachelogger> Riddell: do we actually do a multibuild for qt5 or is that a separate source?
[15:33] <Riddell> apachelogger: seems to be all 1 source
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[16:06] <sgclark> Riddell: I have to run an errand before the storm gets bad, what is top priority on the long to-do list?
[16:12] <Riddell> sgclark: I guess put your backport into next
[16:12] <sgclark> Riddell: I already did
[16:12] <Riddell> oh rocking
[16:13] <Riddell> submit receipts from akademy to canonical
[16:13] <Riddell> I've been putting that off for days
[16:13] <sgclark> Riddell: did that long ago
[16:14] <sgclark> Riddell: okies I am off, if you come up with something just ping me, thanks!
[16:55] * Riddell out
[18:27] <valorie> either way is good for me - I'm atm staffing the KDE booth at USENIX/LISA
[18:33] <sgclark> fun! how is the weather up there valorie? we have a fun little ice storm going on
[18:41] <valorie> cold and sunny in Seattle
[18:41] <valorie> unsure in Black Diamond -- the power was off for a whole day before I left to come here (Tue)
[18:41] <sgclark> yeah very cold here
[18:41] <valorie> lots of people still without power
[18:41] <sgclark> ack
[18:42] <valorie> I think my husband might spring for the gas-powered generator now....
[18:42] <valorie> I hope I don't come home to cold and dark
[18:42] <sgclark> hehe
[18:42] <sgclark> yeah that is no fun
[18:42] <sgclark> it is way to cold for no power
[18:43] <valorie> I guess one of the large branches of my birch tree came down
[18:43] <valorie> :(
[18:43] <sgclark> oh no :(
[18:44] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: piinng
[19:02] <santa_> sgclark: I sent a patch to kubuntu-devel a few days ago, did you see it?
[19:02] <sgclark> no
[19:04] <santa_> sgclark: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2014-November/008910.html
[19:04] <santa_> what do you think?
[19:06] <sgclark> umm I thought we stuffed all those dumb qml things back in. /shrug
[19:18] <allee> If added okular to the affected pkgs by bug 1348384
[19:19] <ubottu> bug 1348384 in libspectre (Ubuntu) "evince and okular do not render eps files correctly resulting in a black background" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1348384
[19:19] <allee> I check b.k.o if it's already supported. Any kuubntu group I should subscribe to the LP bug?
[19:22] <allee> Riddell: yes, I will be (well, I am) in Munich next week for the PIM & KUBUNTU sprint
[19:36] <valorie> sgclark: did I already miss your session(s)?
[19:39] <valorie> between the power outage and being here at usenix, I'm half out of every loop possible
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[21:28] <Antisound> sgclark: how about the backport?
[21:29] <Antisound> ahh i just saw on your blog
[21:29] <Antisound> it's ready
[21:29] <Antisound> :D
[21:47] * Antisound updates to 5.1.1
[21:49] <valorie> ok, expo is closing, so if there are still sessions pending, I'll miss 'em
[22:10] <Antisound> re
[22:10] <Antisound> back on 5.1.1
[22:11] <Antisound> thx sgclark for your hard work
[22:28] <sgclark> valorie: internet in and out here today, well more than usual. uos sessions all tomorrow
[23:06] <rx> hi. i need the steps to upgrade from plasma stable in kubuntu 4.10 to plasma daily. https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Packages#Kubuntu is outdated (package kubuntu-plasma5-desktop no longer exists and i must be doing the steps in the wrong order because it doesnt work to just update plasma-desktop). thx
[23:18] <shadeslayer> rx: sure it does
[23:18] <shadeslayer> kubuntu-plasma5-desktop is a meta package anyway
[23:18] <shadeslayer> so if you install the plasma 5 14.10 ISO and then add the ppa and upgrade
[23:18] <shadeslayer> it should work
[23:19] <shadeslayer> also, I'm heading to bed
[23:19] <shadeslayer> niters
[23:19] <sgclark> night
[23:23] <rx> sgclark: you write a blog post about what im doing ;-)
[23:23] <rx> wrote*
[23:24] <rx> on kubuntu.com it says sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next || sudo apt update || sudo apt install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop || sudo apt full-upgrade
[23:25] <rx> in your instructions you skip the kubuntu-plasma5-desktop part
[23:25] <sgclark> rx: hmmm? daily? not sure that I did. Let me look..
[23:26] <rx> and when i tried to do the same magic with daily (ppa:kubuntu-ci/unstable) it didnt upgrade plasma-desktop and apt got confused
[23:26] <rx> also, with the daily ppa, package kubuntu-plasma5-desktop wasnt found
[23:28] <sgclark> I know for a fact I have NOT written about the ci because it is not ( in my opinion ) a good ppa for most people, aka it breaks, alot. it is unstable.
[23:29] <rx> i can live with
[23:29] <sgclark> rx: disable the ci ppa for now. then enable this https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next
[23:30] <sgclark> rx: then go through the steps you read with kubuntu-plasma5-desktop
[23:31] <sgclark> rx: after all of theat is complete and without error. you can add back the ci ppa, if you are positive you can live with the notion your system may break.
[23:31] <rx> ok
[23:31] <rx> i will give it a try
[23:31] <sgclark> rx: when you use ci, if packages are broken, wait a few hours and try to update again until resolved
[23:31] <apachelogger> breakage potential to be reduced tomorow
[23:32] <sgclark> rx: and don't reboot with broken packages
[23:32] <sgclark> woot apachelogger
[23:32] <rx> i used to build from source from time to time but i like the idea of daily builds
[23:33] <sgclark> rx: ok cool, well first get a working next install, then you can ci all you want
[23:33] <apachelogger> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable-daily
[23:33] <sgclark> oh nice
[23:34] <apachelogger> gets populated from the live ppa if everything built to >=unstable and installs properly
[23:34] <rx> oh
[23:34] <sgclark> nice :)
[23:35] <rx> will heppen soon?
[23:35] <rx> happen*
[23:36] <sgclark> rx: tomorrow we hope
[23:36] <rx> i will wait