UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /07 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:27] <justCarakas> qml question: can you dynamicly add or delete menu items in your app ? or is that not a good idea for having user managed tabs
[00:29] <justCarakas> nm found ut
[00:29] <justCarakas> it
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[07:42] <akiva-thinkpad> erm
[07:44] <dslul> hello
[07:45] <dslul> i have some problems running an app on the emulator, it shows me this error: :-1: error: Could not connect to host: SSH Protocol error: Server and client capabilities don't match. Client list was: aes128-cbc,3des-cbc. Server list was aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com. Did the emulator fail to start?
[07:46] <dslul> the emulator is running and the code is the default "App with tabbed UI" as shown in the video tutorial on the ubuntu wiki
[08:03] <dslul> is there anyone online?
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[08:42] <akiva-thinkpad> dpm, ah so I can go ahead with the two sessions.
[08:43] <dpm> akiva-thinkpad, cool. We talked about the Go one, which was the other one?
[08:44] <akiva-thinkpad> dpm, roundtable on creating a theming standard
[08:44] <dpm> ok, great. Then we'll approve them
[08:44] <akiva-thinkpad> and proposals on how we can create better incentives to contribute to ubuntu for developers.
[08:44] <akiva-thinkpad> dpm, well the Go one is still on hiatus
[08:45] <akiva-thinkpad> Its just one I wanted to see, but I know nothing about go, and have no one to speak on it.
[08:46] <dpm> akiva-thinkpad, I'm trying to confirm a go advocate - if he can drive the session, and there are some attendees interested, then we could run it
[08:46] <akiva-thinkpad> dpm, I would definitely join that :P
[08:47] <akiva-thinkpad> anyways let me know if you need anything from me, or have any expectations that you want to make sure are emphathized
[08:49] <dpm> akiva-thinkpad, cool. For the "creating a theming standard" I'd suggest to ask folks from the SDK team to join, as they're the experts
[08:50] <akiva-thinkpad> dpm, yah sure. Will do.
[08:57] <akiva-thinkpad> !ping
[08:57] <ubot5> pong!
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[09:13] <mzanetti> rpadovani: hey, you around?
[09:13] <mzanetti> dpm: o/
[09:14] <mzanetti> I'd need some help getting some stuff merged
[09:15] <dpm> mzanetti, hey. Weird, that's generally the other way around me asking for help :)
[09:15] <mzanetti> dpm: well, https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/trunk/+activereviews
[09:15] <mzanetti> :D
[09:15] <mzanetti> and there is one branch on my had disk here which I know you'll like a lot
[09:16] <dpm> ah, yeah, man, I saw last night that you were on fire!
[09:16] <mzanetti> I tried to keep them in small easy to review portions
[09:18] <dpm> mzanetti, sure, will have a look. I tested 2 features from trunk last night: multiple accounts and sorting by edit date. But I could not get either to work. Do they work for you?
[09:18] <mzanetti> multiple accounts works perfect for me
[09:18] <mzanetti> I approved/merged it yesterday
[09:19] <mzanetti> I guess one prerequisite of that is to actually have 2 accounts correctly set up in OA
[09:19] <dpm> mzanetti, I've got both my personal account and evernote300 defined in system settings and I see no "Accounts" header action at all
[09:20] <dpm> penk, rpadovani, re: the latest comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/uriHandler/+merge/239961 - is this something that needs to be addressed in this branch, or somewhere else? Can the branch be approved?
[09:21] <mzanetti> dpm: we need to fix that before landing
[09:21] <popey> akiva-thinkpad: what time slot did you want for your go session?
[09:21] <mzanetti> dpm: I do have the accounts button
[09:21] <mzanetti> dpm: and at application startup it prompts me for which account to use
[09:21] <penk> dpm: in terms of uriHandler, that branch works
[09:22] <penk> dpm: I'm just wondering if the onOpened won't be called if application hasn't started is normal
[09:23] <dpm> mzanetti, weird, no prompt, no accounts header for me :/
[09:23] <mzanetti> penk: that worked fine for me
[09:23] <popey> nik90: what time / day do you want your component store session?
[09:23] <penk> mzanetti: really, do you mind to test it with scope?
[09:23] <popey> nik90: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/2014-11-12/display?edit link to schedule
[09:23] <mzanetti> dpm: you sure the accounts are enabled and the app has access to it?
[09:23] <dpm> mzanetti, re: urihandler, what exactly needs to be fixed?
[09:24] <nik90> popey: one sec
[09:24] <mzanetti> dpm: what penk said. he says it won't work if the app is not running
[09:24] <mzanetti> dpm: but I know it did work for me at some point
[09:24] <mzanetti> let me test it
[09:25] <penk> mzanetti: dpm: I'll send you guys the evernote scope
[09:25] <dpm> mzanetti, they are: I had already my personal account enabled (i.e. no changes there) and then I added evernote300. It should have already seen it even without granting access to reminders. It didn't, so I granted the access in u-s-s, but still no prompt, no header action
[09:25] <dpm> penk, cool. Could you send a MP adding the urihandler branch as a prerequisite as mzanetti mentioned yesterday?
[09:26] <nik90> popey: I scheduled it to friday 18:00 UTC
[09:26] <penk> dpm: prerequisite of what?
[09:26] <nik90> popey: that should give me sufficient time to prepare for it
[09:26] <popey> ah yes, you can do that ☻
[09:26] <popey> sorry, forgot you had the rights to schedule
[09:26] <popey> awesome
[09:27] <nik90> popey: I was still contemplating on if I should host the session. I just made the decision
[09:28] <dpm> penk, I assume when merging the scope to reminders you used the urihandler branch, which hasn't landed in trunk yet. When you send the MP with the scope, you can add "~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/uriHandler/" as a prerequisite, so that only the diff for the scope changes are shown in the MP
[09:28] <popey> heh
[09:29] <mzanetti> lol... now I get "Authentication failed" from OA, without touching the accounts at all
[09:29] <penk> dpm: no I'm not
[09:29] <mzanetti> it was working the whole day yesterday
[09:29] <penk> dpm: I'll push another branch
[09:30] <dpm> mzanetti, did you perhaps stare too hard at online accounts? :)
[09:30] <penk> mzanetti: dpm: scope sent
[09:30] <mzanetti> dpm: yeah... I was thinking what could be wrong at your setup... seems to have broken mine :D
[09:53] <mzanetti> penk: should the department selection work already?
[09:53] <penk> mzanetti: yes it should
[09:53] <mzanetti> oh, it does... I'm just confused by it...
[09:53] <mzanetti> it says "Notebooks"
[09:53] <mzanetti> which means no notebook is selected... in the app if the heading says "Notebooks" you only see notebooks
[09:54] <penk> mzanetti: would change it to "All Notebooks" better?
[09:54] <mzanetti> not sure if the reason I'm confused is the evernote scope... I kinda get confused by departments in the app store too tbh
[09:56] <mzanetti> penk: yeah... I guess in this case "All Notebooks" would be better
[09:56] <penk> mzanetti: will do
[09:59] <popey> mihir: those two merges failed AP ☹
[10:01] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Hug a Bear Day! :-D
[10:02] <dpm> mzanetti, penk, so to make sure I understand - the reason why the app does not start when invoked from the scope if it's not already running is a bug in the app, or in the platform? If it's the app, does it need to be fixed in a separate branch...?
[10:02] <penk> dpm: I'm not sure if it's a bug, because mzanetti said it works, if it's a bug, it will be in the platform I assume
[10:05] <penk> mzanetti: dpm: I'll be EOD soon, feel free to reply your test result via mail, thanks!
[10:10] <mihir> popey: yes i saw that , i tried to rebuild , but it didn't can you re-run ?
[10:10] <popey> i did already
[10:10] <dpm> penk, installed the scope, building reminders with urihandler support now
[10:10] <penk> dpm: thanks
[10:11] <dpm> penk, I like the notebooks department thing, quite handy
[10:11] <penk> dpm: Joe requested that ;-)
[10:16] * mihir fingers crossed for Jenkins
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[10:29] <popey> mihir: https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalendarChoiceDesignFix-4/+merge/239648 passed!
[10:32] <rpadovani> mzanetti, o/
[10:39] <mihir> popey: Good to go :D
[10:39] <mihir> popey: you can top approve this :)
[10:41] <mihir> popey: why i am not getting emails :P i relay on emails
[10:43] <mzanetti> rpadovani: hey ho
[10:43] <rpadovani> \o
[10:44] <mzanetti> rpadovani: just tested the uriHandler branch.. not good enough yet
[10:44] <mzanetti> sorry
[10:45] <rpadovani> mzanetti, it's not your fault, it's mine :P
[10:45] <rpadovani> mzanetti, so, what's up?
[10:47] <mzanetti> rpadovani: I left a comment on the MP
[10:47] <rpadovani> mzanetti, ok, thanks. You did a lot of work yesterday O.o
[10:52] <dpm> mzanetti, so 'url-dispatcher evernote://newnote' launches the app, but it doesn't show the new note dialog
[11:00] <popey> mihir: sorry, was in a meeting
[11:00] <popey> mihir: top approved the first one, second one still failed https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/DesignFixDefaultWeekView-5/+merge/240867
[11:00] <mihir> popey: i'll look into that.
[11:00] <mihir> popey: thanks
[11:01] <mihir> popey: i am worried , is the Mail queue , i am not able to receive emails
[11:02] <popey> hmm, odd.
[11:03] <rpadovani> gventuri, mhh, I'm not able to join the hangout, when I press join the button disappears for a second then appears again :/ Could you please query me a direct link?
[11:05] <gventuri> rpadovani: sorry, I'm in a conf call with Kaleo
[11:05] <gventuri> rpadovani: I'll ping you when I'm done
[11:05] <rpadovani> sure, thanks
[11:11] <popey> zbenjamin: you about?
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[11:11] <zbenjamin> popey: about what? ;D
[11:11] <popey> \o/
[11:11] <popey> can you join #ubuntu-touch-meeting pls
[12:30] <popey> t1mp: bug 1383042 could you take a look pls? http://imgur.com/xPD6Sml
[12:30] <ubot5> bug 1383042 in Ubuntu Weather App "Newly added locations display strange text rather than city name" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1383042
[12:33] <t1mp> popey: that is weird
[12:33] <t1mp> ^is that a bug introduced recently, or did it exist all the time?
[12:34] <popey> i only saw it recently
[12:35] <popey> m-b-o: ^
[12:35] <m-b-o> t1mp wasn't presented when I've moved the LocationManager from Sheet to Page
[12:36] <t1mp> the header builds the menu using a Repeater on the Tabs and uses the title of each tab, and the menu contents is not created until the tabs button is clicked
[12:36] <t1mp> so somehow I suspect the Tabs to have wrong titles
[12:37] <t1mp> m-b-o: is it possible to refresh the data (and wait for it to finish) before popping the page?
[12:39] <m-b-o> hmm, I will try. Would it be a possible solution, to go back, wait unitl the pagestack is done and then triggering the rebuild?
[12:41] <nik90> rpadovani: hey, answered your questions in the mp
[12:52] <justcarakas> how can I set my app to use the SuruDark theme ?
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[13:37] <m-b-o> t1mp: indeed, the Tabs in the weather app have at Component.OnCompleted the wrong title when file://... appears
[13:38] <m-b-o> t1mp but when building the Tabs in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-weather-dev/ubuntu-weather-app/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu-weather-app.qml#L164 definitely the right title is set
[13:46] <m-b-o> t1mp and when after rebuilding the Tabs after deleting locations, some old tabs aren't destroyed http://paste.ubuntu.com/8867778/
[13:52] <t1mp> m-b-o: so if you print the qml strring, it appears correct, but when you create a qml object from it that is wrong?
[13:52] <m-b-o> t1mp: sometimes the error described in the bug report happens
[13:52] <m-b-o> t1mp: and after that it seems the Tabs were cached or something.
[13:53] <m-b-o> t1mp: and deleted locations are still shown, where as some locations are missing. like in the pastebin link
[13:54] <m-b-o> t1mp; so yes, the string is always right
[13:54] <t1mp> m-b-o: since when is this bug occurring?
[13:54] <t1mp> I wonder what may have changed to cause this
[13:56] <m-b-o> sometimes early october, before 19.
[13:56] <m-b-o> t1mp: after 25.9. I'm pretty sure
[13:59] <davidcalle> If anyone is interested in using it or improving it, I've just made a quick phablet-screencast script : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~davidc3/+junk/phablet-screencast/view/head:/phablet-screencast
[13:59] <m-b-o> t1mp: the full file:/// string: "file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.weather/1.1.latest/tabs"
[14:00] <nik90> davidcalle: what's the ratio for?
[14:01] <davidcalle> nik90, 1 is actual screen size, 2 half the size, 3 a third of the size. The raw file can get pretty big (30 seconds ~= 1gb), so the ratio can be used to reduce that.
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[14:01] <nik90> davidcalle: ah
[14:02] <nik90> pretty cool thnx
[14:02] <davidcalle> np
[14:04] <t1mp> m-b-o: it is quite difficult to see what is going on. Do you think you can create a simpler qml program to reproduce the issues?
[14:05] * t1mp lunch, brb
[14:05] <m-b-o> t1mp: I 'll try. Would it be possible to use a repater for the Tabs?
[14:05] <t1mp> m-b-o: we had support for that once, but we had to revert some changes
[14:05] <t1mp> zsombi: ^ do you remember if we can have a Repeater for Tabs now?
[14:06] <m-b-o> t1mp: it happens only on the device, btw
[14:06] <t1mp> ohh.. that makes debugging even harder
[14:06] <t1mp> I'll be back after I eat something
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[14:34] <kalikiana> karni: you'll have to review this one, whether you want or not :-D https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/parentPaths/+merge/241085
[14:35] <karni> hehe
[14:39] <karni> kalikiana: what's "-p" "-o" "-p" "-,txt") in the dbus-test-runner command at the end?
[14:41] <karni> kalikiana: approved, thank you. please see my approval comment before landing :)
[14:43] <m-b-o> t1mp once the descriped failure occurs, the recreation of the tabs after adding/removing locations fail too, since the old tabs are shown
[14:44] <kalikiana> karni: -p means "pass this on to the command that dbus-test-runner runs"
[14:44] <karni> ah
[14:45] <kalikiana> karni: the "changes" in the test are essentially refactoring so it's not all in one
[14:46] <kalikiana> so don't worry about Query there for now
[14:46] <kalikiana> the real tests are actually mostly qml, there's just the few to see if c++ api works as well
[14:46] <kalikiana> ie. the functionality isn't really tested there
[14:46] <karni> kalikiana: yes, I noticed these are mostly refactors. the fix looks good though
[14:46] <kalikiana> but obviously in qml we can't create folders for testing
[14:46] <karni> kalikiana: by the way, who maintains u1db-qt? is there more people or just you?
[14:48] <kalikiana> karni: just me; had some reviews from benjamin at one point but then it was considered "low prio". I'm hoping to get to work on it again soon, side from critical bugs
[14:48] <karni> kalikiana: I see. It's nice that you're trying to maintain it. And important, for that matter.
[14:49] <karni> kalikiana: it's very good fit for Telegram per-user settings :)
[14:50] <kalikiana> karni: very happy to hear that!
[14:54] <karni> rmescandon:
[14:54] <karni> https://code.launchpad.net/~libqtelegram-team/libqtelegram/libqtelegram-dev-group-profile/+merge/241088
[14:54] <karni> https://code.launchpad.net/~libqtelegram-team/libqtelegram/telegram-app-dev-group-profile/+merge/241087
[14:55] <karni> rmescandon: both are work in progress, but most of group profile basic feature is there
[14:55] <karni> rmescandon: I'd like to get some feedback on the library bits from you, when you have time to look at it.
[14:55] <rmescandon> karni, today i think i won't be able
[14:56] <rmescandon> karni, i'm trying to upload sth useful to penk's branch
[15:29] <m-b-o> popey t1mp: sorry, I'm overasked with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1383042
[15:29] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1383042 in Ubuntu Weather App "Newly added locations display strange text rather than city name" [Critical,Confirmed]
[15:30] <popey> m-b-o: need help?
[15:31] <m-b-o> popey: yes
[15:31] <popey> ok. lets see what we can do. thanks m-b-o !
[15:31] <sverzegnassi> dpm, could you please review this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/fix-1387651-1387023/+merge/240304
[15:34] <popey> t1mp: is this something you can help us with ?
[15:36] <dpm> sverzegnassi, sure, thanks! It might have to be in a few hours time
[15:37] <mhall119> any QML gurus around here that might be able to answer http://askubuntu.com/questions/546649/ubuntu-sdk-how-do-i-create-a-tree-view-in-qml
[15:37] <mhall119> I'd be interested to know too :)
[15:38] <sverzegnassi> dpm, thanks! As that branch is approved, all the work on contenthub will be finally able to land
[15:38] <dpm> \o/
[15:39] <t1mp> popey, m-b-o I am finishing some other work and then it is eow for me
[15:40] <t1mp> maybe beginning of next week I can see if I can do something about it, but a simpler app to reproduce the issue would be very helpful to have
[15:40] <t1mp> wednesday-friday next week I'll be quite busy with the ubuntu online summit
[15:40] <m-b-o> t1mp popey I'll try to replace the dynmaic createQmlObject part with a repeater based solution like in shorts. perhaps that will help
[15:41] <m-b-o> t1mp okay, I'll try to be online
[15:45] <bzoltan> mhall119: I answered that question... sadly one does not need to be a big qml guru to know the answer. But having text bubbles with different indentation (depending on depth in the tree) wouldn't be very complex to get.
[15:46] <bzoltan> mhall119: The bubble text idea came from t1mp :)
[15:48] <mhall119> hmmm, that's what I did for my reddit app
[15:49] <mhall119> I assumed that was just a cheap hack on my part :)
[15:49] <popey> sverzegnassi: heya, I get this when building that branch... http://paste.ubuntu.com/8869161/
[15:51] <popey> sverzegnassi: this too... http://paste.ubuntu.com/8869171/
[15:52] * popey updates his chroot
[15:53] <sverzegnassi> popey: while building, it returns two warning. I copy-paste some code I wrote some time ago for an app-drawer. it works anyway. I'd like to rewrite the whole plugin, since I expose to QML some information about PDF pages that I send back to C++ again. I'd like to see the whole thing written in C++
[15:53] <popey> ok
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[17:03] <mhall119> t1mp: hey, I'm trying to make a ListView-like component with a delegate, but I'm having some toruble getting it to work, think you can help me?
[17:03] <mhall119> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ureadit/2.0/view/head:/ui/Frontpage.qml line 20 is how I want it to be used
[17:04] <mhall119> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ureadit/2.0/view/head:/components/MultiColumnListView.qml is the implementation (notice it's not a subclass of ListView), line 39 is where I'm creating the delegate components
[17:04] <t1mp> mhall119: sorry, I have to leave now, it will have to wait till Monday
[17:04] <mhall119> t1mp: ok, I'll keep posting my problem here, maybe some other appdev can help me
[17:05] <mhall119> so my delegate creation "works" in that it makes the components and the layout code places them properly
[17:05] <mhall119> but they're not being initialized by the "model" variable, and I get the following error message for each one:
[17:05] <mhall119> file:///home/mhall/projects/uReadIt/ureadit/ui/Frontpage.qml:44: ReferenceError: model is not defined
[17:06] <mhall119> "model" is one of the properties I'm passing to delegate.createObject(display.contentItem, properties)
[17:06] <mhall119> so something is getting lost somewhere
[17:11] <dpm> any other qml expert around to answer http://askubuntu.com/q/544355/9781 ?
[17:17] <mihir> popey: ping
[17:17] <mihir> gventuri: hi
[17:18] <nik90> dpm: I think that's a sdk bug.
[17:18] <popey> mihir: hey
[17:18] <mihir> popey: saw email ?
[17:18] <nik90> dpm: also one shouldn't use a dialog for that purpose. It would best if he used a pagestack to show those options
[17:19] <rpadovani> mzanetti, ping
[17:19] <nik90> popey: let
[17:19] <dpm> nik90, thanks! If you use ask ubuntu, you might want to mention that to him
[17:19] <gventuri> mihir: hi
[17:19] <nik90> popey: let's release a new clock to the store tonight, once https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/implement-location-finding/+merge/231793 gets merged
[17:19] <nik90> dpm: yeah will do
[17:19] <popey> mihir: ooh
[17:20] <mihir> gventuri: hi , saw email , and it looks great :)
[17:20] <popey> nik90: ok i am dependent on balloons for that.
[17:20] <gventuri> mihir: thanks
[17:20] <balloons> nik90, just ping when it's landed and we'll push the click
[17:20] <popey> gventuri: that was a nice surprise email. thanks!
[17:20] <bzoltan> nik90: dpm: I will bring this issue up on Monday. But i agree with nik90 that dialogs are suboptimal for this use case
[17:21] <gventuri> popey: yeah, I didn't want to let you down guys
[17:21] <gventuri> popey: I'm going to be focusing on the browser form next week
[17:21] <nik90> balloons: sure will do
[17:21] <gventuri> from
[17:21] <popey> much appreciated.
[17:22] <mihir> gventuri: this is an amazing surprise
[17:22] <popey> thanks nik90, you going to retire now? ☻
[17:22] <ogra_> are you offering him a pension ?
[17:23] <nik90> popey: retire?
[17:23] <dpm> thanks bzoltan. Now that I have you here... :) Not sure if you saw the question earlier, but is it possible to hook up an Ubuntu tutorial so that it appears in the "Tutorials" tab in Qt Creator?
[17:25] <mihir> gventuri: I guess as per our discussion we have something new in day view and bottom edge , if i am not mistaken.
[17:25] <popey> nik90: joke ☻
[17:25] <gventuri> mihir: we can talk about it on Monday if you want
[17:25] <gventuri> mihir: on hangout
[17:26] <gventuri> mihir: actually, we should
[17:26] <nik90> popey: lol, sry my brain is a bit fried atm to get it :P
[17:26] <mihir> gventuri: excellent :) we can do that defiantly, but need to check kunal's availablity
[17:26] <gventuri> mihir: yes
[17:26] <mihir> popey: could you help us ?
[17:26] <gventuri> and popey of course
[17:26] <popey> of course
[17:26] <popey> just tell us when
[17:27] <mzanetti> rpadovani: pong
[17:27] <popey> mihir: gventuri how about 2pm UK / UTC?
[17:27] <mihir> popey: you take call , either we can take this in UOS and gventuri can also join , i am not sure whether we can do that discussion in UOS or not.
[17:28] <bzoltan> dpm: yes, it is possible
[17:28] <rpadovani> mzanetti, I haven't installed urlHandler yet on the phone, do you have a log about the fail in creation of the new note?
[17:28] * dpm files some bugs
[17:28] <dpm> thanks bzoltan
[17:29] <mzanetti> rpadovani: no, didn't really investigate
[17:29] <mzanetti> rpadovani: is there a problem with installing url-handler?
[17:30] <rpadovani> mzanetti, don't think so, didn't have time yet
[17:30] <rpadovani> last week I focused on other things
[17:30] <mihir> gventuri: small question , the bottom edge will be for creating new event correct?
[17:31] <mzanetti> rpadovani: want me to debug it?
[17:32] <rpadovani> mzanetti, thanks, but no worries, I do it :-)
[17:32] <mihir> popey: the good thing is we're very close to design :D
[17:37] <mihir> popey: btw , did you try to push latest version to Store?
[17:37] <popey> mihir: no, because https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/DesignFixDefaultWeekView-5/+merge/240867 didnt land yet
[17:37] <popey> i asked balloons to take a look.
[17:37] <nik90> balloons, popey: you are green. clock app rev 165. thn
[17:37] <nik90> thnx*
[17:38] <mihir> popey: that's not big MP..we can release it.
[17:39] <balloons> mihir, I'm going to propose an mp in a few to workaround the test setup issues (that cause the tests to fail in jenkins)
[17:39] <popey> balloons: have kicked a build of clock 164 in jenkins
[17:39] <mihir> balloons: ahhh , great :) thanks.
[17:40] <mihir> balloons: there were some failures of not finding coordinates , but it just passed after re-run.
[17:40] <popey> calendar also building
[17:40] <mihir> balloons: i am not sure :)
[17:40] * mihir hugs popey :D
[17:40] <mihir> popey: did you miss my message , regarding hangout discussion ?
[17:40] <popey> mihir: i scheduled a meeting - you should have an invite...
[17:41] <mihir> ahh , i was asking , whether we can discuss this in our UOS session or it is not advisable during that session.
[17:41] <popey> yeah, we can discuss there too
[17:42] <popey> be good to get the discussion with gventuri asap - so scheduled on monday
[17:42] <nik90> popey: hope you meant 165
[17:42] <justcarakas> I have a QML question: is there a way to something like destinct in the query of a XmlListModel
[17:42] <nik90> Otherwise we might not have location feature
[17:42] <mihir> popey: no issues :) that's fine
[17:42] <popey> nik90: i did
[17:42] <nik90> Cool
[17:42] <popey> 164 already built
[17:43] <mihir> popey: just sent out email as well , as it doesn't send email invitation so we all are on same page.
[17:43] <mihir> send*
[17:43] * nik90 goes to prep dinnet
[17:43] * nik90 meant dinner
[17:45] <popey> mihir: i think your email is broken ☻
[17:45] <popey> am I on your spam list or something ☻
[17:46] <mihir> popey: no i don't know whether i have done some setting by mistake in calendar or not , but i never get an email when i have new event onmy calendar.
[17:46] <popey> balloons: calendar 534 failed.
[17:47] <popey> ERROR: Failed to clean the workspace
[17:47] <popey> fginther: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calendar-app-click/lastFailedBuild/console any chance someone can take a look?
[17:51] <balloons> popey, oO
[17:52] <popey> balloons: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/clock-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.clock_3.2.165_armhf.click passed...
[17:54] <balloons> popey, probably worth a quick retry
[17:55] <balloons> I kicked one
[17:55] <popey> ok
[17:55] <popey> lets get clock in the store before nik90 finishes his dinner! :D
[17:55] <balloons> renatu, ping. I have a question about eds
[17:57] <renatu> balloons, hi
[17:57] <balloons> mihir, I noticed something odd about new event btw.. if you have a sec to confirm
[17:57] <mihir> balloons: sure if i can confirm.
[17:58] <balloons> renatu, so the issue with having a clean slate in which to test calendar is rearing it's head again. Is there a way (on the desktop) to delete all the events so calendar will load fresh?.
[17:59] <balloons> I don't need to worry about the device for the moment, as we get a clean env during dashboard runs because it's freshly flashed
[17:59] <balloons> mihir, if you start the app and select new event, the default times are rightnow. If you go into any view first and create a new event, the default time is 12:30
[18:00] <renatu> balloons, this is very trick, you can take a look on my CMakeFile used for qtorganizer test
[18:00] <renatu> its run eds in a temporary directory
[18:00] <renatu> for tests
[18:00] <mihir> balloons: i noticed the same thing , but thought it is somewhat my timezone/machine issue.
[18:00] <balloons> renatu, that sounds like a nice workaround. lp branch?
[18:01] <renatu> balloons, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtorganizer5-eds/trunk/files
[18:01] <renatu> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtorganizer5-eds/trunk/view/head:/tests/unittest/CMakeLists.txt
[18:01] <renatu> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtorganizer5-eds/trunk/view/head:/tests/unittest/run-eds-test.sh
[18:02] <mihir> balloons: i'll confirm this and try to fix this.
[18:02] <balloons> mihir, awesome thanks
[18:03] <balloons> renatu, just fyi there's work going on to avoid the need to do any of this: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-v-testability
[18:04] <dpm> jdstrand, when you've got a minute, could you have a look at bug 1390570 ?
[18:04] <ubot5> bug 1390570 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "Errors and warnings on Reminders app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1390570
[18:05] <renatu> balloons, how this will be applied for developers that run the tests on thy machines?
[18:05] <renatu> balloons, for example with my CMake I just run: ctest -V, and got all tests running
[18:05] <balloons> renatu, the idea is to launch everything under a quasi new temporary user
[18:06] <renatu> balloons, ok but this does not fit for developers
[18:06] <balloons> renatu, for your unit tests I don't think anything would need to change
[18:06] <renatu> since they could not have root access to the machines
[18:06] <balloons> renatu, right, this is more geared towards acceptance tests
[18:07] <balloons> but hopefully the desktop and device can be taken care of in the same way
[18:07] <renatu> balloons, yes this will be nice
[18:10] <balloons> renatu, so where do the evolution* args come from in that script?
[18:10] <renatu> balloons, from the CMAKE
[18:10] <balloons> I see stuff in cmake, I guess I'm missing it
[18:10] <renatu> balloons,
[18:10] <renatu> add_test(${TESTNAME}
[18:10] <renatu> ${GVFSD})
[18:15] <jdstrand> dpm: done
[18:18] <dpm> jdstrand, thanks! So for the errors, I get it's still being discussed. But for the warnings, was the other bug you linked not about _removing_ the checks? I.e. there shouldn't be any warings in the output, do I get this right?
[18:18] <jdstrand> dpm: mardy asked me to add the checks and warn if apps provided the id
[18:18] <jdstrand> dpm: let me get you the commit
[18:19] <jdstrand> dpm: context: before the checks were requiring that the id be present
[18:20] <jdstrand> dpm: mardy asked me to stop requiring the id and to warn if apps provided it, since they shouldn't normally
[18:20] <jdstrand> dpm: so the check was semi-inverted for the bug fix
[18:20] <dpm> jdstrand, weird, in the app we added the files in the way mardy had suggested. I'll clarify with him, thanks!
[18:21] <jdstrand> dpm: well, these things happened at different times
[18:22] <jdstrand> dpm: iirc, checks were added to require the id. then you get the error, so fixed reminders to work with that test. then mardy said to not require the id, but to warn instead so the checks were updated
[18:22] <jdstrand> dpm: and now you have this new warning
[18:22] <jdstrand> dpm: yes, please point him at that bug and have him tell me if something needs to change
[18:22] <dpm> jdstrand, ack. I'll ask mardy about it, thank you
[18:25] <dpm> sent e-mail
[18:25] <balloons> popey, seems the second build failed too
[18:25] <popey> clock worked though ㋛
[18:26] <balloons> what do you mean?
[18:27] <mihir> popey: pushed ?
[18:28] <popey> balloons: clock r165 built in jenkins, can you upload it please? http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/clock-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.clock_3.2.165_armhf.click
[18:28] <popey> (is what I meant)
[18:28] <popey> mihir: no, it is failing in jenkins
[18:29] * balloons blindly clicks popey's link
[18:29] * popey pinged ci
[18:29] <popey> goo dman
[18:29] <popey> stupid keyboard
[18:31] <ogra_> balloons, because it says .click in the end, right ?
[18:32] <balloons> ogra_, yes indeed. I always click clicks
[18:32] <ogra_> :D
[18:36] <dpm> mzanetti, what was the actual bug for https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/gif-support/+merge/240842 ? That gif images were not cached?
[18:36] <mzanetti> dpm: no, they weren't showing up in the notes list (the small preview in the delegates)
[18:37] <mzanetti> dpm: because downscaling failed
[18:37] <dpm> mzanetti, they seem to show up for me. Let me send you a screenshot...
[18:41] <dpm> argh, the branch I'm testing changed the ordering, can't find the note with the gif file anymore
[18:41] <mzanetti> :D
[18:41] <mzanetti> I guess searching for gif would work
[18:41] <mzanetti> as it has the filename in the title
[18:42] <mzanetti> although I guess in those 100MB of text the string "gif" will show up quite often too
[18:43] <rpadovani> dpm, do you have evernote on android?
[18:43] <dpm> rpadovani, yeah
[18:43] <rpadovani> dpm, do you like how they manage to add tags to a note? It's a popup, I find it very cool
[18:43] <dpm> mzanetti, yeah, did that, but apparently 'gif' is very common in the about 300 notes of project gutenberg files we've got :)
[18:44] <dpm> I'll just create a new note
[18:47] <dpm> rpadovani, I've not tried it yet, I'll have a look
[18:48] <rpadovani> dpm, I think is the best solution, because are listed already existing tags and there is a text area to add new ones
[18:50] <dpm> rpadovani, ack, cool
[18:51] <dpm> rpadovani, mzanetti, argh, I cannot test gifs, as it seems we don't have any (I could have sworn I saw one) and we only have 16.3 KB left of our upload quota in the evernote300 account this month
[18:51] <rpadovani> dpm, ok, tomorrow I'll focus on it, it's the only thing the tagsUi branch misses: lot of work, hope to finish it for sunday
[18:51] * dpm looks for a 15KB gif...
[18:52] <rpadovani> dpm http://www.gifanimategratis.eu/img/cibo/frutta/frutta18.gif
[18:53] <dpm> :-)
[18:55] <popey> balloons: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calendar-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.calendar_0.4.538_all.click success! Can you upload pls?
[18:55] <mzanetti> dpm: I'm sure we have some gifs in there
[18:55] <mzanetti> 2
[18:58] <balloons> popey, it should be sitting ohh.. you mean calendar :-)
[18:58] <popey> ETOOMANYAPPS
[18:58] <dpm> mzanetti, not sure if it's just my perception, or a real issue: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/load-chunks/+merge/240877
[18:59] <mzanetti> frutta ftw
[18:59] <dpm> indeed :)
[19:00] <balloons> popey, pushed
[19:00] <popey> \o/ thanks
[19:00] <mzanetti> dpm: well... the thing is we load all 350 notes now instead of only 250 of them :D
[19:00] <mzanetti> which pulls in a lot image notes
[19:01] <mzanetti> for some reason it was always the same ones that got lost
[19:01] <dpm> mzanetti, ah, I see. But why is the UI blocking that much?
[19:01] <mzanetti> so now you have all those huge pictures on top...
[19:01] <mzanetti> becuase every time you scroll a delegate into view it downloads the 5MB image and scales it down into the cache
[19:02] <mzanetti> it will recover and get better once you have all images cached
[19:02] <dpm> oh, so it's the file system acces
[19:02] <mzanetti> however, I do have improvements upcoming for this
[19:02] <dpm> mzanetti, ah, awesome. I think that'd be a big win
[19:02] <mzanetti> yep
[19:04] <mzanetti> dpm: would you be ok with me doing a translation update only commit when those branches are merged? otherwise they will conflict a lot
[19:04] <dpm> mzanetti, ah, yeah, sure
[19:05] <sethj> dpm, do you have a minute? This is probably slightly off-topic (was there a better place to ask?), but there is an on-going discussion here http://askubuntu.com/questions/376633/why-cant-i-find-any-tutorial-for-unity-scope-and-python-for-ubuntu-13-10/376895#376895 about whether scopes were ported to C or C++ and whether you were generalizing when you said C here http://askubuntu.com/questions/310669/what-programming-languages-are
[19:05] <sethj> -scopes-written-in/310670#310670
[19:06] <dpm> hi sethj, sure, here is a good place to ask
[19:06] <sethj> hm, last link appears to have been truncated: http://askubuntu.com/questions/310669/what-programming-languages-are-scopes-written-in/310670#310670
[19:07] <sethj> dpm, ok cool :)
[19:07] <mzanetti> dpm: you might want to mention Qt there too, no?
[19:08] <popey> nik90: mihir clock and calendar approved into the store. Thanks so much guys!
[19:08] <dpm> mzanetti, indeed, the answer is simply outdated
[19:08] <balloons> mihir, still playing with evolution, but I have a version 3.0 of the plan now.. third times the charm
[19:11] <dpm> sethj, so I've added a comment to the first link, and I'll update the answer on the second
[19:11] <sethj> dpm, thanks much!
[19:12] <sethj> we're trying to keep all the information accurate and up to date, hence the discussion :)
[19:17] <akiva-thinkpad> !ping
[19:17] <ubot5> pong!
[19:20] <dpm> sethj, let me know if that helps: http://askubuntu.com/a/310670/9781
[19:22] <sethj> dpm, that's great, thank you!
[19:22] <sethj> I really hope that JS support gets added myself :)
[19:24] <dpm> yeah, you're not the only one :)
[19:31] <dpm> mzanetti, one thing that seems to block the UI in particular is opening a note and going back to the list of notes. IIRC we do a refresh when we come back from a single note view to the list of notes, but it seems we're then pulling more notes than the ones that are in view? I.e. I often am in a state where all the images I've got in view have been downloaded. Then the app is responsive. Then I tap on a note and load it, all good. Then I tap on the
[19:31] <dpm> "Back" icon and the app freezes for a while - it seems it's downloading more stuff
[19:36] <mzanetti> dpm: yep... consider it fixed :D
[19:36] <dpm> \o/
[19:37] <dpm> mzanetti, I'll file a bug in any case for my own sanity. I'm testing so many branches right now that bugs and features are starting to be a big blur :)
[19:38] <mzanetti> give me the number so I can link it :D
[19:38] <mzanetti> proposing the merge as we atm
[19:38] <mzanetti> -as we
[19:39] <dpm> mzanetti, bug 1390591
[19:39] <ubot5> bug 1390591 in Ubuntu Reminders app "App blocking when coming back from the single note view" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1390591
[19:40] <mzanetti> dpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/caching/+merge/241136
[19:41] * dpm high-fives mzanetti
[19:41] <mzanetti> dpm: there's one issue though... with accounts like the evernote300 account you'll run into quota issues on the first sync
[19:43] <dpm> mzanetti, can you clarify the quota issue on first sync? I'm afraid the evernote300 type of accounts are more the rule than the exception
[19:44] <mzanetti> dpm: well, it'll download the list
[19:44] <mzanetti> you can start using it
[19:44] <mzanetti> in the background it starts syncing all notes
[19:44] <mzanetti> at some point you'll run into the rate limit
[19:45] <mzanetti> then you wait an hour and then you'll never run into the rate limit again (unless you close the app and add another 300notes and then start the app)
[19:45] <mzanetti> I can try to add some waiting between the background sync calls
[19:46] <mzanetti> or I could never automatically sync but only download each note when requested
[19:47] <mzanetti> which causes slightly worse performance because it'll fetch and downscale those huge images when you want to see them
[19:48] <dpm> yeah, I think we need to think of a way to not hit the rate limit, as it could be a potentially bad user experience if the user has to wait for 1h to use the app, even if it's a one-off
[19:52] <mzanetti> I agree
[19:54] <dpm> mzanetti, you might want to revert the changes on the .pot file (I assume it's the one creating conflicts) or merge trunk on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/only-resources/+merge/239605 - it failed autolanding due to conflicts
[19:54] <mzanetti> yeah... I just merged it... lets see how it is going
[19:55] <mzanetti> dpm: ^
[19:55] <dpm> ok, cool
[19:56] <dpm> mzanetti, could you give me some more context on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/improve-sorting/+merge/240848 ? I'm not sure I can follow the description
[19:59] <mzanetti> so right now you probably have noticed that the notes are jumping up and down while they load
[19:59] <mzanetti> that's because they all have the same timestamps
[19:59] <dpm> ah, yeah
[19:59] <mzanetti> this commit falls back on another field title when the primary sort role is the same
[20:00] <mzanetti> I think the default is to compare "left < right"
[20:00] <mzanetti> then it sorts it and because left and right swaps, also the result of this evaluation swaps
[20:03] <mzanetti> dpm: makes sense?
[20:05] * dpm is still digesting it
[20:08] <mzanetti> dpm: so it compares "item1 < item2" on the timestamp. but the timestamp is the same
[20:08] <dpm> mzanetti, I think I'm simply missing some context about how the API works and about the structures in the code, so I'm not sure I follow the details. But I think I get the big picture: essentially, if the timestamp is the same, then we compare and sort on title, correct?
[20:09] <mzanetti> so no matter if you do "item1 < item2" or "item2 < item1", it'll never be true
[20:09] <mzanetti> which makes it swap around over and over again
[20:10] <mzanetti> so I've overridden the sorting function to add a check for == and sort on title instead of timestamp in that case
[20:11] <mzanetti> yes... exactly... what you said is the result :)
[20:11] <dpm> ok, cool :)
[20:11] <mzanetti> I tried to explain why that weird jumping happened
[20:12] <dpm> oh, discovered a new feature on the phone: switch off wifi, set flight mode, switch wifi. There you go, wifi working in plane mode :)
[20:13] <mzanetti> dpm: yeah. it's the same on all phones. except on nokia phones you additionally get a question if you're sure you want to enable wifi|bluetooth in flight mode
[20:13] <dpm> oh, I never knew that!
[20:13] <mzanetti> had quite a discussion about this at the sprint :D
[20:16] <mzanetti> I've reapproved the branch that just failed for merge conflicts
[20:17] <mzanetti> dpm: for the connection errors I plan some better looking way to display them... just haven't really made up my mind yet how
[20:18] <mzanetti> I imagine something sliding in from the top (below the header) to make it more visible but less intrusive
[20:18] <mzanetti> hiding again after a timeout
[20:19] <dpm> mzanetti, ah, ok, I had already added a comment on that regard. I had no such a nice idea as yours, just mentioning that it'd be nice to improve it :)
[20:19] <mzanetti> +1
[20:19] <dpm> mzanetti, probably not related to this branch, but I never got the app to recover from network disconnect: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/connection-errors/+merge/240937
[20:19] <mzanetti> but atm getting it usable with the evernote300 account is higher priority
[20:19] <dpm> yeah
[20:21] <mzanetti> dpm: yeah... was thinking about whether to show something like "transport connection" or not
[20:21] <mzanetti> I think all of them say "Error connecting to evernote" and then some additional stuff
[20:22] <mzanetti> I hoped that the first part would be understandable enough for everyone. but then they report bugs that just say "Doesn't work" if we don't give a little more information
[20:22] <mzanetti> so I added the second part
[20:22] <mzanetti> but not sure if its really good... can drop it I guess
[20:25] <dpm> mzanetti, I think we can spend some time reviewing and making them more user friendly, but for now at least we're showing them to users. But that particular one: will it always be shown when there is no network? Could we say something along the lines of: "Could not connect to Evernote. Is your phone connected to the Internet?"
[20:27] <mzanetti> dpm: yep... also when you hit the rate limit the api gives us "Generic TException"
[20:27] <mzanetti> because of that I wanted to collect a bit more info when they happen before placing more generic strings there
[20:27] <dpm> ok, gotcha
[20:28] <mzanetti> but I'm totally aware of this issue and agree with you
[20:28] <mzanetti> have to improve a lot in this area
[20:31] <dpm> mzanetti, do you want to fix the "transport connection" message on this branch or on a separate one? Otherwise, I'm happy to approve if you can comment on the connection recovery issue
[20:32] <mzanetti> let me see what exactly happens with that activityindicator
[20:33] <dpm> ok
[20:33] <mzanetti> I guess I can fix that easily
[20:34] <mzanetti> not adding proper roaming support here atm
[20:34] <mzanetti> but I can make the spinner stop
[20:35] <dpm> mzanetti, I think for this branch it'd be enough to make the spinner stop. But is it possible at all to recover the connection without having to restart the app? Or to use an API to check connectivity before hitting the Evernote servers (or the net at all)?
[20:36] <mzanetti> dpm: right now I don't
[20:36] <mzanetti> but would be something for the todo list
[20:36] <mzanetti> I guess that comes with offline mode and sync support
[20:36] <mzanetti> atm you can't do much withoug connection
[20:37] <dpm> mzanetti, ok, in that case, in addition to stopping the spinner, we should probably say in that message "Please restart the app" or something like that
[20:38] <dpm> And I think with that, these were all the branches I could review today
[20:39] <karni> Yo guys, I need to use CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR, but click-buddy seems to break it/hide it, any pointers?
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|sick
[20:45] <karni> found it.
[20:46] <mzanetti> dpm: pushed
[20:46] <mzanetti> dpm: thanks a lot
[20:47] <dpm> mzanetti, well, thank _you_!
[20:47] <mzanetti> dpm: I'll try to improve the caching part a bit...
[20:47] <mzanetti> prevent it from hitting the rate limit
[20:47] <mzanetti> dpm: one small question:
[20:47] <mzanetti> how important would you say is it that notes immediately fetch the preview?
[20:48] <mzanetti> like if there are 300 notes and you connect for the first time
[20:48] <mzanetti> would it be an issue if the previews only show up when you a) open the note or b) wait for like 10 minutes
[20:48] <mzanetti> ah... never mind... I think I can fix it...
[20:49] <mzanetti> just explaining an issue sometimes helps
[20:49] <dpm> mzanetti, ok, but to answer the question, I think it's important to fetch the preview soon, at least for the notes that are in view
[20:49] <mzanetti> dpm: only speaking about the first sync here
[20:49] <dpm> as in soon being < 1 min as opposed to 10 mins
[20:50] <mzanetti> once that is done all previews and images are instant right now
[20:50] <mzanetti> with the caching branch that is
[20:50] <mzanetti> the problem with that is however, if the user opens the full list and does a quick flick through all 300
[20:50] <mzanetti> he'll schedule 300 high priority jobs
[20:51] <mzanetti> which then work while he's using the ui
[20:51] <dpm> mzanetti, yeah, gotcha
[20:58] <balloons> mihir, I assume you are off, but the mp is finally ready.
[21:27] <balloons> ajalkane, did you get anywhere on running file manager in 'phone' mode (aka smaller size) on the desktop?
[21:27] <balloons> did you file bugs?
[21:31] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, howdy! I was looking at this branch:
[21:31] <balloons> https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/sudoku-app/upgrade-ubuntu-components-1.1/+merge/232987. Do you think you could finish it?
[21:35] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, yah sure
[21:47] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, awesome..
[22:02] <davidcalle> mzanetti, popey, I'm looking for an evernote scope branch, does that exists somewhere, and is it using the Online Accounts API?
[22:16] <mzanetti> davidcalle: yes, it is using OA
[22:17] <mzanetti> davidcalle: the plugin can be found in lp:reminders-app
[22:17] <mzanetti> the scope itself is quite experimental still
[22:17] <mzanetti> but the OA plugin is used by the reminders app too
[22:19] <davidcalle> Thanks mzanetti, I'm gathering code samples of scopes using OA, I'm starting to get questions I'm unable to answer for the scopes contest :)