UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /07 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
[00:24] <skay> I don't have unit-get or config-get commands on my system, should those get installed with juju 1.20.x?
[00:24] <skay> the docs talk about the commands, https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-environment.html but I don't ahve them
[00:32] <skay> it looks like those were in juju 0.7
[00:34] <tvansteenburgh> skay those are only available in the context of an executing charm hook
[00:36] <skay> tvansteenburgh: thanks. I was confused. relatively new. I'm reading through http://askubuntu.com/questions/504482/how-do-i-add-a-relationship-between-two-charms-to-pass-information-between-them
[00:36] <skay> and wanted to try out some of the commands interactively and didn't realize I couldn't
[00:36] <tvansteenburgh> skay: no prob, pretty sure we were all new and confused at some point
[00:36] <tvansteenburgh> now we're just confused
[00:39] <skay> is there a juju repl?
[00:39] <tvansteenburgh> skay, no
[00:40] <skay> logging ftw
[00:41] * tvansteenburgh wanders off to play with the kids, bbl
[00:44] <skay> cheers
[00:44] <skay> also, I read some more, and https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-debug.html gives me something like a REPL for playing with hooks
[00:44] <skay> so that's good
[01:59] <jose> skay: if you have any questions, just ask :)
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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[13:32] <ayr-ton> Theres some plans out there to integrate juju with core os? Feels interesting. We could make a session at UOS.
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[15:42] <whit> when automatically generating a user and a password, does anybody have a good method for exposing that information to someone deploying the charm?
[15:42] * whit imagine actions would be good this in the future
[15:43] <whit> for example, I'm deploying graphite, but don't want to hardwire the admin pw on user creation
[15:46] <lazyPower> whit: the recommended path is to build a handler script for juju run - to satisfy today
[15:46] <lazyPower> and yes, actions will be the preferred method once that lands
[15:46] <whit> lazyPower, ah cool makes sense
[15:48] <lazyPower> whit: inversely, a lot of the charms expose that as a config option.. but as the charm author its authors flavor on how to handle password generation/retrieval.
[15:48] <lazyPower> i believe cory_fu took that approach in the Allura charm
[15:49] <whit> lazyPower, a script wrapping juju-run seems best for my purposes, but of course I've got access to the code
[15:49] <lazyPower> whit: so long as its documented in the README on how to retrieve the password, i dont think it'll be an issue.
[15:49] * whit nods
[15:50] <cory_fu> whit: Yeah, I favor the run script style, but I've had a lot of people say that a (required) config option to set the password is "better" (mainly because it plays nicer with the GUI)
[15:50] * whit shrugs
[15:50] <cory_fu> Once actions are available, I think that will be the best way
[15:50] <lazyPower> right, and thats why actions will settle the debate. building the script today and implementing as 'juju run' - will basically get your foot in the door.
[15:50] <whit> cross that bridge when I get to it ;)
[15:51] <lazyPower> +1's that opinion
[15:51] <whit> *if* this hacked up graphite charm ever makes it to the charm store, I'm guessing we'll probably have actions by then
[15:51] <lazyPower> whit: you may be surprised by who pulls it down and adds the polish to make it store-ready :)
[15:51] * whit aims low for just not sucking
[16:06] <whit> meh silly django management command demands terminal input
[16:10] <whit> juju ssh graphite/0 -t sudo graphite-manage createsuperuser ftw
[16:35] <thierry-ibm> Hello - on a trusty system I found that juju-gui was in error during install hook - looking at the log, it sounds related to the fact that apt-get update is not returning 0 - does it really make sense to fail like that ?
[16:36] <thierry-ibm> in another case I found : INFO install /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-wordpress-0/charm/hooks/install: line 5: add-apt-repository: command not found - didn't find any LPid for such error - is it known or a missing prereq ?
[16:37] <marcoceppi> thierry-ibm: what architecture are you running on?
[16:37] <marcoceppi> apt should really not be failing at all
[16:37] <thierry-ibm> ppc64le
[16:37] <marcoceppi> is there any limit on network connectivity?
[16:38] <thierry-ibm> what is strange is that I run apt-get update manually and it returned 0
[16:38] <marcoceppi> oh that is odd
[16:38] <marcoceppi> thierry-ibm: what if you run `juju resolved --retry juju-gui/0`
[16:39] <marcoceppi> it may have been an internmittent apt locking issue
[16:41] <thierry-ibm> agree on that since I get a message : INFO juju-log Updating APT sources.
[16:41] <marcoceppi> the wordpress issue is also an interesting one
[16:41] <marcoceppi> are you using Ubuntu Cloud Images?
[16:41] <marcoceppi> what provider is this?
[16:42] <thierry-ibm> no I wanted to run manual and run gui + mysql + wordpress on same local system
[16:42] <thierry-ibm> but don't know if that's supposed to work
[16:42] <marcoceppi> manual, as in manual provider or local provider with LXC
[16:42] <thierry-ibm> manual provider
[16:43] <thierry-ibm> everything on machine "0"
[16:43] <marcoceppi> ah, that explains a bit more
[16:43] <marcoceppi> we've come to coin this as "hulk smashing"
[16:44] <marcoceppi> because there tends to be collisions. Where it appears another charm was running apt at the time apt-get update was run in juju-gui causing it to error
[16:44] <thierry-ibm> ah ... I see a first issue - gui and wordpress would use same port number 80 - not good
[16:44] <marcoceppi> while a some charms can work like this a lot can't because they expect to own the entire machine. IE wordpress uses nginx and gui uses apapche
[16:44] <marcoceppi> and there you go, they fight over port 80
[16:45] <marcoceppi> you should be able to put most of these in containers on machine 0
[16:45] <marcoceppi> juju deploy --to lxc:0
[16:45] <marcoceppi> so you can have density while not encountering collisions
[16:46] <marcoceppi> there's networking bits that would need to be sorted, and we're working on putting those in core, but the systems will deploy and you can use sshuttle to gain network access to the LXC network on machine 0
[16:46] <marcoceppi> or setup NAT on the LXC bridge on the machine
[16:46] <marcoceppi> depends on your network setup on that machine and it's location
[16:48] <thierry-ibm> ho that could explain why on another set of system on another machine I get problems to just get charms ... even setting proxy
[16:48] <thierry-ibm> I will rework all of that then - great thanks for the explanation it at least clarify my mind ;-)
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
[18:09] <marcoceppi> aisrael: http://marcoceppi.com/2014/11/compiling-juju-core-from-source/
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[18:44] <aisrael> marcoceppi: \m/
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
[19:01] <skay> python-django uses ansible, and it has a playbooks directory -- if I use it, can I have some playbooks that it will call instead? I don't see how that could happen in the source code, but maybe there is some magic charm thing going on
[19:01] * skay is looking at line 272 in https://www.tripit.com/p/FAEDF3031998F148D2DA1B958C450518
[19:01] <skay> oh crap, wrong paste buffer
[19:01] <skay> btw, did I mention I'm going ona trip?
[19:07] <marcoceppi> skay: oh hey, enjoy o/
[19:08] <skay> marcoceppi: thanks! I'm excited! going to Taipei for work
[19:08] <skay> have never been there
[19:08] <marcoceppi> so, there's an Ansible charm helper that does all that...magic stuff
[19:08] <marcoceppi> and executes the playbooks
[19:08] <skay> I didn't mean to share it with the world though :)
[19:09] <skay> marcoceppi: and I see python-django using it here, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/trusty/python-django/trunk/view/head:/hooks/hooks.py#L272
[19:10] <skay> and it looks hardcoded ..thugh I haven't looked at the charm helper code to see if it knows to find any files in playbooks and somehow finds them in some order of precedence
[19:10] <skay> that probably doesn
[19:10] <skay> doesn't happen?
[19:11] <marcoceppi> it's hard coded
[19:11] <marcoceppi> but the python-django charm does a lot of...extra stuff
[19:11] <marcoceppi> it might not be the best example tos tart with
[19:11] <marcoceppi> lazyPower: ^^ feedback?
[19:11] <skay> so I guess if I wanted to be able to do my own playbooks that I can't use python-django yet
[19:11] <skay> but maybe in the future, if there are plans?
[19:12] <lazyPower> skay: elasticsearch would be the reference charm for ansible imho
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[19:12] <skay> lazyPower: thanks
[19:12] <lazyPower> 1 sec, there's a template fo rit
[19:12] <lazyPower> skay: charm create -t ansible
[19:12] <skay> at work we've been using someone's fork of python-django that works with a tgz of our django app
[19:13] <lazyPower> you'll get a skeleton charm ready to go with ansible. You can use the common patterns in ansible such as defining roles and including those .yaml files in your playbook.yaml
[19:13] <skay> and I'd like to use the charm store instead
[19:13] <lazyPower> ah, yeah there's even more work coming for the python-django charm i didn't realize your questions were specific to django
[19:13] <skay> thanks lazyPower
[19:13] <skay> lazyPower: what plans are there for the python-django charm?
[19:13] <lazyPower> skay: https://code.launchpad.net/~patrick-hetu/charms/precise/python-django/pure-python/+merge/226742
[19:14] <lazyPower> they're moving away from ansible as there were limitations they ran into that were solveable via pure python charming
[19:15] <lazyPower> its pretty close to being accepted, someone will be circling back no this MP next week - as its bubbling up to teh top fo the queue. Expect to see it land soon, from what i'm reading the only remaining issues are with the tests
[19:17] <lazyPower> skay: i'm going to head out for lunch, if you need anything feel free to ping me and i'll reach out when I get back
[19:17] <marcoceppi> skay: oh, I didn't realize you were using python-django
[19:18] <skay> lazyPower: cheers
[19:18] <marcoceppi> you can pretty much drop in play books then then reference them and add a few lines where needed to execute them
[19:18] <skay> marcoceppi: sorry bout that, I wasn't sure how much context to provide for my question
[19:18] <marcoceppi> I thought you were looking for just an ansible example
[19:19] <marcoceppi> skay: you can also submit merge requests and open bugs to get features you're missing in to the store version
[19:19] <skay> marcoceppi: when I have a better idea for how things work I may
[19:20] <skay> btw, I watched a couple of the charmschool videos and they were very helpful!
[19:21] <marcoceppi> great, glad to hear that!
[19:22] <cl__> Hello,
[19:22] <cl__> Does anyone know which ip address will be return by unit_get('private-address'), if there are multiple networks on the machine? Thanks.
[19:23] <marcoceppi> cl__: whatever network interface is used to communicate with bootstrap, typically the first network device
[19:25] <marcoceppi> cl__: I don't think there's really much logic around that nex
[19:25] <cl__> marcoceppi, thank you!
[19:26] <marcoceppi> cl__: however wer're working on better networking in core where you'll be able to define and select which networks to use
[19:26] <cl__> marcoceppi, that will be great!
[19:27] <cl__> marcoceppi, in my environment, there are tow networks connecting all the hosts, including the bootstrap machine.
[19:28] <cl__> marcoceppi, so I guess, juju will pick the first network device as you said.
[19:28] <cl__> s/tow/two
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[20:49] <jose> cory_fu: ping
[20:50] <cory_fu> jose: Hey, man. Sorry I didn't get back to your email yet.
[20:50] <jose> cory_fu: np, was wondering about tests, since I had written some but needed a bit of fixing
[20:51] <cory_fu> What are you wondering about?
[20:51] <jose> if you had written some for chamilo
[20:53] <cory_fu> jose: Unit tests, for sure: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~johnsca/charms/precise/chamilo/services-framework/view/head:/tests/test_actions.py
[20:53] <cory_fu> That branch could use an Amulet test, as well
[20:54] <jose> yep, those I was working on
[20:54] <jose> will take a look after this mailman ones pass, should be quite soon
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
[21:15] <cl__> hello,
[21:15] <cl__> anyone know if there is a way to set config options differently for each unit of a service? either from command line or in charm bundle...
[21:15] <cl__> thanks:)
[21:20] <jose> cl__: there is a tweak you could use. What are you trying to achieve?
[21:21] <cl__> jose, I want to set a config option (an ip address) differently to each service unit.
[21:22] <jose> cl__: I believe each unit has its own IP address
[21:22] <cl__> jose, yeah
[21:23] <cl__> jose, in addition to the private-address of the service unit, a specific config item in the service configuration file needs to be set.
[21:23] <jose> cl__: you could use this following command:
[21:23] <jose> oh, nvm
[21:23] <jose> hmm
[21:24] <jose> cl__: what's this service, if I may know?
[21:24] <cl__> jose, I know this sounds a bit confusing ;)
[21:24] <cl__> jose, sure
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[21:25] <cl__> jose, https://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/trusty/nova-compute
[21:26] <jose> cl__: not sure it needs you to manually specify an address for each unit
[21:26] <cl__> jose, there is a config-flags item in the config options. I would like to use it to set my_ip option in nova.conf
[21:26] <jose> lemme check
[21:26] <cl__> jose, like juju set nova-compute/0 config-flags=my_ip=
[21:26] <jose> you could specify an alias for each unit, but that would break scalability
[21:27] <cl__> jose, this obviously will not work ;)
[21:27] <jose> correct
[21:27] <jose> and not sure if the command I'm going to give you is going to run in a hook context
[21:27] <cl__> i see
[21:27] <jose> but setting it to `unit-get public-address` *may* work, I'm not 100% sure
[21:27] <jose> someone else may be able to confirm that
[21:27] <jose> marcoceppi: ^
[21:29] <jose> or lazyPower ^
[21:29] <cl__> jose, thanks a lot
[21:29] <jose> np, and sorry for not having a direct answer
[21:30] <cl__> jose, no worries. I know this doesn't quite make sense to juju.
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