UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /01 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== test__ is now known as testd
[04:35] <dmt> hi
=== Jerboovy is now known as Jeruvy
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
=== max is now known as Guest74272
=== Malsasa is now known as Guest23600
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
=== marlies_ is now known as tim_
=== tim_ is now known as marlies__
=== marlies__ is now known as tim_
[10:57] <ozberk> hi guys
[10:58] <ozberk> I eed to upload sme photos to facebook but the photo picker can't show the photos bi enouh it's just ive me a list of items but I need to see prewiev of images like in windows
[10:59] <ozberk> how can I do this
[10:59] <ozberk> I have my keyboard :(
[10:59] <ozberk> I hate*
[11:00] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[11:00] <ozberk> hi
[11:01] <BluesKaj> hi ozberk
[11:01] <ozberk> can you help me
[11:04] <BluesKaj> only if you tell us what your issue is.
[11:05] <ozberk> if there is no solution I'll have to switch back to windows which I don't want to do but I really need to solve this. I need to upload some photos to facebok but the standart photo picker doesn't give me a prewiev of the images only a list of the content in a folder. I need to see the imaes prewiev
[11:07] <ozberk> this is what do I mean by ''photo picker'' http://imgim.com/2928inciw8707296.png
[11:08] <soee> dunno im on Plasma5 and have an icon to toggle show/hidew preview
[11:09] <ozberk> plasma 5 have something useful for this ?
[11:09] <ozberk> thats why I hate linux sometimes there is always a missig point always :(
[11:11] <InspectorCluseau> ozberk, in dolphin you sue ... control ... adjust view properties etc
[11:11] <InspectorCluseau> use^
[11:11] <ozberk> in dolphin yes
[11:12] <ozberk> but if you want to upload facebook you need to chose some fiels by that window over there (I shared a link)
[11:12] <BluesKaj> i can't replicate your issue oz
[11:12] <ozberk> ok
[11:12] <BluesKaj> ozberk,^
[11:13] <BluesKaj> perhaps setup dolphin toolbars to include previews
[11:13] <ozberk> open facebook and try to upload a photo there will be a window let you to choose which photo/s wuld you like to upload that windows should give me a prewiev
[11:14] <ozberk> windows^
[11:14] <ozberk> window^
[11:17] <ozberk> what the hell windows stop selling the7 and 8 ? I can't use linux I can't use windows only one stabilized OS is mac and I don't have money to buy a mac :/ that is real deal annoying.
[11:21] <BluesKaj> ozberk, open dolpnin.view>panels>information
[11:21] <ozberk> BluseKaj I know that dolphin ive me a prewiev option
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
[11:40] <SpringVisual_> Excuse me, could anyone tell me how do I update my Kernel version to 3.17.2?
[11:42] <dev_> w
[11:49] <jalomann> SpringVisual_: download it from kernel.org
[11:49] <jalomann> copy config file and compile
[11:51] <SpringVisual_> jalomann are you still here? I downloaded it, but how do I compile?
[11:52] <jalomann> copy your old config file from /boot/config--- to your download path
[11:53] <jalomann> it helps to get same options as you have with old kernel
[11:53] <SpringVisual_> I see
[11:53] <SpringVisual_> one sec lemme do that
[11:53] <jalomann> --- is version of your old kernel
[11:54] <SpringVisual_> Alright, what now? just open the .tar.xz file with the new kernel?
[11:55] <jalomann> note that you should always compile kernel as normal user
[11:55] <SpringVisual_> but you do it with sudo, don't you?
[11:55] <jalomann> untar it to normal user home dir /home/jalo/src
[11:55] <MoonUnit`> if you just want to install the kernel debs download the appropriate ones from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.17.2-vivid/
[11:55] <jalomann> you need sudo only to install
[11:56] <SpringVisual_> what do you mean debs MoonUnit?
[11:57] <jalomann> Yes that is another good option too.
[11:57] <MoonUnit`> deb is a package format
[11:58] <SpringVisual_> So I should just download linux-image-3.17.2-031702-generic_3.17.2-031702.201410301416_amd64.deb and double click?
[11:59] <MoonUnit`> that should work, i usually do it from the command line with sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb
[11:59] <jalomann> I install deb nornally: sudo dpkg -i package
[11:59] <jalomann> yes
[11:59] <SpringVisual_> oh alright, did you guys already update to this kernel?
[12:00] <MoonUnit`> i have
[12:00] <jalomann> No. I update kernel only if I need to.
[12:00] <SpringVisual_> are there risks?
[12:01] <jalomann> Normally there isn't risk but after that you must update kernel by youself.
[12:02] <SpringVisual_> oh, like manually do that every now and then?
[12:02] <jalomann> Normal update brings you only updates to the version that was delivered.
[12:02] <jalomann> Yes
[12:02] <SpringVisual_> I see, its not too bad
[12:03] <jalomann> No. And you can update only when need to.
[12:03] <jalomann> They always recommend to update on lkml.org but it is up to you.
[12:05] <SpringVisual_> why is it so complicated to update in kubuntu though? I remember many other distros just have it built in to the updater utility
[12:05] <jalomann> Kubuntu gets updated. But kernel updates are backports.
[12:06] <SpringVisual_> backports?
[12:06] <jalomann> I get kernel update once a week.
[12:06] <jalomann> Yes they bring the updates to older kernel version too.
[12:07] <jalomann> If you look at your /boot there is several old kernels
[12:07] <jalomann> I have four.
[12:07] <SpringVisual_> True, they can be deleted though, can't they?
[12:07] <jalomann> Yes
[12:08] <SpringVisual_> cool
[12:08] <jalomann> sudo apt-get purge linux-image-<old-version>
[12:08] <SpringVisual_> oh thanks for that ;)
[12:09] <jalomann> No prob
[12:09] <SpringVisual_> so about updating, just install the deb package?
[12:09] <jalomann> New kernel 3.17.2?
[12:09] <SpringVisual_> yeah, i'm still wondering how to update
[12:09] <jalomann> go to download directory
[12:10] <jalomann> sudo dpkg -i package.deb
[12:10] <jalomann> then reboot
[12:10] <SpringVisual_> ohh thats how
[12:10] <SpringVisual_> I see thanks, lemme try
[12:10] <jalomann> ok
[12:13] <SpringVisual_> Well it says DONE, so i'ma restart, is it normal that it took like 5 seconds though?
[12:13] <jalomann> to install yes it is normal
[12:14] <SpringVisual_> oh alright, hope it will all be cool, so yeah thank you so much for the help
[12:14] <jalomann> your are welcome
[12:15] <SpringVisual> well then... it fked up the graphics card...
[12:16] <SpringVisual> can you help me revert? lol
[12:16] <jalomann> Do you have nvidia card?
[12:16] <SpringVisual> yep
[12:16] <jalomann> Let's if I remember
[12:17] <jalomann> Check first that the old kernel is there in /boot
[12:17] <SpringVisual> hoping you do :3 cus dis is not lookin good
[12:18] <SpringVisual> I think so, it's called config-3.13.0-39-generic
[12:18] <SpringVisual> or abi
[12:18] <SpringVisual> so what to do?
[12:18] <jalomann> Yes that is standard
[12:19] <jalomann> I normally press shift when pc boots up.
[12:20] <SpringVisual> and what does that do?
[12:20] <MoonUnit`> if you hold down the shift key as the pc is booting you should get a the grub boot menu where you can choose an older kernel
[12:20] <jalomann> Then pressing E let's you edit kernel versio
[12:20] <SpringVisual> and it is easy to do? cus i'm kind of a scrub :P
[12:21] <SpringVisual> well lemme try then
[12:24] <SpringVisual_> Can you repeat the number of the kernal I told you? cus I didn't write it down...
[12:25] <jalomann> 3.13.0-39-generic
[12:27] <SpringVisual_> what button do I need to press to save the grub boot or list?
[12:27] <jalomann> shift
[12:27] <jalomann> sorry
[12:27] <SpringVisual_> no no, i'm already done editing, what do I need to do to boot again
[12:27] <jalomann> F10 to boot
[12:28] <SpringVisual_> hopefully it'll load up
[12:29] <SpringVisual_> well no, now it's not even going past the loading screen
[12:29] <SpringVisual_> got frozen
[12:30] <SpringVisual_> looking again on the grub thing, it didn't save, how do I save it?
[12:32] <jalomann> did you type the kernel right. the whole vmlinuz-3.13.0-39-generic must be there
[12:33] <SpringVisual_> there are two lines, one of them is /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-39 generic and then a root UUID after that a few lines down /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-39-generic
[12:33] <SpringVisual_> first line has a - between 39 and generic^
[12:35] <SpringVisual_> alright I think I fixed it, ran a command in konsole "uname -a" and it told me the kernel's back
[12:36] <jalomann> what says uname -r
[12:36] <jalomann> uname -r
[12:36] <xiongce> SpringVisual: theadmin
[12:37] <SpringVisual_> it says 3.13.0-39-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP
[12:37] <jalomann> ok. that is standard.
[12:37] <SpringVisual_> So should I try again to update the kernel with a diffrent package?
[12:38] <jalomann> Do you see the new kernel 3.17.2 in /boot
[12:38] <SpringVisual_> yeah, its there, I should delete those right?
[12:38] <SpringVisual_> what was the command again?
[12:39] <jalomann> the problem now is nvidia card. you should install driver for that.
[12:39] <SpringVisual_> I already have the latest driver though
[12:40] <SpringVisual_> version 343.22
[12:42] <jalomann> it is a while when I last installed it but it must be loaded always with a new kernel.
[12:42] <SpringVisual_> well so I should just give up on updating he kernel? i'm just having some probelms and people are saying that updating should solve them
[12:44] <jalomann> I had the same pain when I wanted to use new cards that were not supported in kernel at that time.
[12:44] <jalomann> That's now the only reason I will update kernel.
[12:44] <SpringVisual_> freaking hell, I rebooted and the 3.17 kernel was back... how do I get rid of it?
[12:45] <MoonUnit`> it's nice that the opensource radeon (r600) drivers are pretty good these days, no longer have to worry about installing binary drivers
[12:45] <jalomann> You must edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg
[12:45] <jalomann> And set kernel you wish to top.
[12:46] <jalomann> But be carefull here.
[12:46] <SpringVisual_> alright, got into the desktop again, ill try
[12:47] <MoonUnit`> . /etc/default/grub is the grub config file, you should edit that, then run sudo update-grub
[12:49] <jalomann> I don't remember what was the right and elegant way but that's dirty way.
[12:49] <SpringVisual_> so I should change every instance where 3.17.2-031702 to 3.13.0-39?
[12:50] <jalomann> YOu should change the order of "menuentry"
[12:50] <SpringVisual_> and what does that mean?
[12:50] <jalomann> menuentry is one line in your boot options
[12:52] <jalomann> OR then yes if you have only one menuentry line you can edit that.
[12:52] <SpringVisual_> well I have no clue how to do that,I just see tons of places where menuentry is written
[12:52] <jalomann> The same number that you typed after shift boot.
[12:53] <jalomann> then it is easiest to uninstall new kernel and make sudo update-grub
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[12:54] <SpringVisual_> I cant save the grub.cfg though, it says I don't have privilleges, how do I do that? something like save to a temp folder and copy with the terminal?
[12:56] <jalomann> you need root priviledges to edit that
[12:56] <lfrlucas> Hi, Is it possible to disable poweroff and reboot buttons of kubuntu desktop under x2go session?
[12:56] <SpringVisual_> yeah and how do I get those in Kate editor
[12:56] <SpringVisual_> probably pretty easy lfrlucas
[12:57] <lfrlucas> SpringVisual_: easy. Could you help me?
[12:57] <SpringVisual_> you mean the physical buttons or on the taskbar?
[12:58] <lfrlucas> SpringVisual_: I just want to forbid remote users to shutdow the system.
[12:59] <lfrlucas> SpringVisual_: Disabling shutdown and reboot buttons for every users in KDE would solve
[13:01] <SpringVisual_> Well this is what I found so far, but google can help you there, I wouldn't know http://forums.justlinux.com/showthread.php?39599-How-to-disable-shutdown-for-normal-users
[13:01] <HmpfCBR> lfrlucas: is it just against accidental reboot/shutdown via gui or a policy?
[13:02] <lfrlucas> HmpfCBR: Is just against accidental reboot/shutdown via gui.
[13:04] <HmpfCBR> lfrlucas: that is easy there is an option in systemsettings
[13:05] <lfrlucas> HmpfCBR: But this is for a remote server where several users can login. How could admin disable for all?
[13:08] <HmpfCBR> lfrlucas: for the individual user the option is in system settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Session Management. For an admin the adaption of the global config option would be a possibility (https://techbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration), but I don't know the correct file yet.
[13:11] <lfrlucas> HmpfCBR: Is there global config options for Kde? I didn't know. Where are they located?
[13:13] <HmpfCBR> lfrlucas: the local confg is in ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserver in section [General] the line "offerShutdown=false" (without " ")
[13:14] <HmpfCBR> lfrlucas: for global options have a look at the link to system administration i pasted above, especially filesystem hierarchy
[13:15] <HmpfCBR> oh and it is ksmserverrc, not ksmserver (my bad)
[13:20] <lfrlucas> HmpfCBR: Thank you.
[13:21] <lfrlucas> HmpfCBR: Do you know where is KDEDIRS defined?
[13:30] <HmpfCBR> lfrlucas: I guess /etc/environment but haven't done that myself yet
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[14:22] <ozberk> it will be a shame to leave kde
[14:23] <ozberk> it is a really good de for photoraphy whit diikam - krita - gimp etc.
[14:32] <ozberk> ok I will try to slove this so here is one question how can I check my kernel if there is any update
[14:43] <Shaan> hey guys i co am having bit of a problem when installing kubuntu it asks to connect to wifi that went fine, now that installation is over i booted up into desktop., i connect to wifi it says connected but i cant access any webpages :/
[14:43] <Shaan> or even the inet
[15:35] <jalomann> Shaan: try sudo service network-manager start
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[16:00] <skinux> How can I completely remove Gnome/Unity desktop so that I can install it again? After installing KDE, Ubuntu/Unity won't boot. So, I want to completely reinstall it to fix whatever happened during KDE installation.
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[16:54] <skinux> GDM won't show desktop selection menu
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[17:40] <apb1963> I seem to have lost my desktop
[17:40] <apb1963> kubuntu 14.04
[17:42] <apb1963> I have no icons, all I get is the blue/purple background - and I have a bottom bar menu.
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[18:38] <mefisto> after upgrade to 14.10, I have no boot splash. monitor switches off during boot, until login when it switches on again
[18:49] <mefisto> after upgrade to 14.10, I have no boot splash. monitor switches off during boot, until login when it switches on again
=== ter2 is now known as tertu
=== tal is now known as Guest20904
[20:44] <SpringVisual> Hello, could anyone tell me how I can disable a optimized battery feature for laptops where the battery doesn't charge more than 60%, it's a feature back from when I had Lenovo Energy Management on Optimized Battery Life on Windows 8, already burned Win, so can't access it
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[21:44] <Walex> SpringVisual_: if it is something that requires a Lenovo specific driver it is not going to be that easy...
=== aekara is now known as Mariannaa
[21:58] <lovesh> I wish to use kubuntu 14.10 with kde plasma 5. What would be better option downloading a 14.10 with kde 4 and updating to kde 5 or downloading a 14.10 kde 5 tech preview?
[21:59] <lovesh> I am asking because on downloads page it says `Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma 4 — Latest Release, Stable and Supported`
[21:59] <lovesh> and `Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma 5 — Tech Preview`
[22:05] <murthy> lovesh: for trying it out live or to install?
[22:06] <lovesh> murthy: I want to install. also i am planning to use it for my daily use for development so i dont want to reinstall a new os soon
[22:06] <lovesh> in case the tech release does not work ou
[22:07] <murthy> lovesh: so you can take care if there is any issues at boot stage?
[22:08] <lovesh> issues at boot stage?
[22:08] <lovesh> what kind of issues?
[22:09] <lovesh> have you tried the plasma 5 tech release?
[22:09] <murthy> you know its in a development stage, for example the login manager can fail, the last time I tried I tried it was crashing on the first boot
[22:10] <murthy> ya I tried and it was awesome!
[22:11] <murthy> the dedicated plasma release is my recommendation, instead of upgrading from plasma 4
[22:12] <murthy> If you can take care of any possible issues, you can try the weekly build
[22:13] <lovesh> i am planning to download the one thats mentioned on the kde website
[22:13] <lovesh> i mean kubuntu website
[22:13] <murthy> try it
[22:13] <lovesh> this one http://files.kde.org/snapshots/kubuntu-plasma5/kubuntu-plasma5-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso
[22:14] <lovesh> btw do you know a torrent link for this one?
[22:14] <valorie> that is what I am using, although I upgraded from 14.04 to get it
[22:14] <valorie> we don't have a torrent, but there is a metalink
[22:15] <murthy> lovesh: Try it live before you install, that way you can be little bit sure of the stability
[22:15] <valorie> http://files.kde.org/snapshots/kubuntu-plasma5-201410310825-i386.iso.mirrorlist
[22:16] <lovesh> yes but sometimes when i download large files on my internet connection they get corrupt so i prefer torrent
[22:16] <lovesh> valorie: that is a 32 bit iso
[22:17] <valorie> yeah
[22:17] <valorie> wrong page: http://files.kde.org/snapshots/kubuntu-plasma5/
[22:18] <lovesh> got it
[22:18] <valorie> click details for the metalink
[22:18] <murthy> lovesh: have you tried zsync?
[22:18] <lovesh> never heard of that
[22:19] <bailey> whats the similar channel to beast on irc?
[22:19] <valorie> zsync is pretty cool - it is like rsync for ISOs
[22:19] <valorie> checks the data and just downloads the bits you need
[22:20] <lovesh> ok
[22:20] <murthy> lovesh: Its a kind of download manager that has a resume support. you can resume after a disrupted internet connection
=== bailey is now known as Enjoi
=== Enjoi is now known as bailey
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[22:21] <lovesh> murthy: i use download managers to download large file but in the past i have had few isos get corrupt. so i prefer torrent
[22:21] <valorie> metalinks pulls from all the available mirrors and merges the input
[22:21] <valorie> quasi-torrent
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[22:21] <valorie> KDE doesn't run torrents, unfortunately
[22:22] <valorie> and ubuntu wouldn't host our plasma 5 ISO because that code is not yet in the archives
[22:22] <murthy> lovesh: but this zync software takes care of the software that you are downloading at bit level and checks its integrity at the end, so it is fool proof afik
[22:22] <valorie> we'll be putting it there soon, I believe
[22:22] <lovesh> valorie: ok. but the 14.04 and 14.10 have torrent links
[22:23] <valorie> right, that software is all in the archives
[22:23] <lovesh> valorie: ok
[22:23] <valorie> zsync like rsync is very secure
[22:23] <murthy> lovesh: believe me you wont ask for a torrent after you start using zsync
[22:23] <lovesh> murthy: ok.let me try that
[22:24] <valorie> well, torrents are great because you are serving your fellow users
[22:24] <murthy> lovesh: so do you know how to install?
[22:24] <murthy> lovesh: oops sorry
[22:24] <murthy> lovesh: I forgot that you are a developer
[22:24] * valorie seeds all the *buntu torrents
[22:25] <lovesh> yes i use unetbootin or usb creator to make a bootable usb and then i install
[22:25] <murthy> lovesh: no I mean about the zsync
[22:25] <lovesh> i can google it
[22:25] <lovesh> i am doing it right now
[22:27] <murthy> lovesh: You may already know this but this the command for you to get the iso you wanted, " zsync http://files.kde.org/snapshots/kubuntu-plasma5/kubuntu-plasma5-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync"
[22:27] <lovesh> yes
[22:27] <lovesh> thanks for the help guys
[22:28] <murthy> lovesh: yw
[22:28] <lovesh> valorie: and murthy
[22:28] * valorie is not a guy, but you are welcome
[22:28] <lovesh> thanks again
[22:33] <Roey> valorie: so Plasma 5 should be done in time for Kubuntu 15.04?
[22:33] <Roey> I mean, I understand that this is the aim
[22:34] <valorie> yes, we've decided to go ahead
[22:34] <Roey> f|shy: aww, nice nick :)
[22:34] <Roey> frogonwheels: hey Froggy
[22:35] <Roey> ha, haha
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[23:27] <bennypr0fane> Hi, how might I change the chararcter limit per line in Kate!
[23:27] <bennypr0fane> i mean: ?
[23:29] <bennypr0fane> I have a csv file with very long lines - I can't edit it in Kate because it'll open this file only write protected
[23:31] <valorie> that is possibly in the katerc file or so, somewhere in ~/.kde/share/
[23:31] <valorie> or config section in there
[23:31] <valorie> what version of kubuntu are you using, bennypr0fane?
[23:32] <bennypr0fane> valorie, 14.04
[23:33] <bennypr0fane> ~/.kde/share/config/katerc , got it
[23:34] <bennypr0fane> it's probably not "Word Wrap" though, that is set to 80
[23:34] <valorie> sometimes settings are in /share/apps too
[23:34] <bennypr0fane> my goal is to remove unwanted linebreaks from this file
[23:34] <valorie> and ~/.config and ~/.local are worth checking
[23:34] <valorie> devels are throwing things in there more often now
[23:34] <valorie> yes, I hear you
[23:35] <bennypr0fane> valorie: you think it's not in the katerc?
[23:35] <valorie> if you don't see it, it isn't there
[23:36] <valorie> there is a #kate however most devels are probably asleep as it is late in europe
[23:40] <bennypr0fane> valorie: yup, 0:39 =)
[23:40] <bennypr0fane> found it: Line Length Limit. How would I set that to unlimited?
[23:40] <valorie> for your future use:
[23:41] <valorie> !alis
[23:41] <ubottu> alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*
[23:41] <valorie> what does that line say?
[23:41] <Bomber> Hello folks
[23:42] <bennypr0fane> Line Length Limit=4096 I'm trying with a blank
[23:42] <bennypr0fane> nah, that wasn't it
[23:43] <Bomber> I have a problem. I just bought a wireless USB net card netgear wnda3100v2. N600. It's not being recognized by kubuntu
[23:44] <Bomber> Anyone have any ideas to get this going or should I try a different card?
[23:44] <bennypr0fane> Bomber: have you tried the driver manager?
[23:46] <Bomber> It only shows the video card I have installed. Nothing about this network card
[23:46] <valorie> !wireless
[23:46] <ubottu> Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[23:46] <andy123> I guess you already found this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1964173
[23:47] <valorie> I think there is some stuff in there about how to figure out what is supported
[23:50] <bennypr0fane> Bomber: and maybe this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/483066/how-do-i-install-drivers-for-a-netgear-wnda3100v2
[23:53] <bennypr0fane> which application would you use to clear up a messy .csv file i.e. removing variable descriptions and line breaks, so it becomes ready for statistics program?
[23:54] <bennypr0fane> valorie: it seems the katerc file resets itself to defaults after re-opening kate
[23:54] <valorie> bennypr0fane: I use kate for everything
[23:55] <valorie> but then some use emacs for everything
[23:55] <valorie> to be clear: I do not use kate for IRC
[23:55] <bennypr0fane> is it a problem if I edit katerc in Kate? :-)
[23:55] <valorie> lol
[23:55] <valorie> but you can use emacs for IRC!
[23:55] <valorie> oooo
[23:56] <valorie> bennypr0fane: possibly you have to edit that file while logged out of kde
[23:56] <valorie> which would suck a bit
[23:56] <bennypr0fane> emacs, vim, etc... no thanks! the stuff that you have to know everything about to use it. I'm an Ubuntu user for a reason...
[23:56] <valorie> indeed
[23:56] <bennypr0fane> valorie: yes it would suck, how am i supposed to do that?
[23:57] <valorie> sometimes those rc files work just fine if edited while logged in
[23:57] <Bomber> Thx reading now
[23:57] <valorie> you would have to use vi or nano or something in the console
[23:57] <valorie> :(
[23:58] <sgclark> nano is pretty user friendly
[23:59] <bennypr0fane> nano is fine for me
[23:59] <bennypr0fane> but I don't know how to get a console when logged out
[23:59] <sgclark> F2