UbuntuIRC / 2014 /11 /01 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:57] <ScottK> sgclark: I just made a perlqt upload, so please be sure to update what you have locally (I updated bzr).
[01:58] <sgclark> ScottK: ok
[01:58] <ScottK> Thanks.
[05:31] <Noskcaj> Are there any plans to move qtlocation-opensource-src to geoclue-2.0? i.e. the version supported by upstream
[05:31] <Noskcaj> bug 1388294 is related
[05:31] <ubottu> bug 1388294 in geoclue-2.0 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] geoclue-2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1388294
[05:33] <Noskcaj> Mirv, ^
[05:34] <valorie> Noskcaj: geoclue ain't working now
[05:34] <valorie> at least for me, in redshift
[05:35] <valorie> I already filed a bug about that
[05:35] <Noskcaj> valorie, Have you tried with the new version>
[05:36] <valorie> $ apt-cache policy geoclue
[05:36] <valorie> geoclue:
[05:36] <valorie> Installed: 0.12.99-3ubuntu1
[05:36] <valorie> Candidate: 0.12.99-3ubuntu1
[05:36] <valorie> is 2.0 packaged somewhere?
[05:37] <Noskcaj> it's packaged as "geoclue-2.0"
[05:37] <Noskcaj> they're co-installable
[05:38] <valorie> http://paste.kde.org/put2c6qdt
[05:38] <valorie> after installing 2.0
[05:39] <valorie> maybe I need to configure it
[05:39] <Noskcaj> it would need rebuilding, yes
[05:39] <Noskcaj> i'll try and merge redshift later today
[05:39] <valorie> ooooo
[05:39] <valorie> please backport to utopic
[05:40] <valorie> gosh, I already feel like I'm on the bleeding edge
[05:40] <valorie> now I feel like I should be in vivid too
[05:41] <valorie> I was going to configure redshift manually, but if you are going to backport, I'll wait and test
[05:42] <Noskcaj> i probably won't backport it. Try building it yourself
[05:42] <valorie> ok
[05:43] <valorie> if it builds perhaps I can talk quintasan into backporting
[06:54] <Noskcaj> valorie, looks like there is no geoclue-2.0 support for redshift
[07:10] <valorie> Noskcaj: thanks for the information
[07:10] <valorie> I'll just configure manually
[09:13] <Mirv> Noskcaj: I haven't given thought to that, as I've not used the geoclue backend. so it compiles against either?
[09:14] <Mirv> Noskcaj: I'd say file a bug towards Debian, so that we wouldn't diverge from pkg-kde's packaging (anymore than we already do by packaging both Qt Positioning and Qt Location unlike Debian)
[09:16] <valorie> Mirv: what backend did you use?
[09:17] <valorie> what is working for me now is manual in a config I copied from the website and adjusted
[09:26] <Noskcaj> Mirv, I have no idea if it supports both, everything about Qt/KDE is a mystery too me
[09:27] <Noskcaj> I'll make a debian bug tomorrow
[09:36] <Mirv> valorie: the Ubuntu plugin on the phone, from source package qtubuntu-sensors. it's used eg. in OSMTouch app.
[09:36] <Mirv> Noskcaj: ah right, you meant geoclue upstream supports 2.0 series. right.
[09:38] <Mirv> then it's probably a wishlist item to Qt upstream, unless geoclue 2.0 is relatively compatible with the earlier version. but the Debian bug won't hurt anyway, as from distribution point of view it'd be good to use a supported geoclue version.
[09:47] <ovidiu-florin> shadeslayer: automated crash reporting?
[10:03] <kikidee> apachelogger: are you there?
[11:00] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[12:02] <soee_> someone on Plasma5 can confirm that when using hdmi to connect to TV or ther screen the screen corners action (show windows, show desktop) dont work ?
[15:26] <_Groo_> soee_: can you confirm that with latest kf5 build, yakuake brakes because of a missing konsole kpart?
[15:47] <santa_> shadeslayer: ping?
[17:36] <shadeslayer> santa_: pong
[17:39] <santa_> shadeslayer: oh hi, I found some issues when building latest frameworks and plasma packages, so if you have some time I would like to work with you in order to fix them, are you ready?
[17:39] <shadeslayer> santa_: I'm not working on a weekend, so maybe on Monday?
[17:40] <santa_> ah, you are one of those bluesystems folks? anyway, yes will poke you again this monday if possible
[17:40] <shadeslayer> yep
[17:41] <shadeslayer> santa_: preferably, just send a email to kubuntu-devel
[17:41] <shadeslayer> I might even reply to that tomorrow if I have time
[17:41] <santa_> ok, see you
[17:42] <shadeslayer> cya
[18:14] <apachelogger> sgclark: _Groo_ Riddell re konsole ... all things that only need the kpart need their deps adjusted to actually want the konsole4-kpart package
[18:14] <apachelogger> I didn't get to that yesterday
[19:15] <sgclark> apachelogger: ok
[20:52] <valorie> Mirv: interesting
[20:52] <valorie> I don't need my phone redshifted
[20:52] <valorie> :-)
[21:07] <kikidee> yofel: are you there?
[21:07] <yofel> kikidee: yes?
[21:07] <kikidee> can I pm you?
[21:07] <yofel> sure..
[21:29] <murthy> yofel: hi
[21:30] <yofel> hey
[21:30] <murthy> yofel: got some time? need some info about a possible bug
[21:31] <yofel> murthy: well, feel free to ask
[21:35] <murthy> The option to install proprietary stuff when selected invokes the kubuntu driver installer with out install option, when using a nvidia card, It tries to install the nvidia binary driver. This blogs the main install process and the cursor turns to wait icon and the process does not proceeds to the partitioning screen until the download finishes
[21:35] <yofel> sounds familiar
[21:36] <murthy> The bug is not in the nvidia driver, its in the kubuntu driver manager or the apt
[21:37] <murthy> the problem is if my internet connection is 512 kbps and the nvidia binary driver is 200 mb, you can imagine how long it will wait until it proceeds to the next screen
[21:37] <murthy> a common user with a poor internet connection will mistake it as a system hang
[21:39] <murthy> We had already discussed this earlier and you were on a python script that was causing the issue. Now I want to file a bug report, but I want it to be a quality one and developer friendly. So tell what are the things that you expect in the bug report, I will get all those and file it
[21:43] <murthy> If you dont have an nvidia card, then its not an issue for replication of the bug, you just have to hardcode apt or the driver manager to download some stuff that is large enough to have a download time sufficient enough to see the issue
[21:45] <murthy> Another thing is vdpau seems to be not working with mplayer because of the recent libav api changes. Will the bug be fixed soon or will libav be downgraded?
[21:45] <murthy> here is the bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayer2/+bug/1374825
[21:45] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1374825 in mplayer2 (Ubuntu) "VDPAU does not work in libav on Utopic" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[21:46] <yofel> for first best file a bug against ubiquity as that's what's doing the hidding driver install in the first place. We can go from there
[21:47] <yofel> wrt libav I'm clueless
[21:49] <murthy> ok I will file a bug report for the first one. about libav, I know apachelogger is working with vlc and gstreamer, does he cover libav?
[21:51] <yofel> ubuntu uses whatever libav it syncs from debian, we have no libav maintainer. I don't know who exactly would be responsible for this
[21:52] <murthy> oh ok
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
[23:04] <sgclark> apachelogger: I tried to work on konsole kpart but E: Unable to locate package konsole4-kpart and I quite literally cannot find it.