UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-ci-eng.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <barry> ribru: yep. i think that's i386
[00:05] <barry> ribru: we'll see if it'll succeed. anyway, i'm going to watch a bit of the world series and check in now and then
[00:06] <ribru> barry: ok cool. I'm nearing EOD but should be around later if anything comes up
[01:06] <boiko> trainguards: any idea what this is about: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-026-1-build/12/console ?
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru broke 3 ribs
[01:23] <ribru> boiko: no, I've seen that before but haven't been able to figure it out yet. I think the package was uploaded in the PPA though, so if you just do a WATCH_ONLY it should be fine.
[02:56] <ribru> barry: just noticed your build failed with a bunch of timeouts, so I retried it
[03:04] <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 138 building (started: 20141030 03:05) ===
[03:05] <popey> You know you need to go to bed when... "imgbot says..."
[04:21] <barry> ribru: hey, still around? thanks for the retry. looks like it's now built
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
[05:11] <Mirv> mornings
[05:19] <ribru> barry: bedtime soon ;-) need something?
[07:16] <Mirv> sigh for adding new Qt private header users
[08:53] <Mirv> sil2100: ^ so Zoltan is on holiday, I made a branch and preparing for landing. I just don't have any history on the topic other than I remember he mentioned it during the spring and there is a "stupidly easy fix". at least it affects only tests, so maybe if UITK AP is fine it could be considered for releasing...
[08:55] * sil2100 looks at the change
[08:56] <sil2100> Mirv: yeah, I think it's reasonable to only check autopilot results for UITK in this case
[08:56] <Mirv> that's the comment #5 from dandrada on bug #1382414
[08:56] <ubot5> bug 1382414 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "New qtmir makes UITK AP tests fail" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1382414
[08:56] <sil2100> But I already remember a branch from ricmm I think
[08:56] <Mirv> sil2100: but but, are "our" blockers approved by product team, I was wondering?
[08:57] <Mirv> sil2100: there's nothing attached to the bug report though.
[08:57] <Mirv> no UITK branches at https://code.launchpad.net/~ricmm/
[08:57] <sil2100> Mirv: infrastructure blockers are a bit different, but I'll make sure PT is aware
[08:57] <Mirv> sil2100: ok, thanks
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
[09:09] <ogra_> hmpf ... seems we have lockfile issues on the image builder
=== karni is now known as karni-brb
[09:17] <davmor2> Morning all
[09:19] <sil2100> Morning
[09:19] <sil2100> davmor2: good to hear that currently we have just that unity8 blocker :)
[09:19] <sil2100> + the autopilot one I personally added
[09:20] <ogra_> hmm, i just got an SMS with no sound
[09:21] <ogra_> oh, volume was turned down ...
[09:21] <ogra_> (turning it up again restarted my session though)
[09:22] <davmor2> ogra_: haha yeah that fix really needs to land :)
[09:23] <ogra_> davmor2, well, if we only could build any images now :P
[09:23] <ogra_> ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for iso.qa.ubuntu.com/xmlrpc.php: 403 Forbidden
[09:23] <ogra_> for all images ... yay
[09:24] <davmor2> ogra_: man you developers you are set on destroying the world with your code ;)
[09:24] <ogra_> lol
[09:24] <ogra_> this time it is datacenter admins, not developers
[09:25] <sil2100> yay for lockfiles
[09:25] <davmor2> ogra_: yeah cause there is no code stored in a datacenter right.......wait a minute, you're trying to trick me ;)
[09:25] <ogra_> :P
[09:30] <ogra_> woah
[09:30] <ogra_> my session *didnt* restart
[09:30] * ogra_ just noticed the phone is still on the spinner
[09:30] * ogra_ reboots hard
=== karni-brb is now known as karni
[09:48] <sil2100> o_O
[09:55] <brendand> ogra_, who's the best person to ask how to deal with the idle level issue?
[09:55] <brendand> ogra_, assuming it's being calculated correctly
[09:56] <ogra_> brendand, i guess plars has dug deepest into it from a test side ... or do you mean for deciding about raising the value ?
[09:57] <brendand> ogra_, yeah - if the test is telling the truth then we either need to fix something in the system to make it better, or raise the value
[09:58] <brendand> ogra_, do we even know if one component is at fault? or it could be many
[09:59] <ogra_> brendand, well, i think we should invest a day and go through all topbefore/after logs and grep out the top consumers to get some heuristics
[09:59] <ogra_> and on that base make a decision
[10:00] <ogra_> (assuming the numbers are right)
[10:02] <brendand> ogra_, http://dev-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-touch_stable-krillin-smoke-daily/433/artifact/clientlogs/sudoku_app/topbefore.log/*view*/
[10:03] <brendand> ogra_, unity8-dash - 81.8%!
[10:03] <ogra_> yeah
[10:03] <ogra_> the question is for how many iterations
[10:03] <brendand> ogra_, nearby 64, news 34
[10:03] <ogra_> remember, each top loop is only a snapshot
[10:05] <ogra_> brendand, we should grep the first 5 lines out of each loop, collect the top consumers from that and take the average ...
[10:05] <ogra_> if we do that for a bunch of runs we should find the bad guy
[10:05] <ogra_> (thats why i said we should invest a day, i meant that literally, it will take time to collect)
[10:06] <brendand> ogra_, hmm yeah. it's only that high for the last couple of iterations
[10:06] <ogra_> and we should compare to mako
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[10:06] <ogra_> if the same process does the same there but simply stelles faster then i guess we cant do much about it (except make the app faster or some such)
[10:07] <ogra_> *settles
[10:07] <ogra_> in that case i would vote for adjusting the value (but also let the app owner know)
[10:09] <ogra_> wget -O- -q http://dev-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-touch_stable-krillin-smoke-daily/433/artifact/clientlogs/sudoku_app/topbefore.log/*view*/|grep PID -A3|grep -v ^PID
[10:09] <ogra_> brendand, that gives us the three top consumers of each run
[10:10] <brendand> ogra_, is mako ok?
[10:10] <davmor2> hmmmm I guess this is a bad thing right 15138 phablet 20 0 275220 48168 25044 S 95.5 4.9 17:55.60 system-set+
[10:10] <ogra_> how do you mean ok ?
[10:11] <brendand> ogra_, i'm wondering is the negative value in this run being ignored? http://dashboard.ubuntu-ci:8080/smokeng/utopic/touch_stable/krillin/136:20141029.1:20141028-3ca60be/643/sudoku_app/225287/
[10:11] <brendand> ogra_, by ok i mean do settle tests fail there or not?
[10:11] <ogra_> it think they do but sinificantly less
[10:11] <ogra_> ah, wait
[10:11] <ogra_> wget -O- -q http://dev-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-touch_stable-krillin-smoke-daily/433/artifact/clientlogs/sudoku_app/topbefore.log/*view*/|grep -v "top -c -b -d 6 -n 5"| grep PID -A3|grep -v ^PID
[10:12] <ogra_> this is a better command ... filterin out top itself first
[10:16] <ogra_> wget -O- -q http://dev-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-touch_stable-krillin-smoke-daily/433/artifact/clientlogs/sudoku_app/topbefore.log/*view*/|grep -v "top -c -b -d 6 -n 5"| grep PID -A3|grep -v ^PID|cut -d' ' -f9,12
[10:16] <ogra_> and that gives us a nicer formatting
[10:16] * Saviq split up the unity8 mega silo, only includes what's already in rtm now
[10:16] <ogra_> (cpu percentage and processname)
[10:17] <ogra_> brendand, so using that line above over a bunch of topbefore/topafter logs should give an impression what is keeping the system busy
[10:18] * ogra_ ponders ...
[10:18] <ogra_> how about we cut out everything starting with 0.
[10:20] <psivaa_> brendand: https://code.launchpad.net/~psivaa/ubuntu-test-cases/skip-unity-8-for-utopic/+merge/235791 is a sample of how we skip tests for a certain channel. similar could be done but as you could see it's a little ugly
[10:21] <brendand> psivaa_, well yeah it is a bit hacky, but if that's the best we can do for now with the system we have
[10:21] <psivaa_> sil2100: this is what i have for the vivid test setup from plars:
[10:21] <psivaa_> plars> fginther|away, josepht: so it looks like we might have vivid images in devel-proposed soon, going to try to update stuff tonight but there's no new distro-info-data package yet, so have to hack around that for now
[10:21] <davmor2> ogra_: if you cut out 1's too that get rid of all the binary ;)
[10:22] <psivaa_> sil2100: plars is at a conference, i'll ping him about the progress when i get hold of him later
[10:22] <sil2100> psivaa_: ok, thanks :)
[10:22] <ogra_> davmor2, lol
[10:24] <ogra_> brendand, so looking at it with the ablve command (and ignoring the first three runs where the session still settles down) i see dbus-daemon, upowerd and indicator-power being the busy ones ... with an occasional spike of unity8
[10:25] <ogra_> which makes me think if mako would look different that krillin is simply very chatty with upowerd
[10:25] <ogra_> keeping the dbus noisy
[10:25] <ogra_> thats just a guess thogh, we have to compare mako
[10:32] <cjwatson> ribru: Binary syncs aren't discouraged in any kind of long-term way, and are often still appropriate; the probability of failure is just a bit higher than usual since vivid and 14.09 are diverging a fair bit at the moment. I'd appreciate you not ripping out that code.
[10:32] <cjwatson> A package with long build times but uncomplicated and easily-analysed dependencies is still likely to be appropriate for binary syncing.
[10:33] <brendand> ogra_, i run it on my krillin and nothing seems to ever take more than 2%
[10:34] <brendand> ogra_, except for unity8 on a couple of occasions
[10:34] <brendand> ogra_, but it still fails
[10:34] <sil2100> ogra_: any news on the image builds?
[10:36] <brendand> ogra_, i think i understand what's going on now
[10:40] <Saviq> sil2100, can I get silo for row 30 please
[10:40] <brendand> ogra_, so basically the script wants the system to reach a certain idle level, for some reason krillin can't do that
[10:40] <brendand> ogra_, spikes shouldn't affect the outcome
[10:41] <sil2100> Saviq: oh no, is that a new one?
[10:41] <brendand> ogra_, rather one of the things you mentioned is keeping krillin constantly above that level
[10:41] * sil2100 prepares the manual prepare_silo job
[10:41] <Saviq> sil2100, it is, I needed to split the big one
[10:41] <brendand> ogra_, the question is whether we can fix that or it's just something we need to accept
[10:42] <Saviq> sil2100, it was too big to understand issues that we've noticed
[10:42] <brendand> ogra_, i'm not that knowledgable about these things, but any chance the lower clock speed could make a difference?
[10:43] <sil2100> Saviq: assigning
[10:43] <sil2100> Mirv, ogra_, asac, ribru: I guess it's time to draw the line
[10:44] <sil2100> NOTICE! Landings going on halt!
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CI Train on halt! No non-blocker landings accepted until image promotion!
[10:44] <brendand> sil2100, awwww
[10:47] <brendand> Mirv, did that camera-app landing make it in?
[10:47] <Saviq> sil2100, thanks
[10:47] <brendand> Mirv, it has test fixes that are wanted
[10:51] <Mirv> brendand: I published it since that was a pre-requirement for newer .click to build, kicked a .click build and asked bfiller to have it uploaded when it's ready. I'm not sure if it made it in, but if not I can also upload it.
[10:51] <Mirv> it's over here http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/camera-app-click/149/
[10:52] <brendand> Mirv, yeah it would be nice to fix those tests - but i guess landings are frozen?
[10:53] <Mirv> sil2100: are they ^
[10:54] <sil2100> Mirv: see topic
[10:54] <Mirv> oh, topic
[10:54] <sil2100> :)
[10:54] * sil2100 prepares an announcement e-mail
[10:55] <Wellark> can I have a silo for row 92 please
[10:55] <Mirv> there are two bugs from the wishlist list and three bugs not there
[10:57] <Mirv> correction, three bugs from previously accepted rtm critical fixes, two not
=== psivaa_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: psivaa | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CI Train on halt! No non-blocker landings accepted until image promotion!
[11:01] <asac> sil2100: will you send mail on the halts?
[11:01] <asac> thanks
[11:01] <asac> or are we happy enough with /topic nowadays
[11:01] <asac> (could be :))
[11:02] <brendand> psivaa_, how does ci handle the lock screen?
[11:02] <brendand> psivaa_, does it disable that completely?
[11:02] <psivaa_> brendand: that's unlocked for every test suites
[11:02] <psivaa_> reboot and unlock
[11:03] <brendand> psivaa_, ah - and what kind of security is set for it? is it passphrase?
[11:04] <psivaa_> brendand: i think it's u-d-f --password
[11:04] <brendand> psivaa_, yeah - this is bad
[11:04] <brendand> psivaa_, there is a huge bug ATM caused by that
[11:05] <brendand> psivaa_, it could have an unknown impact on our smoke tests
[11:05] <psivaa_> brendand: bug caused by using password?
[11:05] <brendand> psivaa_, any chance it can be changed to pin?
[11:05] <brendand> psivaa_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1373985
[11:05] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1373985 in maliit-framework (Ubuntu) "foreground app doesn't get activated after we leave the lock screen" [Undecided,In progress]
[11:06] <sil2100> asac: yes, just sent one :)
[11:06] <brendand> psivaa_, it's a maliit bug so doesn't happen with pin
[11:07] <sil2100> As mentioned above, it was still in the works
[11:07] <sil2100> brendand, davmor2, ToyKeeper, elopio: just so you remember - no landings besides blocker landings o/
[11:07] * sil2100 is still waiting for some info from ogra_ regarding image builds
[11:07] <psivaa_> brendand: i dont think changing it to pin is difficult, but altering the flashing just to overcome a bug does not seem to be right
[11:08] <brendand> psivaa_, no far better to fix the bug
[11:08] <psivaa_> i'm sure i'll be asked a lot of questions when i try to do this change :)
[11:08] <brendand> sil2100, this bug is causing smoke testing failures too now - and lot's of functional issues - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1373985
[11:08] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1373985 in maliit-framework (Ubuntu) "foreground app doesn't get activated after we leave the lock screen" [Undecided,In progress]
[11:08] <brendand> sil2100, would be good to have it on the email
[11:09] * sil2100 looks
[11:18] <ogra_> sil2100, should work again
[11:18] <ogra_> sil2100, colin removed the isotracker check for the moment
[11:19] <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 138 DONE (finished: 20141030 11:20) ===
[11:19] <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/138.changes ===
[11:19] <ogra_> see :)
[11:20] <popey> You don't have permission to access /~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/138.changes on this server.
[11:20] <ogra_> because it doesnt exist :P
[11:20] <ogra_> checking
[11:20] <popey> heh
[11:21] <mvo_> pardon my ignorance - so the train is on halt, does this also affect click on vivid? i.e. I would like to make a new release soon(ish) of click. but the train on halt means that we also stop vivid images, right?
[11:22] <asac> i would hope vivid is still flowing :)
[11:22] <asac> but i might be wrong
[11:22] <Wellark> what is vivid?
[11:22] <ogra_> hmm
[11:22] * Wellark hides
[11:22] * ogra_ doesnt see 1030 at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/daily-preinstalled/
[11:24] <Wellark> trainguards: I have fix for two top blockers for RTM waiting for a silo and I see plenty of them available for rtm. *wink* *wink* :)
[11:24] <ogra_> i wonder if there is more fallout from the inccident :/
[11:24] <Wellark> line 92
[11:25] <asac> ogra_: seems we can build images again?
[11:25] <asac> well done!
[11:25] <Wellark> ogra_: which incident?
[11:25] <ogra_> asac, well, only partially ... seems the roootfses dont reach the cdimage server ...
[11:26] <asac> kk
[11:26] <ogra_> there is a lot of stuff down atm
[11:26] <ogra_> (no idea how that would affect rsyncing the images from nusakan to cdimage though, it shouldnt)
[11:26] <cjwatson> ogra_,sil2100: for the record I didn't remove it, I just made cdimage carry on if it can't contact the tracker at all
[11:27] <ogra_> cjwatson, ah, thanks ... would perhaps be good to have a switch for the future in case you are not around
[11:27] <cjwatson> ogra_: (a) you could have made the very same change, it didn't particularly require me (b) no need for a switch
[11:27] <ogra_> ok
[11:29] <cjwatson> Hm, I wonder if I didn't quite get it right
[11:29] <ogra_> is sync-mirrors using similar checks
[11:29] <ogra_> or the wrapping call ...
[11:29] <cjwatson> Not sync-mirrors, but there's a stage in between I missed
[11:31] <cjwatson> ogra_: fixed harder, synced mirrors
[11:31] <ogra_> thanks :)
[11:33] <ogra_> popey, try now
[11:33] <popey> It's there!
[11:33] <ogra_> :)
[11:33] <cjwatson> and indeed system-image goes off the local filesystem so should have been unaffected
[11:33] <ogra_> yeah, only the changelog generation uses cdimage
[11:34] <ogra_> i should move that some day ...
[11:34] <Mirv> Wellark: you have silo rtm-003. rtm-013 is probably not going to land.
[11:34] <ogra_> (like i should move the bot)
[11:34] <Wellark> Mirv: not going to land?
[11:34] <Wellark> tvoss: ^
[11:34] <Wellark> Mirv: thanks!
[11:35] * ogra_ points to Wellark's inbox :)
[11:40] <Mirv> Wellark: word back, 013 might land too but it's anyway not yet upstream tested so if you're quick 003 might land first...
[11:41] <ogra_> psivaa_, did one krillin (krillin-09) fall over in 138 smooketesting ?
[11:41] <ogra_> or is that an older dashboard entry
[11:42] <ogra_> oh, seems to be older
[11:42] <sil2100> ogra_: so, is the 138 progressing?
[11:42] <ogra_> seems like
[11:42] <ogra_> i dont see all tests listed yet
[11:43] <psivaa_> ogra_: yes, it did. let me kick that one again
[11:43] <tvoss> Wellark, on rtm-proposed, my sim is not recognized anymore. Is that a known issue?
[11:43] <ogra_> did you run out of credit ?
[11:43] <Wellark> tvoss: krillin?
[11:44] <tvoss> Wellark, ack
[11:44] * ogra_ has both sims here (though i'm one image behind)
[11:44] <tvoss> ogra_, sim with contract
[11:44] <ogra_> ah
[11:45] * ogra_ upgrades to 138
[11:45] <tvoss> ogra_, my sim is pin-locked, too
[11:45] <ogra_> i have one locked and one open ...
[11:45] <ogra_> (open one is prepaid ... the other one is contract)
[11:46] <abeato> tvoss, some people had that issue in mako, but never ran into it with krillin
[11:46] <abeato> tvoss, what does indicator-network show?
[11:46] <tvoss> abeato, offline for both sims
[11:47] <Mirv> sil2100: it does not look like I'm getting a full UITK AP run.. I've now been running after --bootstrap flashing my mako with latest rtm release, but it simply seems to stop at some point. do you think someone else could test it? maybe krillin, if the results would be easier to obtain than on mako?
[11:47] <abeato> tvoss, ok, could you paste the output of /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems ?
[11:47] <tvoss> abeato, Wellark http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8745974/
[11:48] <Mirv> sil2100: among symptoms I have /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd keeps respawning all the time, while when it "halts" (Unity8 still works, but tests don't proceed) there seems to be a mirscreencast process that doesn't go away (hanged?)
[11:48] <Wellark> ogra_: "The Product Team will probably still consider some exceptions"
[11:48] <Mirv> if I kill the mirscreencast process (needs -9), I get unity-system-compositor crash and unity8 restarts
[11:48] <ogra_> sure
[11:49] <Wellark> please considersilos rtm 013 and rtm 003 as exceptions
[11:49] <abeato> tvoss, hm, looks like you were in flight mode
[11:49] <ogra_> Wellark, we are not the product team
[11:49] <abeato> tvoss, is that the case?
[11:49] <ogra_> wrong channel
[11:49] <Wellark> ogra_: who is?
[11:49] <ogra_> dude
[11:49] <ogra_> the guys that bllock your landings since two weeks :P
[11:49] <Wellark> sorry, haven't seen a org chart
[11:49] <Wellark> nobody has blocked anything on me
[11:49] <Wellark> I only have TOP BLOCKERs ;)
[11:49] <ogra_> victor, olli, pmcgowan as announced serveral times over the last two weeks
[11:50] <Wellark> well stuff in 013 and 003 fix only top blockers
[11:50] <Mirv> so if anyone krillin wants to test UITK, please see silo https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-011 to your sources.list , apt upgrade to it, apt install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot, and run phablet-test-run
[11:50] <ogra_> they decide what goes in ... talk to one of them to get an exception
[11:50] <ogra_> doesnt help to moan in here ...
[11:51] * ogra_ notes his location indicator is gone on 138
[11:52] <ogra_> tvoss, smells like there still is some race
[11:52] <Wellark> ogra_: they are all offline, so where else could I moan ;)
[11:52] <ogra_> dis/enabling location in system-settings makes it show up
[11:53] <Wellark> + they usually hang out on this channel, so..
[11:53] <ogra_> Wellark, victorp usually comes online around this time ... try #phablet
[11:53] <Wellark> ack.
[11:54] <davmor2> ogra_: if it is disabled in system-settings and you open a location based app does it show up then?
[11:54] <ogra_> davmor2, dunno, i just tied to get the indicator back ... now it is there again
[11:55] <ogra_> let me reboot, perhaps i hit the same race again
[11:55] <ogra_> it wasnt off or anything ... just the indicator missing
[11:56] <ogra_> nope, this time it is there
[11:59] * Mirv physiotherapist, and Qt telco immediately after that
[11:59] * sil2100 goes off to prepare lunch
[12:00] <tvoss> abeato, probably
[12:01] <abeato> tvoss, then just unset flight mode ;)
[12:01] <tvoss> abeato, flight mode isn't active in the indicator and urfkill says false for flight mode
[12:02] <abeato> tvoss, using the urfkill script?
[12:03] <tvoss> abeato, according to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8746071/
[12:03] <abeato> ok
[12:05] <abeato> tvoss, following in #phablet?
[12:06] <tvoss> abeato, sure
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
[12:29] <Saviq> sil2100, is vivid silo 12 configured correctly https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-012-1-build/55/console ?
[12:43] <ogra_> brendand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8746386/ .... (i guess i should one day make a branch of all these tools i use)
[12:44] <ogra_> brendand, very interesting: the last mako rtm build had a dropping-letters hang that has systemsettle issues ... the output is pretty informative with that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8746387/
[12:50] <bfiller> Mirv: shall I upload the camera click now?
[12:53] <Mirv> bfiller: according to topic we'd be frozen for blockers only, so my understanding would be that no
[12:54] <bfiller> Mirv: ok, I think I'll upload it and then we can wait to approve until deemed open. I was approved for the wishlist anyway..
[12:57] <davmor2> ogra_: on 138 if you slide down the battery indicator do you see auto brightness?
[12:57] <Saviq> trainguards, can you please publish vivid silo 9 for me
[12:57] <ogra_> davmor2, yep
[12:57] <Saviq> trainguards, and reconfigure vivid silo 5, added qtmir there
[12:58] <davmor2> then how come I don't sanity test blocker number 2 :( not looking good guys
[12:59] <ogra_> davmor2, i think the autobrightness thing is old ... there was a thread about it on ubuntu-hone quite a while ago (two weeks perhaps)
[13:02] <sil2100> Saviq: o/
[13:03] <sil2100> ...
[13:04] <sil2100> Saviq: ok, so I reconfigured the wrong silo, but well, nevermind that!
[13:04] <Saviq> sil2100, should be fine after a watch_only, no?
[13:04] <sil2100> Saviq: yeah, let's wait for it to finish reconfiguring, but my brain mixed up the order
[13:04] <sil2100> Good thing I didn't publish the other one
[13:04] <sil2100> ;)
[13:08] <mvo_> hey trainguards, is there a chance that I can get a vivid silo for line 94 (click)?
[13:08] <seb128> mvo_, you have access to the assign function no? ;-)
[13:09] <Mirv> bfiller: ok.
[13:09] <mvo_> seb128: hmmmmmmm
[13:09] <mvo_> seb128: I guess I do
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
[13:11] <sil2100> mvo_: ;)
[13:12] * mvo_ assigns himself a silo or two
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: josepht | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CI Train on halt! No non-blocker landings accepted until image promotion!
[13:14] <pmcgowan> https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/14L2Be36VRMQoWvbhguQu4D_lNQlhtmb3oMwbaGsAj2M/edit#heading=h.z2457fdjyl35
[13:14] <pmcgowan> zbenjamin, Mirv ^^
[13:16] <pmcgowan> Mirv, is that you? hard to hear
[13:17] <Saviq> sil2100, publish 9 please
[13:17] <zbenjamin> pmcgowan: android emulator based
[13:18] <barry> ribru, olli so, rtm/4, what's next?
=== karni is now known as karni-lunch
[13:23] <barry> pmcgowan: ^^ perhaps
[13:27] <Mirv> pmcgowan: thanks for the doc
[13:27] <brendand> ogra_, so that looks like an actual bug
[13:27] <brendand> ogra_, whereas the krillin thing is maybe something more fundamental
[13:28] <ogra_> brendand, yeah, just wanted to demo how it looks with an actual hanger
[13:29] <ogra_> brendand, if i find time on the weekend i'll probably write a parser that pulls all top logs autmatically and generates us a regular report
[13:29] <ogra_> (for one image run)
[13:30] <sil2100> Saviq: puiblishing!
[13:30] <sil2100> Saviq: btw. spreadsheet was b0rked and your silo didn't want to get marked as ready for release
[13:30] <olli> thostr_, silo 15 doesn't look related to what we discussed?
[13:30] <olli> sil2100, ^
[13:30] <Saviq> sil2100, b0rkiness!
[13:31] <Saviq> sil2100, ah, unapproved, checing
[13:31] <Saviq> sil2100, ready agan
[13:31] <Saviq> +i
[13:32] <thostr_> olli: why 15?
[13:32] <olli> thostr_, because i can't read
[13:32] <olli> I guess you said 5
[13:32] <olli> oops
[13:32] <olli> sil2100, ^
[13:32] <thostr_> :)
[13:33] <olli> thostr_, but how does #5 relate to blank scopes?
[13:33] <thostr_> olli: that's the qtmir fix to not suspend dash
[13:34] <olli> silo 5... I read ubuntu-push-qml
[13:34] <olli> Saviq, ^ is that possibly #10
[13:34] <thostr_> olli: it's vivid silo 5
[13:35] <thostr_> and rtm silo 13
[13:35] <thostr_> that's the kind of mess...
[13:35] <Saviq> olli, thostr_, yes vivid 5 (that's in flux right now) and rtm 13
[13:36] <Saviq> *no*
[13:36] <Saviq> rtm 10
[13:36] <Saviq> 13 is just for crashes
[13:36] <olli> :)
[13:36] <thostr_> so, to summarize: rtm 5 and 10 is what we need to make the image stable...hopefully
[13:36] <thostr_> no
[13:37] <thostr_> f..ck
[13:37] <Saviq> lol
[13:37] <olli> nice...
[13:37] <Saviq> that's blank scopes, totally no scopes aka black scopes is something I don't know yet where's it coming from, but both rtm 10 and 13 have potential there
[13:37] <olli> straightforward as it seems
[13:37] <sil2100> Silo 13 is what we need for unity8 crashes
[13:37] <thostr_> rtm 10 and 13 that is
[13:37] <Saviq> ↑
[13:37] <sil2100> thostr_: what does silo 10 fix?
[13:38] <thostr_> sil2100: that's the qtmir things, no? saviq?
[13:38] <Saviq> sil2100, yeah, that's me, it's syncing rtm with unity8 trunk
[13:38] <Saviq> sil2100, and now's the time when you tell me I can't do that
[13:38] <Saviq> and I go to a corner and slit my wrists
[13:39] * ogra_ brings a bucket
[13:40] <cwayne> this got real dark real fast
[13:40] <ogra_> i just want to save the carpet of our chatroom
[13:44] <Saviq> sil2100, I'll have to redo vivid silo 5 then to only include changes relevant for rtm blockers
[13:44] <Saviq> sil2100, and do a sync silo from that
[13:45] * olli hands ogra some episodes of Dexter
[13:45] <ogra_> :)
[13:49] <dobey> traingaurds: what do i need to do to actually rebuild the packages in a silo ppa that have already built/published in that ppa? i can't seem to get the train to force new package uploads
[13:49] <brendand> tvoss, is 13 going to be ready for sign off soon?
[13:49] <Saviq> dobey, which silo?
[13:49] <tvoss> brendand, yup
[13:50] <dobey> Saviq: ubuntu/landing-014
[13:50] <Wellark> brendand: once 13 is in, you might want to champion 3 :)
[13:50] <Wellark> brendand: has a fix for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/1374419
[13:50] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1374419 in indicator-network (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] Threading issue with the MenuModel Updates" [Critical,In progress]
[13:50] <Wellark> but needs 13 to go in first
[13:50] <brendand> Wellark, i do like 3 (and not just for the gratuitous Symbian reference)
[13:51] <brendand> Wellark, but i think we want to land just the blocker fixes first
[13:51] <Saviq> dobey, that's a sync silo
[13:51] <Saviq> dobey, once it's built, it's there
[13:51] <Saviq> dobey, you'd have to bump version to rebuild
[13:52] <Saviq> dobey, why do you need to rebuild it btw?
[13:52] <ogra_> brendand, so i went though all systemsettle issues on 137 with my script ... upower clearly keeps dbus busy ... sometimes there is pulse on the list ... i think we shoulld a) raise the threshold a slight bit ... *but* ... have a bug to reaserch why upower keeps the bus so busy ...
[13:52] <brendand> ogra_, let's drag rsalveti in :)
[13:52] <dobey> Saviq: it was built before the new u-d-m landed in vivid, and now that it's in vivid, we need to rebuild against it as it was an abi break
[13:52] <ogra_> brendand, i think ondra- did some reasearch of that before
[13:53] <ogra_> brendand, and here is the topafter from the unity8 test on krilllin rtm 137 ... this is really interesting http://paste.ubuntu.com/8747221/
[13:53] <Saviq> dobey, then you need to ask a trainguards to bump the ubuntu$ version in there and reupload to force a rebuild
[13:54] <brendand> ogra_, that's our friend unity8 crash no :)
[13:54] <ogra_> yeah
[13:54] <Saviq> dobey, and then you'll have to sync that bump to your trunk
[13:54] <ogra_> the interesting bit is that it keeps media-hub runnint at 100%
[13:55] <ogra_> *running
[13:55] <dobey> that is broken :-/
[13:55] <ogra_> which will most likely cause later crashers
[13:56] <ogra_> brendand, but this is the only systemsettle where we really have some high consumer ... all the others are just upower dbus noise
[13:57] <dobey> Saviq: why can't the jenkins build job just grab the existing builds through launchpad api, and do retry() on them?
[13:57] <ogra_> so i think we are good for adjusting the test as long as we keep an eye on that bit
[13:57] <ogra_> (and if we find something ... lower tthe test value again)
[13:57] <Saviq> dobey, because they're not failed?
[13:58] <Saviq> dobey, and you can't have two binary packages with the same version in any ubuntu archive
[13:58] <ogra_> sil2100, see backlog of the last ten mins (about systemsettle)
[13:58] <Saviq> dobey, there's no "overwriting" packages
[13:58] <sil2100> ogra_: doing in a moment
[13:58] <ogra_> take your time, not urgent :)
[14:00] * sil2100 has a meeting now so it might take a moment
[14:00] <sil2100> ;)
[14:03] * Mirv back from meeting
[14:04] <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 299 building (started: 20141030 14:05) ===
[14:04] <dobey> maybe we should just cheat here, since u-d-m cheated too
[14:04] <Mirv> davmor2: brendand: do you have any krillin free time to test (UITK AP only) the rtm-011?
[14:05] <Mirv> davmor2: brendand: on mako I'm not getting them to finish, even if unity8 would not crash. seems a possible Mir(screencast) issue or such.
[14:05] <dobey> ogra_, sergiusens: should we just copy+rebuild unity-scope-click from rtm -> vivid directly, since ubuntu-download-manager was done that way?
[14:05] <davmor2> Mirv: nope I'm testing on mine
[14:05] <ogra_> uh
[14:05] <ogra_> ignore the imgbot
[14:05] * ogra_ is switching it over to vivid
[14:06] <Mirv> davmor2: ok
[14:06] <Saviq> Mirv, can you publish vivid silo 9 for me please
[14:07] <Mirv> Saviq: yes
[14:07] <brendand> Mirv, maybe - just double checking a few things for davmor2
[14:09] <Mirv> brendand: ok, thanks for trying. I'll experiment with UITK testing with ro image, but I guess that's not possible since we don't have autopilot on the image anymore.
[14:10] <Saviq> Mirv, thanks!
[14:12] <ogra_> dobey, is unity-scope-click newer inr rtm than it was in utopic ?
[14:13] <dobey> ogra_: yes
[14:13] <ogra_> if it doesnt have a ~rtm version string etc that should be doable then
[14:13] <dobey> ogra_: and new udm breaks abi, and autopkgtest for unity-scope-click fails now
[14:13] <dobey> ogra_: i think it has the ~rtm because ci train :(
[14:14] <ogra_> hmm, thats bad, then i would suggest rather a vivid silo
[14:14] <sil2100> Mirv: hey, since I was away at lunch - how's the UITK test fix going?
[14:14] * dobey bangs his head against a train car
[14:15] <Mirv> sil2100: no update from my update to you 1.5h ago, ie I'm not able to get the tests to finish on mako, therefore asking for any krillin user ^ to try it.
[14:15] <Mirv> oh, 2.5h ago, that is
[14:16] <Mirv> sil2100: it's probably not related to the change in anyway, but Mir or Unity8 or such
[14:16] <Mirv> so it might be it'd work on krillin
[14:19] <Saviq> dobey, basically, seems like now's the time to split trunk and rtm branches
=== karni-lunch is now known as karni
[14:33] <dobey> or having things not break underneath me while trying to get stuff done, would also be nice
[14:34] <dobey> trainguards: can you destroy ubuntu/landing-014 silo? this is apparenlty not going to work and now we have to do extra work to get the fix into vivid. :-/
[14:38] <sil2100> Mirv: if I have a moment after the meeting I could try that on krillin
[14:38] <sil2100> Mirv: any specific way of running it required?
[14:38] <Saviq> ribru, think we could make 123456 strings in the train dashboard active, opening the bug in target=_blank
[14:38] <Saviq> ?
[14:39] <Saviq> for the description that is
[14:40] <ogra_> should be simple to just point to http://pad.lv/$bugnumber
[14:44] <Mirv> sil2100: not that I'm aware off. about this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8747718/ ie usual
[14:45] <sil2100> Mirv: oh, you not using the citrain tool? :)
[14:47] <Mirv> sil2100: "the citrain tool"? if you mean Zoltan's script, no I've not modified it to run UITK tests only.
[14:47] <sil2100> tvoss: how's silo 13?
[14:47] <sil2100> Mirv: no no, phablet-tools-citrain I mean
[14:47] <tvoss> sil2100, building
[14:48] <sil2100> Mirv: like, citrain device-upgrade <silo>
[14:48] <Mirv> sil2100: eh.. installing
[14:48] <Mirv> sil2100: I did hear people using something like that, it didn't occur to me it's in archives!
[14:48] <ogra_> and dont step on the tracks :)
[14:48] <sil2100> Mirv: hah ;)
[14:48] <Mirv> sil2100: oh right, but it uses the apt trick from me anyway :)
[14:52] <brendand> Mirv, i can try that silo now - which one was it?
[14:52] <Wellark> trainguards: could I please get a reconfiguration of silo rtm-3 ?
[14:53] <sil2100> Wellark: sure
[14:53] <Wellark> sil2100: thanks!
[14:53] <alecu> jhodapp: hi! I made a small branch for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediaplayer-app/+bug/1387691
[14:53] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1387691 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Media Player should not be visible in the app scope and launcher" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[14:53] <Wellark> sil2100: also could you check (when you have a minute) why the Status field in line 92 is not updating
[14:53] <sil2100> Wellark: so, I see it has dbus-cpp - remember that we have a critical landing for dbus-cpp in the works
[14:53] <jhodapp> alecu, excellent...is it ready for testing and approval?
[14:53] <Wellark> sil2100: oh, you are good. now it updated
[14:54] <sil2100> Yeah, just fixed it ;)
[14:54] <Wellark> sil2100: yes. tvoss requested I get one of the MP's out of that pending dbus-cpp silo
[14:54] <Wellark> sil2100: and in the comments the dbus-cpp silo is mentioned
[14:54] <alecu> jhodapp: yes, I think it's ready to build on an rtm silo and test it
[14:54] <jhodapp> alecu, alright, can you get an rtm silo requested?
[14:54] <sil2100> Wellark: reconfigured o/
[14:55] <jhodapp> alecu, let me know when the ppa is ready
[14:55] <Wellark> sil2100: thanks!
[14:57] <alecu> jhodapp: sure. I'll get it built then ask you to do the usual tests for it, and I'll test that click scope still works fine with that change.
[14:57] <alecu> jhodapp: nothing's really changing in that branch, but just to be sure.
[14:57] <Mirv> brendand: rtm-011
[14:58] <jhodapp> alecu, indeed...last time that landed I assumed everything would be ok but there can be unexpected bugs from that
[14:58] <jhodapp> alecu, with how url-dispatcher works
[14:58] <alecu> right
[14:58] <alecu> jhodapp: I checked that local videos can be launched from the video scope
[14:59] <alecu> and that seems to be working right (unlike with the NoDisplay=True change, I tried that before and it broke)
[15:03] <alecu> jhodapp: btw, what's the url for the media player test plan?
[15:04] <jhodapp> alecu, don't have it offhand, just navigate to the top of all test plans on the wiki and you'll find it
[15:04] <alecu> I guess it's this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/mediaplayer-app
[15:05] <jhodapp> yes
[15:06] <om26er_> oSoMoN, on krillin, twitter webapp seems to load the static version now. it was loading the dynamic version just last week.
[15:06] <om26er_> do you know what changed ? see: http://i.imgur.com/5SfomgK.png
[15:06] <om26er_> dbarth, ^
[15:09] <dbarth> om26er_: checking
[15:10] <dbarth> om26er_: it's the browser, not the webapp
[15:10] <om26er_> dbarth, right, its the same there as well.
[15:11] <dbarth> loads fine here
[15:11] <dbarth> om26er_: which image # are you on?
[15:11] <brendand> Mirv, so just run the uitk AP tests?
[15:12] <Mirv> brendand: yep.
[15:12] <Mirv> brendand: that's what I'm seemingly unable to get done on my mako.
[15:12] <om26er_> dbarth, r138
[15:13] <ribru> barry: looks like we're waiting for qa signoff on rtm4
[15:13] <ribru> Saviq: yeah I'm a little behind on the dashboard to-do list sorry
[15:13] <Mirv> brendand: if they pass, then we have something probably worth landing. the only change was this https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/modify_test_desktopfile_lp1382414/+merge/240079
[15:13] <Saviq> ribru, just asking, if that's there on your list already, I'm game
[15:14] <barry> ribru: yep
[15:15] <Laney> josepht: hi, can you reconfigure jobs like https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/libaccounts-glib/libtool-and-gi/+merge/240116/comments/590222 to run on vivid instead please?
[15:16] <josepht> Laney: we're in the process of adding vivid support now
[15:16] <Laney> ok
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CI Train on halt! No non-blocker landings accepted until image promotion!
[15:17] <ribru> sil2100: did you notice yet that our vivid builds are getting versioned as 14.10.YYYYMMDD? ;-)
[15:18] <sil2100> ribru: didn't have time to notice that, sorry ;p
[15:18] <sil2100> Why vivid isn't set to 15.04?
[15:18] <sil2100> Was that a mistake I made?
[15:18] <ribru> sil2100: dunno, I'll have to dig in that code today.
[15:18] <sil2100> Maybe I did that by mistake when I added it
[15:19] <sil2100> Like, in the big trance
[15:19] <sil2100> Just typing random things on a meeting
[15:19] <sil2100> ;)
[15:19] <sil2100> (like now)
[15:19] <ribru> sil2100: there's a weird bug where vivid builds have an unhandled exception trying to open the dsc file, but I've confirmed the dsc file exists with the exact name... but it's marked 14.10 ;-)
[15:20] <Mirv> sil2100: I've failed miserably in getting the citrain tool to work, it always tries to add wrong PPA :)
[15:20] <sil2100> Mirv: hah!
[15:20] <Mirv> on the last attempt it did add a PPA, for rtm, but set the series to "devel" instead of "14.09"
[15:20] <sil2100> Mirv: did you enter the silo name as 007?
[15:20] <ogra_> i thought that was fixed with ribru's llast changes
[15:20] <sil2100> Mirv: since no pending zeroes! DO not add those
[15:20] <Mirv> sil2100: I did that too, getting some funky calculation of 011 becoming 009
[15:20] <ribru> Mirv: what do you mean "set the series"? citrain tool doesn't change the image series
[15:20] <sil2100> Mirv: just use '7' instead of 007
[15:21] <ogra_> no james bond silos !
[15:21] <ribru> Mirv: are you using the latest version? also wtf
[15:21] <Mirv> sil2100: so I ended up then with the correct silo but with 'devel' indeed, and I don't know where it's picking that up
[15:21] <Mirv> ribru: in the apt line, ended with "devel"
[15:21] <sil2100> huh?
[15:21] <sil2100> wtf
[15:21] <Mirv> latest rtm image, citrain device-upgrade 11 0000 ubuntu-rtm
[15:22] <sil2100> Mirv: did you try setting the distro manually?
[15:22] <ribru> Mirv: well that's a bug in phablet-config then, which citrain tool just wraps
[15:22] <sil2100> Like attaching ubuntu-rtm to the end?
[15:22] <sil2100> Mirv: ah, right...
[15:22] <cjwatson> "devel" is a fallback in add-apt-repository when working with a different distribution
[15:23] <cjwatson> and "devel" should work just fine for ubuntu-rtm/14.09
[15:23] <cjwatson> since that's the latest series in that distribution
[15:23] <Mirv> I got 403 Forbidden with that
[15:23] <cjwatson> that's an LP bug then
[15:23] <cjwatson> deployment bug rather than code bug, I think
[15:23] <cjwatson> it's meant to work
[15:23] <cjwatson> been outstanding for a while, didn't realise it still was, we'll need to investigate that
[15:24] <Mirv> sil2100: with and without setting the distro
[15:24] <Mirv> yeah, s/devel/14.09/ works, but it's unclear to me how that tool works for anybody testing rtm silos
[15:24] <cjwatson> I'll chase it up
[15:24] <cjwatson> we shouldn't change add-apt-repository, we should fix ppa.lp.net :)
[15:24] <davmor2> lool marked bug accordingly
[15:24] <Mirv> thanks cjwatson, something worthwhile from this experimentation (I wouldn't have needed the tool but sil2100 suggested it)
[15:25] <ogra_> MIrwell, it definitely worked once
[15:25] <ogra_> Mirv, ^^
[15:25] <Mirv> orwell, mirwell
[15:25] <lool> davmor2: thanksely
[15:25] * ogra_ has seen is working
[15:25] <ogra_> *it
[15:25] <ogra_> but thats a while ago
[15:26] <brendand> Mirv, we're using it all the time
[15:26] <Mirv> brendand: I thought so, that's why it's curious why it works for you
[15:27] <Mirv> brendand: which image channel exactly you're using? I wonder if it has anything to do with that. I'm currently using --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/devel-proposed
[15:27] <Mirv> since I think ogra at some point stated one should not use release names preferably
[15:28] <brendand> Mirv, ooooh
[15:28] <brendand> Mirv, interesting
[15:28] <brendand> Mirv, try ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed
[15:28] <ogra_> Mirv, right, do not end up in a situation where you need to switch channels
[15:29] <ogra_> once there is a new versioned one
[15:29] <Mirv> ogra_: yeah, that's what I thought
[15:29] * ogra_ would very much prefer if we could make the versioned or named channels just invisible on the server
[15:29] <Mirv> brendand: I might, although I fail to see how phablet-config or anything could get the "devel" from somewhere related to that
[15:29] <ogra_> and only stay with devel and devel-proposed
[15:29] * Mirv grepped "devel" at /etc/ and didn't find anything
[15:30] <ogra_> Mirv, iirc from system-image-cli -i
[15:30] <ogra_> if i remember roberts code snippet right
[15:30] <Mirv> ogra_: true! channel: ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/devel-proposed, alias: ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed
[15:30] <ogra_> right
[15:30] <Mirv> not sure if it has anything to do with this, but at least there's one place a tool could pick up devel instead of 14.09
[15:31] <ogra_> yeah, we might want to force it using the alias if there is one ... for the moment at least
[15:31] <ogra_> and not tthe actual channel name
[15:34] <Saviq> Mirv, should I be worried http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#unity8 - unity-scope-click test failed
[15:35] <ribru> ogra_: er, wut? I grep the output of system-image-cli for whether or not it's ubuntu/ubuntu-rtm. nothing to do with series.
[15:35] <ribru> or channel name.
[15:36] <Saviq> alecu, does that ring any bell http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Vivid/view/AutoPkgTest/job/vivid-adt-unity-scope-click/lastBuild/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console ?
[15:36] <ogra_> ribru, the channel name is the only place to get that info from in system-image-cli
[15:37] <ribru> sil2100: seriously the function that generates version numbers is 100 lines long and that doesn't even include the logic for determining which series to put in the version (that's passed in). this spaghetti is terrible.
[15:37] <ogra_> so you do grep for the channel name if it has rtm
[15:37] <ribru> ogra_: yeah but I grep it for rtm, not for what series it says
[15:37] <ogra_> right
[15:37] <ogra_> and we might need to add that for the moment until LP can act properly on "devel"
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g|tea
[15:40] <brendand> sil2100, we're putting a halt on image testing until 13 lands
[15:41] <sil2100> brendand: o>
[15:42] <sil2100> ribru: it should just use the number that's taken from settings.py, no? Like, the one that's related to the series name
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
[15:42] <sil2100> ribru: but hmmm, that's correct there: "'vivid': '15.04',"
[15:42] <sil2100> So it should just work
[15:43] <sil2100> Has to be some bug somewhere else
[15:44] <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 3 DONE (finished: 20141030 15:45) ===
[15:44] <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/3.changes ===
[15:44] <sil2100> \o/
[15:44] <ogra_> yay
[15:44] <ogra_> so the both knows vivid now :)
[15:45] <ribru> sil2100: yes that's how I thought it worked... but indeed vivid builds are not picking that up correctly.
[15:46] <sil2100> o_O
[15:48] <davmor2> ogra_: is devel-proposed not meant to point at image 3 now?
[15:49] <ogra_> davmor2, it should (accordign to slangasek )
[15:49] <tvoss> sil2100, silo 13 built, retesting
[15:49] <Mirv> Saviq: someone on some channel was taking about unity-scope-click tests failing because of xyz. does that help you? :)
[15:49] <slangasek> ogra_, davmor2: maybe it's still importing?
[15:49] <Saviq> Mirv, kinda, probably won't help me migrate though ;(
[15:50] <Saviq> Mirv, right, because of u-d-m
[15:50] <ogra_> slangasek, no, the bot checks the external http server if it announces it it is definitely there
[15:50] <davmor2> slangasek: still points to utopic 299 as of my flash this morning
[15:50] <ogra_> slangasek, but i dont think davmor2 meant to say it isnt
[15:50] <Saviq> mandel, alecu, hey, any resolution on unity-scope-click tests vs. ubuntu-download-manager
[15:50] <ogra_> davmor2, with image 3 this should have changed
[15:51] <ogra_> only right now
[15:51] <slangasek> ah, so the bot only sees it once it's on the channel
[15:51] <ogra_> this morning it was still pointing to the old one
[15:51] <davmor2> ogra_: ah right I will update and check then
[15:51] <ogra_> right
[15:51] <slangasek> ah, yes
[15:51] <brendand> ogra_, should we rope someone into the landing meeting to give feedback on the settle/powerd issue?
[15:51] <ogra_> an OTA or a fresh flash should get you vivid #3
[15:52] <brendand> ogra_, not sure who's a good candidate
[15:52] <sil2100> tvoss: keeping my fingers crossed! We're all anticipating silo 13 eagerly
[15:52] <ribru> sil2100: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-003-1-build/63/console figures I run a build job with DEBUG and it gets the 15.04 version. damnit
[15:52] <ogra_> brendand, well, i know that ondra- looked at upower and dbus stuff not to far ago ... and i knwo hhe talked about it with rsalveti ... but the latter is gone this week ...
[15:53] <brendand> ogra_, yeah
[15:53] <davmor2> ogra_: ota version 3
[15:53] <brendand> ogra_, i guess for now we could try and ignore them
[15:53] <ogra_> brendand, the core question was if we should adjust the systemsettle value ...
[15:53] <brendand> ogra_, since they manifest as errors not failures it's a bit easier to filter them out
[15:53] <ogra_> brendand, and i think we have the answer ... as long as we keep an eye on upower
[15:53] <davmor2> slangasek: too ^
[15:54] <ogra_> thats true
[15:54] <ogra_> davmor2, cool !
[15:54] <ogra_> so its all working then :)
[15:54] <slangasek> hmm?
[15:54] <brendand> ogra_, well if we adjust the value to say - 96.5 then most of the tests should pass, and if anything else apart from upower goes haywire it will make it fail anyway
[15:54] <davmor2> ogra_: no idea it has to download the whole image a fresh
[15:54] * ogra_ likes that our software always works and never has bugs :)
[15:54] <brendand> ogra_, so as long as we don't think the upower thing is an issue we should probably do it
[15:55] <ogra_> brendand, yeah ... 96.5 would still have catched the media-hub
[15:55] <tvoss> Mirv, hey there, I'm having problems downloading packages from a ppa
[15:55] <tvoss> Mirv, tells me: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-013/ubuntu-rtm/dists/devel/main/binary-armhf/Packages 403 Forbidden
[15:55] <brendand> Mirv, i ended up with 3 failures on uitk
[15:55] <ogra_> i think the upower thing is an issue that deserves a bug filed ... and fixed ... but it shouldnt make the dashboard uglier than it already is
[15:56] <ondra-> ogra_ brendand lastest measurements were fine, there wasn't much traffic on dbus, more like 10s with no traffic
[15:56] <Mirv> tvoss: we just discussed that. s/devel/14.09/ in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*. there's a bug.
[15:56] <ogra_> ondra-, did you ever compare to mako ?
[15:57] <ogra_> ondra-, the point is that our idle measurement before and after smoke tests never hits the same low value as mako does ... and looking at the logs it seems upower and dbus simply keep it slightly more busy
[15:57] <Mirv> brendand: excellent! excellent for a) being able to finish the tests, b) having only 3 failing tests instead of ~70. 0 would have been perfect of course.
[15:57] <Mirv> sil2100: ^
[15:57] <Mirv> maybe there's a mako specific issue then, but krillin fine
[15:57] <sil2100> Mirv: for me that's perfect, let's get that to the QA queue then
[15:57] <brendand> ogra_, so i did say earlier, and maybe you didn't answer me because it was a stupid question - but given two pieces of hardware running the same code, would the one with the lower clock speed end up with less idle time?
[15:57] <ondra-> ogra_ hmm, there was not much from upower since last update
[15:57] <sil2100> Mirv, brendand: so, silo 11 (UITK AP fix) got a +1 from management
[15:58] <ogra_> brendand, migh, yes
[15:58] <ogra_> *might
[15:58] <sil2100> Mirv, brendand: it's not a promotion blocker, but can land during the landing lock if we make it in time before the dbus-cpp fix
[15:58] <ogra_> ondra-, no, thats there since forever
[15:58] <brendand> ogra_, and krillin is slower than mako
[15:58] <brendand> ogra_, i totally realise that it's a bit apples and oranges, but just worth considering
[15:58] <ogra_> yes
[15:59] <ogra_> its not really apples vs oranges ...
[15:59] <ogra_> more like beetel vs porsche 911
[15:59] <ogra_> *beetle
[15:59] <ogra_> there is indeed a significant performance difference
[15:59] <Mirv> sil2100: ok. well, I simply marked as brendand as having "upstream tested" it since my AP results weren't too good, even though yes I've been using it the whole day. the question is what QA sign-off would need this time, but now it's in the queue anyway.
[15:59] <brendand> sil2100, are there no uitk code changes in there, just Mirv 's test fixes?
[16:00] <Mirv> brendand: sil2100: this time the PPA diff is correct: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-011/+files/ubuntu-ui-toolkit_1.1.1298%2B14.10.20141016.1-0ubuntu1_1.1.1298%2B14.10.20141030%7Ertm-0ubuntu1.diff.gz - noise because of translation updates.
[16:00] <brendand> sil2100, if so then i wouldn't even bother with QA sign-off
[16:01] <brendand> Mirv, lol - is this the fix :)
[16:01] <brendand> -Exec=Not important
[16:01] <brendand> +Exec=/usr/bin/whoami
[16:02] <Mirv> brendand: yes! :D
[16:02] <Mirv> brendand: the new qtmir desktop parses requires a valid file
[16:02] <brendand> bug : identity crisis in desktop file
[16:03] <sil2100> brendand: yep
[16:03] <brendand> sil2100, just land it
[16:03] <sil2100> brendand: well, I would want someone to do some random exploratory tests maybe - Mirv did you have a moment to play around with it for a moment?
[16:03] <sil2100> Just to make sure no new deps didn't cause it to break after rebuild
[16:03] <Mirv> sil2100: I've played around with it on mako, browsing the web et cetera.
[16:04] <brendand> sil2100, i could do that
[16:04] <ogra_> cjwatson, since i get poked about it all the time and am not sure ... people ask me about package copies from rtm to vivid ... i tend to refuse copying anything with ~rtm in the version, is that correct or would that be a safe thing to do ?
[16:04] <brendand> sil2100, i have it installed on my krillin now
[16:04] <sil2100> I'll do that as well, don't want brendand to waste his time ;)
[16:04] <Mirv> some exploratory tesitng on krillin wouldn't hurt
[16:04] <sil2100> I have it on krillin too
[16:04] <brendand> sil2100, actually i'd prefer it if someone pored over the translation updates and make sure they look sensible
[16:05] <cjwatson> ogra_: it's not unsafe, though some people might find it confusing maybe
[16:05] <cjwatson> ogra_: (not unsafe as long as it's a binary copy, anyway)
[16:05] <Mirv> brendand: I think translations are gotten from LP to the language packs regardless of what's in the .deb, although pitti might confirm that.
[16:06] <brendand> Mirv, true
[16:06] <ogra_> ah, no, i always do a source copy to -proposed to make sure possible toolchain or dep changes get picked up
[16:06] <cjwatson> binary copy please!
[16:06] <ogra_> i just wasnt sure about the versioning and if that might get in our way when merging the distros back later
[16:06] <ogra_> ok
[16:06] <cjwatson> don't rebuild packages with the same version in ubuntu vs. ubuntu-rtm
[16:07] <cjwatson> if you're going to rebuild, change the version please
[16:07] <cjwatson> it's not a problem to not pick up toolchain changes, after all most packages aren't rebuilt from utopic to vivid
[16:07] <cjwatson> and if a dependency change is required then proposed-migration will notice that
[16:07] <ogra_> ok
[16:09] <tvoss> sil2100, so I couldn't get the indicator network to crash, wizard worked for me and I could enter my pin
[16:09] <dobey> ogra_: so you're going to bincopy udm and unity-scope-click then?
[16:09] <Mirv> brendand: I looked through them now. it doesn't look anything would be broken and I even partially know da/sv/no/en/de/fi (well I made the fi translations myself) + can evaluate indo-european languages' sanity.
[16:09] <ogra_> dobey, udm again ?
[16:09] <ogra_> i did that yesterday
[16:09] <Mirv> additionally, my understanding is UI Toolkit translations are only used in the UI Toolkit gallery test application
[16:09] <dobey> ogra_: you did a source copy to proposed
[16:10] <dobey> ogra_: and i presume it's blocked due to unity-scope-click autopkgtest failing?
[16:10] <ogra_> dobey, right ... but thats surely built now
[16:10] <brendand> Mirv, sil2100 - it's in the QA queue now which means i get the final say :)
[16:10] <brendand> Mirv, sil2100 - well that's not actually true ;) but...
[16:10] <tvoss> brendand, is silo 13 in the queue, too?
[16:10] <dobey> ogra_: yep, it's still sat in proposed because of the autopkgtests
[16:10] <Mirv> brendand: right, are the Cancel/Confirm things used eg. somewhere in apps via UITK?
[16:10] <brendand> tvoss, not yet - it will be when you mark it testing passed
[16:11] <ogra_> dobey, proposed = after building
[16:11] <brendand> tvoss, eagerly awaiting that
[16:11] <dobey> oh, sure
[16:11] <sil2100> brendand: so, I played around with the image with an UITK now and it seems to be good
[16:11] <ogra_> dobey, i'll bin copy the scope then
[16:11] <sil2100> brendand: you want to additionally dogfood or should I just land it?
[16:11] <dobey> ogra_: ok, great. thanks
[16:11] <Mirv> I dont see anything modifying existing translations of those key strings, just adding translations to new languages
[16:12] <brendand> sil2100, i'm going to set it to granted now
[16:12] <sil2100> \o/
[16:12] <sil2100> tvoss: excellent
[16:13] <sil2100> Saviq: hey, regarding bug LP: #1386653 ...
[16:13] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1386653 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Scopes fail to launch when the network stack is not up" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386653
[16:13] <sil2100> Saviq: so, could you maybe install silo 13 on you machine and take a further look into this bug? Since the instabilities should be gone after installation of that one
[16:14] <tvoss> sil2100, I fail to see how 13 should fix that
[16:15] <dobey> sergiusens: ^^ so if it's being bin copied to vivid now, what does that mean for the silo/spreadsheet? clean out the silo, delete the spreadsheet row, and act like nothing ever happened? :)
[16:15] <ogra_> tvoss, stop trashing peoples hopes !!!
[16:15] <Saviq> sil2100, not gonna happen today I'm afraid
[16:15] <Saviq> sil2100, and it's silo 10 that fixes blank scopes
[16:15] <sil2100> tvoss: it won't, but one of the problems with testing that bug was that unity8 was crashing and introducing noise
[16:15] <tvoss> sil2100, okay
[16:16] <sil2100> Saviq: ok, silo 10 is another one that product management is waiting on too
[16:16] <sil2100> Saviq: any ETA for silo 10?
[16:16] <sil2100> Since it's on the list of 'needing to land before promotion' from the product team
[16:16] <Saviq> sil2100, well, yeah, it needs to be redone after you guys locked the doors
[16:16] <sil2100> Redone?
[16:16] <Saviq> sil2100, sure, but there's changes unrelated to blockers
[16:17] <sil2100> Ah
[16:17] <Saviq> sil2100, and in any case I'm blocked in proposed for vivid now
[16:17] <Saviq> sil2100, so can't land into vivid/trunk
[16:17] <sil2100> Crap, then we need to inform olli and others
[16:17] <Saviq> sil2100, until vivid 14 gets published (which needs a rebuild)
[16:17] <olli> wazzup
[16:18] <Saviq> olli, long story short, unity8's silo not gonna land today
[16:18] <ogra_> dobey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8748693/ is that the right version ?
[16:18] <sil2100> Mirv: we need https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/modify_test_desktopfile_lp1382414/+merge/240079 approved
[16:18] <olli> Saviq, what is it fixing?
[16:18] <sil2100> olli: silo 10
[16:18] <sil2100> olli: it was supposed to help with blank scopes
[16:18] <Saviq> olli, blank scopes (not sure about black ones though)
[16:18] <dobey> ogra_: it is, yes
[16:19] <ogra_> cjwatson, hmm, it just strikes me that when i do binary copies from rtm we will miss ppc and arm64
[16:19] <olli> what about the crashes?
[16:19] <Saviq> olli, that's 13, dbus-cpp
[16:19] <cjwatson> ogra_: they'll build as needed
[16:19] <ogra_> cool
[16:19] <dobey> ogra_: unity-scope click isn't building on those anyway
[16:19] * ogra_ presses y then
[16:19] <Saviq> olli, the unity8 one had a slew of rtm fixes apart from the blocker ones
[16:20] <ogra_> dobey, yeah, thats was more in general
[16:20] <olli> Saviq, mind expanding the short story
[16:20] <Saviq> olli, sure
[16:20] <olli> Saviq, are you saying the silo has more than what's approved?
[16:20] <ogra_> 13 packages successfully copied.
[16:20] <Saviq> olli, not more than approved, more than blocker-fixes
[16:20] <ogra_> dobey, enjoy
[16:20] <dobey> ogra_: danke!
[16:20] <ogra_> :)
[16:21] <Saviq> olli, so according to the rules I'd need to redo that silo to only include promotion blocker fixes
[16:21] <Saviq> olli, but before I can do that (or well, before I can land anything in rtm)
[16:21] <Saviq> olli, I need to land in vivid
[16:21] * dobey goes to land some lunch
[16:22] <Saviq> olli, and I'm blocked in proposed for vivid (ogra just uploaded something that will unblock me)
[16:23] <Saviq> olli, but still I need to land another vivid silo before being able to cherry-pick from there to rtm
[16:23] <tvoss> sil2100, kgunn is running the unity8 ap test suite
[16:24] <tvoss> sil2100, once that is done, we set it to tested. Qa could probably start testing in parallel, though
[16:24] <tvoss> brendand, ^
[16:26] <Mirv> sil2100: yeah, bzoltan_ just is the only one who knows the background of the bug I think
[16:27] <ogra_> Mirv, of the 70+ AP failures ?
[16:27] <Mirv> ogra_: well yeah I guess everyone is aware of the problem. I'm currently trying to get t1mp to approve it :)
[16:28] <ogra_> Mirv, the fix comes from ricmm
[16:28] <sil2100> brendand: ^ what do you think?
[16:28] <sil2100> Mirv: I approved the -gles one, but we need someone to approve the main one :)
[16:28] * sil2100 feels trigger happy today
[16:28] <Mirv> ogra_: according to bug report it was dandrada originally, although not sure
[16:28] <Mirv> since he made the patch attachment
[16:28] <ogra_> well, i sat next to ricmm when he fixed it on monday at the sprint
[16:29] <Mirv> hehe
[16:29] <Mirv> sil2100: approved!
[16:29] <ogra_> or researched it and found the issue ... but it might well be that he gave the actual code change and landing into other hands
[16:29] <sil2100> Saviq, olli: maybe we could do an exception for this particular silo - Saviq what bug fixes are in silo 10? Maybe we can get olli and the others looking through them and giving an exception to land
[16:29] <Saviq> sil2100, it's not even that
[16:29] <Saviq> sil2100, I need to land into vivid first
[16:30] <sil2100> To save up time, as time is what we don't have
[16:30] <Saviq> sil2100, and am blocked in proposed currently
[16:30] <sil2100> Ah, right...
[16:30] <sil2100> Mirv: o/
[16:30] <Saviq> sil2100, and have another silo to land in vivid before I have things in trunk that I want to land into rtm
[16:30] <olli> Saviq, sil2100 happy to look at it this way to unblock a timely promotion, but as I understand from Saviq it seems a waiver won't help atm
[16:31] <ogra_> now only fatsre infra will help
[16:31] <ogra_> *faster
[16:31] <Saviq> ogra_, faster people too, if I'm supposed to test it actually
[16:32] <mvo_> so my click vivid is sitting in silo30, does that need some manual approving step before it gets build or is stuff just a bit on the slow side right now ?
[16:32] <Saviq> sil2100, obviously I can't reproduce the "black scopes" issue in rtm with flight mode
[16:32] <Saviq> sil2100, so can't even see if 10 is helping
[16:32] <ogra_> mvo_, was that a dput ?
[16:33] <ogra_> or an MP
[16:33] <mvo_> ogra_: no, MP
[16:33] <olli> Saviq, do you need me to test something
[16:33] <ogra_> then just clicking the build button should do
[16:33] <olli> I was able to reliably repro
[16:33] <Saviq> olli, if you still can repro, you could try with rtm silo 10 to see whether it helps (we'll still need to fix the silo, but at least we'll know it helps)
[16:34] <Saviq> olli, you can install silo 10 on top of rtm + silo 13 just fine
[16:40] <brendand> sil2100, i totally missed the context
[16:41] <Mirv> sil2100: I've clicked publish, the -gles packages needed ack_packaging for the "debian/watch" file change.
[16:46] <sil2100> Mirv: ok :) Thanks!
[16:47] <sil2100> brendand: so, tvoss's silo 13 is almost ready, kgunn is just running final unity8 AP tests, so tvoss asked if QA could start the sign-off in parallel
[16:47] <brendand> sil2100, tvoss - set it to testing passed then
[16:52] <olli> Saviq, I can do that in ~30min
[16:52] <olli> Saviq, silo 10 and which build?
[16:52] <olli> just latest?
[16:53] <Saviq> olli, yeah
[16:53] <olli> k/ me updates
[16:58] <olli> Saviq, PES was asking for a new ETA to align their testing teams
[16:58] <olli> sil2100,
[17:00] <popey> landing call?
[17:00] <Saviq> olli, my estimate before noon UTC tomorrow
[17:01] <olli> john-mcaleely, ^
[17:01] <sil2100> hm, problems with the hangout
[17:01] <olli> Saviq, thx
[17:01] <sil2100> One min, need to restart FF
[17:01] <olli> yeah, google is acting up today
[17:01] * Saviq needs afk for now, back later
[17:01] <sil2100> olli: anyway, we'll spin out an image with the unity8 crashed and UITK fix in case you want to have that as the promoted
[17:01] <sil2100> And ask QA to do the promotion testing on that
[17:02] * ogra_ wonders if google uses drupal :P
[17:02] <john-mcaleely> olli, thanks
[17:03] <Mirv> sil2100: re: 013 do note https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/dbus-cpp/fix-1361642/+merge/236820 is not approved yet
[17:03] <Mirv> tvoss: ^
[17:04] <Mirv> the issue reported is however handled in 003
[17:20] <tvoss> Mirv, I removed that MP from the silo
[17:21] <tvoss> brendand, set to testing pass
[17:21] <Mirv> tvoss: oh, ok
[17:21] <Mirv> sil2100: unping re: 013
[17:21] <tvoss> brendand, you don't need to run the entire location service test suite, just focussing on the bug reports should be fine. Feel free to run the location service stuff, though :)
[17:22] <tvoss> Mirv, sil2100, brendand I'll be around in 30 minutes again
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|food
[17:29] <dbarth> hey guys
[17:29] <dbarth> i have a problem with line 28 of the spreadsheet
[17:29] <dbarth> it says the silo was landed; but the branch was not merged afaict
[17:30] <dbarth> i'm about to land another change of the same package, but if i do, i risk loosing the rest
[17:32] <ribru> dbarth: so line 28 is just a sync, it doesn't have any branches to merge. line 27 has the branch and it says it was freed without landing.
[17:33] <dbarth> ah, so i can land silo 29, and then i will re-attempt landing that one
[17:33] <dbarth> ribru: thanks for the clarification
[17:41] <Mirv> dbarth: ribru: the 029 would look like removing a fix already made https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-029-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts_0.5+15.04.20141029.1-0ubuntu1.diff (see the 1023 changelog entries, and the fact libapparmor-dev build-dependency is being removed)
[17:42] <dbarth> Mirv: hmm, i had not spotted that one
[17:43] <dbarth> Mirv: we were clarifying the status of this other silo landing attempt
[17:43] <ribru> Mirv: dbarth: not sure about 29, it's just a sync?
[17:43] <dbarth> no it's a real landing
[17:45] <dbarth> Mirv: those -- lines look like the one was half merged, or present in mardy's branch when he mp'ed it
[17:49] <dbarth> Mirv: the issue is that the other branch was approved and merged on master, and that's what mardy based his other branch on
[17:50] <dbarth> Mirv: so really i need to land the other password prompt first, and then the one in silo 29 :/
[17:50] <dbarth> or ribru ^^
[17:51] <dbarth> so that means i will need to reload a silo with the content of line 28-27, targetting vivid
[17:51] <dbarth> land that, rebuild 29, test and reland
[17:51] <dbarth> oh joy ;)
[17:51] <ribru> dbarth: ok well it's no trouble to retarget line 27 at vivid
[17:52] <ribru> dbarth: ok you got vivid 27, please build
[17:52] <ribru> heh line 27 got silo 27
[17:56] <dbarth> ribru: thanks
[17:56] <dbarth> yeah, neat ;)
[17:58] <ribru> heh
[18:01] <dbarth> ribru: yeah, it's already in vivid
[18:01] <dbarth> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+source/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/+changelog
[18:01] <dbarth> that very branch
[18:02] <ribru> dbarth: ok merge the branch normally but make sure you also get the changelog from distro synced into trunk
[18:02] <ribru> "merge manually"
[18:02] <dbarth> ribru: the silo 29 one, you mean
[18:03] <dbarth> we'll need to go master -> trunk i think that'll be easier
[18:03] <dbarth> still not sure why master exists, but that's another story
[18:03] <dbarth> i'll see with alex_abreu
[18:03] <ribru> dbarth: uh no? I mean the line 27 one, I guess that sync was already landed to vivid, but because it was a sync the branch didn't get merged. so merge that branch, sync the changelog from distro to trunk, then you're back in a consistent state there
[18:03] <dbarth> oh my, yes
[18:04] <dbarth> ok, makes sense now
[18:04] <dbarth> (or so i hope)
[18:05] <lool> cjwatson, slangasek: Would you know if --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed-customized-here is meant to be updated as often as vivid-proposed?
[18:07] <slangasek> lool: in principle it should be; at the moment only devel-proposed has been switched to vivid, we haven't made any changes to the customized channels because that needs to be coordinated with the custom.tgz owners
[18:07] <cjwatson> lool: in theory yes; in practice it's still pointing at utopic, I think until we get a clear statement that the custom tarballs are ready for vivid
[18:07] <cjwatson> snap
[18:07] <slangasek> :-)
[18:08] <slangasek> lool: so since you're the owner of that particular tarball, you can tell us when you want it updated
[18:08] <lool> slangasek: I'm the owner? crap
[18:09] <lool> slangasek: yeah, totally, it should be forward compatible with vidid
[18:09] <lool> *vivid
[18:09] <lool> this was tracking utopic til the end, and should now track vivid just the same
[18:09] <slangasek> ok
[18:10] <cjwatson> I keep typing "vidid" too ...
[18:15] <dbarth> ribru: i'm done with the manual merge; so i think silo 27 can be removed, and i will then rebuild 29; ok?
[18:16] <ribru> dbarth: sure
[18:18] <ribru> dbarth: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/revision/203 I think you made a copy&paste error here (launchpad's fault, I think you just copy&pasted directly from lp, which is wrong). you're missing a blank line before the '--' line, and there should be just 2 spaces, not 3, in between the > and the Thu.
[18:18] <dbarth> ah yeah, i took it from lp
[18:18] <ribru> dbarth: yeah lp helpfully mangles the changelog into an invalid format
[18:19] <ribru> like, that will fail to build because the package builders can't parse that
[18:19] <dbarth> fixing, and i'll re-rebuild next
[18:19] <tvoss|food> brendand, ping
[18:20] <brendand> tvoss|food, hey
[18:21] <ribru> dbarth: also everything got shuffled around in the spreadsheet, line 29 we were talking about is now 22.
[18:21] <olli> sil2100, ^
[18:21] <dbarth> ah, to further confuse me
[18:21] <dbarth> but i'll make it
[18:22] <ribru> dbarth: lol, silo 29 is row 62. was row 29 ever relavent? ;-)
[18:26] <sil2100> tvoss|food: give me a sign once you're back :)
[18:26] <sil2100> Saviq: same for you, give me a sign once you're back
[18:31] <tvoss|food> sil2100, here we go
[18:32] <sil2100> tvoss|food: o/ so, I had a question: silo 13 is fixing the unity8 crashiness first thing, right? But does it also help with the network indicator stability?
[18:33] <sil2100> tvoss|food: since I heard that thostr_ mentioned that some merge has been taken out of it or something
[18:35] <tvoss|food> sil2100, it helps, yes. But: we migrated one fix to wellark's silo
[18:36] <tvoss|food> sil2100, wellark tried the silo (with the other fix taken out) and +1ed that it fixes the crash
[18:38] <Wellark> tvoss|food, sil2100: silo 13 as it's current state fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus-cpp/+bug/1382595
[18:38] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1382595 in indicator-network (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/indicator-network/indicator-network-service:indicator-network-service: pthread_mutex_lock.c:80: __pthread_mutex_lock: Assertion `mutex->__data.__owner == 0' failed." [Critical,In progress]
[18:38] <Wellark> which affects i-network and location-service
[18:39] <Wellark> the MP that was pulled out helps i-network on couple of cases not to do controlled restart (user sees the menu repopulate itself)
[18:39] <sil2100> Ah, ok
[18:40] <sil2100> But in overall the situation will be much better I suppose
[18:40] <Wellark> well, at least we get both location-service and indicator-network not to report crashes (and kill the performance on phones while apport runs) on that assertion error causin a plain abort()
[18:41] <Wellark> in silo 13 that is
[18:41] <Wellark> so yes. it's a very important fix in there
[18:42] <Wellark> silo 3 has the important fix for wifi list getting "corrupted" but that can't land before 13 is in
[18:44] <sil2100> olli: ^
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
[18:46] <olli> sil2100, I not having silo 3 is imho fine if that's all it fixes... in case that was the q/fyi
[18:46] <sil2100> Yeah, just wanted clear out the situation, just need to catch thostr_ still
[18:48] <Wellark> olli: ok, to be clear: silo 13 fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus-cpp/+bug/1382595
[18:48] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1382595 in indicator-network (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/indicator-network/indicator-network-service:indicator-network-service: pthread_mutex_lock.c:80: __pthread_mutex_lock: Assertion `mutex->__data.__owner == 0' failed." [Critical,In progress]
[18:48] <Wellark> olli: silo 3 fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/1374419
[18:48] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1374419 in indicator-network (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] Threading issue with the MenuModel Updates" [Critical,In progress]
[18:48] <olli> Wellark, how exposed is x419 ^
[18:49] <olli> happening everytime?
[18:49] <brendand> olli, for better or for worse we already shipped that issue in the last promoted image
[18:49] <olli> exactly
[18:49] <Wellark> olli: you get it by hitting "Cancel" on wifi password dialog
[18:49] <Wellark> but yes. it's been in since the infamous urfkill landing
[18:50] <olli> ok, brendand's rationale holds true... it was good enough for the last promotion, so let's not risk the current promotion with rushing it in
[18:50] <olli> unfortunate but the safe bet
[18:50] <Wellark> olli: ack. reasonable.
[18:50] <Wellark> I just need silo 13 to land at some point so I can land 3 :)
[18:51] <sil2100> Wellark: 13 will land tomorrow - if, of course, it indeed fixes the unity8 crashness as well
[18:51] <sil2100> Scratch that
[18:51] <sil2100> s/tomorrow/today
[18:51] <sil2100> -_-
[18:53] <brendand> sil2100, i nearly had a heart attack :P
[18:54] <ribru> brb, lunch
[18:54] <tvoss|food> sil2100, be careful, brendand needs to finish his testing
[18:54] <Wellark> sil2100: ack. thanks!
[18:54] <thostr_> sil2100: olli: Wellark: so no silo 3 then
[18:54] <thostr_> sil2100: anything else you need from me?
[19:00] <brendand> tvoss|food, ToyKeeper is doing the bulk of the testing now
[19:00] <tvoss|food> brendand, ack
[19:01] <tvoss|food> ToyKeeper, hey there :)
[19:01] <ToyKeeper> Hmm? Should I hide?
[19:02] <ogra_> run !
[19:02] <tvoss|food> ToyKeeper, nope, did you start testing, yet?
[19:02] <sil2100> thostr_: no, just wanted to clear this out :)
[19:02] <ToyKeeper> I'm testing rtm-013, if that's what you mean.
[19:02] <tvoss|food> ToyKeeper, yup :)
[19:03] <ToyKeeper> So far, I've managed to crash the dash, but unity8 itself kept going.
[19:04] <tvoss|food> ToyKeeper, ack
[19:04] <thostr_> sil2100: sure. everything should be clear now.
[19:13] <ogra_> sil2100, this time we should really make sure that sommeone does at least a boot test of emulator and mako btw :)
[19:13] <ogra_> (before we promote them)
[19:15] <Wellark> ogra_: where would be the fun in that? ;)
[19:15] <ogra_> heh
[19:16] <brendand> ogra_, leave that to you :)
[19:16] <ogra_> nah
[19:16] <ogra_> my line is way to slow
[19:17] <brendand> sil2100, where's silo 10!
[19:17] <brendand> sil2100, hurry up :)
[19:17] <ogra_> that needs someone with british gigabit :)
[19:17] <brendand> ogra_, Ha!
[19:17] <brendand> ogra_, that someone is not me
[19:17] <ogra_> heh
[19:17] <bfiller> ribru: can I get silos for line 75 and 76 please?
[19:19] <brendand> sil2100, are we landing 10 as is? it's a bit of a beast
[19:23] <sil2100> uh oh!
[19:23] <sil2100> brendand: yeah, so we want to land that, product team gave it a +1
[19:23] <sil2100> But Saviq is not around to clear some doubts about us waiting on vivid
[19:24] <sil2100> btw. why silo 006 got signed off?
[19:24] <sil2100> Oh, it was just the bot being silly it seems
[19:25] <sil2100> ogra_: +1 on that
[19:26] * sil2100 repokes Saviq
[19:27] <sil2100> kgunn: hey! Do you know why Saviq mentioned that landing silo 10 is blocked on it landing for vivid? Is it just because of the formal rules?
[19:27] <sil2100> Or is there something more to it?
[19:30] <brendand> olli, sil2100 - it seems like we need a contingency plan for silo 10
[19:32] <sil2100> brendand: could you explain?
[19:32] <kgunn> sil2100: last i spoke with him, he was struggling with some AP tests on vivid
[19:32] <kgunn> i know he broke up the silo
[19:32] <kgunn> into ~1/2
[19:33] <kgunn> to make it easier to "fix" along the way to land it all
[19:33] <sil2100> kgunn: yeah, remember that too... but he mentioned that the vivid silo got published, but is blocked in -proposed
[19:33] * davmor2 lends sil2100 his big pointy prodding Saviq stick try this
[19:33] <sil2100> kgunn: and that he's now waiting with setting the rtm equivalent as ready to land for the vivid one to migrate
[19:33] <kgunn> sil2100: blocked on a autopkg test that isn't unity8 related afaik
[19:33] <sil2100> kgunn: so I was wondering: why is the vivid one needed?
[19:34] <kgunn> sil2100: also, saviq's understanding was that we can't land until we clear blockers
[19:34] <sil2100> I know we have the rule: first vivid, then rtm - but in case of blockers like these this is exception-happy
[19:34] <kgunn> first one being dbus / unity8 crasher
[19:34] <kgunn> second being empty scope on rboot
[19:34] <sil2100> Yeah, that's being fixed - but the empty scope on reboot is indeed in Saviq's silo 10
[19:34] <sil2100> + other changes
[19:34] <sil2100> BUt those other changes have been +1'ed by the product team
[19:34] <kgunn> sil2100: he'll almost certainly be on again in a bit...
[19:35] <kgunn> he can't control himself and always checks
[19:35] <sil2100> So from what I see, silo 10 is good to hand-off to QA :)
[19:35] <sil2100> kgunn: heh ;)
[19:35] <sil2100> kgunn: he mentioned he'll be in a bit so I'm waiting
[19:35] <kgunn> i'd prefer to get his info
[19:41] <brendand> sil2100, looks like it's ok anyway
[19:42] <sil2100> brendand: silo 10?
[19:42] <brendand> sil2100, yeah
[19:43] <sil2100> brendand: by ok what do you mean?
[19:43] <brendand> sil2100, you said it's good to hand off right?
[19:44] <ChickenCutlass> tvoss|food: what if you try strace -f -p PID
[19:44] <ChickenCutlass> tvoss|food: see if that gives any info
[19:44] <sil2100> brendand: I said I 'think' it's good to hand off, since there's no Saviq that would double confirm that ;p That's what I understood from him a few hours ago
[19:44] <sil2100> brendand: you doing sign-off for it now?
[19:44] <ChickenCutlass> wrong channel
[19:44] <brendand> sil2100, no
[19:44] <ogra_> heh
[19:44] <brendand> sil2100, how long will we wait before deciding to go ahead with or without it?
[19:45] <sil2100> I think we'll wait until silo 13 passes sign-off - if Saviq doesn't get back by then, we'll probably just skip it...
[19:45] <ribru> bfiller: rtm 11 and vivid 27, and congrats on being the 3000th silo assigned ;-)
[19:46] <bfiller> ribru: yay!
[19:46] <davmor2> bfiller: on a down side what you win is the opportunity to land another 3000silos
[19:48] <veebers> ogra_: Can you remind me where the click rules went that we removed from the autopilot-touch package? dbus-properties or something similar?
[19:48] <ogra_> veebers, dbus-property-service
[19:48] <veebers> ogra_: awesome, thanks!
[19:50] <balloons> ogra_, where does dbus-property-service hold it's bugs?
[19:50] * balloons notes this may or may not be related to above :p
[19:50] <ogra_> balloons, bug 1385475 ?
[19:51] <ubot5> bug 1385475 in dbus-property-service (Ubuntu) "error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/dbus-property-service_0.7_all.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/autopilot-touch/apparmor/click.rules', which is also in package autopilot-touch 1.5.0+14.10.20140812-0ubuntu1" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1385475
[19:51] <balloons> ogra_, no I'm trying to keep track of the click.ruled so they can be updated once https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/1379488
[19:51] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1379488 in Autopilot "apparmor denial during test runs for /home/phablet/autopilot/fakeenv/*/.cache/QML/" [Undecided,Triaged]
[19:51] <ogra_> balloons, ah
[19:52] <ogra_> balloons, well, but the bug should at least answer your question where to file :)
[19:52] <balloons> so I stuck in on the bug, but you won't see it
[19:54] <veebers> ogra_: regarding that bug (1385475), what needs to happen on the autopilot side? Are you still taking care of it or does there need to have more happen?
[19:55] <ogra_> veebers, dbus-property-service misses a breaks and i didnt add the complete version ... i'll try to get to it tomorrow (for vivid at least)
[19:55] <ogra_> i think AP should be fine
[19:55] <veebers> ogra_: awesome, thanks :-) Just making sure I didn't miss something.
[20:15] <sil2100> Ok, I go out now for a walk with my gf
[20:15] <sil2100> Be back in some hour or so
[20:15] <dobey> ribru: hi, can you take care of the comment on row 36 in spreadsheet please?
[20:20] <ribru> dobey: oh ok sure
[20:20] <dobey> thanks
[20:21] <dobey> ribru: and if on another silo, i want to change the target from rtm to vivid, to i just change that column, then ask for a reconfigure, and then rebuild?
[20:22] <dobey> i guess it's more than a reconfigure though, as the silo would need to be changed to ubuntu instead of ubuntu-rtm
[20:23] <ribru> dobey: yeah I'll have to free it and reassign it, but yeah just change the row to say vivid and tell me which row
[20:23] <dobey> ribru: ok, row 65
[20:26] <ribru> dobey: erk, no silos free, but 2 are freeing, one sec before I can assign
[20:26] <tvoss|food> okay, I'm off. o/
[20:26] <dobey> ribru: sure, no problem. :)
[20:33] <ribru> ok dobey, vivid 9
[20:34] <dobey> ribru: thanks. building now
[20:35] <ribru> dobey: you're welcome
[21:32] <sil2100> olli: hey, so I contacted Saviq
[21:32] <olli> k
[21:32] <sil2100> olli: he'll be around in a some time, but he mentioned that silo 10 in overall is not entirely ready
[21:32] <sil2100> That it needs some fixes still
[21:32] <olli> ok
[21:33] <sil2100> So I wouldn't count on landing it now
[21:33] <olli> agreed
[21:33] <sil2100> ToyKeeper: how's silo 13?
[21:33] <olli> pointless
[21:33] <sil2100> Published? :)
[21:33] <sil2100> Ok, I see it's ready to be published
[21:33] <sil2100> ribru: publishing silo 13
[21:34] <ribru> k
[21:34] <sil2100> crap, unapproved merge...
[21:36] <sil2100> Ok, approving that one, it's only a packaging change
[21:36] <Saviq> sil2100, olli, am around, can do a cherry-pick silo for rtm if we need
[21:37] <Saviq> or land vivid 5 and sync that
[21:38] <sil2100> olli, ogra_: silo 13 publishing, we just need to wait for it to migrate
[21:39] <ogra_> awesome
[21:39] <sil2100> Saviq: o/ how much more work would silo 10 need?
[21:39] <olli> Saviq, does it make sense to do that
[21:39] <sil2100> olli: how urgent is the scope bug?
[21:39] <olli> not sure what vivid 5 fixes
[21:39] <olli> scope blank is a promo blocker
[21:39] <Saviq> olli, that it does
[21:39] <olli> scope black can be argued
[21:40] <Saviq> olli, so with 10 you still got black scope?
[21:40] <Saviq> http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu&q=landing-005
[21:40] <Saviq> the description should hopefully be complete enough
[21:41] <Saviq> sil2100, so, I either need to rebuild/sync rtm 10 from vivid 5, or redo rtm 10 to just be cherry-pick of the promo blocker
[21:41] <olli> Saviq, so I think we already have accepted the fact that it won't make it
[21:41] <olli> landing vivid 5 seems rushed and increases risk
[21:41] <olli> ^my view
[21:41] <olli> happy to hear differently
[21:42] <sil2100> olli: then maybe just cherry-picking the blank scopes fix?
[21:42] <Saviq> olli, that's why I'm saying we can cherry-pick for rtm
[21:42] <Saviq> olli, that could be done in... I'll venture to say ½h, in parallel with vivid 5
[21:42] <Saviq> 45mins
[21:42] <Saviq> if I start right now
[21:42] <alecu> Saviq: what's the branch that would be cherry picked?
[21:42] <olli> pfffff
[21:43] <Saviq> alecu, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/qtmir/ual-pause/+merge/236033 and https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/unity8/dash-oom-score/+merge/238888
[21:44] <olli> Saviq, that'd fix blank scopes, i.e. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1382039
[21:44] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1382039 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] Apps scope empty on boot" [Critical,Triaged]
[21:44] <Saviq> olli, yes, *black* scopes I don't know of a fix for, if it's a different cause
[21:45] <olli> correct
[21:45] <Saviq> olli, mostly because I could not repro / things are in flux too much
[21:45] <olli> if yu don't do it now for the next 45min then it won't land until noon utc tomorrow
[21:45] <olli> pmcgowan, ^
[21:48] <pmcgowan> olli, you are suggesting not talking all of rtm-10//vivid-5?
[21:48] <olli> pmcgowan, debating
[21:48] <pmcgowan> man thats a lot of good fixes
[21:48] <pmcgowan> I am weak
[21:48] <olli> saviq is offering to cherry pick from 5 to unblock timely promotion
[21:49] <pmcgowan> right, promote then land the rest would work for me
[21:49] <olli> if we go with rtm10 then that's only done earliest noon tomroorw
[21:49] <olli> Saviq, let's do that
[21:49] <olli> if you have the time & energy
[21:50] <Saviq> olli, pmcgowan, if you guys want vivid 5/rtm 10
[21:50] <Saviq> that we can do, too
[21:50] <Saviq> it's just a bit more testing
[21:50] <olli> but by tomorrow noon only, right?
[21:50] <Saviq> olli, well, no, say, an hour+
[21:50] <olli> or what was the noon utc statement referring to
[21:50] <Saviq> olli, that was referring to me not coming back to work tonight, that ship has sailed ;)
[21:50] <Saviq> olli, but I'd actually rather land it whole
[21:51] <olli> k
[21:51] <Saviq> if you guys ok with that
[21:51] <Saviq> that would mean less time spent testing on mine and QA's side
[21:51] <olli> well, it's going to get screwed up it's back with you anyways
[21:51] <olli> k
[21:51] <olli> go!
[21:51] <Saviq> ok, need to wait for vivid 5 to build sources then
[21:51] <Saviq> and sync 10
[21:52] * sil2100 feels responsible now for bringing poor Saviq back here
[21:52] <olli> Saviq, want me to still test 10 on latest rtm?
[21:52] <sil2100> :<
[21:52] <Saviq> sil2100, don't be
[21:52] <Saviq> sil2100, if I wasn't who I am, I wouldn't come ;)
[21:53] <Saviq> sil2100, there's some leftover unity-notifications in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-005
[21:53] <Saviq> sil2100, if you could drop that
[21:53] <sil2100> Saviq: ah, teh bug in CI Train - yeah, let me remove that
[21:54] <Saviq> sil2100, your look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/gles-sync/+merge/240182 then, please
[21:54] <sil2100> Saviq: just remember - in case of blocker fixes it's not required to land in vivid first, just so you know :)
[21:54] <Saviq> sil2100, I know, but since it's a sync, I need to build the sources at least
[21:55] <Saviq> sil2100, I'll test rtm first
[21:55] <Saviq> assuming it does come first
[21:55] <sil2100> Ok, looking good
[21:55] <sil2100> Approving
[21:56] <Saviq> sil2100, cheers
[21:56] <sil2100> Thanks! :)
[21:56] <sil2100> Saviq: to my defense I must say that I only wanted to call you to know if we can land silo 10 as it is ;)
[21:56] <Saviq> sil2100, no need
[21:57] <Saviq> (for defence)
[21:57] <Saviq> sil2100, we're all in the same boat
[21:57] <Saviq> sil2100, keep rowin'
[21:57] <sil2100> hah ;)
[22:17] <Saviq> sil2100, can we make it so it syncs vivid silo 5 + unity-notifications from vivid (that'd actually be a no-change rebuild, just wanted to get versions in sync... but maybe not worth it)
[22:24] <sil2100> hmmm
[22:25] <sil2100> It can be made, but we'd have to build in 2 steps
[22:25] <sil2100> i.e. first sync:5 then change to sync:ubuntu,vivid etc.
[22:25] <sil2100> Saviq: want to do it that way?
[22:25] <sil2100> Versions in sync sound like a good idea
[22:25] <Saviq> sil2100, yeah, let's do that then
[22:26] <Saviq> sil2100, I think we can sync:5 now, let me see
[22:26] <Saviq> sil2100, yeah, doing
[22:26] <sil2100> Saviq: ok, once it's done let me reconf and resync
[22:27] * Saviq starts testing vivid + 5 then
[22:32] <Saviq> ah, just publish already...
[22:33] <sil2100> ;)
[22:34] <sil2100> Ok, so it's still preparing packages, keeping an eye on that
[22:36] <sil2100> Ok, I see silo 10 just uploaded sources to the PPA, should be safe to reconfigure in a moment
[22:39] <Saviq> sil2100, it's ready for you
[22:39] <olli> Saviq, sil2100 testing black scopes with silo 10 finally
[22:39] <sil2100> Saviq: ok, so now you want unity-notifications synced from vivid, right?
[22:39] <sil2100> From the archives?
[22:39] <Saviq> olli, you might wanna wait 20mins
[22:39] * sil2100 double-checks
[22:39] <Saviq> sil2100, yes
[22:39] <sil2100> Ok, reconfiguring
[22:39] <sil2100> And I'll rebuild as well
[22:39] * olli is divorced when still around in 20 min
[22:39] <olli> :)
[22:39] <Saviq> olli, or not, your call, contents should really be the same
[22:40] * ogra_ hugs olli
[22:40] <olli> Saviq, I can test tonight
[22:40] <Saviq> olli, ok, good feedback anyway
[22:40] <ogra_> olli, i really didnt mean to frustrate you !
[22:40] <Saviq> from what's in silo 10 now
[22:40] <Saviq> (to have)
[22:40] <olli> it's not a blocker but a curiousity anyways
[22:40] <olli> ogra_, you are not frustrating me per se
[22:40] <olli> it's the gesamtsituation I am not happy with
[22:41] <ogra_> yeah, lets fix it then ... ;)
[22:41] <olli> Saviq, sil2100, didn't realize how late it is... I have to run now already
[22:41] <olli> sil2100, Saviq I'll test later
[22:41] <Saviq> o;
[22:41] <Saviq> o/
[22:41] <sil2100> olli: ok!
[22:41] <sil2100> o/
[22:41] <olli> call my cell (801 210 0647) if you need anything
[22:41] <sil2100> Have fun :)
[22:42] <sil2100> Saviq: so, syncing sources from vivid as we speak
[22:42] <olli> thx guys!
[22:42] <sil2100> Saviq: just remember that now this silo is configured as a sync from vivid, so any 'build' press will sync from vivid
[22:42] <sil2100> olli: yw!
[22:42] <Saviq> sil2100, but we'll only build unity-notifications, right?
[22:43] <Saviq> sil2100, yeah, it's good
[22:43] <sil2100> Saviq: yeah, we're only building unity-notifications right now :)
[22:43] <Saviq> sil2100, will keep in mind
[22:43] <sil2100> Since I specified it directly
[22:43] <olli> sil2100, Saviq pls ping me with what silo I should test then
[22:43] <sil2100> It's a bit of a hack, but at least it works ;D
[22:43] <sil2100> olli: sure thing, thanks o/
[22:52] <Wellark> queuebot: where dbus-cpp
[22:52] <Wellark> stupid..
[22:52] <sil2100> Wellark: queuebot doesn't have that functionality ;)
[22:53] <sil2100> Wellark: but the dashboard should
[22:53] <Wellark> sil2100: :)
[22:53] <Wellark> could someone merge and clean silo 13 (rtm) please..
[22:54] <Wellark> so I can kick a rebuild on silo 3
[22:55] <sil2100> Wellark: oh, it landed? Let me do that
[22:55] <sil2100> Yay for fast migration
[22:55] <sil2100> Love ubuntu-rtm for that
[22:59] <Wellark> sil2100: thanks!
[23:07] <veebers> trainguards: Am I able to get a silo assigned for line 77?
[23:11] <ribru> veebers: sorry, there are no free vivid silos
[23:11] <veebers> ribru: ah, no worries.
[23:12] <veebers> ribru: Would it be possible to get one at your EOD tomorrow? (as tomorrow is my Sat) so I can do testing on Sunday and should have it freed up on my Monday?
[23:12] <ribru> veebers: sure, but let me just see if I can't free one up now
[23:13] <veebers> ribru: if silos are tight it would probably be better to get it tomorrow arvo as it will take at least ~6 hours of testing to clear it out (which is past my EOD today)
[23:13] <veebers> and thus don't want to clog up the silos for tomorrow etc.
[23:14] <ribru> veebers: hmm ok, can you just send me an email to remind me to assign it? or ping me at my EOD (2 hours from now tomrrow)
[23:14] <veebers> ribru: can do. thanks
[23:15] <ribru> veebers: you're welcome
[23:15] <veebers> ribru: just to clarify, silo numbers are pretty tight right? It's not that I asked at the wrong time?
[23:16] <ribru> veebers: yes there are literally zero free for vivid. but I think there's some confusion going on, because there's a bunch that were assigned and then *never built* when we switched them from utopic to vivid. not sure why they're not built, trying to figure out if any are just abandoned or what
[23:16] <veebers> ribru: ack
[23:18] <ribru> bfiller: bzoltan_ cyphermox lool: hey you guys have vivid silos assigned to you that were never built. what's going on? can I free them? are you waiting for something?
[23:22] <ribru> veebers: just found one spreadsheet row that had two silos assigned to it somehow, so that's a thing. freeing...
[23:23] <sil2100> Saviq: anything else we need to do besides waiting for things to build re: silo 10? :)
[23:25] <Saviq> sil2100, it's already built, I'm running ap on vivid 5, should finish within 5 mins, then 3 mins of playing around and it'll be good, then I'm jumping onto rtm10
[23:26] <Saviq> some half hour later we should be able to ACK it
[23:26] <sil2100> \o/
[23:26] <sil2100> ToyKeeper: are you around?
[23:41] <ToyKeeper> sil2100: I'm kinda waiting until the build with rtm-013 is done.
[23:42] <ToyKeeper> (have a lot of things to do today, and it seems the best time to do everything else is during the build)
[23:50] <Saviq> sil2100, vivid is +1
[23:51] <Saviq> ↑
[23:51] * Saviq flashes rtm
[23:54] <sil2100> Yay
[23:54] <sil2100> ToyKeeper: we waiting for silo 10 to land before kicking a new image
[23:54] <sil2100> ToyKeeper: so we'll actually need someone to sign off that silo...
[23:55] <ToyKeeper> sil2100: Er, I thought rtm-013 was the only one going in and we were totally done with silos for now.
[23:56] <ToyKeeper> sil2100: So, someone needs to test 10 first?
[23:56] <brendand> sil2100, is 10 still not ready?
[23:56] <sil2100> ToyKeeper: yeah, so there was a final decision here that we want 10 before an image
[23:56] <sil2100> So the promotion testing might not be finished today even I suppose
[23:57] <sil2100> brendand: it's built, but Saviq is testing it, as it required some changes from the previous state
[23:57] <brendand> ToyKeeper, when are you planning to EOD?
[23:58] <ToyKeeper> brendand: Looks like it'll be a few hours later than planned.
[23:59] <sil2100> No need for staying longer - in case there's no time to finish the promotion testing, we can just leave it for the EU morning