UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /30 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[03:06] <bmatusiak> what is the "-customized" for?
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[07:43] <penk_> dpm: ping
[07:43] <penk_> dpm: do you want me to fix the uriHandler? # https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/uriHandler/+merge/239961
[07:49] <dpm> morning penk_, yeah, that'd be awesome. I put it on a team branch in case anyone needed to modify Riccardo's original branch
[07:50] <penk_> dpm: alright
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[09:21] <davmor2> nik90: you had a click package floating around I have a little time if you still need people to look at it
[09:22] <davmor2> nik90: if you do can I have the link again please
[09:30] <rpadovani> penk_, ping
[09:31] <penk_> rpadovani: pong
[09:31] <rpadovani> penk_, about https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/uriHandler/revision/290, you cannot put the witch in onOpened, because could be called before the connection to the evernote server is set
[09:31] <penk_> rpadovani: I understand you want to make sure evernote is connected when handling uri
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[09:32] <penk_> rpadovani: but, the onIsConnectedChanged happens before onOpened, commands is always undefined
[09:33] <rpadovani> penk_, you have a point. I'll think a solution to both cases this afternoon, thanks for rising up
[09:33] <penk_> rpadovani: and, if it's connected, and stay connected, next onOpened commands won't be handled, since there's no isConnected change..
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[09:33] <penk_> rpadovani: if there's a better way to handle this, please advice :D
[09:34] <penk_> rpadovani: I'll be EOD soon
[09:34] <rpadovani> penk_, sorry, just landed from US, not so wake up to think to a solution right now :-) I'll ping you tomorrow morning, is ok?
[09:35] <penk_> rpadovani: no hurry, take your time
[09:36] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Checklist Day! :-D
[10:06] <nik90> davmor2: hey, here's the click pakcage link https://www.dropbox.com/s/ur1wgkwpxbaua8i/com.ubuntu.clock_3.2.83_armhf.click?dl=0
[10:06] <nik90> davmor2: and the MP https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/implement-location-finding/+merge/231793 which has the descriptions of what to test
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[10:08] <davmor2> nik90: I'll have a look for you in a minute :)
[10:09] <nik90> davmor2: yay thnx
[10:53] <brendand> nik90, do you know about the clock app test failures?
[10:53] <nik90> brendand: I have seen some flaky test failures during jenkins failures, but nothing concrete
[10:54] <nik90> brendand: is that what you are seeing as well?
[10:54] <nik90> s/jenkins failures/jenkins merges
[10:55] <brendand> nik90, on the dashboard -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/8745502/
[10:55] <nik90> brendand: yup that's the issue that I was seeing as well
[10:56] <nik90> brendand: is this consistent failures?
[10:56] <brendand> nik90, it seems to be consistent here
[10:57] <nik90> brendand: recently there was a change made in the jenkins environment where it required a wm to be installed in the xvfb environment to make clock tests pass. Does the QA dashboard setup also do it when running the tests?
[10:57] <brendand> nik90, failing in the same way for the past 30 images or so
[10:58] <brendand> nik90, no they run on device
[10:58] <nik90> oh
[11:00] <brendand> nik90, i'm going to have a closer look now
[11:00] <brendand> nik90, do you have a mako to reproduce it on?
[11:00] <nik90> brendand: ClockPage.isReady failed: True != dbus.Boolean(False, variant_level=1) , this variable isReady will only be set to true, if the clock app gets input focus.
[11:00] <nik90> I haven't run it on mako yet, let me try
[11:01] <nik90> I usually run the test suite on my desktop
[11:03] <brendand> nik90, i have a feeling i know what this could be
[11:04] <brendand> nik90, there is a focus bug triggered if you use passphrase security
[11:04] <nik90> ah, yeah that could potentially cause the failure
[11:05] <brendand> nik90, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1373985
[11:05] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1373985 in maliit-framework (Ubuntu) "foreground app doesn't get activated after we leave the lock screen" [Undecided,In progress]
[11:05] <brendand> nik90, it seems ci are using that during smoke testing
[11:06] <brendand> nik90, so clock app will never get focus
[11:06] <brendand> nik90, or might not in most cases
[11:06] <brendand> nik90, i'll see if they can change that
[11:07] <nik90> brendand: hmm, locally 4 out of 5 tests passed on my mako
[11:08] <nik90> 1 failed due to the focus issue, but I would say its more flaky..
[11:09] <brendand> nik90, no it's not flaky :)
[11:09] <brendand> nik90, flaky implies you don't know why it's failing
[11:09] <brendand> nik90, i do know
[11:10] <nik90> brendand: but that's the things, I expect 3 tests to fail due to the focus issue, but for me on my mako only 1 failed
[11:10] <nik90> the other 2 passed
[11:10] <brendand> nik90, if you refocus the dash it goes away
[11:10] <nik90> ah that could be it
[11:21] <nik90> brendand: in the qa dashboard, which channel should I be looking at? touch_stable?
[11:21] <brendand> nik90, yeah
[11:24] <davmor2> nik90: hmmm if clock is using location should it not trigger the trust-store to ask for permission to use location service?
[11:26] <davmor2> nik90: also is there an option to add seconds to the digital view?
[11:30] <brendand> davmor2, not necessarily. camera-app stopped doing that, on purpose
[11:30] <brendand> davmor2, maybe nik90 copied Kaleo's code to do that
[11:30] <brendand> although camera-app might be special
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[11:53] <kalikiana> elopio: please review this one https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/pilotTracing/+merge/239575
[11:57] <davmor2> nik90: on a plus side it correctly locates me in Wolverhampton
[11:58] <davmor2> nik90: however I must travel to wyre piddle now and see if it guesses where I am then :)
[12:14] <DanChapman> t1mp, hey.. quick question, if a TextArea is set as read-only should you still be able to click hyperlinks and get the linkActivated signal?
[12:15] <t1mp> zsombi: ^
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[12:33] <ahayzen> Hey, is jenkins paused? i haven't seen trigger-ci-job run for 19hrs?
[12:34] <popey> fginther: ^
[12:34] <popey> I know there was an overnight issue that the IS team were working on. dunno if that affected things.
[12:35] <ahayzen> ah probably that
[12:39] <ahayzen> popey, i hope your issue is as a result of a unity reset, otherwise i have no idea what is happening
[12:46] <popey> ahayzen: i think you're probably right
[12:47] <ahayzen> lecture time o/ ..... popey, i may be a little late to the standup as i have an exam
[12:52] <nik90> davmor2: It should trigger the trust-store, I did not copy any code from the camera-app. It prompted me with the dialog when I ran it the first time
[12:52] <nik90> davmor2: but nice it know that it found your location correctly
[12:55] <nik90> davmor2: and no there is no option to add seconds to digital view. If you think it is important, file a bug report and I will take it up with the designer.
[12:56] <davmor2> nik90: no it was more that it was there on analog view but not on digital
[12:57] <justCarakas> popey what is the IS team ? Islamic State Team ?
[12:57] <popey> now now
[12:57] <akiva-thinkpad> !politics
[12:57] <ubot5> Please take political discussion to ##politics. Thank you!
[12:58] <akiva-thinkpad> :P
[12:58] <popey> The people who look after the computers we break.
[12:58] <justCarakas> ah okey :p
[12:58] <justCarakas> o/ akiva-thinkpad
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[13:25] <zsombi> DanChapman: that's a good question... tbh, I 've never checked that behavior with TextArea ro TextEdit... Check how TExtEdit behaves, and if that behavior differs from TextArea, file a bug!
[13:26] <DanChapman> zsombi: ok i'll try out TextEdit and see if it differs. Thanks :-)
[13:45] <mihir> nik90: I did kind of smoke test with your mp and it works I will do more and will let you know
[13:56] <mivoligo> mzanetti: hi
[13:57] <mzanetti> mivoligo: hi
[13:58] <mivoligo> mzanetti: sorry I was silent recently but I had pretty bad week
[13:58] <mzanetti> mivoligo: no worries... I've been away too
[13:59] <mzanetti> sad to hear you had some bad times though....
[14:00] <mivoligo> mzanetti: my daughter's bike has been stolen but I had hope in CCTV in the building
[14:00] <mzanetti> pff... /me doesn't believe in CCTV
[14:00] <mivoligo> mzanetti: here it's everywere
[14:00] <mzanetti> sure it is... but does it any good?
[14:00] <mzanetti> anyways
[14:01] <mivoligo> mzanetti: unfortunately turns out it has been broken since September
[14:02] <mzanetti> see... all it does is making good people feel uncomfy... I don't think anyone stealing a bike is dumb enough to smile into the camera
[14:02] <mivoligo> right
[14:02] <nik90> mihir: cool
[14:02] <nik90> davmor2: ah true
[14:03] <nik90> davmor2: not sure what the reasoning was to not show seconds in the digital view.
[14:03] <mivoligo> mzanetti: anyway, I'm working on the icon right now
[14:03] <mzanetti> cool :)
[14:04] <mivoligo> mzanetti: if I do it as an rectangle, will it be automatically clipped to Ubuntu shape on the phone?
[14:05] <mzanetti> mivoligo: yes, it will be on the phone. however, it won't be in some other places. so what I usually do is to make a rounded rect
[14:06] <mzanetti> mivoligo: just round corners a tiny bit
[14:06] <mivoligo> ok
[14:08] <mivoligo> mzanetti: are the sides clipped a bit as well or just the corners?
[14:09] <mzanetti> mivoligo: it'll also clip top/bottom a wee bit in the dash
[14:09] <mzanetti> as the aspect ratio isn't square
[14:09] <mivoligo> mzanetti: what sizes do we need?
[14:10] <mzanetti> you mean in pixels or in aspect ratio?
[14:10] <mivoligo> pixels
[14:10] <mzanetti> svg :P I'll export then various stuff when uploading to the store
[14:11] <mivoligo> I know but I wonder what's the minimal used size
[14:11] <mzanetti> I think atm its 256x256 but it did already change once
[14:11] <mzanetti> minimal used size kinda depends on the user settings/display pixel density etc
[14:12] <mivoligo> mzanetti: cos I'm doing it rather complicated :D
[14:12] <mzanetti> so the store wants me to upload a 256x256 pixel image at least atm
[14:12] <mzanetti> but again, what's displayed at the user's screen might differ significantly
[14:13] <mivoligo> mzanetti: ok, do you know what size is on the phone?
[14:14] <mzanetti> 7.5x8 grid units in the dash, 6.8x7 grid units in the launcher
[14:14] <mzanetti> or something along those
[14:14] <mzanetti> on a nexus 4 there's 16 pixels per grid units atm
[14:14] <mzanetti> iirc
[14:15] <mzanetti> I think if you use 256x256 pixels as base size we're good.
[14:15] <mzanetti> just make sure to not put essential details within a 10 pixel border to the top/bottom
[14:16] <mivoligo> ok
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[14:37] <mhall119> zbenjamin: ping
[14:57] <elopio> kalikiana: will do.
[15:01] <elopio> kalikiana: for now, the toolkit deb is python 2 and 3.
[15:01] <elopio> so
[15:01] <elopio> maybe you should also add python-autopilot-trace
[15:05] <kalikiana> elopio: we run it with python3
[15:06] <kalikiana> afair we don't want to install everything twice
[15:06] <elopio> kalikiana: yes, but there are aa couple of projects that still use py2 and it would be useful for them.
[15:06] <elopio> we are about to remove the py2 everywhere
[15:06] <kalikiana> hmmmm
[15:06] <elopio> we are about to remove the py2 everywhere
[15:06] <elopio> so I'm not sure if it might be worth it.
[15:07] <zbenjamin> mhall119: pong
[15:07] <kalikiana> elopio: idea, I can try the | magic
[15:08] <elopio> kalikiana: not sure how that would help
[15:08] <kalikiana> elopio: we do that for qt where the packages in the latest release were renamed
[15:08] <kalikiana> qml-blabla
[15:08] <elopio> kalikiana: but how would you tell when you need the 2 or the 3 version?
[15:09] <kalikiana> so it's like qml-module-dragon | qtdeclarative-dragon-plugin
[15:09] <kalikiana> hmmmm
[15:10] <kalikiana> I guess it's not quite the same as you can have both py2 and 3
[15:10] <kalikiana> unlike old and new qt
[15:10] <elopio> kalikiana: also installing the py2 version won't hurt a lot, as we are already installing the 2 versions for a bunch of projects. But also not installing it wouldn't be bad, as the py2 projects will be updated and anyway they have always run without trace.
[15:11] <elopio> kalikiana: so do whatever feels good for you. The change looks correct.
[15:11] <kalikiana> elopio: I'm pushing a rev adding the py2
[15:11] <kalikiana> should be there now
[15:11] <elopio> kalikiana: ok.
[15:12] <elopio> kalikiana: +1. Thanks.
[17:18] <fginther> ahayzen, popey, sorry about the jenkins outage, I got to it right before your ping (then wen to have breakfast)
[17:19] <popey> thanks
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[17:25] <popey> hi ahayzen how was the exam?
[17:25] <ahayzen> popey, easy got 100% \o/
[17:25] <popey> \o/
[17:25] <ahayzen> popey, i did just have the same bug as you on the bus back... unity8 exploded while playing music and now the app cannot launch
[17:25] <snizzo> popey: any news regarding pioneer tshirt?
[17:26] <popey> snizzo: poke mhall119
[17:27] <popey> ahayzen: right, i believe there's a silo (13) currently under test for unity8 crashes
[17:27] <ahayzen> popey, ah good its been so unstable recently
[17:27] <snizzo> popey: ok, will do
[17:27] <popey> and we're aiming to get an image out the door over the next day or so to give to customer on monday
[17:27] <popey> yeah
[17:29] <popey> ahayzen: 17:18:52 < fginther> ahayzen, popey, sorry about the jenkins outage, I got to it right before your ping (then wen to have breakfast)
[17:30] <ahayzen> popey, i see things have landed so all good :)
[17:30] <popey> yeah
[17:31] <popey> did you see my bug about two albums have the same name?
[17:31] <popey> ah victor replied
[17:32] <ahayzen> popey, yeah its just us setting the wrong thing IIRC artist vs album vs albumArtist
[17:32] <popey> got it
[17:32] <popey> good good.
[17:32] <popey> Is there anything outstanding from jouni that you need?
[17:32] <ahayzen> popey, hopefully we can fix
[17:33] <ahayzen> popey, yeah all of the work items left for him + any walkthrough designs (lower priority than work items)
[17:33] * popey pings him
[17:34] <popey> he's unavailable, so we need to mail him.
[17:34] <popey> I'll do that in a moment.
[17:35] <ahayzen> cool there are still some things we need to improve
[17:35] <ahayzen> eg slow thumbnailing on CardView ... may result in a rewrite of the CardView :/
[17:35] <popey> i notice that it loads the thumbnails slowly, yes.
[17:35] <popey> can we load the ones on screen first?
[17:35] <popey> seems to load all of them? even off-screen ones?
[17:36] <ahayzen> popey, yep limitation of the cardview at the moment
[17:37] <popey> ok
[17:37] <ahayzen> popey, Kaleo started looking at building a more intelligent CardView...but it is really tricky..i've had a few ideas to attempt to speed things up but not sure what the overhead is
[17:37] <popey> do we have a bug tracking it?
[17:37] * popey can create one if not
[17:37] <ahayzen> don't think so
[17:37] * popey does that
[17:38] <ahayzen> popey, basically the cardview is always fully loaded...offscreen items aren't destroyed and recreated
[17:38] <ahayzen> popey, which then has the affect of slowing the thumbnailer...and sort of second annoyance is that the thumbnailer starts rendering from the bottom lol
[17:38] <popey> haha
[17:38] <popey> brilliant
[17:39] <ahayzen> exactly
[17:39] <popey> bug 1387816
[17:39] <ubot5> bug 1387816 in Ubuntu Music App "Card view can be slow to load thumbnails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387816
[17:39] <ahayzen> if it started from the top it probably wouldn't be as bad...but still bad
[17:39] <popey> set medium for now
[17:39] <popey> yeah.
[17:39] <ahayzen> cool it is basically top of my list :P
[17:40] <ahayzen> popey, but because of the way the cards are staggered it is really difficult to get it right and you can't then use the normal things like GridView
[17:41] <popey> right
[17:42] <popey> ahayzen: shall we crank a new click later today, or tomorrow morning?
[17:42] <ahayzen> popey, has anything changed?
[17:42] <popey> not much, wondered if you were planning on landing anything? ☻
[17:43] <ahayzen> popey, nothing has changed since the last click :) ... erm well i assume either me of victor will attempt to fix that artist/album issue and then any other bugs that people think of?
[17:43] <popey> Ok.
[17:44] <ahayzen> popey, i'll let you know if we need one doing :)
[17:44] <popey> Ok, magic.
[17:44] <popey> Nice to see rick posting about it
[17:44] <popey> Anything else to discuss?
[17:44] <popey> I'll mail jouni in a bit.
[17:44] <ahayzen> yeah really cool seeing people using it and the general positive responses :)
[17:45] <popey> Totally!
[17:45] <popey> Makes it worthwhile.
[17:45] <ahayzen> popey, don't think there is anything else we just need it to land aha
[17:45] <popey> heh
[17:45] <popey> Ok, have a good evening!
[17:45] * popey goes to make food.
[17:45] <ahayzen> popey, you too o/
[17:45] <popey> o/
[17:52] * balloons waves into the nether
[17:53] <ahayzen> balloons, o/
[17:55] <balloons> howdy ahayzen, time has flown by.. too much going on..
[17:56] <ahayzen> balloons, ...do i dear mention the chaos of music-app ci ? ...
[17:56] * ahayzen hides
[17:57] <ahayzen> balloons, as in on device... on desktop is fine
[17:57] <balloons> ahayzen, well I was kind of asking for news like that; I've been out of the loop and it's time to return
[17:57] <ahayzen> balloons, same :)
[17:58] <ahayzen> balloons, did you say there was a new way of mocking WIP?
[18:03] <balloons> ahayzen, there is, follow along on the bug report
[18:04] <ahayzen> balloons, so do we not bother attempting to fix the current mess and work towards the new solution? ... and which bug number?
[18:16] <balloons> ahayzen, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-launch/+bug/1376423
[18:16] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1376423 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "Provide script to set up a temporary user session" [Undecided,New]
[18:16] <balloons> ahayzen, on the current mess, I would say best effort. I've been removing the stuff we put in where possible
[18:16] <balloons> music is a bit tougher as it really needs a clean env
[18:16] <ahayzen> yeah it does
[18:43] <mihir> balloons: were you able to look at kunal's MR for Jenkins failure ?
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[18:45] <balloons> hey mihir I'm trying to catch back up, I just got back :-)
[18:45] <mihir> ahh no issues :D
[18:45] <balloons> no I haven't looked at it since we left dc.
[18:45] <mihir> when you get some free time :)
[18:45] <mihir> even I haven't got much time to work ,will catch up in weekend.
[18:45] <mihir> had to finish office backlog :)
[18:45] <balloons> indeed
[19:06] <ybon> popey: what about a "nearby" scope?
[19:06] * balloons pokes popey to update topic
[19:10] <popey> ybon: i think I've already seen one of those being worked on...
[19:11] <ogra_> yeah, thats also not very innovative ...
[19:11] <ogra_> do a "far away" scope instead !!
[19:11] <ogra_> everyone has a nearby one
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-app-devel to: http://developer.ubuntu.com | App development on Ubuntu: how to do it & how to make it better | Make scopes! http://developer.ubuntu.com/2014/10/scope-development-competition | --allow-untrusted
[19:11] <popey> balloons: better?
[19:11] * balloons pokes popey again, but ever so slighty harder .. err, wait yep, that's it
[19:13] <sverzegnassi> ajalkane, hi! How are you? I need some info about ubuntu-filemanager-app. Ping me when you have some time
[19:16] <ybon> ah, is there already one in the store?
[19:38] <balloons> mihir, nik90 it's finally happened! http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/trunk/revision/518
[20:36] <ajalkane> sverzegnassi: howdy, what info do you need?
[20:38] <sverzegnassi> ajalkane, hey! I have some questions about contenthub supports on ubuntu-filemanager-app
[20:38] <ajalkane> Sure
[20:38] <sverzegnassi> I've read the discussions on Bug #1315989, and ATM i've to "workaround" this situation
[20:38] <ubot5> bug 1315989 in Ubuntu File Manager App "[New Feature] add content-hub API" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1315989
[20:39] <sverzegnassi> since i need to open pdf files from file manager, and i need to choose ContentType.Pictures to open a document
[20:40] <ajalkane> sverzegnassi: right... so at the moment File Manager can only be used to select pictures from the file system
[20:41] <ajalkane> But that should be easy to change. Basically File Manager should be possible to use for any kind of ContentType
[20:41] <sverzegnassi> i know, the funny thing is that it can be used to open any type of file. are there some news after that bugfixing?
[20:42] <ajalkane> Basically FileManager registers itself as a possible source for "Pictures". But actually you can select any type of file using it, as long as the application requesting the file asks for ContentType.Picture
[20:43] <ajalkane> Last time I heard there is not coming any support for "Any" file type
[20:44] <ajalkane> The best I can do, as I've understood, is to add all ContentHub ContentTypes to FileManager.
[20:44] <sverzegnassi> ATM we have "All" file type but, by doing so, docviewer-app can also read contacts
[20:44] <sverzegnassi> Vice versa, if u add support for ContentType.All in filemanager, the app will be available also in applications that requires a "contact" type
[20:45] <ajalkane> If I've understood correctly you can't register your application to be a "Source" for "All" file types. You can perhaps ask with your application for "All" file types. But it's been many months since I last talked about this with the people doing this
[20:46] <ajalkane> Basically you should be able to use FileManager to select "contact" types. They are for example "*.vcf" files
[20:46] <ajalkane> Docviewer should ask for "Document" types, and perhaps "Pictures"
[20:47] <ajalkane> Then it would get FileManager as one possible source, and perhaps Gallery
[20:47] <sverzegnassi> Yes, but seems that it is not possible to ask two type at the same time
[20:47] <sverzegnassi> types*
[20:48] <ajalkane> ah right... that's true in fact. Well the pictures choise is a bit silly for docviewer anyway?
[20:48] <sverzegnassi> These are the screenshots from the app: http://imgur.com/uG4nDj9,6aHGp4X,RR3K1YY,NMnk8eL#1
[20:48] <ajalkane> Althought that's a good point, why should an application not be allowed to select different kinds of content types
[20:48] <sverzegnassi> As you can see, no Documents peer available.
[20:49] <sverzegnassi> Yeah, that's the point. the actual way it manages files seems to be not so flexible
[20:50] <ajalkane> yep, I left FileManager's Content-Hub support in a bit "unfinished" state as I was waiting if Any file type could be supported
[20:50] <ajalkane> I can try and add a support for Documents etc. to FileManager now and we'll see if it works
[20:51] <sverzegnassi> it would be nice! I think I'll try to workaround this adding just "pictures" type. I hope there is no application that exports document type
[20:58] <ajalkane> I think there's none yet, at least in core. I'll make a branch now of FileManager exporting documents and maybe you can try if it works then.
[21:02] <sverzegnassi> Great! Thank you! If you need, I'm available for any help
[21:07] <ajalkane> sverzegnassi: try this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ajalkane/ubuntu-filemanager-app/content-hub-all-sources
[21:08] <ajalkane> after installing the click package, you probably need to run this command on device:
[21:08] <ajalkane> /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/content-hub/content-hub-peer-hook
[21:09] <sverzegnassi> ok
[21:09] <ajalkane> You can make sure that FileManager has been registered as source with:
[21:09] <ajalkane> gsettings list-recursively | grep content.hub.source.documents
[21:09] <ajalkane> If it lists filemanager you should be good
[21:10] <balloons> ajalkane, howdy! did you get help with autopilot tests? I've been away since dc so just following up
[21:12] <ajalkane> balloons: I did get the autopilot tests working, but I had to disable one that would need the bottom edge page to be brought up
[21:12] <ajalkane> so that's one thing that would need to be done... pulling up the Places from bottom edge and doing those two tests
[21:12] <balloons> ajalkane, that should be a simple conversion to call the header instead
[21:12] <ajalkane> it's not header, it's bottom edge pull up
[21:12] <balloons> ohh, sorry I misunderstood. you made it bottom edge
[21:12] <balloons> well, still, should be quite doable :-)
[21:13] <balloons> ajalkane, and that was related to my bug report about inputting a place right?
[21:13] <ajalkane> I took a look at clock application which has similar, so it's doable... just haven't had time to wrap my head around it yet
[21:13] <ajalkane> balloons: well it will be related to that, but first have to get the existing tests working :)
[21:14] <ajalkane> balloons: this is the current one that has to be solved before tackling the Places' text input field that we talked about in sprint: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/1386850
[21:14] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1386850 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Places autopilot test must be redone" [High,Confirmed]
[21:16] <balloons> ajalkane, awesome there is a bug
[21:16] <ajalkane> I'm really trying harder to file bugs for things I know I can't immediately solve :P
[21:17] <ajalkane> oh yeah and what we talked about is this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/1385364
[21:17] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1385364 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Autopilot test for keyboard obscuring textfield" [Undecided,New]
[21:22] <sverzegnassi> ajalkane, it works! ( http://imgur.com/VyYf6UH,XpVGMEQ,WCJSuBq,n5P5oEF#2 )
[21:23] <ajalkane> sverzegnassi: great! When you have a branch working with your content-hub changes to get a document into docviewer, let me know. I think it's best I branch from that and re-do my changes on top of that to get exporting into docviewer working from FileManager (and other apps)
[21:24] <sverzegnassi> it would be nice to have some filters on file extensions, in FolderListModel, if it's possible to get the required content type from content hub
[21:25] <sverzegnassi> Sure! I think to push something on LP tomorrow, since I still have to finish some minor changes
[21:25] <ajalkane> I know :(. It's something that must be worked in future. The requesting application can't, unfortunately, specify them. So FileManager will have to do some guesses. But that's something for the future.
[21:26] <sverzegnassi> That's sad! Hope to see it in future! :-)
[21:27] <sverzegnassi> I'm gonna fix also this bug #1387026
[21:27] <ubot5> bug 1387026 in Ubuntu Document Viewer App "Register as a Content Hub source for loading documents " [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1387026
[21:28] <ajalkane> alright, that's great! I did some work on that already but it wasn't finished. It'd be nice to be able to open pdfs and txt files from FileManager (and other apps)
[21:31] <sverzegnassi> Absolutely! I've seen there's already supports for this in filemanager. I want to see it working in docviewer-app ASAP!
[21:34] <ajalkane> Cool
[21:37] <sverzegnassi> ajalkane, thank you for your help! I'll let you know when I'll push the branch on LP (tomorrow, I suppose). Cya, good night!
[21:38] <ajalkane> good night sverzegnassi!
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
[22:18] <DS-McGuire> akiva-thinkpad, o/
[23:37] * ahoneybun flashes his N4 with Ubuntu again
[23:39] <ahoneybun> mhall119: any news on the shirts?
[23:46] <ahoneybun> yay I have almost 30 users!
[23:49] <ahoneybun> akiva-thinkpad: ping