UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /30 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <Glamdring> I'm guessing you have nothing to dissuade me of that new conclusion?
[00:02] <holstein> Glamdring: its all open. do what you like
[00:02] <holstein> Glamdring: i would have to know more context to make a suggestion
[00:03] * Glamdring nods.
[00:04] <Glamdring> Well, I certainly wouldn't want to make my USB controller uselsss as a gamepad. I've seen programs which can opt to "grab" the mouse, but... are they set up to also "grab" the controller?
[00:04] <Glamdring> I'm talking above my pay grade.
[00:06] <Glamdring> (Still, an openness to mistakes is the only way to learn.)
[00:07] <Glamdring> Actually, what context do you need?
[00:11] <holstein> Glamdring: just details.. may already be something doing what you are looking for
[00:12] * Glamdring nods.
[00:14] <Glamdring> Well, I'd hardly be surprised if there were an appropriate keyboard shortcut. (An extant mouse shortcut would surprise me.) I think I can find a way to look at the configuration of my keyboard shortcuts; it's a file somewhere, and there's no LXDE-native GUI for that, right?
[00:14] <holstein> Glamdring: i usually try and just do the shortcuts in the openbox config files.. so, i havent tried a GUI for that
[00:15] * Glamdring nods.
[00:15] <holstein> Glamdring: i thought there was one in the menu..
[00:15] <Glamdring> I didn't see one I understood as having it, and one of my Google results seemed to indicate there wasn't a GUI for it.
[00:15] * Glamdring is really terrible with Google.
[00:16] <holstein> Glamdring: and, things are changing...
[00:16] <Glamdring> Oh? How so?
[00:18] <holstein> Glamdring: lxqt or whatever
[00:18] <holstein> i mean, not like "before your very eyes" or anything.. but, things are moving around a bit
[00:19] <Glamdring> Well, I can't say as I quite understand, but it sounds like you're describing ongoing development decisions, yes?
[00:21] <holstein> Glamdring: upstream.. yes
[00:22] <Glamdring> I'll have to be aware, and perhaps a little wary. :)
[00:22] <holstein> Glamdring: nah.. you can sit on 14.04 for a long time anyways.. if you want
[00:22] <Glamdring> So it would probably be a service to myself to familiarize myself with the openbox config file, right?
[00:22] <Glamdring> Well, hence wariness.
[00:23] <holstein> Glamdring: i dont think it would hurt.. i actually learned a lot from running crunchbang
[00:23] <holstein> Glamdring: i'll still grab those config files and use them in lubuntu or where ever else
[00:23] <Glamdring> Crunchbang?
[00:24] <Glamdring> That's a deliberately disturbing epithet.
[00:24] <ianorlin> that is a distribution
[00:24] <holstein> Glamdring: its another linux distro.. minimal. but, just setup like i would setup the OS..
[00:24] <ianorlin> that uses pure openbox
[00:24] <holstein> Glamdring: the configs are compatible, though.. mostly
[00:25] <Glamdring> I can't say as I really understand openbox yet. In the sense that I don't understand what it encompasses, and what other distros use instead for the same.
[00:25] <Glamdring> But that I'm sure I can wiki.
[00:26] <holstein> Glamdring: i learned a lot from virtualizing.. saved snapshots.. able to reallly tweak and revert
[00:28] <Glamdring> Oh my. That sounds nice. The reversion capability sounds quite crucial...
[00:28] <holstein> you cant necessarily test everything on live CD"s.. though, that is nice too
[00:30] <Glamdring> I've got a couple different distros on CDs right now. I just can't afford a stack of DVDs, so I started looking for things I could use in a pinch. Found LXDE and Lubuntu, read the descriptions, thought I'd give them a shot.
[00:30] <Glamdring> I'm adding my own bloat as time goes on, but it's so gosh darn nice not to start with any.
[00:31] <holstein> i like the base as well
[00:33] <Glamdring> That too. I don't feel like my hands are tied; I simply feel unfamiliar with the tool chest. It's unnerving, but not painful.
[00:33] <Glamdring> It's also a constant reminder that I should be using the command line more.
[00:34] <holstein> Glamdring: i just moved some things to the command line.. but, that was after i had been using the system for a few years, actually
[00:34] <holstein> i moved IRC chat to irssi in screen.. and i would just try and do simple file manipulation there.. cp, cd.. ls.. simple things
[00:35] <holstein> ssh as well.. to get to and maintain other machines
[00:35] <Glamdring> I need to start using screen, really. I mostly just use irssi right off the bat.
[00:35] <holstein> i used weechat for a bit.. and liked it
[00:35] <Glamdring> Is that a command line client?
[00:36] <ianorlin> yes
[00:36] * Glamdring looks that up, sees the screenshot, smiles.
[00:36] <holstein> !info weechat
[00:36] <ubottu> weechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 71 kB
[00:36] <Glamdring> I may have to try that...
[00:36] <Glamdring> Heh. And given its size, I highly doubt I'll regret installing it.
[00:38] <Glamdring> Has a few dependencies I lacked. I should learn more about that sea of information.
[00:38] <koell> Glamdring: dont forget to install weechat-plugins as well
[00:39] <Glamdring> Noted
[00:39] <Glamdring> Looks like it came with the package I installed.
[00:44] <Glamdring> Now, holstein, you were saying crunchbang was a good learning experience for you? Would you suggest I give it a shot on some future box of mine?
[00:44] <holstein> Glamdring: well, i use the configs for openbox.. it really just depends on what you are looking for
[00:45] <holstein> it may not do anything you are interested in doing..
[00:45] <Glamdring> Well, one thing I need to learn is to take off the training wheels now and then.
[00:46] <Glamdring> There's a great deal I don't know how to do, fix, or even just maintain.
[00:46] <holstein> and, just be patient with yourself.. sounds like you are doing it right
[00:46] <holstein> Glamdring: keep good backups, since all hard drives fail, and plan for total failure.. on *any* os..
[00:47] <Glamdring> Okay.
[00:47] <Glamdring> So, I'm thinking I should find and print up a good cheat sheet of bash commands, yes?
[00:47] <holstein> if you want..
[00:47] <holstein> or just search as you go
[00:47] <holstein> also, the "history" command..
[00:48] <Glamdring> Searching as I go doesn't seem to stick in my head, though. I often seem to forget the command and have to search for it again.
[00:48] <Glamdring> I'm hoping for something which more reliably sticks once I learn it.
[00:50] <Glamdring> Any suggestions?
[00:50] <holstein> when you use them more, it'll just happen
[00:51] * Glamdring sighs.
[00:51] <Glamdring> Been at this a couple years and I haven't used the command line enough to be comfortable. It's an uphill climb, apparently.
[00:51] <holstein> i had some cheat sheet printed out, and as my desktop wallpaper
[00:51] <Glamdring> That's a really brilliant idea.
[00:51] <holstein> Glamdring: nah. just get clear tasks, and complete them.. like, whatever you are need to do next
[00:52] <Glamdring> Oh god.
[00:52] <holstein> converting mp3's to whatever? do it in the command line.. deleting files? CLI
[00:52] <Glamdring> I mean, right now my major task is trying to share folders between two boxen.
[00:52] <Glamdring> Probably not the best place to start.
[00:52] <holstein> so, ssh, and scp
[00:52] <holstein> scp whatever you want from one machine to the other..
[00:52] <holstein> or, setup samba in nano in the terminal.
[00:53] <Glamdring> Holy crap. What's nano?
[00:53] <holstein> !info nano
[00:53] <ubottu> nano (source: nano): small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico. In component main, is standard. Version 2.2.6-3 (utopic), package size 162 kB, installed size 596 kB
[00:53] <Glamdring> (That sounds a lot harder to wiki.)
[00:53] <holstein> just a simple CLI text editor..
[00:53] <holstein> its more my speed :)
[00:53] <Glamdring> Oh! Right.
[00:53] <Glamdring> Shazbot, I should have remembered that.
[00:54] <Glamdring> scp = secure copy?
[00:55] <holstein> its a way you can move files between machine in the command line
[00:55] <Glamdring> Oh. And here I thought I'd found it.
[00:56] <Glamdring> The Wikipedia page on secure copy seemed like it fit the bill. What's the difference?
[00:56] <holstein> Glamdring: the difference in what?
[00:57] <Glamdring> Between the scp you're talking about and the secure copy the Wikipedia page is talking about.
[00:57] <holstein> they are likely the same
[00:57] <Glamdring> Oh. Okay.
[00:58] <Glamdring> Sorry, learning as I go. Trying to improve my google-fu while I'm at it, too.
[00:59] <Glamdring> Folks tend to get kinda pissed when you ask questions you could look up instead.
[00:59] <holstein> ubuntu community can be a little more loose and forgiving.
[01:00] * Glamdring nods.
[01:00] <Glamdring> Anyway, I'm apt to return to this at some point, but right now I think I'm going to go lay down. Been fighting a migraine all day.
[01:01] <Glamdring> If that doesn't work out, maybe more Fallout.
[01:03] <Glamdring> Thank you. I'll make a cheat sheet and put it on the desktop background. That sounds like a really good idea, and one I'll use a lot.
[01:04] <holstein> Glamdring: good luck.. i just downloaded mine, BTW.. there is a tshirt as well, with them upside down on it ;)
[01:04] <Glamdring> HA! Wish I could afford that!
[01:04] <holstein> well.. the background will be fre..
[01:04] <holstein> free*
[01:04] <Glamdring> When you say "I just downloaded mine," you don't mean "just" as in "a moment ago," do you?
[01:04] <Glamdring> 'Cause if so, I would dig a URL. I just doubt it's the case.
[01:05] <holstein> no.. i mean, i didnt make it..
[01:05] <Glamdring> I thought as much. The sentence reads both ways sans inflection, so it was worth asking.
[01:05] <Glamdring> I'm'a go look up a cheat sheet. Again, thank you! I'm sure I'll be back in here soon.
[01:05] <holstein> this was it though
[01:05] <holstein> http://i.imgur.com/1c9y0.png
[01:06] <Glamdring> Oh jebus, thank you.
[01:06] <Glamdring> Wow. Dense. But awesome.
[01:06] <Glamdring> Thank you. I'm off.
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
[05:17] <firebb> why i need to set "Light Locker" every time I login to disable screen lock?
[06:25] <maven> Help needed with Lubuntu. Planning to install in 150 systems.
=== roberto is now known as Guest12394
[12:52] <__unik> hello. How can I make LXterminal realy transperency?
[12:55] <zy3pD> __unik, i think you could only make it transparent so you see the background
[12:55] <__unik> zy3pD no, I want to see the behind window
[12:55] <__unik> not the background
[12:55] <zy3pD> __unik, maybe with other termianl or composite mgr
[12:56] <__unik> zy3pD yeah so How can I do with compto
[12:56] <__unik> compton
[12:56] <__unik> thanks
[12:56] <zy3pD> __unik, i think you could do this yourself, but its Lubuntu! it must be a bit minimalisic ;-)
[12:57] <testdr> __unik: you change the background-color transparency
[12:57] <__unik> testdr: changing the opacity only helped me see the background
[12:57] <__unik> not behind window one
[12:58] <testdr> __unik: thats what zy3pD already tried to explain - those things are only fake-look-thru
[12:59] <__unik> well I am trying to make a real-look
[12:59] <__unik> lol
[12:59] <testdr> __unik: you have to use a windowmanager, that will not only provide background, it must have the possibility to provide different background for each window depending on what other things are behind
[13:01] <testdr> __unik: cause LXDE (and openbox) should run on low-power-graphics-devices, this is not possible.
[13:02] <zy3pD> testdr, it is possible but it doesn't make sence __unik!
[13:02] <zy3pD> testdr, do you speak german?
[13:03] <testdr> zy3pD: yep - ma english may suspect it
[13:04] <zy3pD> testdr, nö geht schon aber ich glaub ich hatte dich schonma in #ubuntu-de-offtopic gesehen deshalb
[16:06] <just4humans> hi all
[16:06] <holstein> o/
[16:06] <bollullera> \o/
[16:16] <zy3pD> does anybody cares about this bug: when i use 2 monitors on the first the desktop contexttmenu is the normal one but on the secound he shows the ob menu
[16:19] <testdr> zy3pD: maybe i would care about, can you buy me a second flatscreen? -- sing: Oh Lord -- would you buy me -- a flatscreen TV -.-
[16:22] <zy3pD> testdr, ich würde dir gerne helfen, aber ich kann dir grad keinen monitor abgeben, hab selbst nur 5 ^^
[16:22] <testdr> sing along: My friends all have quad-cores -- i must make amends!
[16:23] <testdr> zy3pD: LXDE(openbox) kennt Einstellungen was der primäre Bildschirm sein soll - und dann gibt es noch die feste X11-conf Einstellungen
[16:25] <testdr> !sorry forgot - speak english here!
[16:25] <ubottu> testdr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[16:25] <zy3pD> hehe
[16:26] <testdr> LXDE(openbox) has settings what screen/desktop is the primary one or if every should be treated the same
[16:33] <ianorlin> zy3pD: zy3pD which version of lubuntu are you on?
[16:33] <ianorlin> That is actaully better than having it show no menu at all on right click
[16:39] <zy3pD> which version: my first lubuntu was 13.04 ... since 13.04 ^^ (now on 14.04.1)
[16:55] <zh1> http://lubuntu.net/tags/upgrade video links on this link are down
[16:55] <zh1> sirs whats the proper comando to upgrade lubuntu to next release sudo do-release-upgrade?
[16:56] <zh1> *comand
[16:56] <wxl> zh1: add the -d switch
[16:56] <zh1> like sudo do-release-upgrade -d ?
[16:58] <wxl> zh1: yep
[17:00] <zh1> wxl any more thing?
[17:01] <wxl> zh1: nope
[17:02] <zh1> apt-get and aptitude on lubuntu are never used to upgrade on lubuntu?
[17:02] <wxl> zh1: do-release-upgrade, like those two, are a front end to dpkg (plus some other stuff)
[17:02] <zh1> ah ok
[17:02] <wxl> s/are/is/
[17:03] <zh1> wxl thanks, gonna give this info to my friend to update system
[17:04] <wxl> zh1: note there has to be an upgrade path
[17:05] <wxl> e.g. 9.04 → 14.10 ain't going to work :)
[17:05] <zh1> but from 13.10 to 14.10 will?
[17:05] <zh1> i think he has 13.10
[17:06] <wxl> anything on the EoL list (including 13.10) is going to be a problem https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases
[17:06] <wxl> there are upgrade paths between LTS releases (10.04 → 12.04 for example)
[17:06] <wxl> but not EoL LTS releases
[17:07] <wxl> here's how https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades
[17:07] <wxl> total pain in the butt!
[17:07] <zh1> wxl if it doesnt work the command will just fail, right?
[17:07] <zh1> so i can try it ?
[17:07] <wxl> yep
[17:08] <wxl> if i remember correctly it is possible to use the installer to upgrade
[17:08] <zh1> i was checking those releases maybe its not 13.10
[17:08] <zh1> i know i installed the system around march this year
[17:10] <zh1> ah no, there is one 13.10
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=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
[17:41] <ianorlin> zh1 intsalling lts may be better for people that don't really keep track of support windows
[20:22] <genii> !purelxde
[20:22] <ubottu> If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »