UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /30 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:35] <toni> hola
[01:21] <LinusTorvaldII> no one talks here its bizarre
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[02:12] <MangaKaDenza> hi
[02:13] <MangaKaDenza> so, sometimes when i close my netbook, and open it later, the icons switch to different looking ones (mainly in the system tray), and Kickoff or the cashew won't display the "suspend" thing
[02:14] <MangaKaDenza> its as if it forgot this is a netbook, since i also don't see the battery item in the tray
[02:18] <blueyed> Where has the packaging for tomahawk moved to? The package mentions https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/tomahawk, but that's 404.
[02:18] <blueyed> We're in the process of setting up nightly builds via Launchpad recipes in #tomahawk, and it would make sense to use Kubuntu's packaging.
[02:21] <MangaKaDenza> https://launchpad.net/tomahawk this?
[03:01] <MangaKaDenza> ach
[03:01] <MangaKaDenza> >Unable to contact KDED
[03:07] <MangaKaDenza> how do I restart KDED
[03:12] <MangaKaDenza> ah, kded4 without args
[04:14] <james0r> looking for a now playing panel widget that will display cover art, track/artist info and controls for spotify. any recommendations?
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[07:10] <lordievader> Good morning.
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[07:40] <James0r> anyone know where i can find additional templates for the adjustable clock widget? for some reason they all look awful with the defaul panel size.
[07:50] <soee> good morning
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[08:55] <cdunn70000000000> hello can anyone help me at all?
[08:55] <hateball> !ask
[08:55] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[08:56] <cdunn70000000000> hello im having a issue with installing a ati mobility 4250 hd graphics card as a propeitry driver on 14.04
[09:01] <cdunn70000000000> ?
[09:02] <valorie> !ati
[09:02] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto
[09:02] <valorie> I hope that helps, cdunn70000000000
[09:03] <cdunn70000000000> thanks but apparently amd have stopped my card support on ubuntu 12.04
[09:03] <cdunn70000000000> thats currently why im currently stuck on a open souce driver
[09:03] <valorie> and what is the problem with that?
[09:04] <cdunn70000000000> i want to play games?
[09:04] <cdunn70000000000> im having graphical issues just running simple games such as ck2
[09:04] <valorie> cdunn70000000000: have you tried driver-manager?
[09:04] <cdunn70000000000> yes
[09:05] <valorie> I'm sure there are others that know far more than I do, so you can either wait for one of those people, look in the forums, or write to the user list
[09:05] <cdunn70000000000> ok thanks
[09:43] <Saphyel> GMornin'
[09:44] <cdunn70000000000> hi
[09:44] <lordievader> o/
[10:05] <depesz> hi. i'm on trusty. after last update it looks like ssh-agent is no longer started, but instead something called "gnome-keyring" is. how can I disable it and revert to normal ssh-agent?
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[11:08] <Walex> depesz: someone else was looking at that yesterday...
[11:09] <Walex> depesz: the 'gnome-keyring' daemon is as the name shows a key agent for GNOME.
[11:12] <depesz> yeah. but i never used it. i don't use *keyring* to store passwords. the only thing I used was ssh-agent, and I want to keep using it.
[11:12] <Walex> depesz: so you need to look at the various places where per-X11-session daemons are started and edit them. The 'Xsession', 'xinitrc', 'env' subdirectory, etc.
[11:12] <depesz> so far I removed *gnome-keyring* packages, and aftrer reboot I got normal ssh-agent environment, but I'm afraid that it will come back :/
[11:20] <BluesKaj> Hey folks
[11:27] <depesz> hi
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[12:44] <silv3r_m00n> hi there
[12:45] <silv3r_m00n> is it incorrect to use update-manager command to upgrade kubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 ? the man page says, its going to install the ubuntu-desktop package
[12:47] <BluesKaj> yes silv3r_m00n , but sudo do-release-upgrade will work as well, but turn off the "LTS only upgrade" in the package manager first
[12:48] <BluesKaj> and make sure you update and upgrade before upgrading to 14.10, silv3r_m00n
[12:48] <silv3r_m00n> BluesKaj: yeah, doing that only
[12:49] <silv3r_m00n> earlier i thought of using update-manager, but suddenly i checked the man page and found that information, so now thinking of using do-release-upgrade with mode desktop. and by the way, what is FRONTEND , the -f option to do-release-upgrade ?
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[12:51] <BluesKaj> silv3r_m00n, all package managers use dpkg so you still need to turn the "LTS only" off
[12:52] <silv3r_m00n> BluesKaj: yeah, done that
[12:53] <BluesKaj> ok silv3r_m00n, in the terminal, sudo do-release-upgrade
[12:55] <silv3r_m00n> how about this, ~$ sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE
[12:57] <BluesKaj> where did you get that from...what's the purpose of that command?
[12:58] <silv3r_m00n> i got it here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UtopicUpgrades/Kubuntu and it pops a gui window
[13:00] <BluesKaj> well if you want to the upgrade manager then go ahead , but don't mix apt-get and the package manager, use one or the other.
[13:02] <silv3r_m00n> means ?
[13:02] <silv3r_m00n> what does this command do sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE ?
[13:13] <lordievader> silv3r_m00n: It upgrades you to the next available version of (K)Ubuntu. And you tell it to use the DistUpgradeViewKDE frontend. However, I'm wondering what is wrong with the terminal (screen) view...
[13:21] <silv3r_m00n> lordievader: no nothing, just checking the options, i would better do with the terminal view
[13:21] <silv3r_m00n> thanks for the help by the way
[13:22] <silv3r_m00n> and are there any kind of backups i should take before the upgrade ?
[13:28] <lordievader> silv3r_m00n: Yes. Allways have backups.
[13:31] <w7ldn> lol, should always have backups, upgrade or no
[13:32] <crancocco> hello
[13:36] <lordievader> w7ldn: Exactly ;)
[13:40] <darokthar> I it possible to fix a window to the left and set it's behaviour like a panel. For example i want my skype to be fixed to the right screen edge and when i maximize other windows, i'd like them to take only the space left.
[13:40] <darokthar> I just don't know how to google this.
[13:42] <lordievader> darokthar: Perhaps you can set window rules to that effect. But I don't have KDE loaded at this moment to check if it is possible.
[13:43] <lelamal> Hi all! When I check for updates, on Muon Update Manager, I'm told a new version of Kubuntu is available. Then I click on Upgrade, enter my password, but nothing happens. I try to copy/paste the command from the popup window on Konsole, and this is what it says: http://paste.kde.org/pfcgfyuwx
[13:43] <darokthar> lordievader, thx maybe i'll ask in the kde channel.
[13:43] <lelamal> What can I do to solve the problem?
[13:46] <BluesKaj> lelamal, update and upgrade your OS first, then turn off the "LTS only upgrade" in the package manager
[13:47] <BluesKaj> then , sudo do-release-upgrade in the terminal lelamal
[13:50] <lordievader> lelamal: And perhaps tell it to use the en_US locale.
[13:50] <lelamal> BluesKaj: it's already set to "normal releases". Ok, then, I'll do the rest as you said and see what happens. Thank you!
[13:50] <lelamal> lordievader: I'll do that, thank you.
[13:54] <kubuntu89fux> hi everyone :)
[13:55] <kubuntu89fux> \leave
[13:55] <BluesKaj> another smartass nick
[13:56] <excalibr> :D
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[14:36] <mfraz74> doing the upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 and the upgrade is stuck on "configuring update-notifier-common" at 0%
[14:39] <BluesKaj> mfraz74, update and upgrade your OS first, then turn off the "LTS only upgrade" in the package manager
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[14:40] <mfraz74> BluesKaj: the OS was fully up-to-date
[14:40] <mfraz74> the upgrade is at 91% with configuring-update-notifier stuck at 0%
[14:41] <BluesKaj> mfraz74, is the upgrade still running or is it stuck?
[14:42] <mfraz74> BluesKaj: with the terminal open at the bottom of the window, it is still running with [Working]0%
[14:44] <BluesKaj> mfraz74, it takes a while, seems it took 20 mins on my dsl connection the last time I upgraded to a new release.
[14:45] <mfraz74> BluesKaj: it did the same thing on my laptop and I left that for 8 hours without it finishing.
[14:45] <BluesKaj> mfraz74, that's why I use the terminal
[14:46] <BluesKaj> package managers can get stuck minor errors that apt will skip over with a warning
[14:46] <mfraz74> BluesKaj: looks like it could be ttf-mscorefonts-installer that is causing it
[14:47] <BluesKaj> then that possibly needs your agreement like java installation \
[14:55] <BluesKaj> 0.
[14:58] <mfraz74> killed the upgrade and ran apt-get -f install
[14:58] <mfraz74> looks like it is having trouble fetching andale32.exe
[15:01] <mfraz74> The HTTP server sent an invalid Content-Range header
[15:01] <mfraz74> E: Failed to fetch http://downloads.sourceforge.net/corefonts/andale32.exe The HTTP server sent an invalid Content-Range header
[15:07] <mfraz74> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/1371783
[15:07] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1371783 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "package ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.4+nmu1ubuntu2 (utopic) fails to install/upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[15:08] <BluesKaj> mfraz74, that's a windows .exe file it womn't run on linux
[15:08] <mfraz74> BluesKaj: it is installed as part of the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package
[15:09] <BluesKaj> mfraz74, do you have some ppas in your sources.list?
[15:09] <mfraz74> BluesKaj: yes, but they were all disabled during the upgrade as they usually are
[15:10] <BluesKaj> if so comment them with # in front or delete them altogether , or remove them from /etc/aptsources.list.d
[15:10] <mfraz74> going to try rebooting now
[15:11] <mfraz74> fingers crossed
[15:11] <BluesKaj> /etc/apt/sources.list.d
[15:13] <jimmy51v_> how can i set my wallpaper from the terminal? i have a jpg in $HOME/Pictures/sample.jpg in Mint I do > gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri "file:///$HOME/Pictures/sample.jpg" < and it works.
[15:15] <BluesKaj> jimmy51v_, I use 6 desktops so it's easier to use the default desktop settings
[15:15] <jimmy51v_> BluesKaj: you mean ... you just don't set your wallpaper at all?
[15:17] <BluesKaj> yes i set wallpaper on 6 different virtual desktops
[15:18] <BluesKaj> by right clicking on the desktop and choosing "default desktop settiings" which then brings up the dewsktop settings gui
[15:19] <BluesKaj> desktop settings gui
[15:20] <jimmy51v_> BluesKaj: ok... so you have to click a UI. I've got to script it. is there something simliar to gsettings that would let me do so in KDE?
[15:21] <BluesKaj> jimmy51v_, this is kubuntu support, it's assumed your on KDE
[15:21] <BluesKaj> you're
[15:22] <jimmy51v_> BluesKaj: yeah... i'm starting with Kubuntu 14.04 but I have to add cinnamon as an option for a group of users who prefer it.
[15:22] <BluesKaj> well, what I posted above applies to kde/kubuntu-desktop
[15:26] <jimmy51v_> BluesKaj: hmm... i must have missed something. did you post something about setting wallpaper in Kubuntu from the terminal?
[15:27] <BluesKaj> no
[15:27] <BluesKaj> ity's easier from the desktop gui
[15:27] <jimmy51v_> heh. maybe once at a time. not when you're deploying to 50+ machines!
[15:32] <BluesKaj> well, that's the first time anyone has asked that in my experience, besides whynot let the 50+ users choose their own wall paper :)
[15:49] <jimmy51v_> BluesKaj: hehe. power users, sure. this is quite a shock to normal office workers. i want it to look as much like their old machine as possible.
[15:52] <rberg> jimmy51v_: have you looked at this? https://code.google.com/p/ksetwallpaper/
[15:53] <jimmy51v_> rberg: i have not
[15:53] <jimmy51v_> reading...
[15:54] <rberg> or maybe you can simply overwrite the file of the default wallpaper
[15:54] <rberg> but in that case I would expect kubuntu updates to put it back int he fiture
[15:54] <rberg> *future
[15:58] <rberg> looks like that is stored in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc maybe you could sed it
[15:58] <skinux> I need a free software for password protecting a directory?
[16:00] <aljosa> did some recent update changed the way ssh-agent works? i have my ssh keys loaded when i start kubuntu and i can't use keys
[16:00] <aljosa> previously nothing was loaded
[16:00] <aljosa> "ssh-add -D" doesn't work, keys are still listed w/ "ssh-add -L"
[16:20] <rodolfojcj> hello!
[16:20] <rodolfojcj> does anyone know a way to kill/logout desktop sessions in Kubuntu 14.10?
[16:22] <rodolfojcj> with kubuntu 14.04 I used "loginctl list-sessions" followed by something like "loginctl terminate-session c8", even without sudo or without being root user (which I considered a security bug, because I was able to kill a logged in user with minimal privileges)
[16:23] <rodolfojcj> but right now with 14.10 I can't, even using sudo
[16:25] <rodolfojcj> I want to kill/logout some locked guest desktop sessions that are consuming resources, and I don't want to reboot the system
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[18:01] <mpm_> Hi, I know it's a tech preview but I'm trying to install the plasma 5 kubuntu. When I press 'Install ubuntu' at the boot screen it just goes to the live session. Just wondering if anyone has any advice
[18:03] <mpm_> Maybe I could go into a terminal and start the installation that way
[18:03] <mpm_> although I don't know how
[18:03] <lordievader> mpm_: I was just installing the same thing, I have an 'Install Kubuntu Plasma5' icon on the desktop.
[18:04] <lordievader> That start the installer just fine.
[18:05] <mpm_> lordievader: I don't have that
[18:06] <mpm_> found it by searching for it
[18:06] <lordievader> Hmm, here sddm didn't start properly, did you have that problem?
[18:07] <mpm_> maybe, but I have the installer now anyway
[18:08] <mpm_> This is scary, it says /dev/sda free space 1000204 MB i.e. my whole hard drive
[18:08] <mpm_> Probably a bug
[18:08] <mpm_> (hopefully)
[18:09] <mpm_> Yeah I'll just install ubuntu :p
[18:09] <lordievader> mpm_: Hold on, does it have windows installed?
[18:09] <mpm_> yes
[18:09] <lordievader> mpm_: Is it a dynamic disk?
[18:09] <mpm_> I don't know
[18:10] <lordievader> mpm_: Windows will very happily convert your disk to a dynamic disk with one click. But Linux doesn't support Windows Dynamic Disks and converting it back to a basic disk means wiping it... :(
[18:10] <mpm_> oh damn
[18:10] <mpm_> so no linux for me unless I wipe my disk?
[18:11] <lordievader> mpm_: I don't say that. Check if it is a dynamic disk.
[18:12] <mpm_> I'm in the live session right now so I'll boot back into windows and check
[18:18] <mpm_> Well I have the option to convert the disk to a dynamic disk so I assume it isn't already
[18:19] <mpm_> lordievader ^
[18:20] <lordievader> mpm_: No, I don't think so either.
[18:20] <mpm_> lordievader: now what?
[18:21] <lordievader> mpm_: Err, try again and hope this time partitions are detected correctly?
[18:21] <mpm_> I haven't changed anything so I doubt there will be a difference but thanks anyway
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[18:45] <irish_canon> Hello all
[18:46] <irish_canon> Id like to make a script that auto backs up a USB drive no matter the make or size
[18:50] <lordievader> irish_canon: Write a script that rsync a folder to some mountpoint and a udev rule to mount the stick there and fire up the script.
[18:51] <irish_canon> sure, as long as it works
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[20:01] <Zephyr1139> what is the suggested swap space size for kubuntu 14.10 ?
[20:01] <Zephyr1139> !swap
[20:01] <ubottu> swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info
[20:03] <BluesKaj> Zephyr1139, usually 1.5x your ram, above 6G use the same as ram
[20:05] <lordievader> Zephyr1139: Do you plan on using hibernate?
[20:07] <Zephyr1139> not planning on using hibernate. I'm setting up a tower. free -m reports a total of 2000. So I'll reserve 3000 as swap.
[20:08] <soee> hmm i never used swap in last 2-3 years :D
[20:08] <lordievader> Zephyr1139: I never assign more than 5Gb of swap, if I assign swap at all.
[20:11] <Zephyr1139> should the swap partion occur before the '/' parition? I'm dual booting this tower PC BTW.
[20:13] <lordievader> Zephyr1139: Doesn't matter.
[20:22] <Zephyr1139> I've got /dev/sda1 ntfs, /dev/sda2 swap, and /dev/sda3 ext4. Which device should I choose for the Boot loader? The selection box defaulted to just /dev/sda.
[20:23] <lordievader> Zephyr1139: If you only have one drive, sda.
[20:25] <soee> http://ultimate-solution.com.pk/2014/05/all-about-linux-swap-partition/
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[20:45] <JeZxLee> Great O.S. - I bounce around alot trying new one's but always come back to Kubuntu 14.04 L.T.S. 64Bit...
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[21:23] <MangaKaDenza> argh
[21:23] <MangaKaDenza> so, I'm trying to install Plasma 5's KDE-baseapps package from neon, and it keeps giving me an error that there's one file provided by kio-extras
[21:23] <MangaKaDenza> /opt/project-neon5/share/kservices5/filenamesearch.protocol
[21:23] <MangaKaDenza> and I cant remove kio-extras
[21:24] <MangaKaDenza> pls help
[21:42] <TheFakeazneD525> how to install kde-baseapps (kf5) in Trusty
[21:48] <stanislav> plasma 5 is very cool!