UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /30 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[02:00] <mhall119> sgclark: can you register for https://launchpad.net/sprints/uos-1411 ? I can't add you to summit.ubuntu.com as a track lead until you do
[02:00] <sgclark> mhall119: done
[02:08] <mhall119> thanks sgclark
[03:04] <_Groo_> apachelogger: now now, just because it has mplayer in the name doesnt mean its a POS... its actual quite stable, but yeah, as a base for phonon , it might give you slight migraines. although as an added fun it also has ffmpeg code in it... oh the joy! it makes my debugging skill all smoochy inside
[04:52] <bukai> Riddell: I have come up with some ideas for the website, i.e. creating a theme instead of using a default one from wp. Shall I go ahead with the idea i have in mind for the theme?
[07:10] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:50] <soee> good morning
[09:05] <_Groo_> howdy soee
[09:37] <soee> _Groo_: hiho
[09:37] <_Groo_> :)
[09:38] <apachelogger> Riddell: reckon someone needs to file for KF5 SRU exception starting with 15.04
[09:41] <_Groo_> apachelogger: !!! long time no see
[09:41] <_Groo_> apachelogger: my favorite phonon developer
[09:52] <Riddell> apachelogger: meh
[09:52] <Riddell> I'm taking a day off walking in the hills
[09:53] <apachelogger> _Groo_: hello there, welcome back
[09:53] <apachelogger> Riddell: have fun
[09:53] <apachelogger> wait, walking in the hills Oo
[09:54] <_Groo_> apachelogger: tks tks, so are you considering using cmplayer as a phonon NSA backdoor, i mean phonon backend?
[09:54] <_Groo_> apachelogger: yeah he took a shovel
[09:54] <apachelogger> no
[09:54] <apachelogger> mplayer has no api
[09:55] <apachelogger> or does it not actually use mplayer?
[09:55] <_Groo_> apachelogger: it uses ffmpeg
[09:55] <apachelogger> at any rate, anything that is directly tied to ffmpeg is unadoptable by half the world and has the added pointlessness of 'we could just use ffmpeg'
[09:55] <_Groo_> apachelogger: and mpv
[09:55] <apachelogger> martin sandsmark even has an ffmpeg phonon backend
[09:56] <_Groo_> apachelogger: i remember a mplayer backend back in the day
[09:56] <_Groo_> used to work
[09:56] <apachelogger> it really didn't
[09:56] <apachelogger> since mplayer has no api
[09:56] <_Groo_> it as just a big blob, it called the player directly
[09:56] <apachelogger> everything built ontop of mplayer is usually derpy crap
[09:56] <_Groo_> it was*
[09:57] <_Groo_> apachelogger: well we have 3 bazillion players but besides gstreamer we dont have any good multimedia frameworks
[09:57] <_Groo_> either we use libav/ffmpeg or... vlc?
[09:57] <_Groo_> and even those , cross polinate
[09:57] <apachelogger> there really only should be one framework TBH
[09:58] <_Groo_> two... for competition sake
[09:59] <_Groo_> if you want to *uck things up, lets make just ONE framework, developed by committee and with apple AND google has leaders
[09:59] <apachelogger> platformwise the fragementation is very counterproudctive and is the reason multimedia on linux sucks balls
[09:59] <_Groo_> that should be fun and fast
[09:59] <_Groo_> fragmentation IS linux
[10:00] <apachelogger> no it's not
[10:00] <_Groo_> is xine still developed?
[10:00] <_Groo_> not in life support, but actively developed?
[10:03] <apachelogger> nope
[10:10] <_Groo_> apachelogger: so theres not much choice is it?
[10:14] <apachelogger> _Groo_: there's two
[10:14] <apachelogger> which is one too many considering both leave you wanting
[10:16] <_Groo_> vlc and gstreamer
[11:20] <BluesKaj> Hey folks
[11:31] <sgclark> morning
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[14:39] <santa_> hi
[14:42] <manchicken> Hi.
[17:16] <Riddell> 12:07 < didrocks> Riddell: hey, do you think there would be anything kde-side blocking a bluez5 transition?
[17:16] <Riddell> hmm I always forget that
[17:25] <_Groo_> oh bluez5, yes please
[17:26] <_Groo_> Riddell: do you think my cmplayer proposal was well accepted? :P
[17:26] <_Groo_> Riddell: i wonder what the reaction would be if it was a complex or dangerous package. so much
[17:26] <_Groo_> drama
[17:32] <Riddell> _Groo_: sorry I've been away today and not read the replies
[17:33] <_Groo_> Riddell: its a good read
[17:33] <_Groo_> Riddell: how was the hicking?
[17:36] <sgclark> Riddell: hope you had a good day, stopping in, or do you have a moment for a question?
[17:57] <lordievader> Is the Plasma5 image boken? Used Unetbootin to make a live-usb. And sddm is saying it can't open /lib/init/init-d-script
[17:57] <lordievader> And he is right, there is no such file.
[18:01] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: bukai asked me for the WP site code
[18:01] <ovidiu-florin> I'm not sure I understand what exactly to give him
[18:01] <lordievader> Ah restarting sddm fixed it.
[18:02] <Riddell> sgclark: ask away
[18:02] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: I gave him an account on the server so he should have everything
[18:03] <Riddell> _Groo_: ach didn't get that far, ended up with doors locked with me on one side and neighbours on the other
[18:07] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: then why did he ask me for the code? which by the way he shouldn't need
[18:07] <ovidiu-florin> WP is open source, if he really needs the core code
[18:07] <ovidiu-florin> but for developing a theme I don't think it is necessary
[18:07] <Riddell> no it's not
[18:07] <ovidiu-florin> don't get me wrong
[18:07] <ovidiu-florin> he can have it
[18:07] <sgclark> Riddell: I found our config path issue which will fix several items, plasam5 moved to XDG_CONFIG_DIR which is set in 00upstart and then overwritten in 60x11-common_xdg_path and I can only get *rc files to be aknowleged in the paths there. /usr/share/kubuntu-settings setup no longer works. Soooo my question is how to best override so we can seperate kubuntu specific configs
[18:08] <ovidiu-florin> but it isn't necessary
[18:09] <sgclark> Riddell: right now I can only get config files to work in /etc/xdg and /etc/xdg/xdg-plasma
[18:09] <sgclark> Riddell: as set by 60x11-common-xdg-path Xsession.d script
[18:10] <sgclark> Riddell: (also it breaks the upstart script FYI)
[18:20] <lordievader> Hmm the plasma5 installer crashed on removing intamfstools.
[18:52] <lordievader> Can the Kubuntu Next ppa be used on Vivid?
[18:53] <sgclark> No - work in progress of moving to normal ppa/archive
[18:54] <lordievader> Ok, then I won't add it (yet).
[18:54] <lordievader> Thanks.
[19:08] <sgclark> Riddell: I am putting all of my notes and discoveries on the trello card, just take a look when you have time. Thanks
[19:19] <Riddell> thanks sgclark
[19:20] <soee> hey hey
[19:20] <Riddell> sgclark: I guess somehow we want to override a setting or environement variable to add to the xdg directories
[19:20] <Riddell> $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
[19:20] <sgclark> Riddell: right, my question is where
[19:20] <Riddell> that needs set somewhere
[19:20] <Riddell> previously we did it as a patch to startkde
[19:20] <Riddell> I don't have a problem with doing the same again
[19:20] <sgclark> Riddell: oh gmm
[19:21] <sgclark> err
[19:21] <Riddell> actually we added it to /etc/kde4rc
[19:21] <sgclark> Riddell: this is for plasma 5 tho
[19:21] <sgclark> Riddell: which I am not convinced reads that and I tried kderc
[19:21] <Riddell> no it won't but I wonder if there's something equivalent
[19:22] <Riddell> http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html might say
[19:22] <sgclark> Riddell: yeah I have been on the hunt for many hours. Google is failing me.
[19:22] <Riddell> where is /etc/xdg/xdg-plasma being set? that must be set by something
[19:22] <sgclark> Riddell: I will keep looking
[19:23] <sgclark> Riddell: 60x11-common_xdg_path would get overwritten on upgrades.
[19:23] <Riddell> oh I see
[19:23] <Riddell> well slap a 70xdg-kubuntu-dir in there
[19:24] <sgclark> Riddell: I don't know if it is important, but I noticed 00upstart also exports this path but it gets reset by 60x11-common_xdg_path
[19:24] <Riddell> which just does export XDG_DATA_DIRS=XDG_DATA_DIRS:/usr/share/kubuntu-settings/kf5-settings
[19:24] <sgclark> Riddell: that was my train of thought was going
[19:24] <sgclark> Riddell: right, I got it sorted :) thanks !!!!
[19:25] <Riddell> yay, good stuff sgclark
[19:25] <sgclark> Riddell: and I learned kubuntu-settings in this task lol woot
[20:03] <ScottK> apachelogger: kf5 doesn't meet the criteria for a standing exception.
[20:12] <sgclark> yay it works! where should I put my shiny new kubuntu-settings Riddell
[20:20] <soee> someone on Plasma5 ?
[20:21] <sgclark> yeah
[20:22] <soee> sgclark: does partition manager work for you ?
[20:24] <sgclark> soee: it starts and lists my drives etc. I don't have any spare drives to try and format sorry
[20:27] <soee> sgclark: thats not the case
[20:27] <soee> for me it says: Cannot load library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_: (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_.so: ..
[20:28] <soee> s i have this error only and app does nto start
[20:28] <sgclark> soee: that seems to be a common problem. did you just install it?
[20:29] <sgclark> soee: try running in a terminal /usr/bin/partitionmanager
[20:29] <soee> hm it says that file /home/soee/.kde/share/config/partitionmanagerrc is not ready to write
[20:30] <soee> strange
[20:31] <soee> yeah this singl efile in this location has: -rw------- 1 root root 868 Jul 20 12:41 partitionmanagerrc
[20:31] <soee> is it possible that partision manager create dit with root permissions only ?
[20:32] <sgclark> gosh I don't rightly know
[20:32] <sgclark> mine does not behave that way
[20:32] <soee> ok i hcanged rights, now i can run it from terminal
[20:58] <sgclark> Riddell: pushed to bzr. Review and put where you need it. Thanks