UbuntuIRC / 2014 /10 /30 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <harlowja> hmmm, seems not, lol
[00:10] <harlowja> it needs to be able to run setup.py install in a virtualenv (which for us is currently non-standard, using datafiles which it can't write...)
[00:10] <harlowja> fixing that
[00:15] <harlowja> https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/setup-virtualenv-installable/+merge/240069 should do the trick (this allows readthedocs to make a virtualenv which won't be missing the requirements it needs to build the full docs)
=== mgagne is now known as Guest76511
=== Guest76511 is now known as mgagne
=== mgagne is now known as Guest51339
[04:21] <dmick> hi all; this may be a dumbfaq, but I'm having real trouble finding it: is there a way to, preferably with a kernel boot arg, stop cloud-init from running on boot so that I can observe state before it runs, and run its phases by hand?
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
[15:02] <gchristensen> Hi, I'm looking to have an upstart job run after cloud init has finished. it seems there have been numerous events to "start on stopped ____" over time. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04, anyone know what event I should be watching for?
[15:15] <Wumpus42> I'm using cloud-init 0.7.4 in a centos 6.5 image I made for a Icehouse cloud we've setup to mess around with. I can get cloud-init to execute shell scripts in the user_data, but I can't get the #cloud-config to work. I don't get any errors, the actions just dont happen. Is there something I have to turn on in the image cloud-init config to have it act on the cloud-config userdata items?
=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
=== gchristensen is now known as grahamc`dead
[17:21] <harlowja> Wumpus42 do u have an example yaml u are sending, or any cloud-init logs?
[17:22] <harlowja> dmick there isn't a kernel arg afaik that stops cloud-init from doing things
[17:22] <harlowja> smoser when u leaving for paris?
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=== grahamc`systemd is now known as grahamc`upstart
=== grahamc`upstart is now known as grahamc`init
=== grahamc`init is now known as gchristensen
[17:29] <smoser> harlowja, saturday night.
[17:29] <harlowja> cool
[17:29] <harlowja> sat morning for me
[17:29] <smoser> arrive sunday.
[17:29] <smoser> are you speaking ?
[17:29] <smoser> sunday i'm paying wrokingon talk
[17:29] <smoser> as i am right now too
[17:29] <smoser> no reason in being ready early
[17:29] <harlowja> speaking, no direct speaking, a few summit sessions; but those aren't really speaking :-P
[17:30] <harlowja> no like presenations i mean
[17:30] <harlowja> u?
[17:30] <Wumpus42> yes. i will get an example
[17:30] <harlowja> Wumpus42 cool
[17:30] <harlowja> that will help diagnois whats happening
[17:30] <harlowja> smoser are u gonna talk about cloud-init or something, lol
[17:31] <smoser> containers
[17:31] <smoser> http://www.openstack.org/vote-paris/Presentation/ecure-containers-in-openstack-using-lxc-and-user-namespaces
[17:31] <harlowja> ah
[17:31] <harlowja> cool
[17:32] <harlowja> i'll try to be there!
[17:40] <hiren_> smoser: looks like an interesting talk. Would these be recorded?
[17:40] <harlowja> hiren_ they typically are
[17:41] <harlowja> the design summit sessions (which are developers blabbering at each other aren't recorded)
[17:41] <harlowja> ^ thankfully those aren't recorded, haha
[17:42] <hiren_> hah yeah
[17:42] <hiren_> you do not want the world to see your yelling... I get that part.
[17:42] <harlowja> ;)
[17:43] <hiren_> and dev only sessions are hardly civilized anyways. ;-)
[17:47] <smoser> hiren_, yeah, it will be
[17:50] <Wumpus42_> Here's my simple #cloud-config
[17:50] <Wumpus42_> #cloud-config
[17:50] <Wumpus42_> package_upgrade: true
[17:50] <Wumpus42_> power_state:
[17:50] <Wumpus42_> delay: "now"
[17:50] <Wumpus42_> mode: reboot
[17:50] <Wumpus42_> message: "Bye Bye"
[17:50] <Wumpus42_> timeout: 30
[17:51] <Wumpus42_> I'm new to irc, is there a better way to paste that?
[17:53] <hiren_> smoser: cool.
[17:53] <harlowja> Wumpus42_ using paste.ubuntu.com would be cool
[17:53] <harlowja> easier to see if its off there
[17:53] <Wumpus42_> I've also tried manage-resolv-conf: true
[17:53] <Wumpus42_> resolv_conf:
[17:53] <Wumpus42_> ...
[17:54] <Wumpus42_> ok. let me try that
[17:54] <harlowja> k
[17:54] <harlowja> Wumpus42_ the other thing that would be useful are the cloud-init logs
[17:54] <harlowja> to see why it isn't processing those
[17:54] <harlowja> typically at /var/log/cloud-init.log
[17:55] <Wumpus42_> like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8749657/
[17:55] <harlowja> ya
[17:55] <harlowja> so that looks fine
[17:55] <Wumpus42_> I'll get the log.
[17:55] <harlowja> cool
[17:55] <Wumpus42_> gimme a few
[17:55] <harlowja> np
[17:56] <Wumpus42_> i can't irc from work comp, gotta keep switching back and forth. i've got a mtg in 5mins so it might be a few mins 'til i can respond
[18:00] <harlowja> k
[18:00] <harlowja> np
[18:00] <harlowja> take your time
[19:06] <Wumpus42_> wow. mtg going long :( Here's the logfile http://paste.ubuntu.com/8750424/
[19:07] <Wumpus42_> The cloud-init was installed in the image and left with it's defaults... except I changed the user to cloud-user
[19:07] <harlowja> sure
[19:08] <harlowja> can u show whats in '/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-000002dd/user-data.txt.i '
[19:08] <harlowja> also '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg '
[19:08] <harlowja> both of those would be helpful
[19:30] <Wumpus42_> ok will get those too
[19:38] <Wumpus42_> here's /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/8750761/
[19:40] <Wumpus42_> here's user-data.txt.i http://paste.ubuntu.com/8750782/
[19:42] <dmick> harlowja: is there an easy way to boot up a pristine image but not execute the normal cloud-init path before starting a shell? (Maybe the easiest would be to supply a user script that just starts a shell, assuming I can make that happen first?)
[19:43] <dmick> (and maybe I can figure out how to fuse that into the yaml coming from the NoData ISO source by using the cc: kernel cmdline arg?)
[19:43] <dmick> (or am I talking crazy?)
[19:44] <harlowja> dmick it really highly depends on what image this is, most of the time cloud-init is in the init system (systemd, upstart, sysvinit) so u can't easily bypass that without causing further services to not start
[19:45] <harlowja> Wumpus42_ ok, so that looks all ok, doesn't seem off or anything
[19:45] <dmick> how do you typically debug? logs?
[19:45] <harlowja> ya
[19:45] <harlowja> logs, console, other
[19:46] <dmick> need to figure out why I'm getting almost no logging.
[19:46] <harlowja> Wumpus42 the thing i do notice is that u are using 'power_state' which isn't in the cloud_final_modules module list thats in that image
[19:47] <harlowja> so it won't do anything if no module is there to use it
[19:47] <harlowja> that would likely be the cause
[19:49] <harlowja> same with the resolve_conf module; not also listed in the 3 module sections (cloud_init_modules, cloud_config_modules, cloud_final_modules)
[19:50] <harlowja> if a module isn't listed there, passing configuration in that uses the module won't do much
[19:50] <harlowja> *since there is nothing that gets activated that uses the config in the first place
[19:51] <Wumpus42_> ah. ok. i was going by the readthedocs information of cloud-init
[19:52] <Wumpus42_> whish is v0.7.7 (which is odd since 0.7.6 is the latest code .tar.gz file availqable)
[19:52] <Wumpus42_> i'll make sure the modules we're trying to use are in the cloud.cfg list?
[19:53] <Wumpus42_> is there a way to tell what modules are available... what _could_ be in the list?
[19:54] <Wumpus42_> would trying to use a non-implemented module cause the whole #cloud-config to fail?
[19:54] <Wumpus42_> did you find an error in the log that I missed?
[19:56] <harlowja> Wumpus42_ no, no error, just knowing how these things work mainly :-P
[19:56] <harlowja> http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/modules.html is being updated (slowly, it will have a more extensive description and such soon)
[19:56] <harlowja> contributions welcome
[19:57] <Wumpus42_> as soon as I know what I'm doing, I'll contribute. I'm still learning :)
[19:57] <harlowja> kk
[19:58] <Wumpus42_> thank you for your help. I'll make sure the modules I'm trying to use are enabled/available.
[19:58] <Wumpus42_> maybe I'll upgrade to 0.7.6
[19:58] <harlowja> Wumpus42_ sure
[19:59] <harlowja> reminds me, smoser u ok with https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/setup-virtualenv-installable/+merge/240069 if u get some time, i'll try the readthedocs build after that (hopefully then it can read the code correctly since the review makes cloud-init virtualenv installable without problems)
[20:08] <smoser> harlowja, yeah.
[20:08] <smoser> harlowja, i'm planning on a "fresh start" for cloud-init-2
[20:08] <harlowja> lol
[20:08] <harlowja> hmmm
[20:08] <smoser> and using virtual env correctly.
[20:09] <harlowja> at least keep the modules ;)
[20:09] <harlowja> and some other stuff, ha
[20:12] <smoser> will try to keep modules
[20:12] <smoser> and do them backwards compat
[20:12] <smoser> but will probably have a 'handle_v2'
[20:12] <smoser> and definitely want to do DataSource searching better :)
[20:14] <harlowja> an idea, instead of having module lists, probe all modules, with a probe() function on the module, and let the module decide if it should run or not (instead of having static lists)
[20:15] <smoser> harlowja, yeah, but order is hard.
[20:15] <smoser> the list allows me to list the order.
[20:16] <harlowja> have probe return a number to :-P
[20:16] <smoser> like sysvinit is easy to understand, so is this :)
[20:16] <smoser> rather than declaring "wants"
[20:16] <smoser> or "start on"
[20:16] <harlowja> :)
[20:18] <harlowja> ok, fair enough, at least a validate(conf) method though
[20:23] <harlowja> ok, added more ideas to https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cloud-init-next
[20:27] <smoser> definitely validate(conf)
[20:27] <smoser> and ability to run that external to cloud-init running.
[20:28] <harlowja> ya